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Ungual tuft

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Inmammals,ungual tufts are tufts ofhairs at the base ofclaws of the forefeet and hindfeet. Their presence has been used as a character incladistic studies of theCricetidae, a large family ofrodents.[1]

Rice rats


Members of the tribeOryzomyini ("rice rats"), in the Cricetidae subfamilySigmodontinae, normally have ungual tufts, but they may be reduced or absent insemiaquatic species (i.e. those adapted to life in the water).[2]Lundomys molitor,Nectomys apicalis, themarsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris), and species ofHolochilus lack ungual tufts on their forefeet.[3] On the hindfeet, most species have well-developed ungual tufts only on the second to fifth toes, butSooretamys angouya andEremoryzomys polius also have thick tufts on the first toe.Pseudoryzomys simplex,Mindomys hammondi,Nectomys squamipes,Sigmodontomys alfari,Oryzomys couesi, the marsh rice rat, and species ofMelanomys have sparse ungual tufts only, andLundomys molitor,Nectomys apicalis,Sigmodontomys aphrastus, and species ofHolochilus have very reduced tufts or lack them entirely.[4]

Other examples


Among other South American cricetids,Abrothrix lanosus has white ungual tufts that are shorter than the claws.[5]Akodon paranaensis has long ungual tufts.[6]Calomys cerqueirai has silvery tufts on the second through fifth digits of the forefeet and all digits of the hindfeet.[7]Abrawayaomys has long, dense ungual tufts.[8] TheTylomyinae are characterized by the presence of ungual tufts on their hindfeet.[9]

White ungual tufts are also present in the Philippinemurine genusBatomys.B. hamiguitan andB. russatus have short tips, not extending to the tips of the claws, but those ofB. granti andB. salomonseni have tufts longer than the claws.[10] The MalagasyMonticolomys has long ungual tufts, extending beyond the claws, whereas the relatedMacrotarsomys has shorter tufts.[11] The Brazilian spiny ratPhyllomys sulinus has long, light gray ungual tufts.[12]

The tenrecMicrogale jobihely has long, dark brown ungual tufts.[13] The opossumMonodelphis handleyi has short ungual tufts.[14]


  1. ^Weksler, 2006, p. 19
  2. ^Weksler, 2006, p. 81
  3. ^Weksler, 2006, p. 23
  4. ^Weksler, 2006, p. 24
  5. ^Feijoo et al., 2010, p. 128
  6. ^Christoff et al., 2000, p. 845
  7. ^Bonvicino et al., 2010, p. 29
  8. ^Pardiñas et al., 2009, p. 41
  9. ^Musser and Carleton, 2005, p. 1186
  10. ^Balete et al., 2008, p. 420
  11. ^Carleton and Goodman, 1996, p. 233
  12. ^Leite et al., 2008, p. 847
  13. ^Goodman et al., 2006, p. 389
  14. ^Solari, 2007, p. 325


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