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Voiced dental, alveolar and postalveolar nasals

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Consonantal sounds represented by ⟨n⟩ in IPA
For consonants followed by superscript ⁿ, seeNasal release.
"Alveolar nasal" redirects here. For the voiceless consonant, seeVoiceless alveolar nasal.
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Voiced alveolar nasal
IPA number116
Audio sample
Braille⠝ (braille pattern dots-1345)

Thevoiced alveolar nasal is a type ofconsonantal sound used in numerous spokenlanguages. The symbol in theInternational Phonetic Alphabet that representsdental,alveolar, andpostalveolarnasals is ⟨n⟩, and the equivalentX-SAMPA symbol isn.

The vast majority of languages have either an alveolar or dental nasal.[citation needed] There are a few languages that lack either sound but have[m], such asYoruba,Palauan, and colloquialSamoan (however, these languages all have[ŋ]. An example of a language without[n] and[ŋ] isEdo). There are some languages (e.g.Rotokas) that lack both[m] and[n].

True dental consonants are relatively uncommon. In theRomance,Dravidian, andAustralian languages,n is often called "dental" in the literature. However, the rearmost contact, which gives a consonant its distinctive sound, is actually alveolar ordenti-alveolar. The difference between the Romance languages and English is not so much where the tongue contacts the roof of the mouth but the part of the tongue that makes contact. In English, it is the tip of the tongue (such sounds are termedapical), but in the Romance languages, it is the flat of the tongue just above the tip (such sounds are calledlaminal).

However, there are languages with true apical (or less commonly laminal) dentaln. It is found in theMapuche language of South America, where it is actuallyinterdental. A true dental generally occursallophonically before/θ/ in the languages that have it, as in Englishtenth. Similarly, a denti-alveolar allophone occurs in languages that have denti-alveolar stops, as in Spanishcinta.

Some languages contrast laminal denti-alveolar and apical alveolar nasals. For example, in theMalayalam pronunciation ofNārāyanan, the firstn is dental, the second is retroflex, and the third alveolar.

A postalveolar nasal occurs in a number ofAustralian Aboriginal languages, includingDjeebbana andJingulu.[1]



Features of the voiced alveolar nasal:

  • Itsmanner of articulation isocclusive, which means it is produced by obstructing airflow in the vocal tract. Because the consonant is alsonasal, the blocked airflow is redirected through the nose.
  • There are four specific variants of[n]:
    • Dental, which means it is articulated with either the tip or the blade of the tongue at the upperteeth, termed respectivelyapical andlaminal.
    • Denti-alveolar, which means it is articulated with the blade of the tongue at thealveolar ridge, and the tip of the tongue behind upper teeth.
    • Alveolar, which means it is articulated with either the tip or the blade of the tongue at the alveolar ridge, termed respectivelyapical andlaminal.
    • Postalveolar, which means it is articulated with either the tip or the blade of the tongue behind the alveolar ridge, termed respectivelyapical andlaminal.
  • Itsphonation is voiced, which means the vocal cords vibrate during the articulation.
  • It is anasal consonant, which means air is allowed to escape through the nose, either exclusively (nasal stops) or in addition to through the mouth.
  • It is acentral consonant, which means it is produced by directing the airstream along the center of the tongue, rather than to the sides.
  • Itsairstream mechanism ispulmonic, which means it is articulated by pushing air solely with theintercostal muscles andabdominal muscles, as in most sounds.



Dental or denti-alveolar

Belarusian[2]новы/novy[ˈn̪ovɨ]'new'Laminal denti-alveolar. Contrasts withpalatalized form. SeeBelarusian phonology
Bulgarian[3]жена/žena[ʒɛˈn̪a]'woman'Laminal denti-alveolar.
Catalan[4]cantar[kən̪ˈt̪ä]'to sing'Laminal denti-alveolar. Allophone of/n/ before/t,d/.[4] SeeCatalan phonology
Chuvashшăна/šăna[ʃɒn̪a]'a fly'
DutchBelgiannicht[n̻ɪxt̻]'niece'Laminal denti-alveolar, sometimes simply alveolar. SeeDutch phonology
Englishmonth[mʌn̪θ]'month'Interdental. Allophone of/n/ before/θ,ð/.
EsperantoEsperanto[espeˈran̪t̪o]'one who hopes'SeeEsperanto phonology
Finnish[5]ranta[ˈran̪t̪a]'beach'Allophone of/n/ before/t̪/.
French[6]connexion[kɔn̻ɛksjɔ̃]'connection'Laminal denti-alveolar, sometimes simply alveolar. SeeFrench phonology
Greek[7]άνθος/ánthos[ˈɐn̪θo̞s]'flower'Interdental. Allophone of/n/. SeeModern Greek phonology
HindustaniHindiया / najā[n̪əjaː]'new'SeeHindi–Urdu phonology
Urduنیا / najā
Hungarian[8]nagyi[ˈn̪ɒɟi]'grandma'Laminal denti-alveolar. SeeHungarian phonology
Italian[9][10]cantare[kän̪ˈt̪äːre]'to sing'Laminal denti-alveolar.[10] Allophone of/n/ before/t,d,s,z,t͡s,d͡z/.[9][10] SeeItalian phonology
Japanese/namida[n̪ämʲid̪ä]'tear'Laminal denti-alveolar. SeeJapanese phonology
Kashubiannaprësk[n̪aprəsk]'shower'Laminal denti-alveolar.[11]
Kazakhкөрінді/körindi[kœɾɪn̪d̪ɪ]'it seemed'Laminal denti-alveolar. Allophone of/n/ before/t,d/.
Kyrgyzбеделинде/bedelinde[be̞d̪e̞lin̪d̪e̞]'in the authority'Laminal denti-alveolar. Allophone of/n/ before/t,d/.
Latvian[12]nakts[n̪äkt̪s̪]'night'Laminal denti-alveolar. SeeLatvian phonology
Macedonian[13]нос/nos[n̪o̞s̪]'nose'Laminal denti-alveolar. SeeMacedonian phonology
Malayalamപന്നി/panni[pɐn̪ːi]'pig'Interdental for some speakers. SeeMalayalam phonology
Mapudungun[14]a[mɘ̝ˈn̪ɐ̝]'male cousin on father's side'Interdental.[14]
Marathi/nakh[n̪əkʰ]'fingernail'SeeMarathi phonology
Nepaliसुगन्ध[suˈɡʌn̪d̪ʱʌ]'fraɡrance'Allophone of /n/ in neighbourhood of /t̪, t̪ʰ, d̪, d̪ʱ/.
Polish[15]nos[n̪ɔs̪]'nose'Laminal denti-alveolar. Alveolar before/t͡ʂ,d͡ʐ/. SeePolish phonology
PortugueseGeneral[16][17]narina[n̻ɐˈɾin̻ɐ]'nostril'Laminal denti-alveolar. Maynasalize preceding vowel (especially if stressed). Has[ɲ̟] as allophone, forming from clusters with[j], and before/i/.
VernacularPaulista[18][19]percebendo[pe̞ʁse̞ˈbẽn̻u]'perceiving'Laminal denti-alveolar. Allophone of/d/ after a stressednasal vowel in morestigmatized varieties. SeePortuguese phonology
Romanian[20]alună[äˈl̪un̪ə]'hazelnut'Laminal denti-alveolar. SeeRomanian phonology
Russianнаш/naš[n̪aʂ]'our'Laminal denti-alveolar, contrasts with palatalized form. SeeRussian phonology
Scottish Gaelic[21]nàdar[ˈn̪ˠaːt̪aɾ]'nature'Velarized. Contrasts with alveolar/n/ and palatal/ɲ/.
Serbo-Croatianstudent /студент /[s̪t̪ǔd̪e̞n̪t̪]'student'Laminal denti-alveolar. Allophone of/n/ before/t,d,s,z,t͡s/. SeeSerbo-Croatian phonology
Sloveneprevarant[pɾeʋaˈɾǎːn̪t̪]'con artist'Laminal denti-alveolar. Allophone of/n/ before/t,d,s,z,t͡s/. SeeSlovene phonology
SpanishMost dialectscantar[kän̪ˈt̪är]'to sing'Laminal denti-alveolar. Allophone of/n/ before/t,d/. SeeSpanish phonology
Tamilநாடு/nāḍu[n̪ɑːɖɯ]'country'SeeTamil phonology
Teluguములుట[n̪amu]'To chew'Occurs as anallophone ofanuswara when followed bydental stops.
Ukrainian[22]наш/nash[n̪ɑʃ]'our'Laminal denti-alveolar, contrasts with palatalized form. SeeUkrainian phonology
Uzbek[23]nima/нимa/نىمه[n̪imæ]'what'Laminal denti-alveolar.


ArabicStandardنور/nūr[nuːr]'light'SeeArabic phonology
Bengaliনাক/naak/nāk[naːk]'nose'SeeBengali phonology
Cantonese/nìhn[ni:n˨˩]'year'SeeCantonese phonology
Catalan[24]neu[ˈneʊ̯]'snow'SeeCatalan phonology
Czechna[na]'on'SeeCzech phonology
Dutch[25]nacht[nɑxt]'night'SeeDutch phonology
Englishnice[naɪs]'nice'SeeEnglish phonology
Finnishannan[ˈɑnːɑn]'I give'SeeFinnish phonology
Germannf[fʏnf]'five'SeeGerman phonology
Greekνάμα/náma[ˈnama]'communion wine'SeeModern Greek phonology
Gujaratiહી/nahi[nəhi]'no'SeeGujarati phonology
Hawaiian[27]naka[naka]'to shake'SeeHawaiian phonology
Hebrewנבון/navon[navon]'wise'SeeModern Hebrew phonology
Italian[28]nano[ˈnäːno]'dwarf'SeeItalian phonology
Khmerនគរnôkôr[nɔkɔː]'kingdom'SeeKhmer phonology
Korean나라/nara[nɐɾɐ]'Country'SeeKorean phonology
KurdishNortherngiyanewer[ˈgʲɪjä:ˈnɛwɛˈɾ]'animal'SeeKurdish phonology
Malaynasi[näsi]'cooked rice'
Malayalam[äːn]'elephant'SeeMalayalam phonology
Mandarin//nán[nan˧˥]'difficult'SeeMandarin phonology
NgweMmockngie dialect[nøɣə̀]'sun'
Nepaliक्कल/nakkal[nʌkːʌl]'imitation'SeeNepali phonology
Okinawanʻnmu[ʔn̩mu]'potato'Can occur as onset, nucleus, or coda. Allophone of [m], [ŋ], and [ɴ] in coda, but phonemic elsewhere.
Polish[15]poncz[ˈpɔn̥t͡ʂ]'punch'Allophone of/n/ (which is normally laminal denti-alveolar[]) before/t͡ʂ,d͡ʐ/. SeePolish phonology
Scottish Gaelic[30]anail[ˈãnal]'breath'Contrasts with velarised dental/n̪ˠ/ and palatal/ɲ/.
Some speakerskonj[ˈkɔ̂nː]'horse'SeeSlovene phonology
Spanish[32]nada[ˈnäð̞ä]'nothing'SeeSpanish phonology
Tagalognipis[nipis]'thin'Tagalog phonology
Thai/non[nɔːn]'sleep'SeeThai phonology
Toki Ponanoka[noka]'foot'
Turkishneden[ne̞d̪æn]'reason'SeeTurkish phonology
Tamilசு/manasu[mʌnʌsɯ]'mind', 'heart'SeeTamil phonology
Vietnamese[33]bạn đi[ɓanˀ˧˨ʔɗi]'you're going'Occurs only before alveolar consonants. SeeVietnamese phonology
Welshnain[nain]'grandmother'SeeWelsh phonology
Western Apachenon[nòn]'cache'
West Frisiannekke[ˈnɛkə]'neck'
ZapotecTilquiapan[34]nanɨɨ[nanɨˀɨ]'lady'contrasts with afortis alveolar nasal that is not represented in the orthography.


See also:Retroflex nasal
Catalan[4]panxa['pän̠ɕə][35]'belly'Allophone of/n/ before/ʃ,ʒ,t͡ʃ,d͡ʒ/, may bealveolo-palatal instead.[4] SeeCatalan phonology
Djeebbana[36]barnmarramarlón̠a[ban̠maramal̠ɔn̪a]'they two swam'Result of rhotic plus alveolar[n].[36]
EnglishAustralian[37]enrol[əṉˈɹ̠ɔo̯ɫ]'enrol'Allophone of/n/ before/r/.[37] SeeAustralian English phonology
Italian[38]angelo[ˈän̠ʲːd͡ʒelo]'angel'Palatalized laminal; allophone of/n/ before/ʃ,t͡ʃ,d͡ʒ/.[38] SeeItalian phonology



Laminal denti-alveolar for some speakers, alveolar for other speakers.[39][40]

GermanStandard[41]Lanze[ˈlant͡sə]'lance'Varies between laminal denti-alveolar, laminal alveolar and apical alveolar.[41] SeeStandard German phonology
NorwegianUrban East[42]mann[mɑn̻ː]'man'Varies between laminal denti-alveolar and laminal alveolar.[42] SeeNorwegian phonology
SwedishCentral Standard[43]nu[nʉ̟ː]'now'Varies between laminal denti-alveolar and alveolar, with the former being predominant.[43] SeeSwedish phonology

See also



  1. ^Chadwick, Neil J. (1975).A descriptive study of the Djingili language. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies.
  2. ^Padluzhny (1989), pp. 49–50.
  3. ^Klagstad (1958), p. 46.
  4. ^abcdRafel (1999), p. 14.
  5. ^Suomi, Toivanen & Ylitalo (2008), p. 29.
  6. ^Fougeron & Smith (1993), p. 73.
  7. ^Arvaniti (2007), p. 15.
  8. ^Siptár & Törkenczy (2000), pp. 75–76.
  9. ^abBertinetto & Loporcaro (2005), p. 133.
  10. ^abcCanepari (1992), p. 58.
  11. ^Jerzy Treder."Fonetyka i fonologia". Archived fromthe original on 2016-03-04.
  12. ^Nau (1998), p. 6.
  13. ^Lunt (1952), p. 1.
  14. ^abcSadowsky et al. (2013), pp. 88–89.
  15. ^abRocławski (1976), p. 136.
  16. ^Cruz-Ferreira (1995), p. 91.
  17. ^Barbosa & Albano (2004), p. 230.
  18. ^(in Portuguese)Unesp's digital collection – The deleting of /d/ in the morpheme of the gerund in São José do Rio Preto's accentArchived 2012-12-31
  19. ^(in Portuguese)The deletting of /d/ in the morpheme of the gerund in São José do Rio Preto's accent – PDF
  20. ^Chițoran (2001), p. 10.
  21. ^Borgstrøm (1937), p. 115. sfnp error: no target: CITEREFBorgstrøm1937 (help)
  22. ^Danyenko & Vakulenko (1995), p. 10.
  23. ^Sjoberg (1963), p. 12.
  24. ^Carbonell & Llisterri (1992), p. 53.
  25. ^Gussenhoven (1992), p. 45.
  26. ^Shosted & Chikovani (2006), p. 255.
  27. ^Ladefoged (2005), p. 139. sfnp error: no target: CITEREFLadefoged2005 (help)
  28. ^Rogers & d'Arcangeli (2004), p. 117.
  29. ^Kara (2003), p. 11.
  30. ^Oftedal (1956), p. 121. sfnp error: no target: CITEREFOftedal1956 (help)
  31. ^Pretnar & Tokarz (1980), p. 21.
  32. ^Martínez-Celdrán, Fernández-Planas & Carrera-Sabaté (2003), p. 255.
  33. ^Thompson (1959), pp. 458–461.
  34. ^Merrill (2008), p. 108.
  35. ^Valencian pronunciation:['pän̠t͡ɕä]. What are transcribed/ʃ,ʒ,t͡ʃ,d͡ʒ/ in Catalan are actually alveolo-palatal sibilants[ɕ,ʑ,t͡ɕ,d͡ʑ].
  36. ^abDixon (2002), p. 585.
  37. ^abMannell, Cox & Harrington (2009).
  38. ^abCanepari (1992), pp. 58–59.
  39. ^abScobbie, Gordeeva & Matthews (2006), p. 4.
  40. ^abWells (1982), p. 388.
  41. ^abMangold (2005), p. 49.
  42. ^abKristoffersen (2000), p. 22.
  43. ^abRiad (2014), p. 46.



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IPA topics
Special topics
Pulmonic consonants
Non-sibilant affricatep̪fb̪vt̪θd̪ðtɹ̝̊dɹ̝t̠ɹ̠̊˔d̠ɹ̠˔ɟʝkxɡɣɢʁʡʜʡʢʔh
Non-sibilant fricativeɸβfvθ̼ð̼θðθ̠ð̠ɹ̠̊˔ɹ̠˔ɻ̊˔ɻ˔çʝxɣχʁħʕhɦ
Lateral affricatetꞎd𝼅c𝼆ɟʎ̝k𝼄ɡʟ̝
Lateral fricativeɬɮ𝼅𝼆ʎ̝𝼄ʟ̝
Lateral approximantlɭʎʟʟ̠
Lateral tap/flapɺ̥ɺ𝼈̥𝼈ʎ̆ʟ̆

Symbols to the right in a cell arevoiced, to the left arevoiceless.Shaded areas denote articulations judged impossible.

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