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Liquid by-product of animal metabolism

Sample of human urine

Urine is a liquidby-product ofmetabolism in humans and many other animals. Inplacental mammals, urine flows from thekidneys through theureters to theurinary bladder and exits theurethra through thepenis orvulva duringurination. In othervertebrates, urine is excreted through thecloaca.[1]

Urine contains water-solubleby-products ofcellular metabolism that are rich innitrogen and must becleared from thebloodstream, such asurea,uric acid andcreatinine. Aurinalysis can detectnitrogenous wastes of themammalian body.

Urine plays an important role in the earth'snitrogen cycle. In balancedecosystems, urine fertilizes thesoil and thus helpsplants to grow. Therefore,urine can be used as afertilizer. Some animals use it tomark their territories.[2][3] Historically, aged or fermented urine (known aslant) was also used forgunpowder production, household cleaning,tanning of leather, anddyeing of textiles.

Human urine andfeces are collectively referred to ashuman waste (or human excreta), and are managed viasanitation systems.Livestock urine and feces also require proper management if thelivestock population density is high.


Main article:Renal physiology
The chemical structure of urea

Most animals haveexcretory systems for elimination of soluble toxic wastes. In humans, soluble wastes are excreted primarily by theurinary system and, to a lesser extent in terms ofurea, removed byperspiration.[4] In placental mammals, the urinary system consists of thekidneys,ureters,urinary bladder, andurethra. The system produces urine by a process offiltration,reabsorption, andtubular secretion. The kidneys extract the soluble wastes from the bloodstream, as well as excess water, sugars, and a variety of other compounds. The resulting urine contains high concentrations of urea and other substances, including toxins. Urine flows from the kidneys through the ureter, bladder, and finally the urethra before passing through theurinary meatus.


Research looking at the duration of urination in a range ofmammal species found that nine larger species urinated for 21 ± 13 seconds irrespective of body size.[5] Smaller species, includingrodents andbats, cannot produce steady streams of urine and instead urinate with a series of drops.[5]



Average urine production in adult humans is around 1.4 L (0.31 imp gal; 0.37 US gal) of urine per person per day with a normal range of 0.6 to 2.6 L (0.13 to 0.57 imp gal; 0.16 to 0.69 US gal) per person per day, produced in around 6 to 8 urinations per day depending on state of hydration, activity level, environmental factors, weight, and the individual's health.[6] Producing too much or too little urine needs medical attention.Polyuria is a condition of excessive production of urine (> 2.5 L/day),oliguria when < 400 mL are produced, andanuria being < 100 mL per day.


Further information:Urinalysis
Urine under the microscope

About 91–96% of urine consists of water.[6] The remainder can be broadly characterized into inorganic salts, urea, organic compounds, and organic ammonium salts.[6][7] Urine also contains proteins, hormones, and a wide range ofmetabolites,[8] varying by what is introduced into the body.[citation needed]

The total solids in urine are on average 59 g (2.1 oz) per day per person.[8]Urea is the largest constituent of the solids, constituting more than 50% of the total. The daily volume and composition of urine varies per person based on the amount of physical exertion, environmental conditions, as well as water, salt, and protein intakes.[6] In healthy persons, urine contains very little protein and anexcess is suggestive of illness, as with sugar.[8] Organic matter, in healthy persons, also is reported to at most 1.7 times more matter than minerals.[7] However, any more than that is suggestive of illness.[7]

Typical design values for the concentrations of constituents in fresh urine, based on data in Sweden and Switzerland[9]: 12 [10]
Total nitrogen8830 mg/L
Ammonium/ammonia-N460 mg/L
Nitrate and nitrite0.06 mg/L
Chemical oxygen demand6000 mg/L
Total phosphorus800 – 2000 mg/L
Potassium2740 mg/L
Sulphate1500 mg/L
Sodium3450 mg/L
Magnesium120 mg/L
Chloride4970 mg/L
Calcium230 mg/L

However, it is important to note that lesser amounts and concentrations of other compounds andions are often present in urination of humans.[8]


See also:Abnormal urine color
Medical experts have long connected urine colour with certain medical conditions. A medieval chart showing the medical implications of different urine color

Urine varies in appearance, depending principally upon a body's level ofhydration, interactions with drugs, compounds andpigments ordyes found in food, or diseases.[8] Normally, urine is a transparent solution ranging from colorless to amber, but is usually a pale yellow.[8] Usually urination color comes primarily from the presence ofurobilin.[11] Urobilin is a final waste product resulting from the breakdown ofheme fromhemoglobin during the destruction of aging blood cells.[12][13]

Colorless urine indicates over-hydration. Colorless urine in drug tests can suggest an attempt to avoid detection of illicit drugs in the bloodstream through over-hydration.

  • Dark urine due to low fluid intake.
    Dark urine due to low fluid intake.
  • Dark red urine due to blood (hematuria).
    Dark red urine due toblood (hematuria).
  • Dark red urine due to choluria.
    Dark red urine due tocholuria.
  • Pinkish urine due to consumption of beetroots.
    Pinkish urine due to consumption ofbeetroots.
  • Green urine during long term infusion of the sedative propofol.
    Green urine during long term infusion of the sedativepropofol.


Dogs communicate usingolfactory signals in urine.[14]

Sometime after leaving the body, urine may acquire a strong "fish-like" odor because of contamination with bacteria that break down urea intoammonia.[citation needed] This odor is not present in fresh urine of healthy individuals; its presence may be a sign of aurinary tract infection.[citation needed]

The odor of normal human urine can reflect what has been consumed or specific diseases.[8] For example, an individual with diabetes mellitus may present a sweetened urine odor. This can be due to kidney diseases as well, such askidney stones.[citation needed] Additionally, the presence ofamino acids in urine (diagnosed asmaple syrup urine disease) can cause it to smell ofmaple syrup.[15]

Eating asparagus can cause a strong odor reminiscent of the vegetable caused by the body's breakdown ofasparagusic acid.[16] Likewise consumption ofsaffron,alcohol,coffee,tuna fish, andonion can result in telltale scents.[17] Particularly spicy foods can have a similar effect, as their compounds pass through the kidneys without being fully broken down before exiting the body.[18][19]


ThepH normally is within the range of 5.5 to 7 with an average of 6.2.[6] In persons withhyperuricosuria, acidic urine can contribute to the formation ofstones ofuric acid in the kidneys, ureters, or bladder.[20] Urine pH can be monitored by a physician or at home.[21]

A diet which is high in protein from meat and dairy, as well as alcohol consumption can reduce urine pH, whilst potassium and organic acids, such as from diets high in fruit and vegetables, can increase the pH and make it more alkaline.[6]

Cranberries, popularly thought to decrease the pH of urine, have actually been shown not to acidify urine.[22] Drugs that can decrease urine pH includeammonium chloride, chlorothiazide diuretics, and methenaminemandelate.[23][24]


Human urine has a specific gravity of 1.003–1.035.[6]

Bacteria and pathogens

Urine is not sterile, not even in the bladder.[25][26] In the urethra,epithelial cells lining the urethra are colonized byfacultatively anaerobicGram-negative rod and cocci bacteria.[27] One study conducted in Nigeria isolated a total of 77 distinct bacterial strains from 100 healthy children (ages 5–11) as well as 39 strains from 33 cow urine samples, a considerable amount being pathogens.[28] Pathogens identified and their percentages were:

Bacterial isolates in human urine and cows'[28]
Humans aged 5–11Bacterial percentage in humansBacterial percentage in cows
Escherichia coli36.4%23.1%

The study also states:

Multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) rates recorded in children urinal bacterial species were 37.5–100% (Gram-positive) and 12.5–100% (Gram-negative), while MAR among the cow urinal bacteria was 12.5–75.0% (Gram-positive) and 25.0–100% (Gram-negative).

— Microbial evaluation and public health implications of urine as alternative therapy in clinical pediatric cases: health implication of urine therapy

Examination for medical purposes

A Doctor Examining Urine.Trophime Bigot.

Many physicians in ancient history resorted to the inspection and examination of the urine of their patients.Hermogenes wrote about the color and other attributes of urine as indicators of certain diseases.Abdul Malik Ibn Habib ofAndalusia (d. 862 AD) mentions numerous reports of urine examination throughout theUmayyad empire.[29]Diabetes mellitus got its name because the urine isplentiful andsweet.[30] The nameuroscopy refers to any visual examination of the urine,[31] includingmicroscopy, although it often refers to the aforementioned prescientific or Proto-scientific forms of urine examination.Clinical urine tests today duly note the color, turbidity, and odor of urine but also includeurinalysis, which chemically analyzes the urine andquantifies its constituents. Aculture of the urine is performed when aurinary tract infection is suspected, asbacteriuria without symptoms does not require treatment.[32] A microscopic examination of the urine may be helpful to identify organic or inorganic substrates and help in the diagnosis.

The color and volume of urine can be reliable indicators of hydration level. Clear and copious urine is generally a sign of adequate hydration. Dark urine is a sign ofdehydration. The exception occurs whendiuretics are consumed, in which case urine can be clear and copious and the person still be dehydrated.


Further information:Lant
Urine of pregnant women in the first trimester is collected by a company which purifies the fertility hormonehCG from it (Ede, the Netherlands)

Source of medications

Urine contains proteins and other substances that are useful for medical therapy and are ingredients in many prescription drugs (e.g., Ureacin,Urecholine, Urowave).[citation needed] Urine frompostmenopausal women is rich ingonadotropins that can yieldfollicle stimulating hormone andluteinizing hormone for fertility therapy.[33] One such commercial product isPergonal.[34]

Urine from pregnant women contains enoughhuman chorionic gonadotropins for commercial extraction and purification to produce hCG medication. Pregnant mare urine is the source ofestrogens, namelyPremarin.[33] Urine also containsantibodies, which can be used in diagnostic antibody tests for a range ofpathogens, includingHIV-1.[35]

Urine after four months of storage (note the color and turbidity change compared to fresh human urine). During storage, the urea in urine is rapidly hydrolyzed by urease, creating ammonia. Collected urine can be used as a fertilizer.
Fresh human urine after excretion

Urine can also be used to produceurokinase, which is used clinically as athrombolytic agent.[citation needed]


This section is an excerpt fromReuse of human excreta § Urine as a fertilizer.[edit]

Applying urine as fertilizer has been called "closing the cycle of agricultural nutrient flows" or ecological sanitation orecosan. Urine fertilizer is usually applied diluted with water because undiluted urine canchemically burn the leaves or roots of some plants, causing plant injury,[36] particularly if the soil moisture content is low. The dilution also helps to reduce odor development following application. When diluted with water (at a 1:5 ratio for container-grownannual crops with fresh growing medium each season or a 1:8 ratio for more general use), it can be applied directly to soil as a fertilizer.[37][38] The fertilization effect of urine has been found to be comparable to that of commercial nitrogen fertilizers.[39][40] Urine may contain pharmaceutical residues (environmental persistent pharmaceutical pollutants).[41] Concentrations of heavy metals such aslead,mercury, andcadmium, commonly found in sewage sludge, are much lower in urine.[42]

Typical design values for nutrients excreted with urine are: 4 kg nitrogen per person per year, 0.36 kg phosphorus per person per year and 1.0 kg potassium per person per year.[43]: 5  Based on the quantity of 1.5 L urine per day (or 550 L per year), the concentration values of macronutrients as follows: 7.3 g/L N; .67 g/L P; 1.8 g/L K.[43]: 5 [44]: 11  These are design values but the actual values vary with diet.[45][a] Urine's nutrient content, when expressed with the international fertilizer convention of N:P2O5:K2O, is approximately 7:1.5:2.2.[44][b] Since urine is rather diluted as a fertilizer compared to dry manufactured nitrogen fertilizers such asdiammonium phosphate, the relative transport costs for urine are high as a lot of water needs to be transported.[44]

The general limitations to using urine as fertilizer depend mainly on the potential for buildup of excess nitrogen (due to the high ratio of that macronutrient),[37] and inorganicsalts such assodium chloride, which are also part of the wastes excreted by therenal system.Over-fertilization with urine or other nitrogen fertilizers can result in too much ammonia for plants to absorb, acidic conditions, or otherphytotoxicity.[41] Important parameters to consider while fertilizing with urine include salinity tolerance of the plant, soil composition, addition of other fertilizing compounds, and quantity of rainfall or other irrigation.[47] It was reported in 1995 that urine nitrogen gaseous losses were relatively high and plant uptake lower than with labelledammonium nitrate.[citation needed] In contrast,phosphorus was utilized at a higher rate than soluble phosphate.[48] Urine can also be used safely as a source of nitrogen in carbon-rich compost.[38]


Given that urea in urine breaks down into ammonia, urine has been used for cleaning. In pre-industrial times, urine was used – in the form oflant or aged urine – as a cleaning fluid.[49] Urine was also used forwhitening teeth in Ancient Rome.[50]


Main article:Potassium nitrate

Urine was used before the development of achemical industry in the manufacture ofgunpowder. Urine, a nitrogen source, was used to moisten straw or other organic material, which was kept moist and allowed to rot for several months to over a year. The resultingsalts were washed from the heap with water, which was evaporated to allow collection of crude saltpeter crystals, that were usually refined before being used in making gunpowder.[51]

Survival uses

See also:Urophagia

Urophagia is the consumption ofurine. Urine was used in several ancient cultures for various health, healing, andcosmetic purposes; urine drinking is still practiced today. In extreme cases, people may drink urine if no other fluids are available, although numerous credible sources (including theUS Army Field Manual) advise against using it. Urine may also be consumed as asexual activity. (Full article...)

TheUS Army Field Manual advisesagainst drinking urine for survival. The manual explains that drinking urine tends to worsen rather than relieve dehydration due to the salts in it, and that urine should not be consumed in a survival situation, even when there is no other fluid available. In hot weather survival situations, where other sources of water are not available, soaking cloth (a shirt for example) in urine and putting it on the head can help cool the body.[52]

DuringWorld War I,Germans experimented with numerous poisonous gases as weapons. After the first Germanchlorine gas attacks, Allied troops were supplied with masks of cotton pads that had been soaked in urine. It was believed that theammonia in the pad neutralized the chlorine. These pads were held over the face until the soldiers could escape from the poisonous fumes.[citation needed]

Urban legend states that urine works well againstjellyfish stings.[53] This scenario has appeared many times in popular culture including in theFriends episode "The One With the Jellyfish", an early episode ofSurvivor, as well as the filmsThe Real Cancun (2003),The Heartbreak Kid (2007) andThe Paperboy (2012). However, at best it is ineffective, and in some cases this treatment may make the injury worse.[54][55][56]


Urine has often been used as amordant to help prepare textiles, especially wool, for dyeing. In the Scottish Highlands and Hebrides, the process of "waulking" (fulling) woven wool is preceded by soaking in urine, preferably infantile.[57]

Olfactory communication

Urine plays a role inolfactory communication, since it containssemiochemicals that act aspheromones.[58][59] The urine ofpredator species often containskairomones[60] that serve as arepellent against theirprey species.[61]


MedievalWelsh text from theRed Book of Hergest onuroscopy, calledAnsoddau'r Trwnc (the 'Qualities of Urine'). Opening lines (translated):
"Since it is through the qualities of the urine that a person's faults and his dangers and his diseases and his illness can be identified..."
Image of two facing pages of the illuminated manuscript of "Isagoge", fols. 42b and 43a. On the top of the left hand page is an illuminated letter "D" – initial ofDe urinarum differencia negocium ('The matter of the differences of urines'). Inside the letter is a picture of a master on bench pointing at a raised flask while lecturing on the "Book on urines" of Theophilus. The right hand page is only shown in part. On its very bottom is an illuminated letter "U" – initial ofUrina ergo est colamentum sanguinis ('Urine is the filtrate of the blood'). Inside the letter is a picture of a master holding up a flask while explaining the diagnostic significance of urine to a student or a patient. HMD Collection, MS E 78.

The fermentation of urine by bacteria produces asolution of ammonia; hence fermented urine was used inClassical Antiquity to wash cloth and clothing, to remove hair from hides in preparation for tanning, to serve as amordant in dying cloth, and to remove rust from iron.[62]Ancient Romans used fermented human urine (in the form oflant) to cleanse grease stains from clothing.[63] The emperorNero instituted a tax (Latin:vectigal urinae) on the urine industry, continued by his successor,Vespasian. The Latin sayingPecunia non olet ('money does not smell') is attributed to Vespasian – said to have been his reply to a complaint from hisson about the unpleasant nature of the tax. Vespasian's name is still attached to publicurinals in France (vespasiennes), Italy (vespasiani), and Romania (vespasiene).

Alchemists spent much time trying to extract gold from urine, which led to discoveries such aswhite phosphorus by German alchemistHennig Brand when distillingfermented urine in 1669. In 1773 the French chemistHilaire Rouelle discovered the organic compoundurea by boiling urine dry.


The English wordurine (/ˈjuːrɪn/,/ˈjɜːrɪn/) comes from theLatinurina (-ae,f.), which is cognate with ancient words in variousIndo-European languages that concern water, liquid, diving, rain, and urination (for example Sanskritvarṣati meaning 'it rains' orvār meaning 'water' and Greekourein meaning 'to urinate').[64] Theonomatopoetic termpiss predates the wordurine, but is now considered vulgar.[65][66]Urinate was at first used mostly in medical contexts.[citation needed]Piss is also used in such colloquialisms asto piss off,[65]piss poor, and the slang expressionpissing down to mean heavy rain.Euphemisms andexpressions used between parents and children (such aswee,pee,number one and many others) have long existed.

Lant is a word for aged urine, originating from theOld English wordhland referring to urine in general.

See also


  1. ^A formula for adjustment of excreta N and P values based on dietary characteristics is found in Jönsson 2004.[43]: 5 
  2. ^For the amount of other elements in urine, see Rose 2015[45] and Rich Earth 2021.[46]


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  43. ^abcJönsson, H., Richert Stintzing, A., Vinnerås, B. and Salomon, E. (2004)Guidelines on the use of urine and faeces in crop production, EcoSanRes Publications Series, Report 2004-2, Sweden [This source seems to truncate the Jönsson & Vinnerås (2004) table by omitting the potassium row. The full version may be found at the original source atRG#285858813]
  44. ^abcvon Münch, E., Winker, M. (2011).Technology review of urine diversion components - Overview on urine diversion components such as waterless urinals, urine diversion toilets, and urine storage and reuse systems. Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
  45. ^abRose, C; Parker, A; Jefferson, B; Cartmell, E (2015)."The Characterization of Feces and Urine: A Review of the Literature to Inform Advanced Treatment Technology".Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology.45 (17):1827–1879.Bibcode:2015CREST..45.1827R.doi:10.1080/10643389.2014.1000761.PMC 4500995.PMID 26246784.
  46. ^"Urine in my garden"(PDF).Rich Earth Institute.Minimize odors by adding white vinegar or citric acid to the urine collection container before any urine is added. We use 1-2 cups of white vinegar or 1 tablespoon of citric acid per 5-gallon container. Adding vinegar also helps reduce nitrogen loss (via ammonia volatilization) during short-term storage.
  47. ^Joensson, H., Richert Stintzing, A., Vinneras, B., Salomon, E. (2004).Guidelines on the Use of Urine and Faeces in Crop Production. Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden
  48. ^Kirchmann, H.; Pettersson, S. (1995). "Human urine - Chemical composition and fertilizer use efficiency".Fertilizer Research.40 (2):149–154.doi:10.1007/bf00750100.ISSN 0167-1731.S2CID 24528286.
  49. ^Sueton, Vespasian 23EnglishArchived 2021-07-13 at theWayback Machine,LatinArchived 2022-04-17 at theWayback Machine. Cf.Dio Cassius,Roman History, Book 65, chapter 14,5EnglishArchived 2022-04-17 at theWayback Machine,Greek/French (66, 14)Archived 2013-03-26 at theWayback Machine
  50. ^Geissberger, Marc (2010).Esthetic Dentistry in Clinical Practice.John Wiley & Son. p. 6.ISBN 9780813828251.
  51. ^Joseph LeConte (1862).Instructions for the Manufacture of Saltpeter. Columbia, S.C.: South Carolina Military Department; printer: Charles P. Pelham. p. 14.Archived from the original on 2007-10-13. Retrieved2007-10-19.
  52. ^Water ProcurementArchived 2009-06-12 at theWayback Machine, US Army Field Manual
  53. ^Castillo, M. (2017, June 20). Don't Pee On A Jellyfish Sting — It Won't Work | Littlethings.
  54. ^"Old Wives' Tale? Urine as Jellyfish Sting Remedy".ABC News. Retrieved2024-05-08.
  55. ^Fact or Fiction?: Urinating on a Jellyfish Sting is an Effective TreatmentArchived 2007-10-11 at theWayback Machine. Scientific American. 4 January 2007. Retrieved on 2011-04-27.
  56. ^Jellyfish Sting Treatment – How to Treat a Jellyfish StingArchived 2008-09-29 at theWayback Machine. 22 August 2010. Retrieved on 2011-04-27.
  57. ^Mentioned by an interviewee inLomax the Songhunter, a 2004 documentary film.
  58. ^Mucignat-Caretta, Carla (2014-02-14).Neurobiology of Chemical Communication. CRC Press.ISBN 978-1-4665-5341-5.
  59. ^Wyatt, Tristram D. (2014-01-23).Pheromones and Animal Behavior: Chemical Signals and Signatures. Cambridge University Press.ISBN 978-0-521-11290-1.
  60. ^Osada, Kazumi; Miyazono, Sadaharu; Kashiwayanagi, Makoto (2015)."The scent of wolves: Pyrazine analogs induce avoidance and vigilance behaviors in prey".Frontiers in Neuroscience.9: 363.doi:10.3389/fnins.2015.00363.PMC 4595651.PMID 26500485.
  61. ^Swihart, Robert K., Joseph J. Pignatello, and Mary Jane I. Mattina."Aversive responses of white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, to predator urines."Archived 2021-10-18 at theWayback Machine Journal of chemical ecology 17.4 (1991): 767-777.
  62. ^See:
    • Forbes, R.J.,Studies in Ancient Technology, vol. 5, 2nd ed. (Leiden, Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1966), pp.19Archived 2021-07-05 at theWayback Machine,48Archived 2021-07-05 at theWayback Machine, and65Archived 2021-07-05 at theWayback Machine.
    • Moeller, Walter O.,The Wool Trade of Ancient Pompeii (Leiden, Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1976),p. 20.Archived 2021-07-05 at theWayback Machine
    • Faber, G.A. (pseudonym of: Goldschmidt, Günther) (May 1938) "Dyeing and tanning in classical antiquity,"Ciba Review,9 : 277–312. Available at:Elizabethan CostumeArchived 2021-01-26 at theWayback Machine
    • Smith, William,A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (London, England: John Murray, 1875), article: "Fullo" (i.e., fullers or launderers),pp. 551–553.Archived 2021-07-05 at theWayback Machine
    • Rousset, Henri (31 March 1917)"The laundries of the Ancients,"Archived 2021-07-05 at theWayback MachineScientific American Supplement,83 (2152) : 197.
    • Bond, Sarah E.,Trade and Taboo: Disreputable Professions in the Roman Mediterranean (Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2016),p. 112.Archived 2021-07-05 at theWayback Machine
    • Binz, Arthur (1936) "Altes und Neues über die technische Verwendung des Harnes" (Ancient and modern [information] about the technological use of urine),Zeitschrift für Angewandte Chemie,49 (23) : 355–360. [in German]
    • Witty, Michael (December 2016) "Ancient Roman urine chemistry,"Acta Archaeologica,87 (1) : 179–191. Witty speculates that the Romans obtained ammonia in concentrated form by adding wood ash (impurepotassium carbonate) to urine that had been fermented for several hours.Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) is thereby precipitated, and the yield of struvite can be increased by then treating the solution withbittern, a magnesium-rich solution that is a byproduct of making salt from sea water. Roasting struvite releases ammonia vapors.
  63. ^"Hygiene in Ancient Rome".Archived from the original on 2010-10-18. Retrieved2010-02-09.
  64. ^"Definition of URINE" 2024-05-07. Retrieved2024-05-08.
  65. ^abHarper, D. (n.d.). Etymology of piss. Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved March 17, 2022, from 2022-03-18 at theWayback Machine
  66. ^"Definition of PISS" Retrieved2024-05-08.

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