Tagliolini (Italian:[taʎʎoˈliːni]) ortaglioni is a type of ribbonpasta, long likespaghetti, roughly 2–3 mm (3⁄32–1⁄8 in) wide, cut from a sheet of dough similar totagliatelle, but thin likecapellini. It is a traditional recipe in theMolise andPiedmont regions ofItaly. In Piedmont it is calledtajarin[1] and made ofeggdough (pasta all'uovo). The dough also containssemolina,flour andsalt.[2][3] It is typically served withbutter andtruffles (tajarin ai tartufi)[4] orsugo d'arrosto, asauce made from the drippings of roastmeat.[5]Tagliolini have a short cooking time, especially when made from fresh dough, and work best with light sauces,fish,delicacies orsoups.
The wordtagliolini is a diminutive oftagliare, which means 'to cut'.[6]