Thyroid-stimulating hormone (also known asthyrotropin,thyrotropic hormone, or abbreviatedTSH) is apituitary hormone that stimulates thethyroid gland to producethyroxine (T4), and thentriiodothyronine (T3) which stimulates the metabolism of almost every tissue in the body.[1] It is aglycoprotein hormone produced bythyrotrope cells in theanterior pituitary gland, which regulates the endocrine function of the thyroid.[2][3]
TSH (with a half-life of about an hour) stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete the hormonethyroxine (T4), which has only a slight effect on metabolism. T4 is converted totriiodothyronine (T3), which is the active hormone that stimulates metabolism. About 80% of this conversion is in the liver and other organs, and 20% in the thyroid itself.[1]
TSH is secreted throughout life but particularly reaches high levels during the periods of rapid growth and development, as well as in response to stress.
Somatostatin is also produced by the hypothalamus, and has an opposite effect on the pituitary production of TSH, decreasing or inhibiting its release.
The concentration of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) in the blood regulates the pituitary release of TSH; when T3 and T4 concentrations are low, the production of TSH is increased, and, conversely, when T3 and T4 concentrations are high, TSH production is decreased. This is an example of anegative feedback loop.[5] Any inappropriateness of measured values, for instance a low-normal TSH together with a low-normal T4 may signal tertiary (central) disease and a TSH to TRH pathology. Elevated reverse T3 (RT3) together with low-normal TSH and low-normal T3, T4 values, which is regarded as indicative for euthyroid sick syndrome, may also have to be investigated for chronic subacute thyroiditis (SAT) with output of subpotent hormones. Absence of antibodies in patients with diagnoses of an autoimmune thyroid in their past would always be suspicious for development to SAT even in the presence of a normal TSH because there is no known recovery from autoimmunity.
For clinical interpretation of laboratory results it is important to acknowledge that TSH is released in apulsatile manner[6][7][8] resulting in both circadian and ultradian rhythms of its serum concentrations.[9]
The TSH receptor is found mainly onthyroid follicular cells.[12] Stimulation of the receptor increases T3 and T4 production and secretion. This occurs through stimulation of six steps in thyroid hormone synthesis: (1) Up-regulating the activity of thesodium-iodide symporter (NIS) on the basolateral membrane of thyroid follicular cells, thereby increasing intracellular concentrations of iodine (iodine trapping). (2) Stimulating iodination of thyroglobulin in the follicular lumen, a precursor protein of thyroid hormone. (3) Stimulating the conjugation of iodinated tyrosine residues. This leads to the formation of thyroxine (T4) andtriiodothyronine (T3) that remain attached to the thyroglobulin protein. (4) Increased endocytocis of the iodinated thyroglobulin protein across the apical membrane back into the follicular cell. (5) Stimulation of proteolysis of iodinated thyroglobulin to form free thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). (6) Secretion of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) across the basolateral membrane of follicular cells to enter the circulation. This occurs by an unknown mechanism.[13]
Stimulating antibodies to the TSH receptor mimic TSH and causeGraves' disease. In addition, hCG shows some cross-reactivity to the TSH receptor and therefore can stimulate production of thyroid hormones. In pregnancy, prolonged high concentrations of hCG can produce a transient condition termed gestationalhyperthyroidism.[14] This is also the mechanism oftrophoblastic tumors increasing the production of thyroid hormones.[citation needed]
Reference ranges for TSH may vary slightly, depending on the method of analysis, and do not necessarily equate to cut-offs for diagnosing thyroid dysfunction. In the UK, guidelines issued by theAssociation for Clinical Biochemistry suggest a reference range of 0.4–4.0 μIU/mL (or mIU/L).[15] TheNational Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB) stated that it expected the reference range for adults to be reduced to 0.4–2.5 μIU/mL, because research had shown that adults with an initially measured TSH level of over 2.0 μIU/mL had "an increasedodds ratio of developinghypothyroidism over the [following] 20 years, especially if thyroid antibodies were elevated".[16]
TSH concentrations in children are normally higher than in adults. In 2002, the NACB recommended age-related reference limits starting from about 1.3 to 19 μIU/mL for normal-term infants at birth, dropping to 0.6–10 μIU/mL at 10 weeks old, 0.4–7.0 μIU/mL at 14 months and gradually dropping during childhood and puberty to adult levels, 0.3–3.0 μIU/mL.[17]: Section 2
TSH concentrations are measured as part of a thyroid function test in patients suspected of having an excess (hyperthyroidism) or deficiency (hypothyroidism) of thyroid hormones. Interpretation of the results depends on both the TSH and T4 concentrations. In some situations measurement of T3 may also be useful.
A TSH assay is now also the recommended screening tool for thyroid disease. Recent advances in increasing the sensitivity of the TSH assay make it a better screening tool than free T4.[3]
For hypothyroid patients on thyroxine, measurement of TSH alone is generally considered sufficient. An increase in TSH above the normal range indicates under-replacement or poor compliance with therapy. A significant reduction in TSH suggests over-treatment. In both cases, a change in dose may be required. A low or low-normal TSH value may also signal pituitary disease in the absence of replacement.[citation needed]
For hyperthyroid patients, both TSH and T4 are usually monitored. In pregnancy, TSH measurements do not seem to be a good marker for the well-known association of maternal thyroid hormone availability with offspring neurocognitive development.[19]
TSH distribution progressively shifts toward higher concentrations with age.[20]
Difficulties with interpretation of TSH measurement
Heterophile antibodies (which includehuman anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA) and Rheumatoid Factor (RF)), which bind weakly to the test assay's animal antibodies, causing a higher (or less commonly lower) TSH result than the actual true TSH level.[21][22] Although the standard lab assay panels are designed to remove moderate levels of heterophilic antibodies, these fail to remove higher antibody levels. "Dr. Baumann [from Mayo Clinic] and her colleagues found that 4.4 percent of the hundreds of samples she tested were affected by heterophile antibodies.........The hallmark of this condition is a discrepancy between TSH value and free T4 value, and most important between laboratory values and patient's conditions. Endocrinologists, in particular, should be on alert for this."
Macro-TSH - endogenous antibodies bind to TSH reducing its activity, so the pituitary gland would need to produce more TSH to obtain the same overall level of TSH activity.[23]
TSHIsomers - natural variations of the TSH molecule, which have lower activity, so the pituitary gland would need to produce more TSH to obtain the same overall level of TSH activity.[24][25]
The same TSH concentration may have a different meaning whether it is used for diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction or for monitoring of substitution therapy withlevothyroxine. Reasons for this lack of generalisation areSimpson's paradox[26] and the fact that theTSH-T3 shunt is disrupted in treated hypothyroidism, so that the shape of the relation between free T4 and TSH concentration is distorted.[27]
Syntheticrecombinant human TSH alpha (rhTSHα or simply rhTSH) or thyrotropin alfa (INN) is manufactured byGenzyme Corp under the trade nameThyrogen.[30][31] It is used to manipulate endocrine function of thyroid-derived cells, as part of the diagnosis and treatment ofthyroid cancer.[32][28]
A Cochrane review compared treatments using recombinant human thyrotropin-aided radioactive iodine to radioactive iodine alone.[33] In this review it was found that the recombinant human thyrotropin-aided radioactive iodine appeared to lead to a greater reduction in thyroid volume at the increased risk of hypothyroidism.[33] No conclusive data on changes in quality of life with either treatments were found.[33]
In 1916, Bennett M. Allen and Philip E. Smith found that the pituitary contained a thyrotropic substance.[34] The first standardised purification protocol for this thyrotropic hormone was described byCharles George Lambie andVictor Trikojus, working at theUniversity of Sydney in 1937.[35]
^Greenspan SL, Klibanski A, Schoenfeld D, Ridgway EC (September 1986). "Pulsatile secretion of thyrotropin in man".The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.63 (3):661–8.doi:10.1210/jcem-63-3-661.PMID3734036.
^Brabant G, Prank K, Ranft U, Schuermeyer T, Wagner TO, Hauser H, et al. (February 1990). "Physiological regulation of circadian and pulsatile thyrotropin secretion in normal man and woman".The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.70 (2):403–9.doi:10.1210/jcem-70-2-403.PMID2105332.
^Samuels MH, Veldhuis JD, Henry P, Ridgway EC (August 1990). "Pathophysiology of pulsatile and copulsatile release of thyroid-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and alpha-subunit".The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.71 (2):425–32.doi:10.1210/jcem-71-2-425.PMID1696277.
^Korevaar TI, Muetzel R, Medici M, Chaker L, Jaddoe VW, de Rijke YB, et al. (October 2015). "Association of maternal thyroid function during early pregnancy with offspring IQ and brain morphology in childhood: a population-based prospective cohort study".The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.4 (1):35–43.doi:10.1016/S2213-8587(15)00327-7.hdl:1765/79096.PMID26497402.
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