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Turnip Prize

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TheTurnip Prize is a spoof UK award satirising theTate Gallery'sTurner Prize by rewarding deliberately bad modern art. It was started as a joke in 1999, but gained national media attention and inspired similar prizes. Credit is given for entries containing bad puns as titles, displaying "lack of effort" or "is it shit?" Conversely, entries with "too much effort" or "not shit enough" are immediately disqualified. The first prize is aturnip nailed to a block of wood. The exhibition runs for roughly six weeks from 1 November and prizegiving takes place in the first week in December. It is currently held at The New Inn,Wedmore, Somerset.



The prize was conceived in 1999 by management and regulars of The George Hotel,Wedmore,Somerset, after the exhibition ofTracey Emin'sMy Bed was shortlisted for theTurner Prize. It is owned and organised by Trevor Prideaux and was announced thus: "The Turnip Prize is a crap art competition ... You can enter anything you like, but it must be rubbish." The competition is based on the supposition, "We know it's rubbish, but is it art?" Competitors submitted entries of ridiculous objects posing as contemporary art, mostly made from junk titled with spoofs or puns. The prize is a turnip impaled on a rusty six-inch nail.

In May 2000, the nominees appeared on theBBC TVEsther show, presented byEsther Rantzen and featured by national and international media.

In 2001, the competition was held in the public conveniences in Wedmore.

In 2002, the "Monster Raving Loony Party" attempted to hijack the competition at The Trotter, Crickham, Wedmore.

In 2003, the prize moved to the New Inn, Wedmore. The winner was James Timms withTake a Leaf out of My Chook, an exhibit of a raw chicken stuffed with leaves.[1] James Timms subsequently appeared on BBC Radio Scotland'sFred MacAulay Show withEd Byrne.[citation needed]

In 2005, Ian Osenthroat, a 69-year-old former photocopier salesman, won with the exhibitBirds Flew, a bird's nest with a flu remedy box. He commented "I have entered this most coveted art award on several occasions and I really feel that the lack of effort this year has really paid off."[2]

The 2006 winner was Ian Lewis with the exhibitTorn Beef, an emptycorned beef can. He stated, "The work took no time at all to create." Trevor Prideaux commented, "I believe that over the last seven years the bad artists of Wedmore and surrounding areas have created far better works thanNicholas Serota and TheTate Britain Gallery could ever wish to exhibit."[3] Also in 2006, theBBC's Chief Somerset Correspondent, Clinton Rogers, was immortalised asClint on a Row of Jars.[4]

In 2007, the competition gained more publicity with the entry of artwork with the titleBy the Banksea. The painting bears a resemblance to work by the Bristol graffiti artistBanksy, and its origins are likewise a secret.By the Banksea portrays a seasideAunt Sally in the form of a stencil of theMona Lisa, but in Banksy style, Mona Lisa is depicted holding a rocket launcher firing a turnip over the wreckage of a seaside pier and an emergency exit sign. Competition organiser Trevor Prideaux commented: "It does seem to be in Banksy's style. But someone has thought too much about this one and tried too hard. So for that reason it's not likely to win." The piece was duly disqualified for "too much effort, and not shit enough." The 2007 competition was won by Bracey Vermin withTea P, a group of used tea bags in the shape of a letter P.

Competition entries for 2010 included "Ivor Crush"'s clothes hanger linking the letter U in "Crush", entitledHung up on You, and an entry by Banksy, which focused on the recent student protests of the day.[citation needed]

Entries for 2011 included a piece of cheese carved into the letter E, entitledCheeseE,A fish full of dollars, and an exhibit of an Action Man toy – calledFirst Class Mail – with a carefully placed stamp, and a coloured rock calledHalf a Stone Lighter. This year's prize featured on the BBC'sHave I Got News For You for two weeks running.[5]

Winners and shortlisted artists

  • 1999 – David Stone (baker), winner –Alfred The Grate (two burned rolls on a fire grate)
    • David Gannon (British Airways worker) –Sharp Infested Waters (a jar of water filled with needles, razors and knives)
    • Neil Ellis –Soiled Serviette (a comment on a crumpled piece of paper)
    • Iain Jones –Half Cut (a saw and a piece of wood cut halfway through with a bottle of beer nearby)
    • Maureen Hodge (pub landlady) –Laundry Day Tracey (a neat pile of clean sheets)
  • 2000 – Jacqui Redman (care worker, age 30), winner –Minstrel Cycle (a bicycle constructed of sweets, cocktail sticks and tampons)
    • Jenny Vining (midwife, age 21+) –Cereal Killer (cereal packets with bullet holes in them)
    • Kerry Bobbett (trainee graphic designer, age 19) –Wind In The Willows (a tin of beans in a wicker basket)
    • Sue Smith (age 50+) –Surf In The Net (a box of washing powder in a net)
  • 2001 – Chloe Wilson, winner –nothing (which was literally nothing)
  • 2002 – Jenny Vining (midwife), winner –Piston Broke (a broken piston mounted onto a block of wood)
    • Dick Stelling (landlord, age 69) –A Bit on the Side (a horse's bit on its side)
    • James Timms (trapeze artist) –Privot Investigator (aprivet bush and magnifying glass)
  • 2003 – James Timms (long-distance unicyclist, age 26), winner –Take a Leaf out of my Chook (a raw chicken stuffed with leaves)
    • Di Vorce –Bitter and Twisted (a piece of grapefruit peel)
    • Jonny Wilkinson –Jonny Wilkinson (a condom and a razor blade)
    • Polly Ethylene –What a Waste (a sculpture of plumbing pipes)
  • 2004 – Pearl E Queen (former chimney sweep, age 99), winner –Jellied Deal (a jelly with a hand of playing cards set into it)
    • Alan Kieda –Camp X Ray (a collage of camp images), disqualified
    • Claire Prior –Half a Stone Lighter
    • Ian Lewis –Light Lunch (a sculpture using china, paper, steel and glass)
  • 2005 – Ian Osenthroat (former photocopier salesman, age 69), winner –Birds Flew (an empty birds' nest with a flu remedy)
    • Ian Lewis –Political Promises (an empty jar)
    • The Mysterious Baker –Half Baked (baked bread in the shape of ½)
    • Robert Baby –Leakin' Wellington (a leek protruding from a wellington boot)
    • The Sisters Incognito –The Hand of Time (a papier-mâché sculpture of a clock face)
  • 2006 – Ian Lewis (Iron Man), winner –Torn Beef (an empty corned beef can)
    • Ham Sweet Ham (disqualified) (a framed picture containing two slices of ham and a boiled sweet)
    • Beyondthe Pale
    • Captain's Log
    • Clinton Rogers (BBC's Chief Somerset Correspondent) –Clint on a Row of Jars
    • Cracked Pot (a broken plant pot)
    • Medium Steak (a medium-sized wooden stake)
    • TheSecond Coming
  • 2007 – Bracey Vermin (jam maker), winner –Tea P (used tea bags in the shape of a P)
    • Mary Leftley, very highly commended –Thyme Flies (dead flies in a hexagonal jar withthyme)
    • Mr Fezzy Wig, very highly commended –Pair o' dice Lost (a map of Scotland with dice)
    • John Squires, very highly commended –Mints Meet (a mincemeat jar containing apolo mint and anextra strong mint)
    • Isaac Hasumoff –Fly in Saucer (a saucer with a dead fly), 2007 Special Award. "Judges considered that this was an exceptional lack of effort. However, the fly cannot be considered rubbish (it is not recyclable unless ingested by a spider)."
  • 2008 – Ivor Pranced (farmer), winner –Fleeced (a piece of sheep's wool depictingJohn Sergeant)
  • 2009 – Frank Van Bough (sports presenter), winner –Manhole Cover (a pair of white Y-fronts)
    • Clinton Rogers –Croc of Gold (aCroc shoe painted gold)
    • Bjorn Toolate –TheSwinging Six Teas (a coat-hanger with six tea bags hanging from it)
    • Sue Shi –Knickless Cage (a wire cage containing nakedBarbie dolls)
    • Mary Christmas –Noddy Holder (aNoddy bucket)
    • Aunt Sponge –Shi Tart (a tart with the letters SHI in it)
  • 2010 – Doug Pitt (gold digger), winner –Chilli 'n' Minors (one largechilli and three smaller chillies)
  • 2011 – Jim Drew (bush trimmer), winner –Jamming withMuddy Waters (a jar containing jam and some muddy water)
    • Granny Abuse –Fish Full of Dollars (a fish stuffed full of dollars)
    • Mr Fezziwig –Half a Stone Lighter (a stone with one half lighter in colour than the other side)
    • Aunt Sponge –Children in Mead (a bottle ofmead with many dolls in it)
    • Andy Gould –CheesE (a piece of cheese cut into an "E" shape)
    • Team GB –First Class Mail (anAction Man toy with a first-class stamp placed over his penis)
  • 2012 – Miss Quick (midwife), winner –The Three Tenors (a pack of LadyTenas with three sticking out)
    • Andy Robinson –A Limpet Torch (a torch withlimpets attached to it)
    • Asif –Arab Spring (a large spring dressed as an Arab)
    • Kelly Jones –S'not Art (a crumpled tissue)
    • Harold Stone –Stone He Broke (a stone broken in two)
    • James Standon –Bread in Captivity (a loaf of bread in a pet-carrying cage)
    • Mike Atkinson –Children in Knead (a lump of dough with children in it)
  • 2013 – Percy Long-Prong (former chauffeur), winner –Play on Words (a Shakespeare play on top of a dictionary)
    • Chris McKinley –Slightly Open (a jar)
    • Hugh Grant –Brookes Hair Hacked (a pile of red wood shavings)
    • Tony Edmunds –Flower Power (a flower and a battery)
    • Cobbsy –The Hobbit (a ring off the top of a cooker)
    • Guido Barbato –Smarty Pants (pants coming out of aSmarties tube)
  • 2014 – Ms Drunken Shepherd (shepherdess), winner –Ewe Kip (a sleeping sheep)
    • Abby –Gogglebox (an empty box of goggles)
    • Leafy –Pensive (a pen and a sieve)
    • Aunt Sponge –Stick another Shrimp on theBarbie (Barbie doll with shrimps stuck on it)
    • Trees R Green –Ginger Nut (a walnut with ginger hair)
    • Mike Anderson –Breast in Plant (breasts embedded in a plant)
  • 2015 – Bonksy (rocket scientist), winner –Dismal And (the symbol "&" looking dismal)
    • P.Enfold –Danger Mouse (a computer mouse with an electrical warning sticker on it)
    • Art Ist –Staple Diet (a galvanised staple on a plate)
    • Asif –A Clean Slate (a piece of slate with nothing on it)
    • Pat McGroin –Hung like a Donkey (a donkey hanging on a rope)
    • Imogen Crees –A Roll in the Hay (a bread roll in some hay)
  • 2016 – Plumsky (sommelier) –Pole Dark (a black pole)
    • Sovereign Steve –Bricks It (three red bricks arranged as the letters IT)
    • Hair Minge –Labour Party (a Barbie doll giving birth to a party blower)
    • E.B.Trumped –Oh Baaah Ma Leaves (two sheep and some leaves)
    • Willy Dropum –Pair of Drawers (a pair of drawers from a bureau)
    • Kick Ass O –TheEuropean Single Meerkat (a lonemeerkat holding a European flag)
  • 2017 – Chris P. Bacon (Year 8 student) –Pulled Pork (a tractor pulling a pig)
  • 2018 – Stroke Me (lavatory attendant) –Collywobbles (a plastic collie dog on a jelly)[6]
    • Claire Brown –Stock Pile (a pile of stock cubes)
    • C Tinder –Hot Date (a chilli pepper and a date)
    • Mrs Heinz –Trump Tower (two tins of baked beans stacked on top of one another)
    • Ray Cycle –Plastic Waste (a plastic belt)
    • Annabel Stone –Hollywood (a piece of holly and a piece of wood)
  • 2019 – Fanny Scorcher (hairdresser) –Bush Fire Down Under (a pair of knickers with a burnt hole in the front)
  • 2020 – Herewe Goagain (gardening girl) –Lockdown (a padlock on top of a pile of duck down feathers)[7]
    • Robin Deadrest –A Brush with Death (arobin laid on its back next to a paintbrush)
    • Pete Lamb –Back to the Fuchsia (a baby doll with its back to afuchsia plant)
    • Jolly Roger –Fur Load (a large bundle of fur)
    • The Very ReverentCanon BallRock on Tommy (a rock on top of a tomato)
    • Doug Tunn –Shut the Duck Up (a duck withgaffer tape over its beak)
  • 2021 – Ching Ching Pi Pi Ee (architect) –Panda Mick (a panda called Mick)
    • Concerned –Glowball Warming (a glow ball on top of a hot water bottle)
    • Raspberry Buttocks –Green Energy (a green battery)
    • U Naughty Royal –Prints Andrew (a mannequin with two handprints strategically placed on it)
  • 2022 – Lie Instate (Soho cinema projectionist and comedian) –Cue Jumpers (apool cue with two small jumpers attached)
  • 2023 – Mr Keep Calm (government employee) –Party Gate (a gate with a party hat on top of it)
    • G.P.T Chat Esq –A Eye (an artificial eye ball)
    • Chicking the Third of Somerset –Coronation Chicken (a KFC carton with a crown on top)
    • Ike Price –Inflation (an inflated balloon and pump)
  • 2024 –Wonga Woman (teacher) –Tax in Creases (a crumpled shirt with tacks sprinkled into the creases)

Annual entries

  • 2012 – 87 entries.[8]
  • 2013 – 69 entries, which included entries from Ireland, Italy, Paris, and the U.S.[9]
  • 2014 – 69 entries, which included entries from Canada, USA, Germany, and Italy.[10]
  • 2015 – 69 entries, which included entries from France, Czech Republic, Norway, and Macedonia.[11]
  • 2016 – 99 entries, which included entries from Brisbane, Australia (delivered by hand), Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Lundy.[12]
  • 2017 – 100 entries, which included entries from Guernsey and Germany.[13]
  • 2018 – 90 entries,[6] which included entries from Australia (arrived broken in 69 pieces) and Antigua.
  • 2019 – 107 entries, which included entries from Sydney, Australia, Guernsey and Belgium.[14][15]
  • 2020 – 120 entries, which included entries from Kansas, Lockerbie and Downpatrick.[7]
  • 2021 – 96 entries, which included entries from Geneva and Rome
  • 2022 – 69 entries, which included entries from Tasmania and Tooting[16]
  • 2023 – 196 entries, a record year, which included entries from the Poldens, Prague and Pennsylvania[17][18]
  • 2024 - 69 entries, which included entries from Sydney, San Francisco and Sidcot.

Other competitions


Many independent "Turnip Prize" competitions are now held around the world, with differing rules made up by those who are running the competitions. Competitions generally aspire to concept, "We know it's rubbish, but is it art?" and competitors submit entries made from junk with titles that are nonsensical or puns. Marks are awarded for amusement and lack of effort, and competitors are frequently disqualified for applying too much effort.

In 2001,The Sun tabloid newspaper featured its own Turnip Prize.[19]

In 2002, "The Turnip Award" was opened annually for students atEdinburgh College of Art to "carve or design something out of the humble vegetable".[20] The 2005 prize was a mountain bike.[21] In 2005 a Turnip Prize was staged at St Paul's Gallery inTower Hamlets, London, for local residents.[22]

The term was previously used in 1998 byYBA Jake Chapman of theChapman Brothers (2003 Turner Prize nominees): "We thought if we couldn't get the Turner Prize we should get the Turnip Prize."[23]

See also


Notes and references

  1. ^"Chicken sculpture scoops 'Turnip Prize'".BBC News. 1 December 2003. Retrieved8 January 2007.
  2. ^"Bird's nest awarded Turnip Prize". BBC News. 6 December 2005. Retrieved7 November 2018.
  3. ^"And this year's prize turnip is ... Ian Lewis!".The Weston & Somerset Mercury. 14 December 2006.
  4. ^"Turnip Prize 2006".BBC Somerset. 1 December 2006. Retrieved7 November 2018.
  5. ^"Turnip Prize bad art contest finalists are revealed". BBC News Somerset. 26 November 2011. Retrieved27 November 2011.
  6. ^ab"Turnip Prize 2018: Spoof art award winner announced". BBC News. 4 December 2018. Retrieved7 December 2018.
  7. ^ab"Turnip Prize 2020: 'Lockdown' wins spoof art competition".BBC News. 1 December 2020. Retrieved7 April 2021.
  8. ^Ellison, Roland (3 December 2012)."Taking the pee: 'The Three Tenas' crap art prize winner really is pants".Daily Mirror. Retrieved7 November 2018.
  9. ^"Turnip Prize: See the winner and finalists in Somerset's bad art contest". BBC News Somerset. 2 December 2013. Retrieved7 November 2018.
  10. ^"Turnip Prize: Ewe Kip wins Somerset bad art contest". BBC News. 1 December 2014. Retrieved7 November 2018.
  11. ^"The Turnip Prize: 'Dismal And' wins spoof art accolade". BBC News. 7 December 2015. Retrieved7 November 2018.
  12. ^"Poldark announced as winner of coveted Turnip Prize".Weston Mercury. 11 December 2016. Retrieved6 December 2017.
  13. ^"Spoof art triumphs once again at the 2017 Turnip Prize". BBC News. 5 December 2017. Retrieved29 December 2017.
  14. ^"Turnip Prize: Knickers win spoof art award". BBC News. 3 December 2019. Retrieved4 December 2019.
  15. ^"Winner of spoof Turnip Prize revealed – and it's pants".Press Association.Evening Express. 3 December 2019. Retrieved4 December 2019.
  16. ^"Turnip Prize 2022: Finalists announced". BBC News. 21 November 2022. Retrieved7 October 2023.
  17. ^"Turnip Prize 2023: Party Gate by Mr Keep Calm announced as winner". BBC News. 5 December 2023. Retrieved3 April 2024.
  18. ^Cooper, Isaac (8 December 2023)."Carlisle man wins Turnip Prize for 'minimal effort' work Party Gate".News & Star. Retrieved3 April 2024.
  19. ^Clark, Nick (2 September 2013)."Tate acquires Martin Creed's controversial Turner Prize-winning piece Work No 227".The Independent. Retrieved18 August 2020.The piece was first unveiled in Tate Britain after Creed was named on the shortlist for the Turner Prize over a decade ago. Newspapers reported on the "outrage" at its inclusion and The Sun launched its own Turnip Prize, off the back of that year's shortlist.
  20. ^"Edinburgh College of Art Turnip Prize". November 2004. Archived fromthe original on 29 September 2007. Retrieved7 November 2018.
  21. ^"Artists turnip in their droves".The Scotsman. 28 October 2005. Archived fromthe original on 4 June 2011. Retrieved7 November 2018.
  22. ^"Turnip heads the art world".East End Life. 15 August 2006. Archived fromthe original on 21 August 2006. Retrieved7 November 2018.
  23. ^Barker, Godfrey (8 July 1998)."Back to school, and no virgins".Evening Standard. Retrieved9 January 2007.
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