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Stuyvesant Cove Park

Coordinates:40°43′59.5″N73°58′26.5″W / 40.733194°N 73.974028°W /40.733194; -73.974028
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Public park in Manhattan, New York

Stuyvesant Cove Park
Stuyvesant Cove Park in 2023
LocationManhattan, New York
Coordinates40°43′59.5″N73°58′26.5″W / 40.733194°N 73.974028°W /40.733194; -73.974028
Area1.9 acres (0.77 ha)
Opened2002 (2002)
Etymologynamed afterPeter Stuyvesant
Owned byNew York City Department of Small Business Services[1]
Managed bySolar One (on behalf ofNew York City Economic Development Corporation[1][2][3]

Stuyvesant Cove Park is a 1.9-acre (7,700 m2) public park on the East Side of theNew York Cityborough ofManhattan that runs from 18th Street to23rd Street between theFDR Drive and theEast River. Part of theEast River Greenway, it is located to the south of theWaterside Plaza apartment complex, to the east ofStuyvesant Town–Peter Cooper Village, and to the north of theEast River Park, and connects to theCaptain Patrick J. Brown Walk on the south end.[2] Stuyvesant Cove is served by theNYC Ferry Soundview route.[4]



Planning and construction


Located on the what was once thebrownfield site of a formerready-mix concrete plant and a parking lot, the park was created after the failure of the proposedRiverwalk mixed-use development that would have included residential units, offices, a hotel and a marina.[5] Surplus concrete dumped from trucks into the East River has created a small beach in the middle of the park near the end of 20th Street, which is not intended to be accessed by pedestrians.[6][7][8]

After the Riverwalk proposal was withdrawn,Manhattan Community Board 6 commissioned the landscape architecture firm of Heintz/Ruddick Associates to prepare an open space study for the site. The "Stuyvesant Cove Open Space Study" was completed in June 1993 in collaboration with Karahan/Schwarting Architecture Company and included plans for a waterfront park with a pedestrian esplanade, bike path, beach, boathouse for kayaks, dock with barges for sunbathing, 5,000-square-foot (460 m2) environmental & education center, and restaurant and deck to be built above the parking garage at the adjacentSkyport Marina.[9][10][11][12] The results of the open space study were incorporated into a 197-a plan submitted by Manhattan Community Board 6 in 1995, which was modified by theCity Planning Commission and adopted by theCity Council in 1997.[13]

Advocates for a new waterfront park from Citizens United Against Riverwalk (CUAR), a neighborhood group that had opposed the Riverwalk mixed-use development proposal, formed a new group called the Stuyvesant Cove Park Association, which obtained federal, state, and city funding to finance the construction of the new park.[14][15] The park, which was completed in 2002, cost $8.3 million and was designed by Donna Walcavage Landscape Architecture.[16][17] Roadways in the surrounding area were reconfigured to maximize the size of the park, which included shifting the northbound service road of the FDR Drive from the east side to the west side of the elevated viaduct, convertingAvenue C into a two-wayboulevard between 18th Street and 23rd Street.[5][14][18] The changes to the surrounding roadway network also extended northwards towards 25th Street where a new point of egress was added from Waterside Plaza to allow vehicles exiting the apartment complex to travel south and then under the FDR Drive viaduct to get to 23rd Street. Before the park was constructed all traffic exiting Waterside Plaza had to travel northbound to34th Street.[18]

Opening and early years

A dance company rehearses on the outdoor stage at Solar 1 in 2010

Solar 1, an environmental learning center with a small outdoor stage for public performances, opened at the north end of the park in 2003. The facility was a 500-square-foot (46 m2) solar powered pavilion that was intended to be replaced by a larger building in the future.[19]Community Environmental Center (CEC) agreed to maintain the new park for theNew York City Economic Development Corporation in exchange for the use of city land for the environmental education center.[19][20] CEC established "CEC Stuyvesant Cove, Inc." as a separate non-profit entity in 2004, which began using the name "Solar One" the following year.[21]

Since its opening, Stuyvesant Cove Park has been planted with a variety of native plant species.[22] In 2018, park manager Emily Curtis-Murphy embarked on a program to showcase plant species originally native to Manhattan and Long Island in a manner that positions the park as an outdoor classroom for students attending local schools.

The park's walkway in 2011, prior to reconstruction for the floodwall

The western edge of the park contains a two-way bike path that runs alongside the FDR Drive viaduct.[23] The eastern side of the park was designed to include a curved walkway of varying width that alternates between sections located adjacent to thebulkhead and others set back behind planting beds.[24] Seating areas located within the park included covered gazebos, tables, chairs and benches designed by Carr, Lynch & Sandell.[22][25]

In 2018, ferry service was added to the park with a stop on NYC Ferry'sLower East Side route.[26] A new ferry landing was constructed near East 20th Street to accommodate NYC Ferry service, which consists of two 80-foot-long (24 m)gangways leading out from the bulkhead to a 35-by-90-foot (11 by 27 m) barge.[27] The ferry landing has been served by NYC Ferry'sSoundview route since 2020, when the Lower East Side route was discontinued.[4][28]

East Side Coastal Resiliency project

Floodwall and flood gate at East 20th Street entrance to park in 2023

The park was closed at the end of 2020 and rebuilt to allow for the construction of a newfloodwall withflood gates as part of the city's East Side Coastal Resiliency project.[3] The park was completely demolished in order to build the flood protection system.[29] Prior to construction, thousands of native plants from the old park were donated by Solar One to over 30 community organizations in New York City.[30] This project also removed the gazebos and some seating from the park, replacing it with stadium style seats and more tables. The northern section of the park was reopened to the public on May 31, 2023.[3] The southern section of the park (south of 20th Street) was reopened in December 2023.[31] The current park was designed by Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects.[30][32]

The parking lot under the FDR Drive viaduct adjacent to the park, which had been closed during construction of the floodwall, reopened at the beginning of 2024. Manhattan Community Board 6 and local residents have called for the parking facility to be converted into public space, similar to sections of the FDR Drive viaduct further downtown alongSouth Street that include seating areas and recreational facilities such as courts and exercise equipment.[33][34]

A groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a new two-story environmental education center at the north end of the park was held on September 13, 2023.[35] The 6,500-square-foot (600 m2) building was designed byBjarke Ingels Group and will include flexible indoor space that can be used for classrooms or community functions as well as office facilities, storage areas, and a 25kW rooftopsolar array with abattery energy storage system.[36][37] The new building is expected to be completed in 2025.[38]

Native Plants of Stuyvesant Cove Park


As of 2016, these are the native plant species that vegetate at the park:

2016 Native Plants of Stuyvesant Cove Park
SYMBOLBotanical NameCommon Name
ACRUR2Actea racemosared baneberry
ACMI2Achillea millefoliumcommon yarrow
AMCA4Amelanchier canadensisCanadian serviceberry
AMST80Amelanchier stoloniferarunning serviceberry
AMFRAmorpha fruticosadesert false indigo
AMTA2Amsonia tabernaemontanaeastern bluestar
ANCA8Anemone canadensisCanadian anemone
ANTUT2Anemone virginanatuber anemone
AQCAAquilegia canadensisred columbine
ARNU2Aralia nudicauliswild sarsaparilla
AGAL5Ageratina altissimawhite snakeroot
ARUVArctostaphylos uva-ursikinnikinnick
ASINAsclepias incarnataswamp milkweed
ASSYAsclepias syriacacommon milkweed
ASTUAsclepias tuberosabutterfly milkweed
ASVEAsclepias verticillatawhorled milkweed
BAHABaccharis halimifoliaeastern baccharis
BASE2Baptesia tinctoriaserrate balsamroot
BEPOBetula populifoliagray birch
CARA2Campsis radicanstrumpet creeper
CACA18Carpinus carolinianaAmerican hornbeam
CAPE6Carex pensylvanicaPennsylvania sedge
CACA18Carpinus carolinianaAmerican hornbeam
CEAMCeanothus americanusNew Jersey tea
CEOCCeltis occidentaliscommon hackberry
CHLA5Chasmanthium latifoliumIndian woodoats
CHVI3Chionanthus virginicuswhite fringetree
CLVI5Clematis virginianadevil's darning needles
CLVI5Clematis virginianadevil's darning needles
CLAL3Clethra alnifoliacoastal sweetpepperbush
COPE80Comptonia peregrinasweet fern
COCO13Conoclinium coelestinumblue mistflower
CORA6Cornus racemosagray dogwood
COLA5Coreopsis lanceolatalanceleaf tickseed
COVE5Coreopsis verticillatawhorled tickseed
COROCoreopsis roseapink tickseed
COWR3Coreopsis zagrebrock tickseed
DEPU2dennstaedtia punctilobulaeastern hayscented fern
DICUDicentra cucullariaDutchman's breeches
DILODiervilla loniceranorthern bush honeysuckle
DIVI5Diospyros virginianacommon persimmon
ECPUEchinacea purpureaeastern purple coneflower
ELHYElymus hystrixeastern bottlebrush grass
ERSPEragrostis spectabilispurple lovegrass
ERYUEryngium yuccifoliumbutton eryngo
ERAM5Erythronium americanumdogtooth violet
EUDI16Eurybia divaricatawhite wood aster
EUGR5Euthamia graminifoliaflat-top goldentop
EUPU21Eutrochium purpureumsweetscented joe pye weed
FAGRFagus grandifoliaAmerican beech
GEMAGeranium maculatumspotted geranium
GEMA4Geum macrophyllumlargeleaf avens
GITR6Gillenia trifoliataBowman's root
GRRUGrass? (bedSan Francisco River leatherpetal
HAVE2Hamamelis vernalisOzark witchhazel
HAVI4Hamamelis virginianaAmerican witchhazel
HEAUHelenium autumnalecommon sneezeweed
HEHE5Heliopsis helianthoidessmooth oxeye
HENO2Hepatica nobilishepatica
HEVI2Heuchera villosahairy alumroot
HIMOHibiscus moscheutoscrimsoneyed rosemallow
ILGLIlex glabrainkberry
IRVE2Iris versicolorharlequin blueflag
LISC2Liatris scariosadevil's bite
JUVIJuniperus virginianaeastern redcedar
LOSELonicera sempervirenstrumpet honeysuckle
LIASLiatris asperatall blazing star
LISPLiatris spicatadense blazing star
LISULilium superbumTurk's-cap lily
LOSILobelia siphiliticagreat blue lobelia
MEVI3Mertensia virginicaVirginia bluebells
MODIMonarda didymascarlet beebalm
MOFIMonarda fistulosawild bergamot
MOPUMonarda punctataspotted beebalm
MOUTMorus albaUtah mortonia
MORU2Morus rubrared mulberry
MUCA2Muhlenbergia capillarishairawn muhly
MYHAMyrica pensylvanicaSierra bayberry
OEFROenothera fruticosanarrowleaf evening primrose
OSCIOsmunda cinnamomeacinnamon fern
PAAM2Panicum amarumbitter panicgrass
PAQU2Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia creeper
PECA6Penstemon calycosaCalifornia penstemon
PEDIPenstemon digitalistalus slope penstemon
PHPA9Phlox paniculatafall phlox
PHST3Phlox stoloniferacreeping phlox
PHVI7Physocarpos opulifoliusroundtip twinpod
PHVI8Physostegia virginianaobedient plant
PIVI2Pinus virginianaVirginia pine
PORE2Polemonium reptansGreek valerian
PRMA2Prunus maritimabeach plum
PRPE2Prunus pensylvanicapin cherry
PRSE2Prunus serotinablack cherry
PYMUPycnanthemum muticumclustered mountainmint
PYTEPycnanthemum tenuifoliumnarrowleaf mountainmint
QUALQuercus albawhite oak
QUBIQuercus bicolorswamp white oak
QUCO2Quercus coccineascarlet oak
QUILQuercus ilicifoliabear oak
QUMA2Quercus macrocarpabur oak
RHAR4Rhus aromaticafragrant sumac
RHGLRhus glabrasmooth sumac
ROCA4Rosa CarolinaCarolina rose
RUALRubus allegheniensisAllegheny blackberry
RUTRTRudbekia fulgidabrowneyed Susan
SAANSabatia angularisrosepink
SCMA2Scrophularia marilandica-carpenter's square
SIVI4Silene virginicafire pink
SOCA4Solidago caesiawreath goldenrod
SOGR4Solidago graminifoliaVirginia goldenrod
SOSESolidago sempervirensseaside goldenrod
SOSTSolidago stricta-wand goldenrod
SPPASpartina patenssaltmeadow cordgrass
SPHESporobolus heterolepisprairie dropseed
SYORSymphoricarpos orbiculatuscoralberry
SYLA3Symphyotrichum laevesmooth blue aster
SYNO2Symphyotrichum novea-angliaeNew England aster
SYOBSymphyotrichum oblongifoliumaromatic aster
THPU2Thalictrum pubescensking of the meadow
ULRUUlmus rubraslippery elm
VEHA2Verbena hastataswamp verbena
VENOVernonia noveboracensisNew York ironweed
VIPRViburnum prunifoliumblackhaw
VILA10Viola labradoricaalpine violet
VISOViola sororiacommon blue violet
XASIXanthorhiza simplicissimayellowroot
ZIAPZizia apterameadow zizia
ZIAUZizia aureagolden zizia




  1. ^ab"East Side Coastal Resiliency Project FEIS"(PDF). September 13, 2019. p. 5.3-1. RetrievedJuly 19, 2024.
  2. ^ab"Stuyvesant Cove Park".Solar One. RetrievedJuly 21, 2024.
  3. ^abc"Stuyvesant Cove Park Reopens with New Recreation Areas and Flood Protection for Surrounding Community".New York City Department of Design and Construction. May 31, 2023. RetrievedJune 18, 2023.
  4. ^ab"Soundview Ferry Route & Schedule".NYC Ferry. RetrievedMarch 1, 2021.
  5. ^abStamler, Bernard (October 26, 1997)."Park to Grow on the Ashes of the Riverwalk Plan".The New York Times. RetrievedJuly 2, 2010.
  6. ^"Before & After".Solar 1. Archived fromthe original on July 2, 2010. RetrievedJuly 2, 2010.
  7. ^Kinetz, Erika (January 13, 2002)."Rock Outcropping or Rubble? No One's Neutral on Old Cement".The New York Times. RetrievedJuly 2, 2010.
  8. ^Kilgannon, Corey (May 31, 2004)."They'll Take Manhattan (Accidental Beaches, Too)".The New York Times. RetrievedJuly 2, 2010.
  9. ^"Close to Home"(PDF).Oculus. Vol. 56, no. 3. American Institute of Architects New York Chapter. November 1993. p. 3. RetrievedJuly 22, 2024.
  10. ^Merkel, Jayne (May 1995)."Approaching Nature: Heintz/Ruddick Associates"(PDF).Oculus. Vol. 57, no. 9. American Institute of Architects New York Chapter. pp. 8–9. RetrievedJuly 22, 2024.
  11. ^"Comprehensive Manhattan Waterfront Plan"(PDF). Manhattan Borough President. Summer 1997. p. 70. RetrievedJuly 22, 2024.
  12. ^"Stuyvesant Cove Waterfront Master Plan".Beyhan Karahan & Associates. RetrievedJuly 21, 2024.
  13. ^"Stuyvesant Cove 197-a Plan - As modified by the City Planning Commission and adopted by the City Council"(PDF). Spring 1997. RetrievedJuly 24, 2024.
  14. ^abFreeman 2003, p. 82.
  15. ^Lynn, Robin; Morrone, Francis (2013).Guide to New York City Urban Landscapes. W. W. Norton & Company. p. 66.ISBN 9780393733952. RetrievedJuly 25, 2024 – via Google Books.
  16. ^Rosen, Dan (December 9, 2009)."Stuy Town Resident Is Putting on The Pier Pressure".The Villager. New York. Archived fromthe original on January 7, 2011. RetrievedJuly 2, 2010.
  17. ^Freeman 2003, pp. 78, 82.
  18. ^abUrbitran Associates, Inc. (May 2000).Stuyvesant Cove Park Environmental Assessment Statement Supplemental Report. p. 3.
  19. ^abTuhus-Dubrow, Rebecca (July 1, 2003)."Park 'n' Learn".Metropolis. RetrievedJuly 24, 2024.
  20. ^"On the Verge"(PDF). Regional Plan Association. Spring 2007. p. 12. RetrievedJuly 25, 2024.
  21. ^"2014 Annual Report"(PDF). Solar One. pp. 16–17. RetrievedJuly 25, 2024.
  22. ^abFreeman 2003, p. 80.
  23. ^Freeman 2003, p. 79.
  24. ^Freeman 2003, p. 78.
  25. ^"Stuyvesant Cove".Carr, Lynch & Sandell, Inc. RetrievedJuly 24, 2024.
  26. ^Berger, Paul (August 29, 2018)."NYC Ferry Begins Lower East Side Service".The Wall Street Journal. RetrievedJuly 14, 2024.
  27. ^Citywide Ferry Service Final Environmental Impact Statement. New York City Economic Development Corporation. July 28, 2016. pp. 12–7,12–10.
  28. ^"NYC Ferry Service & Schedule Modification Effective Monday, May 18th, 2020".NYC Ferry. RetrievedJuly 14, 2024.
  29. ^Kensinger, Nathan (October 29, 2022)."Coastal barriers finally begin to rise around NYC — but can they stop the next Hurricane Sandy?".Gothamist. RetrievedJuly 24, 2024.
  30. ^ab"2021 Annual Report"(PDF). Solar One. p. 13. RetrievedJuly 24, 2024.
  31. ^"Construction Project Areas for East Side Coastal Resiliency".East Side Coastal Resiliency Project. RetrievedJuly 23, 2024.
  32. ^"East Side Coastal Resiliency".Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects, P.C. RetrievedJuly 24, 2024.
  33. ^WXY Architecture + Urban Design (March 2024)."FDR Reimagined: The Future of the FDR Drive in Manhattan CB6"(PDF). p. 40. RetrievedOctober 5, 2024.
  34. ^Duggan, Kevin (August 19, 2024)."Parking Lot Under the FDR Should Become Public Space: Locals".Streetsblog New York City. RetrievedOctober 5, 2024.
  35. ^"NYCEDC and Solar One Break Ground on Solar One Environmental Education Center".New York City Economic Development Corporation (Press release). September 13, 2023. RetrievedJuly 23, 2024.
  36. ^Miller, Linda G. (September 27, 2023)."In Case You Missed It…".AIA New York. RetrievedJuly 23, 2024.
  37. ^"Solar One Environmental Education Center".Gilbane. RetrievedJuly 23, 2024.
  38. ^"Solar One Environmental Education Center".Solar One. RetrievedJuly 23, 2024.


  • Freeman, Allen (August 2003)."East Side Story".Landscape Architecture Magazine. Vol. 93, no. 8. American Society of Landscape Architects. pp. 76–83.JSTOR 44673765. Archived fromthe original on January 15, 2011. RetrievedJuly 2, 2010.

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