The city was founded in 1574, when a fortress was built on the site by the order ofIvan the Terrible. Ufa was made capital ofUfa Governorate in 1865 when the governorate split fromOrenburg Governorate. Ufa's population expanded during the early 20th century.
The nameUfa comes from theUfa River on which the city lies, but the origin of the river's name is disputed. The Russian linguistAleksandr Matveyev proposes that the name is ofIranian origin, from "ap", meaning water.[15]
In a paper published in 2014, researchers Karimov and Khabibov from Bashkir State Pedagogical University present and argue for a hypothesis according to which before the construction of the foundational Russian fortress in 1574, which has since grown to become the current city of Ufa, there had already been an ancient settlement called Ufa on a hilltop near the mouth of the Ufa River. According to them, this settlement was founded by Turkic-speaking tribes to perform rituals and sacrifices to the sky god Tengri, and they called this place Upe or Ufe because, they argue, in ancient Turkic languages a place of ritual sacrifice used to be called an "opo" or an "ope." They further hypothesize that the inhabitants of the settlement themselves also came to be called the Upe or Ufe tribe and subsequently, the river along which they flourished and expanded their settlement towards its source also came to be called Ufa. Karimov and Khabibov claim that the Russian fortress builders were probably aware of this ancient name and consequently named their new settlement Ufa.[16]
It is colloquially called City of Three Screws due to unusual nature of city's name in Bashkir.[17]
Gerardus Mercator's map of Europe with Pascherti (Bashkort) settlement presumably in the position of modern Ufa.[18] The map was compiled in 1554, twenty years before the official date of the foundation of Ufa.
Early history of the surrounding area of Ufa dates back toPaleolithic times.[19] Presumably, from the 5th to 16th centuries there was a medieval city on the site of Ufa.[20] On thePizzigano brothers' map (1367)[21] and on theCatalan Atlas (1375)[22] a town approximately on theBelaya River was designated Pascherti (Bashkort),[23] andGerardus Mercator's map (1554) also marked the settlement with the name Pascherti. French orientalistHenri Cordier associates the position of Pascherti with the current location of Ufa.[18]
By order ofIvan the Terrible a fortress was built on the site of modern Ufa in 1574,[27] and originally bore the name of the hill it stood on,Tura-Tau.[28] 1574 is now considered to be the official date of Ufa's foundation.[2] Town status was granted to it in 1586.[3]
Before becoming the seat of a separateUfa Governorate in 1781, the city, along with the rest of the Bashkir lands, was under the jurisdiction of theOrenburg governors. And even though the 1796 reform reunited Orenburg and Ufa again, in 1802, the city of Ufa became a new center of the entireOrenburg Governorate that included large territories of modern-dayRepublic of Bashkortostan,Orenburg Oblast, andChelyabinsk Oblast.
TheBelaya River Waterway (1870) and theSamara-Zlatoust Railroad (1890) connected the city to the European part of theRussian Empire and stimulated the development of the city's light industry.[citation needed] DuringWorld War II, following eastward Soviet retreat in 1941, theAbwehr operated in Ufa, 1941–1943,[29] some German infiltration, occurred 1914–1943 in espionage, many industrial enterprises of the western parts of the Soviet Union were evacuated to Ufa. On June 4th 1989 theUfa train disaster would occur about 75 kilometers away from the city when apipeline leak made a cloud of gas near the tracks and when 2 trains approached the sparks from the breaks of one train ignited the gas causing a massive explosion which killed 575 people.
According toForbes, in 2013, Ufa was the best city in Russia for business among cities with a population of over one million.[32]
Many urban enterprises engaged in oil refining, chemistry, and mechanical engineering reside in Ufa. Additionally, the economy of Ufa is composed of many fuel, energy, and engineering complexes.
Ufa is home to about 200 large and medium industrial enterprises.[33]
Some important enterprises in Ufa include:
Ufa Engine-Building Production Association: subsidiary ofUEC Saturn (gas turbine engines)[34][35]
Ufa Station is linked to the rest of Russia, being on a historic branch of theTrans-Siberian Railway. Ufa is the only city connected to Moscow by more than onefederal highway. TheM7 motorway links the city to Kazan and Moscow and theM5 motorway links Ufa to Moscow and to the Asian part of Russia.
The Ufa Metro is a planned and oft-delayed subway system, discussed since the late 1980s. On May 30, 1996, there was a ceremony marking the beginning of preparatory construction work, attended by then-President Boris Yeltsin.[37]
Public transportation in Ufa includes trams (since 1937) and trolleybuses (since 1962), as well as bus andmarshrutka (routed cabs) lines.[citation needed]
The population of Ufa exceeded one million in 1980.[citation needed] It ranks10th among Russian cities by population, and the26th among cities in Europe by city proper. As of January 1, 2009, the city accounted for 25.4% of all residents of the republic or 42.2% of the urban population.
As of the2021 Census, the ethnic composition of Ufa was:[38]
Ufa is situated in Eastern Europe near its land boundary with Northern Asia, at theconfluence of theBelaya (Agidel) andUfa Rivers, on low hills forming theUfa Plateau to the west of the southernUrals. The area of the city is 707.93 km2 (273.33 sq mi).[5] It stretches from north to south for 53.5 km (33.2 mi) and from west to east for 29.8 km (18.5 mi).[5]
Ufa has awarm summer continental climate (Köppen:Dfb). Ufa's climate is characterized by harsh winters, but in some cases, summers can be quite long and hot.[39] The coldest temperature ever recorded in Ufa was −48.5 °C (−55.3 °F) on January 1, 1979. The highest temperature ever recorded was 39.4 °C (102.9 °F) on July 10, 2023.[40][41]
Climate data for Ufa (1991–2020, extremes 1853–present)
Council: A representative body consisting of 35 deputies for four years.
Chairman of the Board: the head of the urban okrug. Term of four years.
Urban Okrug Administration. The structure of the administration approved by the council on the proposal of the Head of the Administration.
Head of the Administration manages the administration on the principles of unity of command. He is appointed under a contract entered into by the results of the competition. The term of office of the Head of the Administration is limited to the period of office of the Council of the convocation.[44]
TheStroitel Stadium is a sports stadium located north of the centre of the city, off the Aleksandra Nevskogo Ulitsa street in Neftekhimikov (Petrochemists') Park.[45] The stadium is primarily anIce speedway venue.[46]
Bashkiria Ufa were one of the most successful speedway clubs in the country. They won theSoviet Union Championship eleven times from 1962 to 1988 but disbanded in 1998.[47] They raced at theTrud Stadium (Ufa), which was demolished in 2005, making way for the Ufa Arena.
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan[48]
Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Science (USC RAS)[49]
In Ufa, there is the Ufa branch of the Financial University and the Ufa branch of the Russian State Economic University. Plekhanov, where there are practically no check digits for admissions to the budget. They are housed in good-quality buildings, but they do not benefit from them to society, more and more often, rumors are circulating about them that they are designed for siphoning money – since there are practically no budget places for economic specialties in Ufa. In the economic specialties of the magistracy, the plan for admission to Ufa universities is no more than 30 budget places.
Periodically, a suffocating, unpleasant chemical odor can be smelled in the Ufa region.[50][51][52] The media reports about the smell come out with an impressive regularity. Not all these reports are groundless, and the culprits are getting out of responsibility due to the fact that there is no Continuous Emission Control System (CEMS) in the city.
There are no street vacuum cleaners, road vacuum sweepers, or industrial (street) vacuum cleaners on the streets.[citation needed] Unfortunately, there is a complete lack of sanitation services in the city.[citation needed]
According to the letter of the Federal Service forHydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet) No. 20-18 / 218 of 11.07.18: "In the framework of solving problems at the federal level in the implementation of the state monitoring of atmospheric air, the territorial office of Roshydromet – FGBU Bashkir UGMS monitors pollution of atmospheric air in Ufa at nine stationary posts of the state observation network located in different parts of the city to estimate the level of air pollution generated by the total release and stationary and mobile sources of pollutants. Suspended substances (dust) are measured at all nine posts of the state observation network. The results of observations of the pollutants content are presented on the official website of the Bashkir State Hydrometeorological Service in the section "Monitoring of environmental pollution"[53] daily and monthly. In 2017, the maximum single concentration of suspended solids reached 4.6 MPC m. in March 2017, at the address: Oktyabrya Ave., 141, located near the motorway with heavy traffic, and in April 2017 at the post: Dostoyevsky St., 102/1, located in the area of the industrial enterprise. During 2017 almost all posts of the state observation network recorded exceedances of a single concentration of suspended substances. At the same time, in order to implement regional state environmental oversight aimed at preventing, detecting, and suppressing violations by public authorities, local authorities, and legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens of requirements in the field of atmospheric air protection, under the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment of the Republic Bashkortostan operates the State Bank of the Republic of Belarus "Office of State Analytical Control," to whose tasks, including GSI "organization of periodicenvironmental monitoring mobile laboratories in the areas where the population lives in the republic and in the zones of protective measures in the system of the general program of integrated environmental and sanitary-hygienic monitoring." Going to the site[54] found that all 9 posts of the state observational network of Roshydromet are located at a considerable distance from the area of Inors and Sipaylovo, from residential areas. Control of MPC and air quality in residential areas is not carried out.
Ufa is the location of the Central Spiritual Administration ofMuslims in Russia. In 1989, the Russian Islamic University was opened. One of the largest mosques in Europe[citation needed],Ar-Rahim [ru], is under construction[when?] in Ufa.
Since 2019, Ainur Birgalin has been working as the Mufti of Bashkortostan.[56]
^ab«Mercator and Hondius (loth Ed., 1630) and N. Sanson (1650) show Jorman on the south of the Kama R.,Pascherti in the position of Ufa, the present head-quarter of the Bashkirs, Sagatin ( = Fachatim of the text) at the head of the Ufa River, Marmorea on the Bielaya south of Ufa». — Cathay and the Way Thither: Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China, Chʻeng-wen Publishing Company, 1967.Henri Cordier
^Псянчин А. В. Башкортостан на старых картах. Уфа, 2001. С 70, 71, Он же. Mons Et Urbis: Уральские горы и город Уфа в европейской средневековой картографической традиции//Архив Башкортостана, № 1. 2007. С. 17–23.
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^Там же; Псянчин А. В. Башкортостан на старых картах. — Уфа, 2001. — С. 71.
^Мажитов Н.А,, Султанова А. Н. Сунгатов Ф. А. Башкирские города по арабским источникам IX—X вв. // Вестник АН РБ. 2008. Т. 13, № 2. С. 44-—48; Мажитов Н. А., Сунгатов Ф. А., Иванов В. А., Сатаров Т. Р., Султанова А. Н., Иванова Е. В. Городище Уфа II. Материалы раскопок 2006 года. Т. 1. Уфа, 2007. 160 с: ил.
^Золотая Орда в источниках. T.I. Арабские и персидские сочинения. М., 2003. С 169.
^Рычков П. И. История Оренбургская (1730—1750 гг.). Оренбург, 1896. С. 68,69.
^«Краткое описание губернского города Уфы с начала его построения до сего 1806 года». // Что ж касается башкирцев, то видно из многих описаний, как сего народа, так и о жительстве их, кои от различных возмущений, как и междоусобных воин, так и соседних своих народов, строили маленькие укрепления и городки и наконец, соединясь во множестве, распространили свои жилища и укрепления, а для сей причины и город Уфа построен.
^"Краткие итоги ВПН-2020 МО и ГО ч.1"(PDF). Территориальный орган Федеральной службы государственной статистики по Республике Башкортостан. RetrievedMay 24, 2023.
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Государственное Собрание —Курултай Республики Башкортостан. Закон №162-з от 17 декабря 2004 г. «О границах, статусе и административных центрах муниципальных образований в Республике Башкортостан», в ред. Закона №572-з от 17 июля 2012 г. «О внесении изменения в статью 2 Закона Республики Башкортостан "О границах, статусе и административных центрах муниципальных образований в Республике Башкортостан"». Вступил в силу в соответствии со статьёй 33. Опубликован: "Республика Башкортостан", №52 (25785), 22 марта 2005 г. (State Assembly of Bashkortostan—El Kurultai. Law #162-z of December 17, 2004On the Borders, Status, and Administrative Centers of the Municipal Formations in the Republic of Bashkortostan, as amended by the Law #572-z of July 17, 2012On Amending Article 2 of the Law of the Republic of Bashkortostan "On the Borders, Status, and Administrative Centers of the Municipal Formations in the Republic of Bashkortostan". Effective as of the date established in accordance with the provisions of Article 33.).
Совет городского округа города Уфа Республики Башкортостан. Решение №3/6 от 15 декабря 2005 г. «Об Уставе городского округа город Уфа Республики Башкортостан», в ред. Решения №41/2 от 28 января 2015 г. «О внесении изменений в Устав городского округа город Уфа Республики Башкортостан». Вступил в силу 29 декабря 2005 г. Опубликован: "Вечерняя Уфа", №248 (10396), 28 декабря 2005 г. (Council of the Municipal Formation of the City of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Decision #3/6 of December 15, 2005On the Charter of the Urban Okrug of the City of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan, as amended by the Decision #41/2 of January 28, 2015On Amending the Charter of the Urban Okrug of the City of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Effective as of December 29, 2005.).