Vukovar Plateau (Croatian:Vukovarski ravnjak,Serbian:Вуковарски равњак /Vukovarski ravnjak) is a lowloessplateau in easternCroatia in the region ofSyrmia named after the town ofVukovar. The eponymous town of Vukovar originally developed on the tallDanubian riverbank slopes of the plateau.[1] The plateau represent western Syrmiandrainage divide between theDanube andSava rivers leading up toFruška Gora hills further east.[2][3] Drainage divide formed by the plateau nevertheless does not form impenetrable hydraulic barrier but rather area of differentiated levels of water transmissivity.[4]
Together withSpačva basin andSava basin it is one of the primary microregions of theVukovar-Srijem County.[5] Numerous prehistoric areological sites were discovered on the plateau which represented optimal condition for human settlement and important communication route.[6] Southwest edge of the plateau reaches the village ofMirkovci, suburb ofVinkovci, while eastern edges of the plateau reachŠarengrad,Bapska and the town ofŠid in neighbouringSerbia.[2][7] The region is home to one of the last remainingsteppegrasslands in Croatia near the village ofOpatovac.[8]