TheSolonian constitution was created bySolon in the early 6th century BC.[1] At the time of Solon, theAthenian State was almost falling to pieces in consequence of dissensions between the parties into which the population was divided. Solon wanted to revise or abolish the older laws ofDraco. He promulgated acode of laws embracing the whole of public and private life, the salutary effects[a] of which lasted long after the end of his constitution.
Under Solon's reforms, all debts were abolished and all debt-slaves were freed. The status of thehectemoroi (the "one-sixth workers"), who farmed in an early form ofserfdom, was also abolished. These reforms were known as theSeisachtheia.[b] Solon's constitution reduced the power of the oldaristocracy by making wealth rather than birth a criterion for holding political positions, a system calledtimokratia (timocracy). Citizens were also divided based on their land production:pentacosiomedimnoi,hippeis,zeugitae, andthetes.[2] The lower assembly was given the right to hear appeals, and Solon also created the higher assembly. Both of these were meant to decrease the power of theAreopagus, the aristocratic council. Despite the division between classes and citizens, Solon felt these class were connected as one. Solon felt that a disservice against even just one member of the society would indirectly be a disservice against every member of the society.[3] The only parts ofDraconian constitution that Solon kept were the laws regardinghomicide. The constitution was written aspoetry, and as soon as it was introduced, Solon went into self-imposedexile for ten years so he would not be tempted to take power as atyrant.
There was also a religious impact that played a role in the archaic city. Within the clans there was never a recovery of military impact, but religion had always influenced political potential. Generations beyond the years had gone on and religion was not forgotten as the advancement of the political system did.
James H. Oliver. (2003). The Solonian Constitution and a Consul of A.D. 149.Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies,13(1), page 101.
Thepentacosiomedimni orpentakosiomedimnoi (Ancient Greek:πεντακοσιομέδιμνοι) were the top class of citizens: those whose property or estate could produce at least 500medimnoi of wet or dry goods (or their equivalent), per year.[4][5] They were eligible for all top positions of government in Athens. These were:
Thepentacosiomedimnoi could also serve as generals (strategoi) in the Athenian army.
Prior to the rule of Solon, the termhippeus came from the word "horse;" those who were rich enough to buy a horse would flaunt their superiority by selecting names that began or ended with the word ‘hippos[6]'. However, Solon later changed the meaning of thehippeus, as it became the second highest of the four social classes. It was composed of men who had at least 300medimnoi or their equivalent as yearly income. TheHippeus were also called theKnights inAristotle'sAthenian Constitution (circa. 350 BC).Aristotle gave an alternate characterization for the class ofHippeus as 'those who were able to maintain a horse'. This assumption appears to be on the basis of the inscription of the statute ofDiphilus[7]
Thezeugitae (Ancient Greek:ζευγῖται,romanized: zeugitai) were those whose property or estate could produce at least 200medimnoi of wet or dry goods (or their equivalent), per year.[8] The term appears to have come from the Greek word for "yoke", which has led modern scholars to conclude that zeugitae were either men who could afford a yoked pair of oxen or men who were "yoked together" in the phalanx—that is, men who could afford their ownhoplite armor.[9][10]
The zeugitae could serve as hoplites in the Athenian army. The idea was that one could serve as a hoplite if he had enough money to equip himself in that manner, i.e. he could produce 200medimnoi or more per year.
At the time of Solon's reforms, zeugitae were granted the right to hold certain minor political offices.[11] Their status rose through the years; in 457/6 BC, they were granted the right to hold thearchonship,[12] and in the late 5th century moderate oligarchs advocated for the creation of anoligarchy in which all men of hoplite status or higher would be enfranchised, and such a regime was indeed established for a time during theAthenian coup of 411 BC.[13]
They were eligible for a few positions of government in Athens such as:
Thethetes (Ancient Greek:θῆτες,romanized: thêtes, sing.Ancient Greek:θής,romanized: thēs, 'serf') were the lowest social class of citizens. Thethetes were those who were workers for wages, or had less than 200medimnoi (or their equivalent) as yearly income. (Thus, thewage ratio of pentacosiomedimni to thetes could be as little as 2.5.) This distinction spanned from some time earlier than 594−593 BC until 322 BC.[citation needed] Thethetes were defined as citizens who did not qualify aszeugitae, although thethetes may have predated the Solonian reforms. They could participate in theEcclesia (the Athenian assembly), and could be jurors serving in thelaw court of theHeliaia, but were not allowed to serve in theBoule or serve as magistrates.[citation needed]
In the reforms ofEphialtes andPericles around 460–450 BC, the thetes were empowered to hold public office.[14][full citation needed]
Twelve thousand thetes were disenfranchised and expelled from the city after the Athenian defeat in theLamian War. There is debate among scholars whether this represented the entire number of thetes, or simply those who left Athens, the remainder staying behind.
Unlike the popular concept ofgalley slaves, ancient navies generally preferred to rely on free men to row their galleys. In the 4th and 5th century, Athens generally followed a naval policy of enrolling citizens from the lower classes (the thetes),metics and hired foreigners.[15][full citation needed] However, under some conditions, for example during theMytilenean revolt, higher classes were enrolled as rowers also. This made them crucial in the Athenian Navy and therefore gave them a role in Athens' affairs.
Of the population dissatisfied, the inhabitants of the northern mountainous region ofAttica, and the poorest and most oppressed section of the population, thediacrii, demanded that the privileges of the nobility, which had till then been obtained, should be utterly set aside. Another party, prepared to be contented by moderate concessions, was composed of theparali, the inhabitants of the"Paralia", the coast. The third was formed by the nobles, calledpedici orpediaci,[c] because their property lay for the most part in thepedion,[d] the level and most fruitful part of the country. Solon, who enjoyed the confidence of all parties on account of his tried insight and sound judgment, was chosenarchon by a compromise, with full power to put an end to the difficulties, and to restore peace by means of legislation. One of the primary measures of Solon was theSeisachtheia ("dis-burdening ordinance"). This gave an immediate relief bycancelling all debts,public andprivate. At the same time, he made it illegal for the future tosecure debtsupon the person of the debtor.[e]Solon also altered thestandard of coinage [and ofweights and measures], by introducing theEuboic standard[f] in place of thePheidonian[g] orAeginetan standard.[h][17] 100 newdrachmae were thus made to contain the same amount of silver as 73 old drachmae.
By this measure he pleased neither party, but the rich were dissatisfied at the loss of their securities, and the poor were still more so because the land was not divided afresh, as they hoped it would be, and because he had not, likeLykurgus, established absolute equality. | ... [Solon], wishing to leave all magistracies as he found them, in the hands of the wealthy classes, but to give the people a share in the rest of the constitution, from which they were then excluded, took a census of the wealth of the citizens, and made a first class of those who had an annual income of not less than five hundred medimni of dry or liquid produce; these he calledpentakosiomedimni. The next class were the Hippeis, or knights, consisting of those who were able to keep a horse, or who had an income of three hundred medimni. The third class were the Zeugitae, whose property qualification was two hundred medimni of dry or liquid produce; and the last class were the Thetes, whom Solon did not permit to be magistrates, but whose only political privilege was the right of attending the public assemblies and sitting as jurymen in the law courts. This privilege was at first insignificant, but afterwards became of infinite importance, because most disputes were settled before a jury. Even in those cases which he allowed the magistrates to settle, he provided a final appeal to the people. |
—Plutarch,Life of Solon 16:1[18] | —Plutarch,Life of Solon 18:1[2] |
Solon further instituted atimocracy, (τιμοκρατία) and those who did not belong to the nobility received a share in the rights of citizens,[i] according to a scale determined by their property and their corresponding services to theAthenian State. For this purpose, he divided the population into four classes,[j] founded on the possession of land:
Solon's legislation only granted to the first three of these four classes a vote in the election of responsible officers, and only to the first class the power of election to the highest offices; as, for instance, that of archon. The first three classes were bound to serve ashoplites; the cavalry was raised out of the first two, while the fourth class was only employed as light-armed troops or on the fleet, and apparently for pay. The others served without pay. The holders of office in the State were also unpaid.
Each division had different rights; for example, thepentacosiomedimnoi could bearchons, whilethetes could only attend the Athenian assembly. The fourth class was excluded from all official positions, but possessed the right of voting in the general public assemblies (theHeliaia) which chose officials and passed laws. They had also the right of taking part in the trials by jury which Solon had instituted.
Solon established a constitutional order with a single chief consultative body, and a single administrative body. Solon established as the chief consultative body theCouncil of the Four Hundred,[k] in which only the first three classes took part, and as chief administrative body theAreopagus, which was to be filled up by those who had been archons.
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