In buildingconstruction,topping out (sometimes referred to astopping off) is abuilders' rite traditionally held when the last beam (or its equivalent) is placed at the top of a structure during its construction. Nowadays, the ceremony is often parlayed into amedia event for public relations purposes.[1] It has since come to mean more generally finishing the structure of the building, whether there is a ceremony or not. It is also commonly used to determine the amount of wind on the top of the structure.
A Scandinavian tradition of hoisting a pine tree to the top of framed out buildings had a more functional purpose: when the pine needles fell off, the builders knew the wood frame below had cured/dried out so they could enclose the building.[2]
The practice of "topping out" a new building can be traced to the ancientScandinavian religious rite of placing a tree atop a new building to appease the tree-dwelling spirits displaced in its construction.[3] The tradition also served a functional purpose: a pine tree was used, and after the needles had fallen off the tree, the builders knew the wood frame below had cured/dried out so they could enclose the building.[4] Long an important component oftimber frame building,[5] it migrated initially to England and Northern Europe, thence to the Americas.
A tree or leafy branch is placed on the topmost wood or iron beam, often with flags and streamers tied to it. A toast is usually drunk and sometimes workers are treated to a meal. Inmasonry construction the rite celebrates the bedding of the last block or brick.[citation needed]
In some cases a topping out event is held at an intermediate point, such as when the roof is dried-in, which means the roof can provide at least semi-permanent protection from the elements.[6]
The practice remains common in theUnited Kingdom and assortedCommonwealth countries such as Australia[7] and Canada,[8] as well asGermany,Austria,Slovenia,Iceland,Chile,Czech Republic,Slovakia,Poland,Hungary and theBaltic States. In theUnited States the last beam of askyscraper is often painted white and signed by all the workers involved.[7] In New Zealand, completion of the roof to a water-proof state is celebrated through a "roof shout", where workers are treated to cake and beer.[9]
The tradition of "pannenbier" (literally "(roof) tile beer" inDutch) is popular in theNetherlands andFlanders, where a national, regional or city flag is hung once the highest point of a building is reached. It stays in place until the building's owner provides free beer to the workers, after which it is lowered.[10] Since the workers are treated to free beer as long as the flag is raised, the workers are considered greedy if they fly the flag for more than a few days.[citation needed]