TheTritolli were aGallic tribe dwelling in lower Provence, south of theDurance river, during theIron Age.
The Tritolli are solely attested byPliny asTritollorum (var. tritull-, tricoll-) in the 1st century AD.[1][2]
The meaning of the Gaulish nameTritolli remains obscure. The first element is probably the prefixtri- ('three'), but the second component is difficult to interpret.[3]
Pliny describes the territory of the Tritolli as located between theTricores (near theMediterranean Sea) and theVocontii (north of theDurance). They may have lived in the mountainous region ofSaint-Maximin,Barjols, andRians, to the east of theSalyes, although strong evidence is lacking.[2]
According to historyGuy Barruol, they were part of theSalluvian confederation.[4]