Inflorescences and foliageFlowers (worm's-eye view)Fruit cluster containing oval fruits with hooked spines
The wild carrot is aherbaceous, somewhat variablebiennial plant that grows between 30 and 120 cm (1 and 4 ft) tall,[4][5] and is roughly hairy, with a stiff, solidstem. The leaves aretripinnate, finely divided and lacy, and overall triangular in shape. The leaves are 5–15 cm (2–6 in) long,[5] bristly and alternate in apinnate pattern that separates into thin segments. The flowers are small and dull white, clustered in flat, denseumbels. The umbels are terminal and about 8–15 cm (3–6 in) wide.[6][5] They may be pink in bud and may have a reddish or purple[7] flower (the "ruby") in the centre of the umbel. The lowerbracts are three-forked or pinnate, which distinguishes the plant from other white-floweredumbellifers. As the seeds develop, the umbel curls up at the edges, becomes more congested, and develops a concave surface. The fruits are small, dry, bumpy, oval and flattened, with shortstyles and hooked spines, as well as protective hairs surrounding it.[8][6] The fruit has two mericarps, orbicarpellate. Theendosperm of the fruit grows before theembryo.[9] The dried umbels detach from the plant, becomingtumbleweeds.[10] The function of the tiny red flower, coloured byanthocyanin, is to attract insects. The flowers bloom from May to September.[6][5]
Similar in appearance to the deadlypoison hemlock,D.carota is distinguished by a mix oftripinnate leaves, fine hairs on its solid green stems and on its leaves, a root that smells like carrots, and occasionally a single dark red flower in the center of the umbel.[11][12] Hemlock is also different in tending to have purple mottling on its stems, which also lack the hairiness of the plain green Queen Anne's lace (wild carrot) stems.[13] Both plants have been spread intoNorth America by European settlers and have become common wildflowers;Daucus carota is often known as Queen Anne's lace there.Anne, Queen of Great Britain is the Queen Anne for whom the plant is named.[14] It is so called because theinflorescence resembleslace, prominent in fine clothing of the day; the red flower in the center is said to represent a droplet of blood where Queen Anne pricked herself with a needle when she was making the lace.[15]
The function of the central dark floret ofD. carota has been subject to debate sinceCharles Darwin speculated that they are a vestigial trait.[16] It has been suggested that they have the adaptive function of mimicking insects, thus either discouraging herbivory,[17] or attracting pollinators[18] by indicating the presence of food or opportunities for mating.[19] One study in Portugal found that the dark florets contributed to visitation by the varied carpet beetle,Anthrenus verbasci, and that higher numbers of dark florets correlated with increased visitation, whereas inflorescences without dark florets had fewer visits. Replacing the dark florets with one or more freeze-killedA. verbasci, who are similar to the florets in size and shape produced similar results to those observations of inflorescences with intact florets.[20]
Cultivated carrot's only parent isDaucus carota.[23]
Both domestic and wild carrot are from the same species,Daucus carotaL. There are several subspecies ofD. carota that have evolved to differentclimates and atmospheres. Two examples of these subspecies are specifically from theNetherlands.D. carota subsp.sativus has roots that can be a wide range of colors. It has a thicker root and sweeter taste. Thewhorl of barbs above the spine on the vallecular ridges of themericarp ofD. carota subsp.sativus mature very well.[clarification needed]D. carota subsp.carota has white roots that do not vary in color and, unlikeD. carota subsp.sativus, has a thin root, bitter taste and are not edible. The middle umbellet ofD. carota subsp.carota is not well developed (unlike inD. carota subsp.sativus) and the color of the flower can vary from red to deep purple.[24]
Skin contact with the foliage ofDaucus carota, especially wet foliage, can causeskin irritation in some people.[25][26] It may also have a mild effect on horses.[27]
The compoundfalcarinol is naturally found inDaucus carota for protection against fungal diseases. Lab tests show the compound to be toxic tomice and the water fleaDaphnia magna.[28] Normal consumption of carrots has no toxic effect in humans.[29]
Like the cultivated carrot, theD. carota root is edible while young, but it quickly becomes too woody to consume.[citation needed] The flowers are sometimes battered and fried. The leaves and seeds are also edible.[6]
D. carota bears a close resemblance to poison hemlock, and the leaves of the wild carrot may causephytophotodermatitis,[30][26] so caution should also be used when handling the plant. The seeds and flowers have been used as a supposed method ofcontraception and anabortifacient for centuries, but scientific research has not confirmed any such effects and there is no evidence of safety.[31] If used as adyestuff, the flowers give a creamy, off-white color.
D. carota, when freshly cut, will draw or change color depending on the color of the water in which it is held. This effect is only visible on the "head" or flower of the plant.Carnations also exhibit this effect. This occurrence is a popular science demonstration in grade school.
Thisbeneficial weed can be used as acompanion plant to crops. Like most members of the umbellifer family, it attractswasps to its small flowers in its native land; however, where it has been introduced, it attracts very few wasps. In northeast Wisconsin, when introduced with blueberries it did succeed in attracting butterflies and wasps.[32] This species is also documented to boosttomato plant production when kept nearby, and it can provide amicroclimate of cooler, moister air forlettuce, whenintercropped with it.[33] However, the states of Iowa, Michigan, and Washington have listed it as anoxious weed,[34] and it is considered a serious pest in pastures. It persists in thesoil seed bank for two to five years.[35]
Several different factors can cause the root of a carrot to have abnormalmetabolites (notably6-methoxymellin) that can cause a bitter taste in the roots. For example, carrots have a bitterer taste when grown in the presence ofapples. Also,ethylene can easily produce stress, causing a bitter taste.[36]
The history ofDaucus carota and its cultivation in different parts of the world can be traced back through historical texts and artwork. Paintings from the 16th and 17th century, for example, that are of maids in a market or farmers' most recent crops can provide information on carrots' history. Studying such paintings shows that yellow or red roots were cultivated inTurkey,North Africa, andSpain.Orange roots were cultivated in 17th centuryNetherlands.[37]
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