Inmathematics, anatural numbera is aunitary divisor (orHall divisor) of a numberb ifa is adivisor ofb and ifa and arecoprime, having no common factor other than 1. Equivalently, a divisora ofb is a unitary divisorif and only if everyprime factor ofa has the samemultiplicity ina as it has inb.
The concept of a unitary divisor originates from R. Vaidyanathaswamy (1931),[1] who used the termblock divisor.
The sum-of-unitary-divisors function is denoted by the lowercase Greek letter sigma thus: σ*(n). The sum of thek-thpowers of the unitary divisors is denoted by σ*k(n):
Number 1 is a unitary divisor of every natural number.
The number of unitary divisors of a numbern is 2k, wherek is the number of distinct prime factors ofn. This is because eachintegerN > 1 is the product of positive powersprp of distinct prime numbersp. Thus every unitary divisor ofN is the product, over a given subsetS of the prime divisors {p} ofN,of the prime powersprp forp ∈S. If there arek prime factors, then there are exactly 2k subsetsS, and the statement follows.
The sum of the unitary divisors ofn isodd ifn is apower of 2 (including 1), andeven otherwise.
Every divisor ofn is unitary if and only ifn issquare-free.
The set of all unitary divisors ofn forms aBoolean algebra with meet given by thegreatest common divisor and join by theleast common multiple. Equivalently, the set of unitary divisors ofn forms a Boolean ring, where the addition and multiplication are given by
where denotes the greatest common divisor ofa andb.[2]
A divisord ofn is abi-unitary divisor if the greatest common unitary divisor ofd andn/d is 1. This concept originates from D. Suryanarayana (1972). [The number of bi-unitary divisors of an integer, in The Theory of Arithmetic Functions, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 251: 273–282, New York, Springer–Verlag].
The number of bi-unitary divisors ofn is a multiplicative function ofn withaverage order where[3]
Abi-unitary perfect number is one equal to the sum of its bi-unitary aliquot divisors. The only such numbers are 6, 60 and 90.[4]
Ivić, Aleksandar (1985).The Riemann zeta-function. The theory of the Riemann zeta-function with applications. A Wiley-Interscience Publication. New York etc.: John Wiley & Sons. p. 395.ISBN0-471-80634-X.Zbl0556.10026.
Mathar, R. J. (2011). "Survey of Dirichlet series of multiplicative arithmetic functions".arXiv:1106.4038 [math.NT]. Section 4.2