Akureyri was one of theGeography and places good articles, but it has been removed from the list. There are suggestions below for improving the article to meet thegood article criteria. Once these issues have been addressed, the article can berenominated. Editors may also seek areassessment of the decision if they believe there was a mistake.
This article is within the scope ofWikiProject Iceland, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage ofIceland on Wikipedia. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can jointhe discussion and see a list of open tasks.IcelandWikipedia:WikiProject IcelandTemplate:WikiProject IcelandIceland
I think this page needs a total rewrite, or at least total re-structuring. --Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason 08:19, 2004 Mar 30 (UTC)
..And i just started to do that, currently it looks like an empty shell with the text not fitting into the catagories, but it's getting there, whats mainly needed first is...
getting some factual information athagstofa.is and put it in the proper places in the article.
Define what needs to be written, i think there should be at least an article on the Listigarður ( the main park ), the cultural life, the main places to visit, cafés and so on, these stubs could be here first and later moved to another place if someone really wants to write a long piece they can do that, put it in another page and move said stub out of here.
This sure is an ambitious project, I hope to take an active part in it. :)Biekko 11:38, 30 Mar 2004 (UTC)
Check outWikipedia:WikiProject_Cities for the basic shell i put in place, we'll probably drop some catagories but it would be nice to fill at least some info in all of them.
About the pictures, i cant take any since i'm abroad right now, it would probably be a good idea to contact the people in charge of akureyri.is and get permission to use those images, i'll do that once i find a email address on the page.
Oh and welcome, and thanks for fixing the link to UNAK;=)
Just sent the letter to gunnarf at akureyri.is, the email i found in theISNIC whois database so it might not be the official contact, the letter follows:
Ég, ásamt öðrum sjálfboðaliðum að skrifa grein um akureyri sem birtist á Wikipedia - Frjálsu alfræðiorðabókinni. það sem er komið þegar sést á slóðinnihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akureyri , Textinn á grein þessari er undir "GNU Free Documentation Licence" (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.txt ).
Allavegana, best að koma sér að efninu, Það er nokkrir hlutir sem væri gott en ekki alveg nauðsynlegt að hafa, til dæmis myndir af akureyri. Sem einmitt er svoldið af á akureyri.is heimasíðunni. Sem dæmi þarf þessi grein myndir, sem meðal annars væri gott að fá hjá ykkur. Þetta getur gerst á þrennan máta.
1. Þið getið látið okkur fá þær undir GFDL leyfi sem þýðir að þær haldast undir því leyfi, þannig að t.d. ef einhvertíman einhver vildi gefa þær út í bók ásamt þessari grein ( eða með annari ) gæti hann haft þær þar.
2. Þið getið gefið okkur þær undir 'fair use' sem þýðir að við fáum leyfi til að nota þær þarna og hvergi annars staðar.
3. Þið getið neitað.
Að svo loknu vil ég biðja þig annaðhvort að gefa okkur leyfi skv. skilmálum nr. 1 en ef það er alls ekki mögulegt nr. 2, ég sé ekki að þetta myndi vera nema gott fyrir bæinn þar sem wikipedia fær um 4.5milljón heimsóknir á mánuði, þó vissulega ekki bara á þessa grein, heldur alla síðuna.
Mikilvægt er þó að hafa í huga að þessi grein verður skrifuð af hlutlausu sjónarmiði og yrði alls ekki einhver einhliða auglýsing heldur eins og eitthvað sem væri líklegt til að birtast í alfræðiorðabók ( sem þetta er einmitt ).
Biekko: I reverted your change about removing the timezone and also the location in standard degrees, the reason for this is that its not some list i made up. It's a standard list fromWikipedia:WikiProject_Cities ( though, admittedly for a US city ), but a foreigner might not know the timezone.
In any case i think its best to keep to the standard. --Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason 20:20, 2004 Mar 30 (UTC)
As you said, the standard is for a US city, there is alot of info there irrelevant to Icelandic towns and info that is perhaps relevant to Icelandic towns is missing, I'm thinking about constituencies, post codes etc. I think that if someone needs to know about the Akureyri time zone they can easily look at theIceland page. Time zones are not a distinctive characteristic of Icelandic towns, they are all in the same one. We could then just as well add another box to the table to say that the town is in Europe, it just doesn't fit there, this is the standard ICELANDIC town table that we are creating here and I think it should include info that is unique for each town. I'd like to point to city tables such asStockholm orOslo that do not follow the proposed US format. And I don't get what is supposed to be where the XXX is now in the global position box. ---Biekko 20:44, 30 Mar 2004 (UTC)
Agreed about the time zone, you should change that to postcode and perhaps add some other iceland-specific info,
The XXX is a standard degree format, which is standard. dont remove it, i just havent got the absolute position yet,
Ok, find out about Reykjavík as well while you're at it and add it to the table I put in theReykjavík article. I will add the constituency info to the tables. Perhaps we can think of something more, average temperature or something.
Danm the degrees, i cant find the specific location anyway, lets just use the simple format.
This article is much better than the 2004 version (when someone said it needs work). Please help me make it into a GA even if you don't agree that it is so now. I will concentrate on this article for the next few weeks and lay off other articles.User F203 (talk)21:58, 2 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Try to fix the article by eliminating the big blank white space. Look at the city articles of other cities in different countries for ideas on how to add to this article.TeacherA (talk)23:06, 2 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
This discussion istranscluded fromTalk:Akureyri/GA2. The edit link for this section can be used to add comments to the reassessment.
This article was promoted to GA status, but I disagree with its promotion. Issues include:
Insufficient lead: Much of the information in the body is not summarized in the intro (culture, geography, etc.)
Unsourced info and undue weight given to sports clubs, sites of interest, and colleges, which are listed in bulleted form without any elaboration.
The " Transport" is stubby and unsourced.
Not enough sources, and what few sources there are mainly tour-guide-type sites, which are not the mostreliable sources out there. Additionally, sources need titles, publishers and last access dates perWP:CITE/ES.Dabomb87 (talk)16:23, 3 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Will work on this. This is not a featured article so let's not be too picky. Instead, let's work together to improve this!User F203 (talk)16:35, 3 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Alright. I can copy-edit and format, but we need better sources and the article needs to be expanded. I think the best sources will probably be in Icelandic, so you might have to do that part.Dabomb87 (talk)16:37, 3 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Dabomb87 list Done*Insufficient lead: Much of the information in the body is not summarized in the intro (culture, geography, etc.) Done removed some sports club information, added references *Unsourced info and undue weight given to sports clubs, sites of interest, and colleges, which are listed in bulleted form without any elaboration. Done*The " Transport" is stubby and unsourced. Done added more sources, access dates not required for GA, maybe for FA*Not enough sources, and what few sources there are mainly tour-guide-type sites, which are not the mostreliable sources out there. Additionally, sources need titles, publishers and last access dates perWP:CITE/ES.
Done I'll still work on this but the basic points raised have been covered. I plan to work on this daily for at least a week.User F203 (talk)21:16, 3 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Delist The article should definitely not have been promoted in its current state. It fails by far to meet theGA criteria, mostly on completeness and broadness issues -- it's not nearly broad enough. 'Law and government' and 'economy' are mostly just lists, 'personalities' is a single bullet point entry (and I'm not sure what the purpose of the section is, either). 'Sites of interest' is just a bulleted list, 'gymnasia, colleges, and universities' is just a list, and why are gymnasia put in there with schools anyway?
The references section is completely unformatted -- full citation information is needed, not just a URL -- please include author, title, date of publication, publisher, date URL was retrieved. Use the citation templates if this makes it easier.
The lead section is too short. It doesn't provide an accurate summary of the article.
It might help to review both theWP:UKCITIES andWP:USCITY guidelines for input on sections to add. Sorry, there's no generic template for european cities currently, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out that this article is NOT a GA, and has lots of information missing.Dr. Cash (talk)15:41, 6 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
These links are helpful. However, one is geared for the UK. The choices listed are a good start but are not all applicable to Akureyri. For example, climate is not listed but is much more important to the city and why it is different than demographics.User F203 (talk)20:11, 7 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
One problem is that Iceland does not have all the bureaucracy of the US. All this demographic information is tabulated in the US. Making demographic information a requirement hurts non-US cities. Furthermore, the GA criteria does not require demographic information. However, I will look for this and other information.User F203 (talk)14:48, 8 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Delist. I agree with Dr. Cash's observations above. This article needs substantial work to meet the GA criteria and should not have been listed. --MalleusFatuorum17:00, 6 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
DelistReview end of May. For the reasons given above by Dabomb87, Dr Cash and Malleus Fatuorum. It is obvious that there were sections that did not comply withWP:verify and one of these appears to have been flagged up after(?) the review with {fact} flags. This GA Reassessment should not be regarded as a poor reflection on the editor who submitted the article to WP:GAN, it was an incompetant review by the initial reviewer. The article can of course be resubmitted toWP:GANafter it has been brought up to standard. P.S. I have tracked down some refs for the RAF, but I may not have them for a week or so. I will add them to the article when I am able to do so.Pyrotec (talk)06:34, 7 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Allow time for corrections and improvements: I'm not sure what the RAF is, Royal Air Force? Anyway, please allow me time to fix the article because it would be very discouraging if I were punished now. If punished, I don't think I would reapply for GA. (punishment is what it is since it was unexpected that GA was given and very saddish if GA were suddenly yanked.) If given the chance but still can't re-write it well enough, then that's better.User F203 (talk)19:37, 7 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
New plan: I will work on this almost daily until 31 May 2009 at which time I will request that the earlier nomination be withdrawn (after all, I submitted the nomination not knowing quite how to do it so I can withdraw the nomination). This article has few people editing it so I doubt there will be objections.User F203 (talk)19:44, 7 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
There is no need to withdraw the first nomination. The first nomination (WP:GAN) produced a result: the article was awarded GA status. Several editors beleive that the article should not have been given GA-status, at that time. The purpose of theWP:GAR is to decide what the do about the GA-award. There are three possible decisions: withdraw the GA award; await improvements in the article; and, do nothing (in effect confirm that the article should keep its GA-award). That decision isDabomb87's and no conclusion has been reached yet. Yes, RAF = Royal Air Force. In response to your comment above I'm happy to await until the end of May.Pyrotec (talk)12:14, 10 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I think this GA reassessment has gone quite a bit longer than normal. I see that improvements are being made, but much more is needed. I will return in five days to give my final verdict.Dabomb87 (talk)16:27, 8 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
True, and I take the blame for my miscommunication. I should have said that I don't mind waiting more than usual. In my eyes,WP:DEADLINE means that there is no deadline for the article to get better. However, I feel that keeping this article as a GA would provide mixed signals to editors who were looking for examples of GA city articles to take similar articles to GA status. At one end, they would see sourced, well-written and well-developed articles such asChadderton. On the other end, they would see this article, which is by no means "bad", but it certainly isn't at the same level as the first example. I don't want to insult anybody, but I think we can all agree that it took a lot more effort to bring Chadderton to the level than it took to bring Akureyri to what it is (and I hope nobody takes this in a bad way). Some editors may very well bring !their articles up to the level of Akureyri, and claim that since this article "met GA standards", !their article must also meet GA standards. I don't think we want that much inconsistency in our GAs.Dabomb87 (talk)15:09, 11 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Please allow extra time as long as people are editing it. Looking back from 1/1/2009 to present, it's much better. Having a paper re-graded from B (if A=FA) to D (assuming F=deletion) is very discouraging and may cause some editors to give up. Please, please, please! If editors become discouraged, then this article could conceivable sit for months or years with little or no improvement. Please don't be the bomb!User F203 (talk)15:17, 9 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I'm not sure that your logic is correct. It was graded as a B-class article WP Iceland article, it was then put up atWP:GAN and was (mis)graded as GA-class; and time has been given to bring it up to the necessary GA-standard. If it is regarded atWP:GAR as being unsatisfactory as a GA-class article, it goes back to being a B-class WP Iceland article (and a former GA-class article).Pyrotec (talk)19:09, 9 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
If the GA is lost then I will not apply for it because it would look like fighting. If there's no real chance for GA, then the desire to fix it is much less. There isn't a sufficient number of other editors working on this so it could rot. The encouragement to improve by having an open GA reassessment is ok with me. Having the bomb go boom is not fun.User F203 (talk)15:21, 9 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
To be brutally honest (and please don't be too offended), this article never met GA standards, and despite the improvements, it still has a ways to go. I hope you won't take reassessment as a signal to stop woriking the article. If you don't feel comfortable in asking if this is GA status later, you can ask somebody else to give you their opinion. GA can be "taken away", but it can also be returned.Dabomb87 (talk)15:09, 11 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
The primary editor requested that I give him/her until July 5 to fix the article before GA status is reassessed. I have allowed them to do so. This is not me "backing out" or being pushed around at other editors' whims, but of my willingness toassume good faith that the article can be brought to GA standards in the allotted time. I will make no more extensions afterward.Dabomb87 (talk)21:19, 11 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Of course, this is not being pushed around. The only objective of WP is article writing. This extension will help this goal. The article doesn't have heavy traffic and there is no FA star so the time extension hurts nobody. Thank you!User F203 (talk)18:44, 18 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Follow up
"Commerce and service industries grew to be the primary employers in Akureyri as the manufacturing industries started to decline in the 1990s. Jón Sveinsson, a popular author of children's books, was born in Akureyri and died in 1944." Needs a source.
"The town was previously the site of fishing processing. The town is located on the southern part of the island." Source?
The "Crime" section paragraphs should be combined.
"Large churches include the Akureyrarkirkja (The church of Akureyri) and Glerárkirkja: (The church of Glerá)." Needs a source. Also, the paragraphs in the "Cityscape" section could be combined.
DoneThese have been addressed except the last. However, a big final push will be done this weekend as mentioned to Dabomb87. Thank you.User F203 (talk)15:36, 6 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]
(a) it contains a list of all references (sources of information), presented in accordance withthe layout style guideline;
(b)reliable sources arecited inline. All content thatcould reasonably be challenged, except for plot summaries and that which summarizes cited content elsewhere in the article, must be cited no later than the end of the paragraph (or line if the content is not in prose); and
Done (fixed) *Insufficient lead: Much of the information in the body is not summarized in the intro (culture, geography, etc.)
Done (fixed) *Unsourced info and undue weight given to sports clubs, sites of interest, and colleges, which are listed in bulleted form without any elaboration.
Done (fixed) *The " Transport" is stubby and unsourced.
Done (fixed, a substantial number of non-tour sites added, access dates added, format of references standardized even though not a requirement for GA, but probably a requirement for FA)*Not enough sources, and what few sources there are mainly tour-guide-type sites, which are not the mostreliable sources out there. Additionally, sources need titles, publishers and last access dates perWP:CITE/ES.Dabomb87 (talk)16:23, 3 May 2009 (UTC) NOTE: This edit was copied from comments left by Dabomb87 on the article talk page.[reply]
I have decided to close this individual GAR as a "keep" and start a community reassessment. I see that a lot of work has been done to improve this, but I want multiple opinions, as I have several lingering questions. Compared to other GA city articles, this is much smaller. I do understand that this article is about a small Icelandic town, as opposed to a American or English, which will have many more available sources.Dabomb87 (talk)22:35, 11 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]
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Akureyri is at the head of a long fjord which gives it a continental microclimate which would not show on small-scale maps. The Oct. precipitation is 58 mm, the May precipitation is 19.3 mm - 19.3x3=57.9<58...Akureyri is Csc. (talk)17:27, 12 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
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July,August and September, (the main summer months) all has more than 30mm on average. I would say, it simply has an unexplainable dry spring.דולב חולב (talk)16:35, 26 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thesummer in terms of classification is actually the high-Sun half of the year, which is roughly from April to September. It’s not summer in a general aspect.PAper GOL (talk)18:24, 26 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]