Ukrainian Dancers is a theme series ofpastels byEdgar Degas depicting Ukrainian women performing folk dances. Degas created these drawings during the 1890s and early 1900s.
Degas used the name "Les danseuses russes" ("Russian [female] dancers")[1] and it was known under this name in English and French sources, despite vast ethnographic and art historical evidence for the Ukrainian origin of the women[2][3][4]
There were a number of voices calling for changing the misleading "Russian" name, criticizing it as "deliberate or just lazy misinterpretation" of Ukraine for many years.[2] These calls intensified with the beginning ofRussian invasion in Ukraine in February 2022. The increased focus prompted London'sNational Gallery to rename a drawing from its collectionUkrainian dancers in April 2022.[5][2][3]
In February 2023 Metropolitan Museum changed the name of one of the pastels toDancers in the Ukrainian dress after calls from Ukrainian representatives including an art historian and journalist.[6][7] As of May 2023 in theNational Museum of Stockholm another work from the series was changed toThree Dancers in Ukrainian Dress.[8]
Richard Kendall and Jill DeVonyar.Degas and the Ballet: Picturing Movement. Exhibition catalog, Royal Academy of Arts. London, 2011, pp. 19, 227, 229–31, 237
David Bomford et al. inArt in the Making: Degas. Exhibition catalog, National Gallery. London, 2004