The name Tamaulipas is derived fromTamaholipa, aHuastec term in which thetam- prefix signifies "place (where)". No scholarly agreement exists on the meaning ofholipa, but "high hills" is a common interpretation.[9] Another explanation of the state name is that it is derived fromTa ma ho'lipam ("place where theLipan Apache prey").
The area known as Tamaulipas has been inhabited for at least 8,000 years. Several different cultures (north coastal, south coastal, lowlands, and mountains) have come and gone during that period.
Tamaulipas was originally populated by the nomadChichimec and sedentaryHuastec, in addition to non-Chichimec hunter-gatherer and fishing tribes.
A gradual process was needed for Spain to subjugate the inhabitants of Tamaulipas in the 16th and 17th centuries. The first permanentSpanish settlement in the area wasTampico in 1554. Further settlement was done byFranciscan missionaries; widespread cattle and sheep ranching by the Spanish bolstered the area's economy while forcing native populations from their original lands. Repeated indigenous rebellions kept the area unstable and weakened colonial interest in the region. What is now Tamaulipas was first incorporated as a separate province ofNew Spain in 1746 with the nameNuevo Santander. The local government capital during this time moved from Santander to San Carlos, and finally to Aguayo. The territory of this time spanned from the San Antonio River to the northeast to the Gulf of Mexico, then south to thePánuco River near Tampico and west to the Sierra Madre Mountains. The area became a haven for rebellious Indians who fled there after increased Spanish settlements in Nuevo León and Coahuila.
In 1784 Nuevo Santander (Tamaulipas) led by Escandón, annexed San Antonio de los Llanos and its dependencies on the Purificación lagoon together with a certain number of ranches on the right bank of the Río Grande that belonged to Nuevo León. New settlements were then founded and the line of towns along the Rio Grande would later be dubbed the "villas del norte", or northern towns (Laredo, Revilla [Guerrero], Mier, Camargo, and Reynosa) which were established as a key part of Escandón's plan for the pacification and colonization of the province. These settlements, from Laredo to Reynosa, served as a defensive line for larger centers of population in the Mexican interior. Moreover, the villas functioned as a means to introduce Spanish "civilization" to the indigenous groups of the area. The Tamaulipas-Nuevo Leon border likely runs along old Mesquite Posts.[10][11]
In the mid-17th century, variousApache bands from the Southern Plains, after acquiring horses from Europeans in New Mexico, moved southeastward into theEdwards Plateau, displacing the native hunting and gathering groups. One of these groups was known asLipan (see Hodge 1907 Vol. I:769 for a confusing list of synonyms). After 1750, when most Apache groups of the Central Texas highlands were displaced byComanche and moved into the coastal plain of southern Texas, the Europeans of the San Antonio area began referring to all Apache groups in southern Texas as Lipan or Lipan Apache.[12]
Many Indian groups of missions in southern Texas and northeastern Mexico had recently been displaced from their territory through the southward push by the Lipan Apaches and were still hostile toward Apaches, linking arms with the local Spanish authorities against their common foe.
By 1790, Europeans turned their attention from the aboriginal groups and focused on containing the Apache invaders. In northeastern Coahuila and adjacent Texas, Spanish and Apache displacements created an unusual ethnic mix. Here, the local Indians mixed with displaced groups from Coahuila and Chihuahua and Texas. Some groups, to escape the pressure, combined and migrated north into the Central Texas highlands.
In 1824, after theMexican War of Independence from Spain, and the fall of theMexican Empire, Tamaulipas was one of the 19 founder states of the newUnited Mexican States. Slavery was formally abolished by the1824 Constitution. During the fights between centralists and federalists that after independence, the successfulTexas Revolution led to the creation of theRepublic of Texas in 1836. The new republic claimed as part of its territory northern Tamaulipas.
In the wake of the war, Tamaulipas remained an object of interest toAmerican expansionists. The climate was considered suitable for the spread ofslavery bySoutherners who desired the admission of new territory to shift the balance inCongress back towards theslave states. SenatorAlbert Gallatin Brown declared "I want Tamaulipas,Potosi, and one or two other Mexican states; and I want them all for the same reason – for the plantation and spreading of slavery".[14] In the 1850sJosé María Jesús Carbajal led several incursions into Tamaulipas[15] before being indicted for violating theNeutrality Act.Filibustering efforts were also directed towardsCuba with theLopez Expedition, which was desired for the same reason as Tamaulipas.
TheFrench occupation and reign of EmperorMaximilian during the 1860s was difficult for Tamaulipas, at least on the borders and in the city of Tampico. Portions of Tamaulipas supported the republican forces led by PresidentBenito Juarez in resisting the French, especially in the north. Two years after French occupation began, Tamaulipas as a state finally acceded to Maximilian's rule, and the last French soldiers left the state in 1866, leading up to Maximilian's execution and fall of theSecond Mexican Empire in 1867.
However, the years after Maximilian's defeat were ones of rebuilding and great growth in Tamaulipas.International trade began to blossom, especially with the coming of therailroad to Tampico, which was developing as not only aport city but also as an industrial and commercial center. The railroad allowed goods to flow quickly from themines and cities of the interior and the Texas border to Tampico for processing and shipment. This, in turn, caused significant growth in towns such as Matamoros and Nuevo Laredo.
Since therevolution of 1910, successive governments have dedicated themselves to building industry and infrastructure in Tamaulipas, including communications and educational systems. Norberto Treviño Zapata founded the state university system, as well as reformed the state oil industry. Marte Gómez provided increased farm sizes for private family farmers. And more recently, Emilio Martínez Manautou led industrial growth. Lately, a push has been to strengthenfishing, including efforts to increase the price of fish andshellfish on the international market.
TheTropic of Cancer crosses the southern part of the municipality of Victoria.The coastal plains along the Gulf have a large presence in the state, whereas inland the landscape is adorned bycactus species andpasture. Predominant fauna in the region include thecougar (Puma concolor),long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata),ocelot (Leopardus pardalis),American badger (Taxidea taxus),North American beaver (Castor canadensis),plain chachalaca (Ortalis vetula) andquail.
In the western part of the state, theSierra Madre Oriental displays warm valleys and high sierras with peaks reaching 3,280 m (10,760 ft) in the Pedragoso Sierra; 3,240 m (10,630 ft) in the Borregos Sierra; 3,220 m (10,560 ft) in La Gloria Sierra; 3,180 m (10,430 ft) in Cerro el Nacimiento; and 3,000 m (9,800 ft) above sea level in the Sierra el Pinal. TheSierra de Tamaulipas and theSierra de San Carlos are isolated mountain ranges in eastern Tamaulipas.
In terms of hydrology, the Bravo, Purificacion, and Guayalejo Rivers flow into the Gulf of Mexico after crossing the state from the western inland. On their way, their basins and zones of influence naturally correspond to the areas destined for agricultural use. The Rio Grande, known to Mexicans as theRío Bravo, represents the northern frontier shared with the United States. One of the tributaries of this natural border, theSan Juan River, feeds theMarte R. Gómez Dam [es]. Agricultural and cattle-raising activities are served by 14 other dams across the state, with a total capacity of 7,500 million m3 (260 billion cu ft) of water.
About 58% of the state has a hothumid subtropical climate.[16] In the centre, north, and towards southwest, anarid andsemi-arid climate predominate (both of these account for 38% of the state).[16] A temperate subtropical climate is found in the extreme southwest of the state while in the extreme southeast, such asTampico, there is atropical savanna climate.[16] Mean annual temperature in the state is around 23.5 °C (74.3 °F) while mean annual precipitation is 780 mm (31 in), mostly concentrated between June and September.[16]
Northern Tamaulipas shares its economic culture with that ofTexas, and is primarily characterized by agriculture and strong growth in all industrial sectors. This region is home to many of themaquiladoras, factories owned by foreign companies but worked by Mexicans, primarily by women. In the state there are important industrial parks such as theOradel Industrial Center,[17] located in the border city ofNuevo Laredo.
Southern Tamaulipas' economy is primarily based on thepetrochemical industries. There are petrochemical production plants aroundAltamira as well as a principal Gulf coastcontainer port,refinery facilities inCiudad Madero and many oil-industry support service companies inTampico, as well as a majorgeneral andbulk cargo port.[18] Also of importance are the tourism and fishing industries, as well as much commercial shipping, based in Tampico and Altamira. The little village ofLa Pesca, in the municipality ofSoto La Marina, about midway betweenBrownsville, Texas and Tampico, is a rapidly growing tourist area with lovely beaches and excellent fishing both in the Gulf of Mexico and the Rio Soto La Marina. The central zone contains the capital,Ciudad Victoria, and is home to much forestry and farming, as well as some industrial development. About 30% of the population lives here, both in the capital and inCiudad Mante. Ciudad Victoria is a significant educational center, home to theAutonomous University of Tamaulipas (which also has campuses in other cities in the state), the Regional Technical Institute of Ciudad Victoria, the University of Valle de Bravo, and other institutions of learning.
As of the 1990 Mexican census, 13 percent of the homes had only dirt floors, nearly 19 percent had no running water, and over 15 percent of the homes had no electricity. This was better than the national average but was skewed because of the high rate of development in the urban centers. In rural communities in Tamaulipas, access to running water was available in less than 40 percent of homes.
As of 2005, Tamaulipas's economy represents 3.3% of Mexico's totalgross domestic product or 21,664 million USD.[19] Tamaulipas's economy has a strong focus on export oriented manufacturing (i.e.maquiladora /IMMEX). As of 2005, 258,762 people are employed in the manufacturing sector.[19] Foreign direct investment in Tamaulipas was 386.2 million USD for 2005. The average wage for an employee in Tamaulipas is approximately 240 pesos per day, $2.00 to $3.00 an hour.[citation needed]
There is a large number of people (around 200 000 only in the city of Reynosa) born in the southern neighboring state of Veracruz who are economic immigrants that end up working in the maquila industry.[22]
Tamaulipas enjoys standards slightly higher than the national averages, since illiteracy has been reduced to 5% for those over 15 years of age, average schooling reaches 7.8 years, and as many as 11% have earned a professional degree.
Newspapers of Tamaulipas include:El Bravo,El Diario de Ciudad Victoria,El Mañana,El Mañana de Reynosa,El Mercurio de Tamaulipas,El Sol de la Tarde,El Sol de Tampico,Hora Cero Tamaulipas,La Razón,La Tarde,La Verdad de Tamaulipas,Milenio,Periódico Valle del Norte, andSiempre con la verdad a tiempo.[23][24]
Coro: Viva Tamaulipas altiva y heroica, la región que dormita en la margen del río. La sangre palpita en el pecho mío, al recuerdo glorioso de sus héroes y su honor. Viva Tamaulipas la tierra querida que en las horas aciagas dio su sangre y su vida. Cantemos un himno de amor y lealtad y todo Tamaulipas vibre a la voz de libertad.
Chorus: Long live Tamaulipas, proud and heroic, The region that slumbers on the banks of the river. Blood pounds in my chest At the glorious memory of her heroes and honor. Long live Tamaulipas, the beloved land That in the dire times gave her blood and life. Let us sing a hymn of love and loyalty And let all Tamaulipas vibrate to the voice of freedom.
Estrofa I: Fuiste cuna de nobles varones que con la luz de su saber iluminaron, y al pasar por la tierra dejaron con sus obras su nombre inmortal. Hoy la historia, canta la gloria de tus héroes en marcha triunfal.
Verse I: Thou wert the cradle of noble men Who by the light of their knowledge illuminated, And who in passing through the world left By their works their immortal name. Today history sings the glory Of your heroes in triumphal march.
Estrofa II: En los tiempos de duelo y de guerra con tu valor fuiste el honor de nuestro suelo. Defendiste heroica la tierra y tu espada fue siempre inmortal. Hoy la historia, canta la gloria de tus heroes en marcha triunfal.
Verse II: In times of grief and war, With your courage you were the honor of our soil. You heroically defended the land And your sword was always immortal. Today the story, sings the glory Of your heroes' triumphal march.
Estrofa III: En tu seno de mirtos y rosas fuente de amor en el hogar tamaulipeco. ¡Son tus hijas mujeres virtuosas que engalanan el patio vergel! Hoy la historia, canta la gloria con el mirto, la oliva y laurel.
Verse III: In your heart of myrtle and roses, Source of love in the Tamaulipecan home. Your daughters are virtuous women That adorn the courtyard garden! Today the story, sings the glory With the myrtle, olive and laurel.
Estrofa IV: Los que duermen eterno descanso, los que por ti con fe y valor su vida dieron, por hacerte feliz sucumbieron bajo el fuego que te hizo inmortal. Hoy la historia, canta la gloria de tus heroes en marcha triunfal.
Verse IV: Those who sleep in eternal rest, That for you with faith and courage gave his life, Succumbed to make you happy Under the fire that made you immortal. Today the story, sings the glory Of your heroes' triumphal march.
Estrofa V: Ya la aurora de tiempos mejores iluminó con su fulgor nuestros albores; y en los surcos que abre el arado va sembrando la fraternidad. Y su anhelo, protege el cielo floreciendo en la santa hermandad.
Verse V: Since the dawn of better times Illuminated by his splendor our dawn; And in the plow furrows opened Is sowing the fraternity. And his desire, protects the heavens Flourishing in the holy brotherhood.
Estrofa VI: Nuestros hombres hoy luchan ufanos por mejorar su condición de ciudadanos. Igualdad es la flor del ensueño que el obrero pretende alcanzar. Y si alcanza, una esperanza es que sabe morir o triunfar.[26]
Verse VI: Our self-satisfied men today struggle To improve their status as citizens. Equality is the flower of dreams That the worker strives to achieve. And if he reaches it, a hope Is to know death or victory..
This state is known to be the site of a territorial struggle between theGulf Cartel andLos Zetas. The resulting deaths and unresolved kidnappings from the gang violence have been described as a "humanitarian tragedy".[27]
The state of Tamaulipas is one of the most affected by violence in the country, mainly caused by organized crime. In February 2010, an armed conflict broke out between the criminal groups known as the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas, resulting in many border cities becoming "ghost towns"; such is the case of the border strip known as "La Frontera Chica" made up of the cities ofMiguel Alemán,Mier,Camargo andNueva Ciudad Guerrero.
In November 2010, the Mexican army, together with the Federal Police and the Navy, launched an operation around the north of the state of Tamaulipas, allowing hundreds of families to return to their homes after months of exile in other states, mainly in municipalities like Mier, where around 4,000 people returned.
According to INEGI, in 2012 Tamaulipas contained 9 municipalities with a homicide rate higher than 100 per 100,000 inhabitants: Cruillas (106), San Fernando (175), Llera (159), Mier (156), Güémez (141), Hidalgo (135), Nuevo Laredo (134), González (109) and Soto la Marina (100). On the other hand, the municipalities that had had the most intentional homicides in 2012 were Nuevo Laredo (536 homicides), Victoria (165) and San Fernando (102).
In 2013, 880 homicides were recorded in the state, giving a rate of 25 per 100,000 inhabitants. This placed it that year in the 9th position of the states with the most homicides in Mexico. In 2013, Tamaulipas reached the first national place in kidnappings with 275 known cases and the ninth place in violent highway robbery (68 cases).
As of 2021, Tamaulipas continues to be affected by violence, this being one of the factors that have greatly hindered the economic and social activity of the state. In 2014 it was estimated that the losses due to violence by each company in Tamaulipas reached an average of 95 thousand pesos per year (fourth highest in the country). This placed it above the national average in terms of cost of crime for each company (13,600 pesos against the national average of 12,800).[28]