TheThird Dynasty ofancient Egypt (Dynasty III) is the first dynasty of theOld Kingdom. Other dynasties of the Old Kingdom include theFourth,Fifth andSixth. The capital during the period of the Old Kingdom was atMemphis.
After the turbulent last years of theSecond Dynasty, which might have included civil war, Egypt came under the rule ofDjoser, marking the beginning of the Third Dynasty.[1] Both theTurin King List and theAbydos King List record five kings,[2] while theSaqqara Tablet only records four, andManetho records nine,[3] many of whom did not exist or are simply the same king under multiple names.
TheSaqqara Tablet gives Djoser, Djoserteti, Nebkare, and Huni.
Manetho gives Necheróphes (Nebka), Tosorthrós (Djoser), Týreis (Djoserti/Sekhemkhet), Mesôchris (Sanakht, probably the same person as Nebka), Sôÿphis (also Djoser), Tósertasis (also Djoserti/Sekhemkhet), Achês (Nebtawy Nebkare;unlikely Khaba, perhaps nonexistent), Sêphuris (Qahedjet), and Kerpherês (Huni).
The archaeological evidence shows thatKhasekhemwy, the last ruler of the Second Dynasty, was succeeded by Djoser, who at the time was only attested by his presumedHorus name Netjerikhet. Djoser's successor wasSekhemkhet, who had theNebty name Djeserty. The last king of the dynasty is Huni, who may be the same person asQahedjet or, less likely,Khaba. There are three remaining Horus names of known 3rd dynasty kings: Sanakht, Khaba, and perhaps Qahedjet. One of these three, by far most likely Sanakht, went by the nebty name Nebka.[2]
Dating the Third Dynasty is similarly challenging. Shaw gives the dates as being approximately from 2686 to 2613 BC.[4] The Turin King List suggests a total of 75 years for the third dynasty. Baines and Malek have placed the third dynasty as spanning the years 2650–2575 BC,[2] while Dodson and Hilton date the dynasty to 2584–2520 BC. It is not uncommon for these estimates to differ by more than a century.[1]
Some scholars have proposed a southern origin for the Third Dynasty.Petrie believed the dynasty originated fromSudan based on iconographic evidence, but Keita argued southern Egypt is equally likely.[5]
Thepharaohs of the Third Dynasty ruled for approximately 75 years. Due to recent archaeological findings in Abydos revealing that Djoser was the one who buriedKhasekhemwy, the last king of theSecond Dynasty, it is now widely believed that Djoser is the founder of the Third Dynasty, as the direct successor of Khasekhemwy and the one responsible for finishing his tomb.[6] These findings contradict earlier writings, like Wilkinson 1999, which proposed thatNebka/Sanakht was the founder of the dynasty. However, the two were not very far apart temporally; they may have been brothers, along withSekhemkhet,[7][8] as the sons of Khasekhemwy and his favoured consortNimaathap.
WhileManetho names Necherophes, and theTurin King List names Nebka (a.k.a. Sanakht), as the firstpharaoh of the Third Dynasty,[2] many contemporary Egyptologists believeDjoser was the first king of this dynasty, pointing out the order in which some predecessors ofKhufu are mentioned in thePapyrus Westcar suggests that Nebka should be placed between Djoser and Huni, and not before Djoser. More importantly, seals naming Djoser were found at the entrance toKhasekhemwy's tomb at Abydos, which demonstrates that it was Djoser, rather than Sanakht, who buried and succeededKhasekhemwy, who was the final king of the Second Dynasty.[2] The Turin King List scribe wrote Djoser's name in red ink, which indicates the Ancient Egyptians' recognition of this king's historical importance in their culture. In any case, Djoser is the best known king of this dynasty, for commissioning hisvizierImhotep to build the earliest survivingpyramids, theStep Pyramid.
Nebka's identification with Sanakht is uncertain; though many Egyptologists continue to support the theory that the two kings were one and the same man, opposition exists because this opinion rests on a single fragmentary clay seal discovered in 1903 byJohn Garstang. Though damaged, the seal displays theserekh of Sanakht, together with a cartouche containing a form of the sign for "ka," with just enough room for the sign for "Neb." Nebka's reign length is given as eighteen years by both Manetho and the Turin Canon, though these sources write over 2,300 and 1,400 years after his lifetime, so their accuracy is uncertain. In contrast to Djoser, both Sanakht and Nebka are attested in considerably few relics for a ruler of nearly two decades; the Turin Canon gives a reign of only six years to an unnamed immediate predecessor ofHuni.Toby Wilkinson suggests that this number fits Sanakht (whom he identifies concretely with Nebka), given the sparsity of archaeological evidence for him, but it could also be the reign length ofKhaba or evenQahedjet, kings whose identities are uncertain. (Wilkinson places Nebka as the penultimate king of the Third Dynasty, before Huni, but this is by no means definitively known or even overwhelmingly supported among Egyptologists.)
Some authorities believe that Imhotep lived into the reign of the Pharaoh Huni. Little is known for certain ofSekhemkhet, but his reign is considered to have been only six or seven years, according to the Turin Canon andPalermo Stone, respectively. Attempts to equate Sekhemkhet withTosertasis, a king assigned nineteen years by Manetho, find almost no support given the unfinished state of his tomb, theBuried Pyramid. It is believed thatKhaba possibly built theLayer Pyramid atZawyet el'Aryan; the pyramid is far smaller than it was intended to be, but it is not known whether this is due to natural erosion or because it, like Sekhemkhet's own tomb, was never completed to begin with. In any case, the duration of Khaba's reign is uncertain; a few Egyptologists believe Khaba was identical to Huni, but if Khaba is the same person as the Ramesside namesHudjeta II andSednes, he could have reigned for six years.
^Aidan Dodson:The Layer Pyramid of Zawiyet el-Aryan: Its Layout and Context. In:Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (JARCE), No. 37 (2000). American Research Center (Hg.), Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake/Bristol 2000,ISSN0065-9991, pp. 81–90.
^Toby A. H. Wilkinson:Early Dynastic Egypt. Routledge, London 2001,ISBN0415260116, pp. 80–82, 94–97.
^Silke Roth:Die Königsmütter des Alten Ägypten von der Frühzeit bis zum Ende der 12. Dynastie (=Ägypten und Altes Testament, vol. 46). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2001,ISBN3-447-04368-7, pp. 59–61, 65–67.