Homepage of the Society for the Propagation ofVacuous Truth
"Let's all kil the human spirit" - Smerdis of Tion—Precedingunsigned comment added by124.188.85.91 (talk) 22:58, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
Have you ever looked at your hand? I mean, really looked?
Good evening. I'm IHCOYC, a handle I have been using on Usenet since around 1995, and on BBSs since maybe 1984. The handle deserves an explanation. There was aCommodore 64 BBS back then that ran homebrewed software that displayed data in ALL CAPS. When choosing a handle to use there, I was momentarily moved to call myself IHCOYC XPICTOC (that is, IHΣOYΣ XPIΣTOΣ) to see if anyone got the joke. If you wonder what it stands for, thinkGreek. On a caprice back in August 2003, I changed my handle here to "Smerdis ofTlön." I was one of the operators of theMicrodotBBS that operated in southern Indiana from1985 to1999. I still miss the BBSes.
It is said of theangel of death that he is full of eyes.
(Thou) is used in solemn ritual occasions, in readings from theKing James Bible, inShakespeare, in starchily formal literary compositions that seek to evoke the solemn emotions called forth by these antecedents, and otherwise to address lofty persons likeGod,Achilles, orthe Mighty Thor.
FromPunch and Judy:Featuring, as it does, a deformed, child-murdering, wife-beating psychopath, who performs appalling acts of violence and cruelty upon all those around him and escapes scot-free, it is greatly enjoyed by small children.
Interest in theHoly Foreskins has been specifically downplayed, with the observation in 1900 that these particular relics encouraged irreverent curiosity.
Although mosttimpanists only have two hands, it is possible to play more than two timpani at once.
FromB,C,K,W System:in the context to recover [GKL], leaveI without defining it: so, beware!.
Wenn Prinz Adam sein Zauberschwert in die Luft streckt und die Zauberformel: "Bei der Macht von Grayskull!" ausruft, verwandelt er sich inHe-Man, den stärksten Mann des Universums.
The majority (ofsnakebite victims in the United States)are inebriated men, frequently unemployed, and almost universally tattooed.
Attempts at using vacuum cleaner base units for (penis enlargement) have resulted in severe damage when the fan of the vacuum cleaner is contacted.
As thesong progresses, many of the other crucifixion victims . . . begin to dance in a very limited way
Galileo madethe same point, but said very little on the matter, perhaps not wishing to be burned at the stake.
Simon Johnson, former chief economist for the International Monetary Fund, says aU-shaped recession is like a bathtub: "You go in. You stay in. The sides are slippery. You know, maybe there's some bumpy stuff in the bottom, but you don't come out of the bathtub for a long time."
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? (Romans 8:35)
FromYear 2038 problem:Using a 64-bit value introduces a new wrap around date in about 290 billion years, on Sunday, December 4,292,277,026,596 15:30:08 UTC. This problem is not, however, widely regarded as a pressing issue.
The subject of the song is the arrival ofthe mighty Quinn, who changes despair into joy and chaos into rest, and attracts attention from the animals.
May I submit UTOPIAN TURTLETOP? Do not trouble to answer unless you like it. - PoetMarianne Moore, suggesting a brand name for the FordEdsel car.
SingingTrolls relate their hate of humans, especiallyChristians, which are for them a plague to eradicate - and to eat.
. . . the only European leader that showed enthusiasm forthe crusade wasDracula, whom the Pope held in high regard.
Fortunately, two bystanders doused the flames by pouring beer onBrown’s head, preventing any serious injury.
Fromvampire pumpkins and watermelons:According to tradition,watermelons or any kind ofpumpkin kept more than ten days or afterChristmas will become a vampire, rolling around on the ground and growling to pester the living. People have little fear of the vampire pumpkins and melons because of the creatures' lack ofteeth.
The reproduction of ariver otter is a very complicated process.
Fromendemic warfare:Among the Chimbu and the Dugum Dani, pig theft was the most common cause of conflict, even more frequent than abduction of women...
FromXe:Spokeswoman Anne Tyrrell said there was no meaning in the new name, which the company spent over a year to arrive at in an internal search.
She later stole the rabbits back from police, and has since committed several parole violations after being caught with rabbits.
The death of nearly half the population (largely by torture) duringher reign is seen as a unique cultural quirk.
FromPalembang:This inscription tells of a large army coming from Minanga Tamwan with ecstasy.
FromDavid Wynn Miller:The judge refused to let Lindsay opt out of personhood.
FromOktoberfest:In Germany, goat hair is highly valued and prized, making it one of the most expensive objects for sale.
Marjatta is the young virgin ofKalevala. She becomes pregnant from eating alingonberry.
There is a Temple ofHephaestus in Athens, the Hephaesteum (miscalled the "Theseum"), located near the agora, or marketplace. An Athenian founding myth tells that the city's patron goddess, Athena, refused a union with Hephaestus because of his unsightly appearance and crippled nature, and that when he became angry and forceful with her, she disappeared from the bed. His ejaculate fell on the earth, impregnating Gaia, who subsequently gave birth to Erichthonius of Athens....
OnSurtsey,(a)n improperly handled human defecation resulted in a tomato plant taking root which was also destroyed.
During the time of their association, Livingstone urgedSechele to make peace with the uncle who ruled the other half of the Kwêna. Sechele sent his uncle a gift of gunpowder. The uncle was suspicious of the gift and set fire to it. His death in the resulting explosion enabled Sechele to reunite the tribe.
FromPtosis (breasts):Motion studies have revealed that when a woman runs, more than 50% of the breast's total movement is vertical, 22% is side-to-side, and 27% is in-and-out.
For appearing out of nowhere to translate many magical mottoes with precision. Many thanks.SynergeticMaggot 16:09, 4 August 2006 (UTC)
The Black Cross of St. Declan
You,Smerdis of Tlön, are awarded the Black Cross of St. Declan for going medieval on our asses with your excellent work on articles ofDark Ages andMiddle Ages interest.De réir a chéile a thógtar na caisleáin - "It takes time to build castles"Ciarán of Clonmacnoise 06:22, 8 January 2007 (UTC)
The Original Barnstar
For your continued support and help with anti-vandalism, and your participation in AfD dicussions.Chengwes 19:34, 6 August 2007 (UTC)
The Admin's Barnstar
ToSmerdis of Tlön, For all of the admin tasks that you do around the project which rarely come with recognition. --Hu12 (talk) 21:04, 9 January 2010 (UTC)
The Socratic Barnstar
for eloquent statement: " Any policy that purports to require the deletion of encyclopedia material on such a slender hope is no policy at all...Let's not be afraid to say so"[1]Slowking4 (talk) 15:34, 25 May 2011 (UTC)
Your Opinion is More Important than You Think Barnstar
Your recent endevours to bring sense into chaos were inspiring. Wikipedia needs more editors like you. Just thought you should know --ZacΔ talk! 00:40, 7 December 2011 (UTC)