Taekwondo (/ˌtaɪkwɒnˈdoʊ,ˌtaɪˈkwɒndoʊ,ˌtɛkwənˈdoʊ/;Korean: 태권도;[t̪ʰɛ.k͈wʌ̹n.d̪o]ⓘ) is aKorean martial art andcombat sport involving primarily kicking techniques and punching.[5][6][7] "Taekwondo" can be translated astae ("strike with foot"),kwon ("strike with hand"), anddo ("the art or way"). In addition to its five tenets of courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit, the sport requires three physical skills:poomsae (품새, Form),kyorugi (겨루기, Sparring) andgyeokpa (격파, Breaking Technique).
Poomsae are patterns that demonstrate a range of kicking, punching and blocking techniques, kyorugi involves the kind of sparring seen in the Olympics, and gyeokpa is the art of breaking wooden boards. Taekwondo also sometimes involves the use of weapons such as swords and nunchucks (nunchaku). Taekwondo practitioners wear a uniform known as adobok.
The oldest governing body for taekwondo is theKorea Taekwondo Association (KTA), formed in 1959 through a collaborative effort by representatives from the nine originalkwans, or martial arts schools, in Korea. The main international organizational bodies for taekwondo today are various branches of theInternational Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), originally founded byChoi Hong-hi in 1966, and the partnership of theKukkiwon andWorld Taekwondo (WT, formerly World Taekwondo Federation or WTF), founded in 1972 and 1973 respectively by theKorea Taekwondo Association.[9] Gyeorugi ([kjʌɾuɡi]), a type of full-contactsparring, has been anOlympic event since 2000. In 2018, the South Korean government officially designated taekwondo as Korea's national martial art.[10] At theOlympic andParalympic level, taekwondo is governed byWorld Taekwondo.[11]
Early progenitors of taekwondo—the founders of the nine originalkwans—who were able to study in Japan were exposed toJapanese martial arts, including karate,judo, andkendo,[4] while others were exposed to the martial arts of China and Manchuria.[8][13][14]
Discussions around the historical influences of taekwondo have been controversial, with two main schools of thought: traditionalism and revisionism. Traditionalism holds that the origins of taekwondo are indigenous while revisionism, the prevailing theory, argues that taekwondo is rooted in karate.[2] In later years, the Korean government has been a significant supporter of traditionalist views as to divorce taekwondo from its link to Japan and give Korea a "legitimate cultural past".[15]
In 1952, South Korean presidentSyngman Rhee witnessed a martial arts demonstration bySouth Korean Army officersChoi Hong-hi andNam Tae-hi from the 29th Infantry Division. He misrecognized the technique on display astaekkyon,[16][page needed][17][18] and urged martial arts to be introduced to the army under a single system. Beginning in 1955 the leaders of thekwans began discussing in earnest the possibility of creating a unified Korean martial art. Until then, "Tang Soo Do" was the term used for Korean karate, using the Koreanhanja pronunciation of the Japanesekanji唐手道. The name "Tae Soo Do" (跆手道) was also used to describe a unified style Korean martial arts. This name consists of thehanja跆tae "to stomp, trample",手su "hand" and道do "way, discipline".[citation needed]
Choi Hong-hi advocated the use of the name "Tae Kwon Do", replacingsu "hand" with拳kwon (Revised Romanization:gwon;McCune–Reischauer:kwŏn) "fist", the term also used for "martial arts" inChinese (pinyinquán).[19] The name was also the closest to the pronunciation of "taekkyon",[20][16][page needed][21] The new name was initially slow to catch on among the leaders of thekwans. During this time taekwondo was also adopted for use by the South Korean military, which increased its popularity among civilian martial arts schools.[9][page needed][16][page needed]
In 1959, the Korea Tang Soo Do Association (laterKorea Taekwondo Association or KTA) was established to facilitate the unification of Korean martial arts. Choi wanted all the other memberkwans of the KTA to adopt his own Chan Hon-style of taekwondo, as a unified style. This was, however, met with resistance as the otherkwans instead wanted a unified style to be created based on inputs from all thekwans, to serve as a way to bring on the heritage and characteristics of all of the styles, not just the style of a singlekwan.[9][page needed] As a response to this, along with political disagreements about teaching taekwondo in North Korea and unifying the whole Korean Peninsula, Choi broke with the (South Korea) KTA in 1966, in order to establish theInternational Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF)— a separate governing body devoted to institutionalizing his Chan Hon-style of taekwondo in Canada.[9][page needed][16]
Initially, the South Korean president gave Choi's ITF limited support, due to their personal relationship.[9][page needed] However, Choi and the government later split on the issue of whether to accept North Korean influence on the martial art. In 1972, South Korea withdrew its support for the ITF. The ITF continued to function as an independent federation, then headquartered inToronto, Canada. Choi continued to develop the ITF-style, notably with the 1983 publication of hisEncyclopedia of Taekwon-Do. After his retirement, the ITF split in 2001 and then again in 2002 to create three separate ITF federations, each of which continues to operate today under the same name.[9][page needed]
In 1972, the KTA and the South Korean government'sMinistry of Culture, Sports and Tourism established theKukkiwon as the new national academy for taekwondo. Kukkiwon now serves many of the functions previously served by the KTA, in terms of defining a government-sponsored unified style of taekwondo. In 1973 the KTA and Kukkiwon supported the establishment of theWorld Taekwondo Federation (WTF), which later changed its name to "World Taekwondo" (WT) in 2017 due to the previous initialism overlapping withan internet slang term.[22] While the Kukkiwon focus on the martial art and self-defence aspects of Kukki-Taekwondo, the WT promoted the sportive side, and its competitions employ a subset of the techniques present in the Kukkiwon-style taekwondo.[9][page needed][23] For this reason, Kukkiwon-style Taekwondo is often referred to as WT-style Taekwondo, sport-style Taekwondo, or Olympic-style Taekwondo, though in reality the style is defined by the Kukkiwon, not the WT.[citation needed]
Since 2000, taekwondo has been one of three Asian martial arts (the others beingjudo and karate), and one of six total (the others being the previously mentioned, Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling, and boxing) included in theOlympic Games. It started as a demonstration event at the 1988 games in Seoul, a year after becoming a medal event at thePan Am Games, and became an official medal event at the2000 Summer Olympics. In 2010, taekwondo was accepted as aCommonwealth Games sport.[24]
Taekwondo is characterized by its emphasis on head-height kicks, jumping and spinning kicks, and fast kicking techniques. In fact, WT sparring competitions award additional points for strikes that incorporate spinning kicks, kicks to the head, or both.[25]
While organisations such as ITF or Kukkiwon define the general style of taekwondo, individual clubs and schools tend to tailor their taekwondo practices. Although each taekwondo club or school is different, a student typically takes part in most or all of the following:[26]
Forms (품새;pumsae orpoomsae, also형;型;hyeong;hyung, and틀;teul;tul): these serve the same function askata in the study of karate
Sparring (겨루기;gyeorugi or맞서기;matseogi): sparring includes variations such as freestyle sparring (in which competitors spar without interruption for several minutes); seven-, three-, two-, and one-step sparring (in which students practice pre-arranged sparring combinations); and point sparring (in which sparring is interrupted and then resumed after each point is scored)
Breaking (격파;擊破;gyeokpa orweerok): the breaking of boards is used for testing, training, and martial arts demonstrations. Demonstrations often also incorporate bricks, tiles, and blocks of ice or other materials. These techniques can be separated into three types:
Power breaking – using straightforward techniques to break as many boards as possible
Speed breaking – boards are held loosely by one edge, putting special focus on the speed required to perform the break
Special techniques – breaking fewer boards but by using jumping orflying techniques to attain greater height, distance, or to clear obstacles
Though weapons training is not a formal part of most taekwondo federation curriculum, individual schools will often incorporate additional training with weapons such asstaffs, knives, and sticks.
There are a number of major taekwondo styles as well as a few niche styles. Most styles are associated with a governing body or federation that defines the style.[27] The major technical differences among taekwondo styles and organizations generally revolve around:
Thepatterns practiced by each style (called형;hyeong,pumsae품새, ortul틀, depending on the style); these are sets of prescribed formal sequences of movements that demonstrate mastery of posture, positioning, and technique
Differences in the sparring rules for competition.
"Traditional Taekwondo" refers to the 1940s and 1950s martial arts by the nine originalkwans. They used a number of different names such as Tang Soo Do (Chinese Hand Way),[b] Kong Soo Do (Empty Hand Way)[c] and Tae Soo Do (Foot Hand Way).[d] Traditional Taekwondo is still practised today but generally under names likeTang Soo Do andSoo Bahk Do.[9][16] In 1959, the nametaekwondo was agreed upon by the nine originalkwans as a common term for their martial arts. As part of the unification process, The Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA) was formed through a collaborative effort by representatives from all thekwans, and the work began on a common curriculum, which eventually resulted in the Kukkiwon and the Kukki Style of Taekwondo. The originalkwans that formed KTA continues to exist today, but as independent fraternal membership organizations that support theWorld Taekwondo and Kukkiwon. Thekwans also function as a channel for the issuing of Kukkiwon dan and poom certification (black belt ranks) for their members. The official curriculum of thosekwans that joined the unification is that of the Kukkiwon, with the notable exception of half the Oh Do Kwan which joined the ITF instead and therefore uses the Chan Hon curriculum.[citation needed]
In 1990, theGlobal Taekwondo Federation (GTF) split from the ITF due to the political controversies surrounding the ITF; the GTF continues to practice ITF-style Taekwondo, however, with additional elements incorporated into the style. Likewise, the ITF itself split in 2001 and again in 2002 into three separate federations, headquartered in Austria, the United Kingdom, and Spain respectively.[29][30][31]
The GTF and all three ITFs practice Choi's ITF-style Taekwondo. In ITF-style Taekwondo, the word used for "forms" istul; the specific set of tul used by the ITF is calledChang Hon. Choi defined 24Chang Hon tul. The names and symbolism of the Chang Hon tul refer to elements ofKorean history, culture and religious philosophy. The GTF-variant of ITF practices an additional six tul.[citation needed]
Within the ITF taekwondo tradition there are two sub-styles:
The style of taekwondo practised by the ITF before its 1973 split with the KTA is sometimes called by ITF practitioners "Traditional Taekwondo", though a more accurate term would beTraditional ITF Taekwondo.
After the 1973 split, Choi Hong-hi continued to develop and refine the style, ultimately publishing his work in his 1983Encyclopedia of Taekwondo. Among the refinements incorporated into this new sub-style is the "sine wave"; one of Choi Hong-hi's later principles of taekwondo is that the body's centre of gravity should be raised-and-lowered throughout a movement.
Some ITF schools adopt the sine wave style, while others do not. Essentially all ITF schools do, however, use the patterns (tul) defined in the Encyclopedia, with some exceptions related to the formsJuche andKo-Dang.[citation needed]
In 1969,Haeng Ung Lee, a former Taekwondo instructor in the South Korean military, relocated to Omaha, Nebraska and established a chain of martial arts schools in the United States under the banner of theAmerican Taekwondo Association (ATA). Like Jhoon Rhee Taekwondo, ATA Taekwondo has its roots in traditional taekwondo. The style of Taekwondo practised by the ATA is calledSongahm Taekwondo. The ATA went on to become one of the largest chains of Taekwondo schools in the United States.[32]
In 1962Jhoon Rhee, upon graduating from college in Texas, relocated to and established a chain of martial arts schools in theWashington, D.C. area that practiced Traditional Taekwondo.[e] In the 1970s, at the urging ofChoi Hong-hi, Rhee adopted ITF-style Taekwondo within his chain of schools, but like the GTF later departed from the ITF due to the political controversies surrounding Choi and the ITF. Rhee went on to develop his own style of taekwondo called Jhoon Rhee-style Taekwondo, incorporating elements of both traditional and ITF-style Taekwondo as well as original elements.[33]
Relative popularity of Kukkiwon-style Taekwondo around the world
In 1972 theKorea Taekwondo Association (KTA) Central Dojang opened in Seoul; in 1973 the name was changed toKukkiwon. Under the sponsorship of the South Korean government'sMinistry of Culture, Sports and Tourism the Kukkiwon became the new national academy for Taekwondo, thereby establishing a new "unified" style of Taekwondo.[23] In 1973 the KTA established theWorld Taekwondo Federation (WTF, now calledWorld Taekwondo, WT) to promote the sportive side of Kukki-Taekwondo. TheInternational Olympic Committee recognized the WT and Taekwondo sparring in 1980. For this reason, the Kukkiwon-defined style of Taekwondo is sometimes referred to asSport-style Taekwondo,Olympic-style Taekwondo, orWT-style Taekwondo, but the style itself is defined by the Kukkiwon, not by the WT, and the WT competition ruleset itself only allows the use of a very small number of the total number of techniques included in the style.[34]
Extreme Taekwondo is a hybrid style created in 2008, by Taekwondo practitioner Shin-Min Cheol, who also founded Mirme Korea in 2012, a production company that helped spreading his style. His company is based on promoting TKD tournaments, in a style which mixed other martial arts like Karate and Capoeira.[35]
Hup Kwon Do is a hybrid style of Taekwondo created by a Malayan martial artist called Grandmaster Lee in 1989. He opened his first school in Penang, and originally developed this system as a self-defense technique, mixing Taekwondo with a multitude of other martial arts, such as Kendo, Bokken, Wado Shimpo, Kickboxing and Karate. It is mainly governed by the World Hupkwondo Council (WHC).[36][37]
Han Moo Doo is a hybrid martial art created by Korean practitioner Yoon Sung Hwang in 1989, in Kauhava, Finland.Like other variations of Taekwondo, it first started out as a method of self-defense before spreading across Northern countries such as Sweden, Norway and Denmark. It combines Taekwondo with other Korean martial arts like Hapkido and Hoi Jeon Moo Sool.It mixes striking and grappling techniques, and some schools also incorporate weapons training into it.[38][39]
Han Mu Do is a martial art developed by Korean practitioner Dr. Young Kimm, who founded the World Hanmudo Association to assure the preservation of his style.Its ideals are mostly based on the Han philosophy, mainly about the mind balance of the practitioner.Young Kimm studied Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do, Kuk Sul, Hapkido, Korean Judo and Kum Do, mixing all of their techniques together to create his own style.[40][41]
Teukgong Moosool is a combat system developed in South Korea by the special forces units that is projected to stop the opponent as quickly as possible, although it was also used in sports competition.It is a hybrid style that mixes Taekwondo, Judo, Hapkido, Sanda (and other Chinese wushu styles) and Korean Kickboxing and it follows the Yin-Yang and five elements philosophy.Its origins date back to the 1960s–70s, but it was only introduced in special forces training in 1979.[42][43]
Hoshin Moosool is a martial art and combat system founded by Taekwondo GrandmasterLee Kwan-Young. Its techniques and method are inspired from Master Lee's experience as a close combat instructor during the Vietnam war, instructor for the French Police Elite Unit (RAID) and time as a member of the Korean and French intelligence service.[citation needed]
A Taekwondo practitioner typically wears adobok (도복;道服) uniform with a belt tied around the waist.
When sparring, padded equipment is usually worn. In the ITF tradition, typically only the hands and feet are padded. In the Kukkiwon/WT tradition, full-contact sparring is facilitated by the employment of more extensive equipment: padded helmets calledhomyun are always worn, as are padded torso protectors calledhogu; feet, shins, groins, hands, and forearms protectors are also worn.[44]
The school or place where instruction is given is called adojang (도장;道場).
Taekwondo ranks vary from style to style and are not standardized. For junior ranks, ranks are indicated by a number and the term (급;級;geup,gup, orkup), which represents belt color. A belt color may have a stripe in it. Ranks typically count down from higher numbers to lower ones. For senior ranks ("black belt" ranks), each rank is called adan단 (段) or "degree" and counts upwards.[45]
Students must pass tests to advance ranks, and promotions happen at a progressive rate depending on the school.[citation needed]
Titles can also come with ranks. For example, in theInternational Taekwon-Do Federation, instructors holding 1st to 3rddan are calledboosabum (부사범;副師範; "assistant instructor"), those holding 4th to 6thdan are calledsabum (사범;師範; "instructor"), those holding 7th to 8thdan are calledsahyun (사현;師賢; "master"), and those holding 9thdan are calledsaseong (사성;師聖; "grandmaster").[46]
In WT/Kukki-Taekwondo, instructors holding 1st. to 3rd.dan are considered assistant instructors (kyosa-nim), are not yet allowed to issue ranks, and are generally thought of as still having much to learn. Instructors who hold a 4th. to 6th.dan are considered master instructors (sabum-nim), and are allowed to grade students to ranks beneath their own.Rules of Taekwondo Promotion Test, Kukkiwon Those who hold a 7th–9thdan are considered Grandmasters. Kukkiwon-issued ranks also hold an age requirement, with grandmaster ranks requiring an age of over forty.[47]
Different styles of Taekwondo adopt different philosophical underpinnings. Many of these underpinnings however refer back to the Five Commandments of theHwarang as a historical referent. For example, Choi Hong-hi expressed his philosophical basis for taekwondo as theFive Tenets of Taekwondo:[48]
Courtesy (예의;禮儀;yeui)
Integrity (염치;廉恥;yeomchi)
Perseverance (인내;忍耐;innae)
Self-control (극기;克己;geukgi)
Indomitable spirit (백절불굴;百折不屈;baekjeolbulgul)
These tenets are further articulated in a taekwondo oath, also authored by Choi:
I shall observe the tenets of taekwondo
I shall respect the instructor and seniors
I shall never misuse taekwondo
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice
I shall build a more peaceful world
Modern ITF organizations have continued to update and expand upon this philosophy.[49][50]
The World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) also refers to the commandments of the Hwarang in the articulation of its taekwondo philosophy.[51] Like the ITF philosophy, it centers on the development of a peaceful society as one of the overarching goals for the practice of taekwondo. The WT's stated philosophy is that this goal can be furthered by adoption of the Hwarang spirit, by behaving rationally ("education in accordance with the reason of heaven"), and by recognition of the philosophies embodied in thetaegeuk (the yin and the yang, i.e., "the unity of opposites") and thesam taegeuk (understanding change in the world as the interactions of the heavens, the Earth, and Man). The philosophical position articulated by the Kukkiwon is likewise based on the Hwarang tradition.[52]
The emphasis on speed and agility is a defining characteristic of taekwondo and has its origins in analyses undertaken byChoi Hong-hi. The results of that analysis are known by ITF practitioners as Choi'sTheory of Power. Choi based his understanding of power onbiomechanics andNewtonian physics as well as Chinese martial arts. For example, Choi observed that the kinetic energy of a strike increases quadratically with the speed of the strike, but increases only linearly with the mass of the striking object. In other words, speed is more important than size in terms of generating power. This principle was incorporated into the early design of taekwondo and is still used.[16][28]
Choi also advocated a "relax/strike" principle for taekwondo; in other words, between blocks, kicks, and strikes the practitioner should relax the body, then tense the muscles only while performing the technique. It is believed that the relax/strike principle increases the power of the technique, by conserving the body's energy. He expanded on this principle with his advocacy of the "sine wave" technique. This involves raising one's centre of gravity between techniques, then lowering it as the technique is performed, producing the up-and-down movement from which the term "sine wave" is derived.[28]
The components of the Theory of Power include:[53]
Reaction Force: the principle that as the striking limb is brought forward, other parts of the body should be brought backwards in order to provide more power to the striking limb. As an example, if the right leg is brought forward in aroundhouse kick, the right arm is brought backwards to provide the reaction force.
Concentration: the principle of bringing as many muscles as possible to bear on a strike, concentrating the area of impact into as small an area as possible.
Equilibrium: maintaining a correct centre-of-balance throughout a technique.
Breath Control: the idea that during a strike one should exhale, with the exhalation concluding at the moment of impact.
Mass: the principle of bringing as much of the body to bear on a strike as possible; again using the turning kick as an example, the idea would be to rotate the hip as well as the leg during the kick in order to take advantage of the hip's additional mass in terms of providing power to the kick.
Speed: as previously noted, the speed of execution of a technique in taekwondo is deemed to be even more important than mass in terms of providing power.
Taekwondo competitions typically involvesparring,breaking, andpatterns; some tournaments also include special events such as demonstration teams and self-defense (hosinsul). In Olympic taekwondo competitions, however, only sparring (using WT competition rules) is performed.[54]
There are two kinds of competition sparring: point sparring, in which all strikes are light contact and the clock is stopped when a point is scored; and Olympic sparring, where all strikes are full contact and the clock continues when points are scored.[citation needed]
Official WT trunk protector (hogu), forearm guards and shin guards
Under World Taekwondo (WT, formerly WTF) and Olympic rules, sparring is a full-contact event, employing a continuous scoring system where the fighters are allowed to continue after scoring each technique, taking place between two competitors in either an area measuring 8 meters square or an octagon of similar size.[55] Competitors are matched within gender and weight division—eight divisions for World Championships that are condensed to four for the Olympics. A win can occur by points, or if one competitor is unable to continue (knockout). However, there are several decisions that can lead to a win, as well, including superiority, withdrawal, disqualification, or even a referee's punitive declaration.[56] Each match consists of three two-minute rounds, with one minute rest between rounds, though these are often abbreviated or shortened for some junior and regional tournaments.[55] Competitors must wear ahogu, head protector, shin pads, foot socks, forearm guards, hand gloves, a mouthpiece, and a groin cup. Tournaments sanctioned by national governing bodies or the WT, including the Olympics and World Championship, use electronichogus, electronic foot socks, and electronic head protectors to register and determine scoring techniques, with human judges used to assess and score technical (spinning) techniques and score punches.[55]
Points are awarded for permitted techniques delivered to the legal scoring areas as determined by an electronic scoring system, which assesses the strength and location of the contact. The only techniques allowed are kicks (delivering a strike using an area of the foot below the ankle), punches (delivering a strike using the closed fist), and pushes. In some smaller tournaments, and in the past, points were awarded by three corner judges using electronic scoring tallies. All major national and international tournaments have moved fully (as of 2017) to electronic scoring, including the use of electronic headgear. This limits corner judges to scoring only technical points and punches. Some believe that the new electronic scoring system reduces controversy concerning judging decisions,[57] but this technology is still not universally accepted.[58] In particular, the move to electronic headgear has replaced controversy over judging with controversy over how the technology has changed the sport. Because the headgear is not able to determine if a kick was a correct taekwondo technique, and the pressure threshold for sensor activation for headgear is kept low for safety reasons, athletes who improvised ways of placing their foot on their opponents head were able to score points, regardless of how true to taekwondo those techniques were.[59]
Techniques are divided into three categories: scoring techniques (such as a kick to thehogu), permitted but non-scoring techniques (such as a kick that strikes an arm), and not-permitted techniques (such as a kick below the waist).
A punch that makes strong contact with the opponent'shogu scores 1 point. The punch must be a straight punch with arm extended; jabs, hooks, uppercuts, etc. are permitted but do not score. Punches to the head are not allowed.
A regular kick (no turning or spinning) to thehogu scores 2 points.
A regular kick (no turning or spinning) to the head scores 3 points
A technical kick (a kick that involves turning or spinning) to thehogu scores 4 points.
A technical kick to the head scores 5 points.
As of October 2010, 4 points were awarded if a turning kick was used to execute this attack. As of June 2018, this was changed to 5 points.[60]
The referee can give penalties at any time for rule-breaking, such as hitting an area not recognized as a target, usually the legs or neck. Penalties, called "Gam-jeom" are counted as an addition of one point for the opposing contestant. Following 10 "Gam-jeom" a player is declared the loser by referee's punitive declaration[55]
At the end of three rounds, the competitor with most points wins the match. In the event of a tie, a fourth "sudden death" overtime round, sometimes called a "Golden Point", is held to determine the winner after a one-minute rest period. In this round, the first competitor to score a point wins the match. If there is no score in the additional round, the winner is decided by superiority, as determined by the refereeing officials[60] or number of fouls committed during that round. If a competitor has a 20-point lead at the end of the second round or achieves a 20-point lead at any point in the third round, then the match is over and that competitor is declared the winner.[55]
In addition to sparring competition, World Taekwondo sanctions competition inpoomsae or forms, although this is not an Olympic event. Single competitors perform a designated pattern of movements, and are assessed by judges for accuracy (accuracy of movements, balance, precision of details) and presentation (speed and power, rhythm, energy), both of which receive numerical scores, with deductions made for errors.[61] Pair and team competition is also recognized, where two or more competitors perform the same form at the same time. In addition to competition with the traditional forms, there is experimentation with freestyle forms that allow more creativity.[61]
The competition is not full contact, and excessive contact is not allowed.
Competitors are penalized with disqualification if they injure their opponent and he can no longer continue (knockout).
The scoring system is:
1 point for Punch to the body or head.
2 points for Jumping kick to the body or kick to the head, or a jumping punch to the head
3 points for Jumping kick to the head
The competition area is 9×9 meters for international events.
Competitors do not wear thehogu (although they are required to wear approved foot and hand protection equipment, as well as optional head guards). This scoring system varies between individual organisations within the ITF; for example, in the TAGB, punches to the head or body score 1 point, kicks to the body score 2 points, and kicks to the head score 3 points.
A continuous point system is utilized in ITF competition, where the fighters are allowed to continue after scoring a technique. Excessive contact is generally not allowed according to the official ruleset, and judges penalize any competitor with disqualification if they injure their opponent and he can no longer continue (although these rules vary between ITF organizations). At the end of two minutes (or some other specified time), the competitor with more scoring techniques wins.
Fouls in ITF sparring include: attacking a fallen opponent, leg sweeping, holding/grabbing, or intentional attack to a target other than the opponent.[63]
ITF competitions also feature performances of patterns,breaking, and 'special techniques' (where competitors perform prescribed board breaks at great heights).
Some organizations deliver multi-discipline competitions, for example theBritish Student Taekwondo Federation's inter-university competitions, which have included separate WT rules sparring, ITF rules sparring, Kukkiwon patterns and Chang-Hon patterns events run in parallel since 1992.[64]
Some common taekwondo terminology and parts of the body
In taekwondo schools—even outside Korea—Korean language commands and vocabulary are often used.Korean numerals may be used as prompts for commands or for counting repetition exercises. Different schools and associations will use different vocabulary, however, and may even refer to entirely different techniques by the same name. As one example, in Kukkiwon/WT-style Taekwondo, the termap seogi refers to an upright walking stance, while in ITF/Chang Hon-style Taekwondoap seogi refers to a long, low, front stance. Korean vocabulary commonly used in taekwondo schools includes:
^abPark, S. W. (1993): About the author. In H. H. Choi:Taekwon-Do: The Korean art of self-defence, 3rd ed. (Vol. 1, pp. 241–274). Mississauga: International Taekwon-Do Federation
^Cook, Doug (2006). "Chapter 3: The Formative Years of Taekwondo".Traditional Taekwondo: Core Techniques, History and Philosophy. Boston: YMAA Publication Center. p. 19.ISBN978-1-59439-066-1.
^Lo, David."Taekwon-do: A Broken Family?"(PDF). Thesis prepared for 4th dan granting requirements.Archived(PDF) from the original on December 1, 2017.The President was amazed and asked General Choi what the new martial art is called. President Rhee was a nationalist, hated the Japanese and would not approve the soldiers practicing Japanese martial arts such as Tang Soo Do or Korean Karate. Someone said to the President that it was Tang Soo Do. 'No, it's T'aekkyon' the President countered. The president later instructed General Choi to teach the T'aekkyon martial art to more Korean soldiers.
^Jeong, Hee Seong.; Lee, Sae Yong; Noh, Hyung Jun; O'Sullivan, David Michael; Lee, Young Rim (2021). "Investigating the influence of Taekwondo body protectors size on shock absorption".Technology and Health Care.29 (4):667–675.doi:10.3233/THC-202598.