Turks in Denmark, also referred to asTurkish Danes orDanish Turks (Danish:Tyrkere i Danmark;Turkish:Danimarka Türkleri) refers to ethnicTurkish people living inDenmark. They currently form the largest ethnic minority group in the country; thus, the Turks are the second-largest ethnic group in Denmark, after the ethnicDanish people.[3] The majority of Danish Turks descend from theRepublic of Turkey; however, there has also been significant Turkish migration from other post-Ottoman countries including ethnicTurkish communities which have come to Denmark from theBalkans (e.g. fromBulgaria,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Kosovo,North Macedonia), the island ofCyprus, and more recentlyIraq andSyria.
In 2008, a report published by theDanish Broadcasting Corporation stated that there was 70,000 people of Turkish origin who wereMuslims.[5] Thus, the Turks were the largest Danish Muslim population and accounted for 35% of the 200,000 Muslims.[5] In 2015 the Turkish Danish population was around 75,000.[1]
The majority of Turkish Danish people descend from Turkey; however, some have also arrived from other post-Ottoman countries. For example, there were approximately 2,000Turkish Iraqi immigrants in Denmark in 2010 (excluding descendants).[2]
Within the home environment, themother tongue is most dominant and children are expected to speakTurkish. However,Danish is spoken outside the home, creating abilingual identity.[6]
The majority of Turks regard themselves asMuslims. They worship their religion mainly within their own Turkish community and are subdivided mainly by political or religious differences.[7] TheDiyanet supports mosque associations in Denmark and controls the majority of the religious organisations used by the community. The "Danish Turkish Islamic Foundation" (Danish:Dansk Tyrkisk Islamisk Stiftelse) is part of the Diyanet and is the largest Muslim organisation in Denmark.[8] The Diyanet's major competing Islamic networks are theMillî Görüş as well as theAlevi association.[8]
In 2008 a report published by theDanish Broadcasting Corporation estimated that the Danish Turks formed 70,000 out of a total of 200,000 Muslims in the country. Hence, one-third of the country's Muslims were of Turkish origin.[5]
Jørgensen, J.N (2002), "Children's Acquisition of Code-switching for Power-Wielding", in Auer, Peter (ed.),Code-Switching in Conversation: Language, Interaction and Identity, Routledge,ISBN0-203-01788-9
Nielsen, Jørgen S.; Akgonul, Samim; Alibasic, Ahmet (2009),Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, BRILL,ISBN978-90-04-17505-1
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2008).International Migration Outlook: SOPEMI 2008. OECD Publishing.ISBN978-92-64-04565-1..
Svanberg, Ingvar (1999), "The Nordic Countries", in Westerlund, David; Svanberg, Ingvar (eds.),Islam outside the Arab world, Palgrave Macmillan,ISBN0-312-22691-8