Tarantas andTaranto are two related styles (palos) ofFlamenco music, that originated in theAndalusian province ofAlmería. Each is characterized by a sharedmodality (F-sharpPhrygian) andharmonic progression (Bm–A7–G–F-sharp), but differ significantly with respect to rhythm and meter.Tarantas is acante libre (ortoque libre, if played as a solo), meaning that it lacks both a regular rhythmic pattern (compás, in flamenco terminology) and a regular rhythmic unit (orbeat). It can be sung or played, but not danced.Taranto, conversely, has a regular 2/4-meter, and is danceable. When played on, or accompanied by, theguitar, bothpalos have a unique and characteristic sound that is created, in part, bydissonances that result from the use of the guitar's first three open strings (E, B, and G, respectively), in combination with harmonies and melodies based on the F-sharp Phrygian mode.[1]