Talha was born c.594,[1] A member of theTaym clan of the Quraysh inMecca, Talha was the son of Ubayd Allah ibn Uthman ibn Amr ibn Ka'b ibn Sa'd ibn Taym ibn Murra ibn Ka'b ibn Lu'ay ibn Ghalib and of al-Sa'ba bint Abd Allah, who was from the Hadram tribe. Talha's lineage meets with that of Muhammad atMurra ibn Ka'b.
Among the converts in Mecca, Talha was given a shared responsibility as ahafiz, people who memorized every verse of the Quran, along with Abu Bakr, Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf,Zubayr ibn al-Awwam and Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas.[5] During the persecution of the Muslims in 614–616,Nawfal ibn Khuwaylid tied Talha to Abu Bakr and left them roped together. Nobody from the Taym clan came to help.[1]: 164 Thereafter they were known as "the Two Tied Together".[4]: 127–128, 337 [3]
In September 622, when Talha was returning from a business trip to Syria, he met with the Muslims who had left Mecca and wereemigrating toMedina.[6] Talha gave them some Syrian garments and mentioned that the Muslim community in Medina had said that their prophet was slow to arrive. As Muhammad and Abu Bakr continued to Medina, Talha returned to Mecca to put his affairs in order. Soon afterwards, he accompanied Abu Bakr's family to Medina, where he settled.[1]: 164
At first he lodged withAs'ad ibn Zurara, but later Muhammad gave him a block of land on which he built his own house. He was made the brother in Islam ofSa'id ibn Zayd.[1]: 165 Talha and Sa'id missed fighting at theBattle of Badr because Muhammad sent them as scouts to locateAbu Sufyan's caravan. However, both were awarded shares of the plunder, as if they had been present.[1]: 165
Talha distinguished himself at theBattle of Uhud by keeping close to Muhammad while most of the Muslim army fled. He protected Muhammad's face from an arrow by taking the shot in his own hand, as a result of which his index and middle fingers were cut. He was also hit twice in the head, and it was said that he suffered a total of 39[7] or 75[1]: 165–166 wounds. Toward the end of the battle, Talha fainted from his heavy injuries,[8] Abu Bakar soon reached their location to check Muhammad condition first, who immediately instructing Abu Bakar to check the condition of Talha, who already passed out due to his severe bloodloss.[9] and his hand was left paralysed.[7] For this heroic defence of Muhammad, Talha earned the byname "the living martyr".[10][7] Talha is said to be the anonymous believer counted as a "martyr" inQuran33:23(Translated by Shakir).[11] Abu Bakr also called the battle of Uhud "the day of Talha".[7]
In the third week of July 632, Medina faced an imminent invasion by theapostate forces ofTulayha, a self-proclaimed prophet. Abu Bakr scraped together an army mainly from theHashim clan (the clan of Muhammad), appointing Talha,Ali ibn Abi Talib and Zubayr each as commanders of one-third of the newly organised force.[citation needed]
For the rest of his life, Talha servedMajlis-ash-Shura as a council member of the Rashidun caliphate.[10]
In 635 to 636, caliphUmar assembled his council, including Zubayr, Ali and Talha, about the battle plan to face the Persian army ofRostam Farrokhzad in Qadisiyyah.[14] At first the caliph himself led the forces from Arabia to Iraq,[14] but the council urges Umar not to lead the army in person and instead appoint someone else, as his presence was needed more urgently in the capital.[14] Umar agreed and asked the council to suggest a commander. The council agreed to sendSa'd ibn Abi Waqqas; Sa'd served as the overall commander on Persian conquest and won theBattle of al-Qadisiyyah.[14]
Later, the caliph heard that Sassanid forces from Mah,Qom,Hamadan,Ray,Isfahan,Azerbaijan, andNahavand had gathered in Nahavand to counter the Arab invasion.[15] Caliph Umar responded by assembling a war council consisting of Zubayr, Ali, Uthman ibn Affan, Talha, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas, Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf, andAbbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib to discuss the strategy to face the Sassanids in Nahavand.[16] The caliph want to lead the army himself, but Ali urged the caliph to instead delegate the battlefield commands to the field commanders, prompting the caliph decides instead delegate the reinforcement commands to Zubayr, Tulayha,Amr ibn Ma'adi Yakrib,Abdullah ibn Amr,Al-Ash'ath ibn Qays and others under the command ofAl-Nu'man ibn Muqrin to go to Nahavand,[17] to face the army of theSasanian Empire in thebattle of Nahavand.[18]
Talha was killed at theBattle of the Camel on 10 December 656. Several conflicting narratives have been provided to explain how it happened. According to one account, during the battle,Marwan ibn al-Hakam, who was fighting on the same side as Aisha, shot Talha in the thigh.[19] Another account attributes Talha's death to being killed by Ali's supporters while retreating from the field.[20] Talha hugged his horse and galloped off the battlefield. He lay down using a stone as a pillow, while the auxiliaries tried to staunch the blood flow. Whenever they stopped pressing, the bleeding resumed. In the end, Talha said, "Stop it. This is an arrow sent byGod." He died of this injury, aged 64.[1]: 170–171
Talha was described as a dark-skinned man with a great deal of wavy hair, a handsome face and a narrow nose. He liked to wear saffron-dyed clothes and musk. He walked swiftly and, when nervous, he would toy with his ring, which was of gold and set with a ruby.[1]: 167–168
Talha was a successful cloth-merchant who eventually left an estate estimated at 30 milliondirhams.[1]: 153, 169–1670 According to modern writer Asad Ahmed, Talha possessed wealth that second only to that of Uthman ibn Affan.[10] A report fromMunzir ibn Sawa Al-Tamimi states that Talha had one property in Iraq that yielded four to five hundreddinar in gold.[10] His enterprises included the initiation ofal-Qumh (wheat) agricultural work among his community.[10] Talha was said to have accumulated his lucrative properties and wealth by exchanging those that he acquired from thebattle of Khaybar for the properties in Iraq that were possessed by Arab Hejazi settlers there and from the transaction of several land properties inHadhramaut with Uthman.[10] Talha is also said to have drawn profits from his lifetime of trade in Syria and Yemen.[10]
Talha ibn 'Ubayd Allah is buried inBasra,Iraq in a mausoleum which is currently under construction as of 2018. The mausoleum was formerly part of a 1973 mosque complex that was destroyed by explosives in a revenge attack byShi'ite militias for the2006 al-Askari mosque bombing.
^abMarmaduke Pickthall; Muhammad Asad (1979).Islamic Culture Volume 53 (zation, Islamic -- Periodicals, Civilization, Mohammedan, Islam -- Periodicals, Islamic civilization -- Periodicals, Islamic countries -- Civilization, Islamic countries -- Civilization -- Periodicals, Mohammedanism -- Periodical). Hydebarad, India: Islamic Culture Boards; Academic and Cultural Publications Charitable Trust. p. 152. Retrieved13 March 2022.
^abMuhammad ibn Ishaq.Sirat Rasul Allah. Translated by Guillaume, A. (1955).The Life of Muhammad. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
^Abdullah et al. 2016, p. 43. quoting al-Azami, 2005; Ahmad Don, 1991; al-Zarqani, t.th.
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