Identifier for a time offset from UTC of −5
UTC−05:00: blue (January), orange (July), yellow (year-round), light blue (sea areas) Time in Nunavut Standard DST GMT−05:00 GMT−04:00 Eastern Time GMT−05:00 (year round) Eastern Time GMT−06:00 GMT−05:00 Central Time GMT−07:00 GMT−06:00 Mountain Time
Time in Indiana : Counties grouped by time zone.Lake Michigan shown in blue at top left.Time in Mexico Time in Brazil , since 25 April 2019.UTC−05:00 is an identifier for atime offset from UTC of −05:00. In North America, it is observed in theEastern Time Zone duringstandard time , and in theCentral Time Zone during the other eight months (seeDaylight saving time ). The westernCaribbean uses it year round.
As standard time (Northern Hemisphere winter)[ edit ] Principal cities:New York ,Washington ,Philadelphia ,Boston ,Atlanta ,Miami ,Detroit ,Columbus ,Baltimore ,Cleveland ,Pittsburgh ,Indianapolis ,Orlando ,Charlotte ,Charleston ,Wilmington ,Key West ,Toronto ,Montreal ,Ottawa ,Quebec City ,Iqaluit ,Nassau ,Havana ,Kingston ,Port-au-Prince ,Cockburn Town ,Providenciales
Canada (Eastern Time Zone ) United States (Eastern Time Zone)[ 2] Delaware District of Columbia Florida Entire state except the counties of Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Holmes, Jackson, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton, and Washington, and northern Gulf county (panhandle) Georgia Indiana [ 3] Kentucky Maine Maryland Michigan [ 4] New England (states ofConnecticut ,Massachusetts ,Maine ,New Hampshire ,Rhode Island andVermont )[ 2] New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennessee Virginia West Virginia As daylight saving time (Northern Hemisphere summer)[ edit ] Principal cities:Winnipeg ,Chicago ,Dallas ,Houston ,St. Louis ,Minneapolis ,Austin ,Memphis ,Kansas City ,San Antonio ,Nashville ,New Orleans ,Milwaukee ,Oklahoma City ,Reynosa
Canada (Central Time Zone ) Mexico (near US border with Texas) United States (Central Time Zone)Alabama Arkansas Florida[ 2] The counties of Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Holmes, Jackson, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton, and Washington, and northern Gulf county (panhandle) Illinois Indiana[ 3] Iowa Kansas Entire state except westernmost counties KentuckyThe counties of Breckinridge, Grayson, Hart, Green, Adair, Russell and Clinton, and all counties to the west of these[ 2] [ 6] Louisiana Michigan[ 4] The western counties of Dickinson, Gogebic, Iron and Menominee Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Entire state except southwest Oklahoma South Dakota Tennessee Counties to the west of the counties of Scott, Morgan, Roane, Rhea, and Hamilton[ 2] [ 7] Texas All except westernmost counties Wisconsin As standard time (year-round)[ edit ] Principal cities:Cancún ,Bogotá ,Lima ,Kingston ,Quito ,Panama City ,George Town
Jamaica United Kingdom United States As daylight saving time (Southern Hemisphere summer)[ edit ] Principal settlement:Hanga Roa
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