The following is a list offictionalcriminal and terrorist organizations that have been published byDC Comics and their imprints.
Originally based inMetropolis, the100 kept a firm grip on the city's criminal underworld for years, indulging in crimes such as drug trafficking and racketeering. Their first appearance was inSuperman's GirlfriendLois Lane #105. A recentretcon inSuperman #665 (September 2007) shows that during Superman's early years in Metropolis, the 100 was a smaller organization called the10 with ties toIntergang.
The former Director of the1,000 was a US senator named Henry Ballard who shepherded the organization's new direction and goals. Under Director Ballard, the 100 changed its name to the 1,000, attempting to expand their reach to even theOval Office with Director Ballard as the presidential candidate. The 1,000 first appear inBooster Gold #2 (March 1986).
A vast criminal organization that planned to take over the world by the year 2000. The2000 Committee gaveBreathtaker the task of killingFirestorm (Ronnie Raymond), and he passed the task on to a villainess named theMindboggler. Firestorm defeated both the Breathtaker and the Mindboggler and handed them over to the authorities. The Mindboggler later led Firestorm to the headquarters of the committee. The committee was founded by corrupt industrialist Henry Hewitt, a.k.a.Tokamak, and first appeared inFury of Firestorm #15. Other operatives of the committee were the Enforcers (Leroy Merkyn and Mica) andMultiplex.[1]
WhenWhite Martian A'monn A'mokk sought to eliminate theSon of Vulcan, he combined his DNA with that he secured from members of theSecret Society of Super Villains. The result was Sapling, Buster, Silhouette, Quaker, and Blur.
TheAcademy of Arch-Villains was a gathering ofWonder Woman villainsAngle Man, Human Fireworks, and Mouse Man.[2]
TheAcademy of Crime is a low rent "school for criminals" based inHollywood,California. First appearing inDetective Comics #515 (June 1982),[3] it is an institute run by a thug called Headmaster who educates his students in the art of various crimes.Mirage is a known graduate of the Academy of Crime. It was shut down by Batman when some of its students ended up in Gotham City.
TheAcolytes of Zoom wereSpeed Force-empowered individuals assembled byZoom to fight theFlash. They included the Human Block,Folded Man, Magali,the Top and William Selkirk.
Aerial unit of Apokolips not to be confused with the Parademons.
TheAgenda is an opposing organization in genetics toProject Cadmus that absorbedDarkseid's Evil Factory and is responsible for creatingMatch. The group appears to have ended with the death of their leader,Lex Luthor's ex-wife Contessa Erica Alexandra del Portenza. Their first appearance was inSuperboy (vol. 4) #36 (February 1997).
Short forAlliedPerpetrators ofEvil,A.P.E. is a supervillain group inThe New Adventures of Superman. First appearing in "The Men from A.P.E.", the line-up consists ofLex Luthor,Toyman,Prankster, and Warlock. In "A.P.E. Strikes Back", Lex Luthor and Warlock get back together as A.P.E. withBrainiac as its new member.
Altered Strain was formed after theInvasion, all its known members carriers of themetagene who manifest no powers. They saw themselves as natural leaders, and wanted the U.S. government to find a way to turn on everyone's metagene. They first appear inWonder Woman Annual #3.[4]
Created by Dr. Jacob Krigstein, theAmericans were supposed to be an American super hero group but were instead sadistic slaves of their creator. Only five of the dozen or so members have been named. Those are the Commander, Tank-Man, Storm-God, Titan, and Hornet (though, one hulking member was nicknamed Creature bySwift ofThe Authority).
Under the guise of Mister Memory, Amos Fortune organized Angle Man, Pied Piper, Hector Hammond, Sea-Thief, Dr. Davis, and a brainwashed Batman to battle the Justice League.
When Repli-Tech Industries was going under, CEO Rex Rogan had his top scientist Doctor Lovecraft transform its board into theAni-Men. Rogan became Maximus Rex, his assistant Reena into a cat-woman, and they were joined by others like Rowl and Gargantus.
An army of artificial beings created by the Weaponers ofQward, theAnti-Green Lantern Corps were equipped with black antimatterpower rings which shortened their lifespan with its use.
TheAnti-Justice League is a short-lived villain group assembled byQueen Bee. It consists ofBrainiac,Chronos,Clayface II,Gorilla Grodd,Harpy,Merlyn,Ocean Master, andSinestro.
Formed by Manchester Black, theAnti-Kryptonian Brigade was composed of Master Jailer, Bizarro, Mongul, and Silver Banshee.
Originally founded by "Ace" Manton, theAnti-Superman Gang is a series of groups generally of human beings who sought to eliminate Superman.
An offshoot of the Oans, Nergal and his servants Ereskigal, Tiamat, Pazuzu, Humbaba, Enkimdu, and Kulullu enslaved early humans in Mesopotamia before being imprisoned in the dimension Kurnugi.
A trio of Alfred Pennyworths from across the Dark Multiverse in service of theDark Knights.
Founded by General Scarr, theArmy of Crime sought to take over crime inGotham City. Its members included Colonel Sulphur,Major Disaster, and Captain Cutlass.
TheAryan Brigade is a group associated with the Aryan Nation that serve as their purifiers.
The first incarnation of the group consists of Backlash, Blind Faith, Golden Eagle, Heatmonger, and Iron Cross.
The second incarnation of the group consists of Backlash, Bonehead, Luftwaffe, and Rebel.
The Neo-Nazi terrorist organization known as theASP (short for American Supremacist Party) first appeared inCheckmate #1. The group was responsible for a series of fatal bombings and attempted to release a weaponized biological agent.
TheAssassination Bureau is an organization ofmetahuman assassins led by the mysterious Breathtaker, the Bureau was hired by the2000 Committee to kill Firestorm. Known operatives areStratos (aerokinetic), theMindboggler (telepathy), andIncognito (shape shifter). First appears inFury of Firestorm #29 (November 1984).[5]
A group of the Atom's foes, theAtom Rogues included Bug-Eyed Bandit, Thinker, Panther, Wizardo the Great, Plant Master, and the Man in the Ion Mask who aligned to battle the inheritor of the Atom mantle.
Hailing from a reality where there are no adults, theAuthoriteens are that universe's version of the Authority who sought to eliminate Gen13. Its membership includes Kid Apollo, Daybreaker, Jack Hatfield, Contractor, Intern, and Nestling.
TheAwesome Threesome are a trio of robots that have antagonized Aquaman. They consist of Claw, Magneto, and Torpedo Man.
The Awesome Threesome appear inThe Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure.
Nemeses of the Maximums, theAxis of Evil included Annihilate, Demise, Godiva, and Rapier.
Bane and his henchmen Bird, Trogg, and Zombie.
A cult and terrorist organization led by Regulus.
Initially used as pawns by Eddie Gordon, theBat-Knights of Elvaran repeatedly returned to antagonize the Atom.
TheBattalion of Doom kidnapped a variety of influential journalists and businessmen and demanded "the complete surrender of all political, financial, and police power in Gotham". If the demands were not met, the Battalion was prepared to detonate a nuclear device within the city. After infiltrating the terrorists as a West Coast enforcer,Superman joinedBatman in rescuing the hostages and locating the bomb. The members of the Battalion wore military browns with magenta hoods over their heads. First and only appearance is inThe Brave and the Bold #150.[4][6][7]
A troupe of evil circus performers, theBikini Family consists of mesmerist Nicki, strong man Joe, clown Tiny, acrobats Peter, Paul, and Manny, and a triplet of high wire walkers.
Bizarro version of the Super-Sons with Boyzarro and Robzarro.
Bizarro version of the Outsiders led by Bizarro Batman.
Trio of the Penguin, Great White Shark, and Black Mask.
An intergalactic criminal organization that was headed up byAmon Sur and counted Kerina, Farak Fekk, and Commander Levvak among their number.
TheBlack Dragon Society is based on arealWorld War II organization of the same name; this society was not nearly as sinister as its comic book counterparts. Three different comics companies used the Black Dragon Society as villains in the 1940s:National Comics (DC Comics),Fawcett Comics, andQuality Comics. DC Comics came to own the other two companies, so all the different incarnations of the Black Dragon Society now belong to them.All-Star Comics #12 had "The Black Dragon Menace" in which a Japanese spy ring called the Black Dragon Society of Japan steals eight American inventions and kidnaps their inventors.
The modern versions of the Black Dragon Society show up in the pages ofPower Company #1. This version appears to be made up of fanatical East Asian eco-terrorists.
TheBlack Glove organization is a group that was active following the deaths ofThomas Wayne andMartha Wayne. It is led bySimon Hurt and consists of various rich men and women of villainous natures.
The Black Glove appears inBatwoman, consisting ofBarbara Kean, Burton Crowne,Jeremiah Arkham,Mario Falcone, and Maria Elliot, the mother ofTommy Elliot.
Black Hole is a terrorist organization that has plans to harness the powers of the Speed Force so that they can use it for their own nefarious purposes.[8] While Gorilla Grodd was a former leader, other known members include Dr. Holt, Dr. Huskk, Joseph Carver,Multiplex, and Raijin with a brainwashedMeena Dhawan operating as Negative Flash.
Black Hole appears inThe Flash. This version was created and led by McCulloch Technologies' CEO Joseph Carver, who also employed light-themed assassinsUltraviolet,Doctor Light, and Sunshine. Introduced inseason six, their operations are threatened by theFlash and his allies as well as Carver's presumed dead wifeEva McCulloch. By the end of the season, Eva destroys their information storehouse, sways the assassins to her side, and kills Carver. As ofseason seven,Rosalind Dillon andSam Scudder had joined Black Hole until Eva kills the latter and sways the former to her side while hunting down the organization's remnants.
The pirate crew of Black Manta that serve aboard the Manta-Sub. Calvin Durham was once one of his crew members.
Black Ops was a criminal organization devoted to accumulating power with sophisticated headquarters in bothMetropolis andWashington, D.C. Its leader was Hazard, otherwise known as philanthropist Manuel Cabral, head of Rainforest Technologies (and secretly affiliated with weapons manufacturer AmerTek). His costumed operatives included his female second-in-command Shellshock, Flatline, Hardsell, Hotspot, Mainline, Quake, Shellgame, and Split. The techno-pirates had frequent clashes withSteel, who ultimately prevented them from seizing control of the United States' nuclear arsenal. The team first appears inSteel #6.[4]
Evil counterparts to the Strong Family, theBlack Strong Family consist of Tiberius "Black Tom" Strong and his daughter Twyla.
Blockbuster's Gang first appears inNightwing vol. 2 #2. This gang was one of the most powerful mobs inBlüdhaven, made up of corrupt police officers and supervillains. The organization leader isRoland Desmond.[9]
Current members: Thrilldevil, Giz, Mouse and Mateo Flores.
Former members:Brutale, theElectrocutioner III,Torque,Lady Vic, theShrike IV, the Stallion, theTarantula II, theTrigger Twins and Cicso Blane.
Alliance of Electrocutioner and Plastique.
The crime boss of Delta City, Boss Glitter commands the likes of El Gusano, Rachet Jaw, and Kriegler.
Created to eliminate Team 7 if necessary, theBrethren escaped and became a menace. Its members included Jackhammer, Double Take, Tensile, and Animus.
TheBrood Brothers are the strongest members of the beast-men of Skartaris who serve directly under Ar-Daimphos.
Formed by Darkseid to conquer Earth, theBrotherhood of Crime was made up ofCaptain Cold,Gorilla Grodd,Clayface,Star Sapphire, and a clone of theManhunter. However, when the group realized Darkseid would likely double-cross them, they betrayed him first. The story featuring this team was revamped into becoming theSecret Society of Super Villains but was nonetheless published as a standalone story inAmazing World of DC Comics #11 (March 1976).
TheBrotherhood of Dada is absurdist group created byMr. Nobody when he was denied membership in the Brotherhood of Evil.
TheBrotherhood of Evil is an organization that has antagonized theDoom Patrol and theTeen Titans.
A cult dedicated to the martial arts, theBrotherhood of the Monkey Fist included Silver Monkey, Bamboo Monkey, andPaper Monkey.
Nightmares created byMorpheus,Brute and Glob sought to manipulateGarrett Sanford to have a Dream Lord under their control.
When criminals get ahold ofBulletman and Bulletgirl's gravity helmets, they form the criminal duoBulletthug and Bulletmoll.
C.A.W. (short for "Criminal Alliance of the World") specialized in archaeological forensics used for the retrieval of lost ancient technology. This brought them into conflict withKatar Hol andShayera Hol, when the attempted to steal an artifact from the Midway City Museum. The paired artifacts they were attempting to steal were analyzed and led to the development of theJustice League of America's teleportation system which first appears inJustice League of America #78.[10] The organization is ruled by an international triad of masked crime bosses; C.A.W. agents wear matching red and black costumes with a golden, razor-edged C.A.W. emblem on their chests that doubled as a weapon.[11]
A second organization calling itselfC.A.W. (Crusading American Warriors) was encountered byHawkgirl (Kendra Saunders) inJSA: All-Stars #2.[12]
Founded byHelspont, the firstCabal is an organization established to further the alien race known as the Daemonites in their bid toward world domination. It counted among its membership Devin, Pike, Providence, Alberto Cassini, Hightower, and Taboo with the Coda Sisterhood as a collaborator.
The second Cabal was founded by Hugo Strange and consisted of Amazo, Doctor Psycho, Per Degaton, Queen Bee, and Teel.
The first Cabal appeared inWild C.A.T.s.
A pair of highly trained assassins and lovers.
When James Gordon and Perry White come together to research the past cases of Batman and Superman at the Fortress of Solitude, a strange gas warped the minds of the pair into enemies of the heroic duo. Using some of the tools within, Gordon and White became Anti-Batman and Anti-Superman respectively as the Cape and Cowl Crooks.
A trio of psionic criminals,Capers, Inc. is composed of Run, Burn, and Jump.
Cell Six was "the most notorious terrorist organization in Latin America", one responsible for the abduction ofWayne Enterprises'Lucius Fox while he was in the country of Hasaragua. They demanded $3 million in ransom, and a letter of apology from Wayne Enterprises for despoiling Hasaragua's environment and the exploitation of its people.
The kidnapping was eventually exposed as a collaboration between Hasaragua's finance minister and Cell Six. InGotham City, Cell Six also staged a kidnapping attempt against the wife of a Hasaraguan ambassador. Cell Six troops could be visually distinguished by the Roman numeral "VI" (for 6) tattooed on their foreheads.[4]
TheChildren of Cronus are a group of Titans that were responsible for empoweringDevastation.[13]
Clones made from the DNA of Kaizen Gamorra's family.
TheChildren of Light was a middle-eastern costumed terrorist group originally led by Kahman Abhood. Following Abhood's arrest, the group seized control of aS.T.A.R. Labs/Waynetech satellite, equipped it with a laser cannon, and threatened to destroy cities at will if their demands were not met. Batman and Supergirl defeated the group and discovered that they'd allied themselves withDoctor Light. They first appeared inThe Brave and the Bold #147.[4]
The trio of China White with Snakepit and Strato the Cloud-Man.
TheChurch of Blood is a fictional organization appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.
The Church of Blood is an organization that is often led by anyone with the name ofBrother Blood where two of them were born from the women that have gone by the name ofMother Mayhem.[14]
The Church of Blood appears inArrow formed by rogue priest Father Roger Trigon and passed down to his heirSebastian Blood who recruited people likeCyrus Gold to take overStarling City. After Blood's death and his partnership withDeathstroke/Slade Wilson ended, Blood's second-in-command, Clinton Hogue took over the remains until his death.[15]
The Church of Blood appears inseason four ofTitans, led by May Bennett/Mother Mayhem.[16]
The firstCircle believed they were the first creation of God and that Superman might be one of their number.
The second was a group of Amazons led by Alkyone that believed the creation of Wonder Woman was an affront to their society and tried to assassinate her. Its members included Charis, Myrto, and Philomela.
Six martial artists under the command of Lady Shiva, theCircle of Six were Hwa Rang, Iron Aron Abromowitz, Joey N'Bobo, Kitty Kumbata, Tengu, and Wam Wam.
Proclaimed to be the "Future of Villainy," theClockwatchers were brought together by Clock King and included Acidia, Crackle, Radiant, and Sharpe.
Composed of Vulcan's greatest foes, theCoalition of Crime included Witchazel, Charliehorse, Dino-Mite, Fishmonger, Flex, Little B.U.D.D.Y., Monkey-in-the-Middle, and Scramjet.
Founded in ancientGreece by a band of the Kherubim alien race, theCoda Sisterhood is a female warrior society. In modern times, the Coda largely aligned with the malevolent nemeses of the Kherubim in the Daemonites.
InHarley Quinn, Captain Cold, Minister Blizzard, Blue Snowman, and Icicle meet up for some frigid debauchery as theCold Boys.
Formed by Polar Lord, theCold Warriors was composed ofSnowman,Mr. Freeze, Cryonic Man,Minister Blizzard,Captain Cold,Killer Frost, and theIcicle as his pawns toward conquering Earth for his homeworld Tharr. This group is based in theDC Animated Universe.
An organization that runs Gotham in a future without a Batman. Run by Gala, theCollective includes Pretty, Victor Paige, and Mr. Freeze.
Colossus was a mysterious organization that sought the secret of Alec Holland's bio-restorative formula to create an army of swamp men similar to theSwamp Thing. The organization was led by a mysterious council, each member of which wore a uniquely colored costume (Councilman Red, Councilman Blue). Colossus had the ability to mutate humans into monstrous agents known as "Elementals". Only one Elemental by the name of Thrudvang the Earth Master was ever actually depicted; he was a skid row bum who transformed into a hulking yellow monster with the "ability to disrupt the earth". Colossus' chief enforcer was Sabre, a red and blue costumed figure with a long thin blade replacing his right hand. They first appeared inSwamp Thing #23.[4]
The first Combine is an evil shadow organization who inadvertently created the superhero Haywire when it unknowingly gave its leader's son an experimental suit of technological armor.
The second Combine is an intergalactic arms dealer than ran afoul of the Flash and Darkstars.
A crime cartel led by Mister E, theConclave was responsible for the creation of Swamp Thing.
In a bid to eliminate theMarvel Family andKid Eternity, Satan assembledIbac,Sabbac,Master Man, and Darkling as theConfederation of Hell.
Originally formed byMaxwell Lord's ex-wife Claire Montgomery as a rival organization to theJustice League International, theConglomerate took a dark turn when it recruited supervillains from the same world as theCrime Syndicate of America. Evil counterparts toGreen Arrow,Elongated Man,Metamorpho,Ice,Fire,Blue Beetle, and theFlash in Deadeye, Elasti-Man, Element Man, Frostbite, Fiero, Scarab, and Slipstream, respectively, joined and battled the League.
An alliance made under Brainiac of Cosmic King, Lightning Lord, Saturn Queen, and Lex Luthor to manipulate Jimmy Olsen into killing Superman.
The firstCouncil was an international secret society, which was responsible for the cloning of Paul Kirk (theManhunter) and was eventually brought down by him and his allies Asano Nitobe, Christine St. Clair, and Kolu Mbeya.
Under the leadership of Anatol Mykros they rebuilt themselves up again, to the point where their machinations brought them to the attention of various members of theJustice Society of America.Nemesis (Soseh Mykros), the daughter of Council leader Anatol Mykros, rebelled against them, enlisting the help of the JSA. It was eventually destroyed whenBlack Adam killed Anatol Mykros in order to have Nemesis join his pro-active super-team. The Council first appeared inDetective Comics #437 (February 1974).[17][18][19][20]
The first Council appears inBeware the Batman, with Anatol Mykros voiced byBruce Thomas.
Made up of Space Ghost's greatest foes, theCouncil of Doom saw Metallus, Creature King, Zorak, Moltar, Brak, and the Black Widow/Spider Woman battle their enemy and his allies like Mightor, Moby Dick, Herculoids, and Shazzan. The group later appeared onSpace Ghost Coast to Coast but with Lokar and Tansut in place of the Creature King. The solicited cover of the seventh issue ofFuture Quest depicted Space Ghost, Meteor Man, and Coil Man battling the original Council of Doom and Tansut.
Descendants of Merlin who sought the power of Shazam for themselves.
TheCouncil of Spiders is a cadre ofmetahuman killers-for-hire led by the mutant super-villainess known only as the Wanderer. When they debuted inRed Robin, they were hunting members ofRa's al Ghul'sLeague of Assassins.
TheCourt of Owls is a secret society of high class Gothamites who have held a grip onGotham City's political influence since colonial times, known for kidnapping children from the circus and brainwashing them into assassins which they call 'Talons'. They are characterized by their distinct white masks which look similar to anowl.
An alliance betweenEarth-Two'sWizard,Icicle, andFiddler aligned withEarth-One’sFelix Faust,Doctor Alchemy, andChronos, theCrime Champions exchanged identities in order to defeat theJustice Society of America and theJustice League of America.
The nemeses of the Paladins,Crime Corps included Hotfoot, Stinkbug, Taipan, Tinderbox, and the Skeleton Crew.
The evil Justice Society equivalent in the Antimatter Universe.
TheCrime Syndicate of America is an evil version of the Justice League that comes from Earth-Three.
TheCult of Ashra Khan was based out of Pakistan that created an army of rogue Firestorms/Nuclear Men.
A Cult in the worship of the bat demon Barbathos, its membership included founding father Thomas Jefferson. Later, it was revealed Barbathos (now Barbatos) was the Hyper-Adapter, a product of Apokolips, and Thomas Wayne was part of the cult. After making a pact with Barbatos, Wayne became Dr. Simon Hurt.
Founded by Jason Todd (Lord Robin) in a future Gotham without a Batman, theCult of the Bat includes the Joker and Holly Robinson.
Vampire coven of Mary, Queen of Blood.
First appearing inDoom Patrol #31, theCult of the Unwritten Book is a religious order that is dedicated to the total annihilation of the entire universe by summoning an entity called the Decreator.
The Cult of the Unwritten Book appears inDoom Patrol.
The group of international jewel thieves known asCYCLOPS, first appeared inThe Brave and the Bold #64. Known operatives are Marcia Monroe, the chronologically secondQueen Bee.[21]
TheD.M.T. were an international weapons coalition who came into possession of an extraterrestrial craft and its pilot following the events of theInvasion. Their field agents wore gold armor that was equipped with weapons and flight packs. The D.M.T. first appeared inSuperman #48.[4]
An ancient alien species, theD'rahn are a warrior race that seek to eliminate the Kherubim and conquer Earth. The operatives on Earth are Typhon, Pildra, Syth, and Zenthrue.
Servants of the demon Nergal, theDamnation Army included Ironfist the Avenger and the Man.
AfterMorgaine le Fey andEnigma supplanted the role ofWonder Woman andBatman, respectively, they formed an organization around the major arcana of Tarot. Its members includedGiganta,Zoom,Vandal Savage,Brainiac,Lady Shiva, Konvikt,Solomon Grundy,Deathstroke,Floronic Man,Ra's al Ghul,Doctor Light, Sun-Chained-in-ink,Punch and Jewelee,Joker,Catman,Catwoman,Royal Flush Gang,Gentleman Ghost,Scarecrow,Cheetah,Gorilla Grodd,Queen Bee,Eclipso,Mammoth, and Khyber.
Dark Nemesis is a group of high-powered people that will work for anyone who can pay them. It consists of Axis, Blizzard, Carom, Scorcher I, Scorcher II, and Vault.
Twins who worked for Two-Face.
The team of Lex Luthor and Brainiac.
A team of assassins made up of Guillotine, Hangman, Hypo, Smoke, and Volt.
A band of mercenaries,Deathstroke's Titans included Cheshire, Cinder, Osiris, and Tattooed Man.
TheDefense Department Intelligence (DDI) was the military arm of the United States Justice Department who hunted Swamp Thing. Dwight Wicker was its director during this time and Matthew Cable one of its top operatives.
DEMON is a terrorist organization, dedicated to "Destruction, Extortion, Murder, Overthrow of Nations", based in the Near Eastern country of Sinsubhani. It was broken up by Kal-El inSuperman #191 (November 1966).
A unit in the League of Assassins led by Ra's al Ghul's granddaughter Mara that includes Plague, Stone, Blank, and Nightstorm.
TheDemons Three are three demonic brothers consisting of Abnegazar, Ghast, and Rath.[22] Their powers are bound to three mystic artifacts: the Green Bell of Uthool, the Silver Wheel of Nyorlath, and the Red Jar of Calythos.
When the Demons Three sought to possess the members of the Justice League, they sent a troupe of animated costumes of some of their greatest foes. This group included the costumes of Dr. Polaris, Killer Moth, Pied Piper, Dagon, and the Mask.
A cruel and authoritarian version of the Justice League, manifested by Doctor Destiny in a collective dream world during the "Destiny's Hand" storyline.[29] Its members included Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Black Canary, Green Arrow, Hawkman, The Atom, Flash (Barry Allen), Red Tornado, and Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond).
A pair of villains who faced Superman,Deuce and Charger later joined the Fearsome Five.
"The Fist of Cain,"Die Faust Der Kain is a cult of killers who follow the teachings of Christian Fleischer. Its members included Adam Reed, Rose Tattoo, Blockbuster, and Dirty Girl.
A faction in the Aegean civil war, theDirectorate included Darian and his son Regent.
Several early incarnations ofDoctor Destiny saw the villain organize theJustice League of America's villains against them. The first version featured Professor Menace,Captain Cold,Puppet Master, Electric Man, Getaway Mastermind, andClock King. His second group was a trio with theJoker and Chac. Later still, he aligned withLex Luthor,Penguin,Captain Boomerang,Tattooed Man, Cutlass Charlie,Jason Woodrue, Mr. I.Q., andDoctor Light.
Doctor Dome and his underlings Lynx and Professor X.
Seemingly an evil counterpart to Mister Miracle, Doctor Impossible lead his own evil version of the New Gods of New Genesis. Among its number included evil counterparts to Big Barda, Metron, Orion, and Lightray in Tender Mercy, Chair, Hunter, and Neon Black, respectively.
Doctor Polaris and his henchmen Whiteout, Dropded, and Polestar (Doctor Ub'x).
Steppenwolf's mounted unit on Apokolips.
Originally the Global Ultra-society of Dread, theDog Pound is a group of canine-themed villains that includes Anubis, Devil Dog, and Junkyard Dog.
TheDreadfuls are the evil counterparts of the Terrifics. Led byJava's Doctor Dread alias, they consist of characters that he gathered from across the Multiverse like Metalmorpho (a robot counterpart of Metamorpho), Phantom Boy (a male counterpart of Phantom Girl), and Plasma-Man (a vampire version of Plastic Man).[30]
Assembled byMorgaine le Fey andEnigma to help them supplant theTrinity, theDreambound included Sun-Chained-In-Ink, Primat, Swashbuckler, and Trans-Volitional Man (T.V.M.). Sun-Chained-In-Ink later became Sun-Chained-In-The-Dark in theDark Arcana.
Outwardly an above-board West Coast organization, theEden Corps soon established itself as a radical terrorist cell dedicated to taking on "corporate America and its ravagers". Led byHyrax (Veronica Dale), the Eden Corps committed terrorist-styled crimes, like bombing dams on its way to a bigger goal, unleashing a Russian-created weaponized germ that ate plastic. Before the Eden Corps could unleash the germ onMetropolis, theGreen Arrow intervened. Hyrax died in the battle and the Green Arrow followed soon after. They first appeared inGreen Arrow (vol. 2) #97.[4]
Eden Corps appears in series set in theArrowverse.
The Controllers' attempted equivalent of the Green Lantern Corps based on their creation Effigy.
The Earth-3 evil equivalent of the Green Lantern Corps.
A quartet of Darkseid's followers, theEmissaries of Doom empowered Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Joker, and the Penguin.
One of the most terrifying forces in Gemworld, the mysteriousEmissaries of Varn formed an alliance with Dark Opal to battlePrincess Amethyst's forces.
TheEmpire of Death was a terrorist group formed by a former Nazi SS colonel namedVon Gross. Its agents wore skull masks, possessed a fleet of aircraft, and operated from a giant solar-powered flying skull. With "trained agents in every corner of the globe", the Empire of Death engaged in espionage and contract assassination with an eye towards world domination. Von Gross was eventually slain by Blackhawk but the Empire of Death remained a going concern through its operatives. The commander of the Empire of Death's undersea forces wasKiller Shark, who retooled the War Wheel into an amphibious weapon of destruction. They first appeared inBlackhawk #249.[4]
Eurocrime is a European metahuman criminal organization that fought theElongated Man andJustice League Europe. First appears inElongated Man #1 (January 1992).[31]
Created by theMaster, theEvil Eight battled the wielders of theDial H for Hero inChris King and Vicki Grant. Its membership was Arsenal, Chondak, Familiar, Ice King, K-9, Maniak, Phantasm, and Piledriver.
Established byDarkseid as an opposing entity toProject Cadmus, theEvil Factory was headed up byMokkari andSimyan who spawned monsters for their master.
The cult of Craetur the Evil One, a powerful demonic being inSkartaris.
Three brothers who tried to rule Krypton in U-Ban, Kizo, and Mala.
A group of mercenaries made up of Pointman, Glacier, Flame, Mountain, and the Dark.
The recipient of Extreme Enhancement Modules by aliens, Nunzio, Nancy, Carlos, Moe, Bridget, and Reggie chose to become a group of supervillains.
TheExtremists are a group of supervillains that came from the other-dimensional world of Angor and are modeled after characters fromDC Comics.
The first incarnation consists ofLord Havok (who is modeled afterDoctor Doom),Dreamslayer (who is modeled afterDormammu),Gorgon (who was modeled afterDoctor Octopus),Tracer (who was modeled afterSabretooth), Doctor Diehard (who was modeled afterMagneto), Carny (who is modeled afterArcade), and Barracuda (who is modeled afterTiger Shark).
Dreamslayer was later contracted by Overmaster to form a variation of the Extremists called theNew Extremists which consist of Brute, Cloudburst, Death Angel, Gunshot, and Meanstreak.
The original Extremists appear in theJustice League Unlimited episode "Shadow of the Hawk".
A terrorist organization that foughtBirdman,F.E.A.R. was led by Number One and counted among its forces Vulturo, X the Eliminator, Ruthless Ringmaster, Nitron the Human Bomb, and Professor Nightshade. In the seriesFuture Quest, Dr. Zin secretly controlled the organization through mind control as mercenary Jezebel Jade participated as a member.
Composed of Hawkman's enemies,Fadeaway Man's gang included Lion-Mane, Hummingbird, and Lasso.
TheFalse Face Society (also known as theFalse Facers and theSionis Crime Family) is a gang of masked criminals led byBlack Mask. Its known members includeBlack Spider II, Circe, Dwarf, Edgar Dempsey, Mad Bull, and Metalhead. Each of its members are known for wearing different masks.
In 2011,The New 52 rebooted the DC universe. In this continuity, the False Face Society was first formed by Roman Sionis's father Richard Sionis.[32]
Successors ofCrime Corps, theFearsmiths includes Stinkbug, Taipan, Tinderbox, Skeleton Crew, Nightmary, and Third Rail.
Assembled by the Hand, theFive Fingers were Red Dragon, Professor Merlin, Big Caesar, Needle, and the Dummy and faced the Seven Soldiers of Victory. The group was re-assembled (minus the Dummy) due to the emergence of the Nebula Man as the Hand became the Iron Hand.
When theManhunters ravaged space sector 666, the five survivors aligned as theFive Inversions to seek revenge on theGuardians of the Universe and founded theEmpire of Tears. The members wereAtrocitus, Qull, Roxeaume, Dal-xauix, and Orphram.
Twins who worked for Two-Face.
Organized by the Enchantress, theForgotten Villains sought to conquer the universe. Its members included Mister Poseidon, Faceless Hunter, Atom-Master, Kraklow, and Ultivac.
Foretold in the Crime Bible, the Four Horsemen of Apokolips were bio-engineered by the Science Squad. They included Yurrd the Unknown, Rogga of the Seven Atrocities, Zorrm the Desolate, and Azraeuz the Silent King.
Assistants to the biblical Four Horsemen of Apokolips, theFour Mopeds of the Apocalypse are stationed on Earth where they observe for signs of the end of days. The group is made up of Skippy, Famine Lass, Plague Boy, and Kid Pestilence.
A Neo-Nazi organization founded by Vandal Savage to wipe out the descendants of US patriotic heroes, theFourth Reich included Captain Nazi, Baroness Blitzkrieg, White Dragon, Hunter, Shadow of War, Green Ghoul, Count Berlin, Captain Swastika, Doctor Demon, Baron Gestapo, Captain Murder, Reichsmark, and Swastika.
Formed by Doctor Dinosaur on Earth-Twelve, theFraternity of Atavistic No-Goodnicks (or FAN) was made up of Angel Fish, Frog Man, Mister Amoeba, and Pterano Don Juan to combat the Egg's Men.
Led by Trance, theFreaks included Baby-Doll, Siren, Phobia, and the Albino.
Led by Mister Somebody, theFront Men included Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man, Botfly, and Porcelain Doll.
TheFuturesmiths are a mysterious group of criminal scientists and high tech arms dealers who have an underground operation in Metropolis.[34] Known operatives areAmok andCir-El. They first appear inSuperman: The 10-Cent Adventure #1 (March 2003).[35] It was later revealed to have been a front forBrainiac.
The firstGang was a quartet of impoverished children growing up inChicago who grew up to become a mercenary band. Led by Brains, Ms. Mesmer, Kong, and Bulldozer went on to work for the Council and foughtSupergirl.
Later, children who idolized supervillains followed in their footsteps as the second Gang. Led by Rex Luthor, they included Brainiac 6, Ice Princess, Kid Deadshot, and Shaggy Boy.
When theWest Coast Crime Syndicate invadedGotham City to eliminateBatman and take over the city's crime, thePenguin assembled theJoker,Catwoman,Mad Hatter,Cluemaster, Getaway Genius, andJohnny Witts as theGangland Guardians to combat them unknowingly under the influence of Mister Esper. When the Guardians managed to protect Batman from the threat, they dissolved to return to their own efforts to eliminate Batman.
Garn Daanuth transformed three unwitting people into his elementals Earth, Water, and Air.
A pair of lovers, Santiago and Belladonna became the villainousGemini.
Following conquering Pokolistan, General Zod recruited Ignition, Kancer, and Faora as his followers.
Using one of her brother's cold guns, Golden Glider formed a number of partnerships with male criminals over time with them adopting the identity of Chillblaine. Eventually, one of them killed her.
The Green's fungal equivalent, theGrey is an opposite force of nature that thrived on decay. Its avatar Matango became a foe of the Green's elementalSwamp Thing. Later, other champions emerged inSolomon Grundy and Miki.
An arms dealer, Guano Cravat employed the likes of the Swiss and Dr. Moon for his operation.
A pair of highly trained assassins and lovers.
H.I.V.E. stands for the Hierarchy of International Vengeance and Extermination. During the first incarnation of the H.I.V.E., the H.I.V.E. Master gathered seven other unnamed criminal scientists to take over the world and eliminate their enemies in the form ofSuperman and theTeen Titans. The H.I.V.E. Master is later killed and replaced by the H.I.V.E. Mistress and they enlistDeathstroke to help them out.
The second Incarnation of the H.I.V.E. was established byAdeline Kane, Deathstroke's ex-wife. They were tracked down byTartarus, an Anti-Titans led byVandal Savage and made up ofGorilla Grodd, Lady Vic, the Red Panzer, the Siren, andCheshire.
TheHand of Krona is an interstellar technology cult.
TheHangmen is a group of high-powered assassins. It consists ofBreathtaker, Killshot, Provoke, Stranglehold, and Shock Trauma.
Serving under Granny Goodness, theHarassers operated as security at the orphanage.
Opening a school for crime, Headmaster Mind trained the Top, Tattooed Man, and Matter Master to take on the Justice League.
Helix is a supervillain group. They are six who were experimented on by Dr. Benjamin Love when they were still in the womb of their respective mothers. These kids consisted ofMister Bones,Penny Dreadful,Kritter,Tao Jones,Baby Boom, andArak Wind-Walker.Carcharo, the cousin ofYolanda Montez, was briefly associated with Helix at one point. This group has clashed withInfinity, Inc. on occasion.[36]
A variation of Helix appears inStargirl. The organization is known as the Helix Institute of Youth Rehabilitation, which is run by Mister Bones and Nurse Louise Love.
An evil reptilian version of the Authority, theHigher Power lead the Chimera. Its members included Mistress Midnighter, Apollyon, Alienist, Technician, Devour, and Ecos.
One of the top units in Tao's criminal organization is theHounds. Led by Holden Carver, it includes Blackwolf and Pit Bull.
A faction in the Eternal War led by Infinite Woman which included The Kill, The Hunt, and The Bloodless.
Under Dark Opal,House of Opal sought to control Gemworld. Its members included Carnelian and Sardonyx.
TheHybrid is a supervillain group that were formed byMento from people who suffered from accidents. Upon gathering these people following their respective accidents, Mento experimented on them with the artificial compound Promethium, turning many of them into superhuman freaks. The Hybrid consists of Behemoth, Gorgon, Harpi,Prometheus, Pteradon, Scirocco, and Touch-N-Go. Following a fight with the Teen Titans, each of the members were cured of their insanity byRaven.
When General Dvory Tuzik wanted to defeat theJustice League, he employed Sybil the Hypothetical Woman to create a meta-human force to aid him. She produced for him Ghost Lion, Marieke, Soldat, Jin Si, Dybbuk, and Velocista.
A team of cold-themed super-villains,Mr. Freeze,Minister Blizzard,Blue Snowman,Captain Cold,Killer Frost, and theIcicle battled theSuper Friends as theIce Pack (also known asCold Warriors).
The Cold Warriors appeared in theDC Animated Universe led by Freeze and battled theJustice League. Additional members were Polar Lord (General Eklu from the planet Tharr) and theCryonic Man.[37]
Developing out of theBrotherhood of the Light, theIlluminati is an organization founded byVandal Savage andGarn Daanuth that has spanned centuries and includes some of history's most influential figures. Today, it largely serves as part of Savage's goal toward world domination.
Led by Dr. Marius Chung, the Immutables are immortals that seek to hide their existence from the world. Morien, Ambrus, Dawa, and Gudrun are among their ranks.
Mother and son, Ingrid Weiss and Albrecht Strong are Nazis who regularly battle Albrecht's father Tom Strong.
A group of children who idolized supervillains and followed in their footsteps. Led by Rex Luthor, they included Grundette, Bane Jr., Kid Weather Wizard, and Doomsdame.
TheInjustice Gang is a supervillain group who oppose the Justice League.
The first incarnation was led byLibra, Construct, andAbra Kadabra and consisted ofChronos,Mirror Master,Poison Ivy,Scarecrow,Shadow Thief, andTattooed Man.
The second incarnation was led byLex Luthor and consisted ofCirce,Doctor Light, theGeneral,Jemm, theJoker,Mirror Master,Ocean Master,Prometheus, andQueen Bee.
Heroes and villains from across the multiverse assembled by Psycho-Pirate and duped into serving Darkseid.
TheInjustice League are the antagonists of the Justice League. The Injustice League has been through three incarnations.
The first incarnation was led byAgamemno and consisted ofLex Luthor,Black Manta,Catwoman,Chronos,Doctor Light,Felix Faust,Mister Element,Penguin,Sinestro, andZoom.
The second incarnation was the Injustice League International that consists ofCluemaster,Major Disaster,Clock King,Big Sir,Multi-Man, and the Mighty Bruce. Maxwell Lord turned this group into theJustice League Antarctica while addingG'nort and Scarlet Skier to the group.
The third incarnation was the Injustice League International and was formed by Lex Luthor,Cheetah, andJoker. Its core membership consists ofCheshire,Deathstroke, Doctor Light,Fatality,Giganta,Gorilla Grodd,Killer Frost,Mr. Freeze,Parasite,Poison Ivy,Shadow Thief, andShaggy Man. Other known members are Black Manta,Clayface,Doctor Sivana, Double Dare,Effigy, Felix Faust,Girder, Hammer and Sickle, aHyena, Iron Cross of theAryan Brigade,Jewelee,Jinx,Key,Killer Croc,Lady Vic,Major Force,Magenta,Mammoth,Manticore,Metallo, Mister Terrible,Mirror Master,Monsieur Mallah,Nocturna,Phobia,Prankster,Psimon,Queen Bee,Rag Doll,Riddler, Rock,Scarecrow,Shimmer,Shrapnel, Silver Monkey,Skorpio,Sonar,T.O. Morrow,Tar Pit,Toyman, Tremor of theSuperior Five,Two-Face, andWarp.[38]
In 2011, "The New 52" rebooted the DC universe. During the "Forever Evil" storyline, Lex Luthor forms this version of the Injustice League to combat the Crime Syndicate of America. It consists ofBizarro,Black Adam, Black Manta,Captain Cold, Catwoman, Deathstroke, and Sinestro.
Blue Falcon and Dynomutt faced the Injustice League of America in theDynomutt, Dog Wonder episode "The Injustice League of America". This version featured the Gimmick, Fishface, Worm, Lowbrow, Queen Hornet, and Superthug. The group later appeared inScooby-Doo! Team-Up in the story "It Was a Dark and Gritty Knight..." where they were reunited by Manyfaces to combat Blue Falcon, Dynomutt, and Mystery, Inc. The Worm made a reference to the other Injustice League but, being supervillains, they didn't care about copyright infringement.
TheInjustice League Dark is a villain group that antagonizes theJustice League Dark. The team was founded byCirce after she aided the Justice League Dark in defeatingHecate and, unknowingly to them, allow Circe to inherit the goddess' powers. She first recruits theFloronic Man after he is empowered by consuming the King of Petals, a champion of the Green. Circe later recruitsKlarion the Witch Boy with his familiar Teekl,Papa Midnite, andSolomon Grundy.[39]
TheInjustice Society are the main antagonists of the Justice Society. The original lineup consisted ofWizard,Brain Wave,Gambler,Per Degaton,Thinker, andVandal Savage.
Since then, there have been different incarnations of the group.
The evil equivalent of Justice League International from a parallel universe inBatman: The Brave and the Bold. TheInjustice Syndicate included Owlman, Blue Bowman, Dyna-Mite, Scarlet Scarab, and Silver Cyclone as well as counterparts for Aquaman, Plastic Man, Fire, B'Wana Beast, and Wildcat.
Castoffs of the Immutables, theIrredeemables are crazed monsters.
An alliance between Lex Luthor and Brainiac that infiltrated the Outsiders and Teen Titans with Indigo (Brainiac 8) and Superboy.
Intergang is a criminal cartel secretly organized byDarkseid who was using Intergang to help track down theAnti-Life Equation. Intergang first appeared inSuperman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #133 (October 1970).
TheInternational Crime Combine is asupraorganization made up of operatives from various other criminal organizations some based in the DC Comics universe, likeCYCLOPS andO.G.R.E., and other fictional organizations such asTHRUSH andSPECTRE. They opposedG.E.O.R.G.E., a covert agency of the United States, and theBlackhawks.[40][41]
International Operations, or I.O. (also I/O), was a government agency headed up by Miles Craven who had an obsession with superhumans. Seeking to cheat death and develop an army of super-powered servants, Craven initiated multiple programs that inadvertently produced numerous subjects who became superheroes. Craven was downloaded into several clone bodies unsuccessfully and employed his own personal enhanced unit in the Brotherhood.
In a bid to create a better world, a group of adventurers built the world's first supercomputer that can answer the riddle of world peace. Developing what they described as a snowflake of billions of universes, one of the worlds within the theoretical construct resisted its role as an experiment and seven powerful metahumans escaped to stop the supercomputer to preserve their life. Theinvaders from the snowflake were killed but at the cost of all but one of the adventurers' lives (Doc Brass being the sole survivor).
Battling theSuper Friends, the Joker assembled theJesters' League of America withHarley Quinn,Prankster,Trickster and the duoPunch and Jewelee
An Apokoliptian unit serving underKanto.
On Earth-10 where Nazis rule the world, theGerechtigkeitliga is their planet'sJustice League. Its members include Overman, Brunhilde, Leatherwing, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Flash, and Green Lantern. Post-Flashpoint, Earth-10's Justice League became theNew Reichsmen which featured Overman, Overgirl, Brünhilde, Leatherwing, Blitzen, Martian, Underwaterman, Green Lantern, and Red Tornado.
In theArrowverse crossover event "Crisis on Earth-X", Dark Arrow is theFührer and leader of the New Reichsmen which includes Overgirl, Blitzkrieg, Black Arrow, and Siren-X.
A group formed by Emperor Joker that included Bizarro #1, Ignition, Enigma, Bounty, Gravedigger Lad, Skizm, Lois Lane, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, andScorch.
The Kabuki Twins are the Penguin's minions inThe Batman.
They appear inThe Lego Batman Movie.[42]
A team of elite assassins made up ofBolt,Deadshot,Deadline, Chiller, andMerlyn.
Ruler of the Beast-Men, King Kull assembled Brainiac, Joker, Penguin, Blockbuster, Queen Clea, Ibac, Mr. Atom, Dr. Light, Shade, and the Weeper in a bid to conquer three Earths.
The criminal duo of theJoker and thePenguin who first teamed in the story "Knights of Knavery".
Kobra is an international terrorist and mad scientist whose namesake organization has crossed paths with the majority of Earth's costumed heroes during his attempts to usher in theKali Yuga (an age of chaos). His real name is Jeffrey Franklin Burr, and he was born part of a set of twins, but was stolen at birth by the Cult of the Kobra God, since a prophecy claimed he would lead them to rule the world. Under their teaching, he became a dangerous warrior and a sadistic criminal mastermind. Kobra led the cult into using advanced technology to menace the world.
TheKobra Cult first appears inKobra #1 (March 1976). Kobra created two separate teams of superpowered mercenaries calledStrike Force Kobra.
When theJohnny Thunder ofEarth-One comes into possession of theThunderbolt genie, he has him use his power to transform his gang into a version of the Justice League called theLawless League. Ripper Jones, Race Morrison, Barney Judson, Eddie Orson, Bill Gore, and Monk Loomis became versions of Superman, Flash, Atom, Martian Manhunter, Batman, and Green Lantern, respectively.
Formed in the vein of theSuicide Squad, theLeague Busters were sanctioned by theUnited Nations to combatJustice League International should the need arise. Led byPeacemaker, the group consisted of Chromax,Mirror Master,Spellbinder, andUltraa.
TheLeague of Ancients is a group of people that were assembled to combat the Justice League. They consist of the Atlantean sorceressGamemnae (who foresaw the Justice League as the "Seven-Headed Hydra" that would threaten Atlantis), Jarhanpour rulerRama Khan, magic userManitou Raven, a fallen alien known as the Anointed One, a Northern Eurasian man called the Whaler, a pre-Aztec man named Tezumak, and a weapon-woman named Sela.
Members of the League of Ancients appear inSupergirl, depicted as aliens from Krypton's sister planet Jarhanpur.
Led by Praying Mantis, theLeague of Annoyance included Aunt Phetamine, Cell Phone Sylvia, Drunkula (Baron Nightblood), Filo Math, Malingerer, and the Scrambler.
TheLeague of Assassins is a cult-like organization of trained killers formerly led byRa's al Ghul, an enemy ofBatman. The League of Assassins was founded by Ra's al Ghul (exactly when is unknown) to be "the fang that protects the head" (Batgirl #67, 2005). Members of the League demonstrated willingness to die at a word from Ra's. They have included some of the most dangerous assassins in the world, includingLady Shiva,David Cain, and master archerMerlyn.
Composed of theChallengers of the Unknown's greatest foes, Kra brought together Drabny, Volcano Man, andMulti-Man as theLeague of Challenger Haters. Later, Multi-Man took control of the group and added Multi-Woman to their ranks.
Led by the Riddler, theLeague of Villainy included Black Bison, Black Mask, Captain Boomerang, Captain Cold, Doctor Poison, Doctor Psycho, Doctor Sivana, Giganta, Heat Wave, Hector Hammond, Joker, Judge of Owls, Mad Hatter, Marionette, Mime, Mirror Master, Mister Freeze, Moonbow, Penguin, Professor Pyg, Scarecrow, Sonar, Tattooed Man, Top, Two-Face, and Typhoon.
Formed by Mordru, theLegion of Dead Heroes were zombie versions of Sun Boy, Karate Kid, Ferro Lad, Invisible Kid, Blok, Triplicate Girl, Chemical King, Magnetic Kid, and Reflecto.
TheLegion of Doom is a group ofsupervillains that originated inChallenge of the Super Friends, an animated series fromHanna-Barbera based onDC Comics'Justice League.[43] The group was originally going to be called the League of Evil and be led by Dr. Sivana but Filmation had the rights to Captain Marvel necessitating an alteration. The Legion of Doom has since been incorporated into the mainDC Universe, appearing in comics, as well as further animated and live-action adaptations.
In theGotham universe, Jerome Valeska assembled the Penguin, Scarecrow, Mad Hatter, Solomon Grundy, Mister Freeze, and Firefly as theLegion of Horribles to create chaos in Gotham.
An organization of Sivanas from across the multiverse.
ABizarro version of theLegion of Super-Heroes. It included Bizarro versions ofLightning Lad,Saturn Girl,Cosmic Boy,Chameleon Boy,Invisible Kid,Ultra Boy,Mon-El, andBrainiac 5.
Indebted to the Lord of the Netherworlds Om, theLegion of Weird is made up of Count Karnak, Hordred, Kaftu, Madoga, and Mistress Vera Wycker who battled the Challengers of the Unknown.
TheLegion of Zoom is a team that is led byProfessor Zoom/Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne) who brought togetherCaptain Cold, theGolden Glider,Gorilla Grodd,Tar Pit, theTornado Twins, theTrickster, and theTurtle. They start to attack the Flash on all fronts to the point where Thawne starts to take over the Flash's body enough that the Flash Family had to assemble to combat him.[44] After Thawne in Barry's body tries to get Captain Cold, the Golden Glider, Gorilla Grodd, and the Turtle to dig up Nora Allen's body, the Trickster and the Tornado Twins try to stop him when the rest of the Flash family shows up, only to be returned to their own timelines. When Thawne is exorcised from Barry Allen, he rounds up every villain who hates the Flash family to expand his Legion of Zoom, includingAbra Kadabra, Belladonna ofGemini,Blacksmith,Bloodwork,Double Down,Fiddler,Folded Man,Girder, Papercut,Peek-a-Boo,Plunder,Rag Doll, Razer, theThinker A.I., andTop.[45]
An unrelated Legion of Zoom appears inBatwheels, consisting of theJoker's Jokermobile Prank (voiced by Griffin Burns),Harley Quinn's ATV Jestah (voiced by Alexandra Novelle), theRiddler's helicopter Quizz (voiced byJosey Montana McCoy), thePenguin's boat Ducky (voiced by Ariyan Kassam), Mr. Freeze's snowcrawler Snowy (voiced byXolo Maridueña), theBatcomputer's rival Badcomputer (voiced bySungWon Cho), and a crash test dummy-esque robot named Crash (voiced byTom Kenny).[46]
Les Mille Yeux, "The Thousand Eyes", was a major international crime cartel involved in drugs, arms smuggling, and political blackmail. ThePhantom Lady fought and blinded theirWashington, D.C. leader, Edwin Guerrehart. Their first appearance was inAction Comics Weekly #636. Les Mille Yeux later hired Colonel Computron to kidnapStarman.[4]
Leviathan is an organization founded byTalia al Ghul upon leaving her father Ra's al Ghul's League of Assassins. Leviathan's liturgy is staunchly anti-capitalist, and seeks to dismantle society and impose itself as the leaders of a new way. The organization has served as a threat toBatman Incorporated.
Creating a tourist attraction for Littleville, the gang of Fisherman, Baron Tyrano, Lamplighter, Strobe, and the Terrible Trio performed mock crimes for entertainment (The Key is also shown but not as part of the gang).
Locus is an international group of criminal scientists which conspired with the Appellaxian aliens to take over the world. Locus placed members of theDoom Patrol,Justice Society of America, andJustice League into special internment camps and stole their limbs in order to create perfect bodies for themselves. They first appeared inJLA: Year One #1 (January 1998).[47]
Fighting the Norse Gods atRagnarök, Loki's army faced an amalgamation of the gods and Justice Society of America due to the machinations of Adolf Hitler. The evil forces included Fenrir, Garm, Midgard Serpent, and Surtur.
A group of villains assembled byAmos Fortune made up of Acrobat, Crier, Cyclone, Racer, Shrinking Man, Strongman, and Water King.
A legendary, terrifying creature on Mars, theMartian Mountain M'mannix is one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet. One time, Martian Manhunter believed he came face-to-face with one but it was instead seven Green Martians that merged to try and conquer Earth.
A boys' school for crime run by Ma Gunn.
MAZE was an international espionage agency that stole information from around the world to sell to the highest bidder. They also undertook assignments to discredit political dissidents and assassinate world leaders. MAZE had access to a number of super-weapons and was constantly seeking new items for its arsenal. They first appeared inSuperman #268.[48] MAZE operatives frequently fought Batgirl and Robin in the pages ofBatman Family in the 1970s.
Led by Farley Fleeter, the Madmen are a gang of acrobatic criminals who often battledBlue Beetle.
Technology-based group led by Override that included Baud, Download, Output, and Scareware.
A husband and wife team,Man-Bat and She-Bat transformed themselves into bat-creatures that troubled Gotham City.
Founded byLex Luthor onEarth-22, theMankind Liberation Front sought to solve the problem of Earth's superhumans. It includedVandal Savage,Catwoman,Riddler, and King of theRoyal Flush Gang withCaptain Marvel as a brainwashed slave and Ibn al Xu’ffasch as a spy forBatman.
TheMany Arms of Death is a terrorist group from Coryana that have fought Batwoman. Each of its members are named after a weapon (e.g. Knife, Needle, Rifle) due to the play on the "arms" portion of the name. The Many Arms of Death used a legitimate company called the Kali Corporation as a front.Scarecrow once worked with the Many Arms of Death under the alias of Needle.Alice was brainwashed by the Many Arms of Death to serve them under the alias of the Mother of War, after being taken from the sanatorium where she was being treated.[49]Batman asksBatwoman to help break the Many Arms of Death. In doing so, Batwoman discovers that Tahani, a former lover ofSafiyah Sohail and one of Kate's rivals for her affections years earlier, is one of the group's assassins, codenamed Knife.[50]
The Many Arms of Death appear in season two ofBatwoman. They consist of Pike, Rapier, Dire-Flail, and an assortment of unnamed members. The Many Arms of Death are depicted as an assassin group from Coryana that is loyal to Safiyah Sohail and do her bidding.
A group of mercenaries in high-tech army ant armor that battled Batwing.
TheMasters of Disaster are a group of superpowered mercenaries that have powers derived from the elements.
Led by KGBeast,Mayhem included Stranglehold, Cheshire, Braze, NKVDemon, and Maelstrom.
First appearing inDoom Patrol (vol. 2) #35, theMen from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. is an organization that is dedicated to the extermination of eccentricity and difference after their soul husks have been harvested by the Agency and the Telephone Avatar during World War II. They once capturedFlex Mentallo and targetedDanny the Street.
In the TV seriesDoom Patrol, theBureau of Normalcy is based on the Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E.
During the "Forever Evil" storyline,Cheetah started a group called theMenagerie which consists of animal-like characters likeElephant Man,Hellhound,Lion-Mane, Mäuschen,Primeape, andZebra-Man.Steve Trevor andKiller Frost fought them in the park when working to get the Lasso of Truth from Cheetah. While Steve Trevor defeated Cheetah and claimed the Lasso of Truth, Killer Frost froze the Menagerie and escaped.[51]
A group ofCIA operatives who drew the ire of theAtom and were shrunk to six-inches as a consequence. DubbedMicro/Squad, the team led by Blacksnake and including Mr. Baily, Ms. Hubbard, Ginsburg, and Sting became a reoccurring foe of the hero.
WhenMinister Blizzard andShadow-Thief conspired to plunge the Earth into anotherIce Age, the former manipulatedCaptain Cold and theIcicle to help.[52]
Organized byKiller Moth, theMisfits was an assembly of some of Batman's lesser foes in hopes their combined power could be more formidable. Its members includedCatman,Calendar Man, and Chancer.
Formed from across the multiverse byMonarch,Monarch's Army included theCrime Society,JLAxis,Extremists, Queen Belthera, Earth-43 Batman, and Earth-7 Starwoman.
Captain Thunder's greatest foes, theMonster League of Evil included Frankenstein's Monster, Dracula, Wolf-Man, and the Mummy.
TheMonster Society of Evil is an organization formed byMister Mind to carry out his evil plots.
Assembled byMultiplex to battleFirestorm, the group includedSlipknot, Hyena,Mindboggler, andBolt. WhenJason Rusch adopted the Firestorm mantle, Multiplex assembled another gang but withKiller Frost,Black Bison, Hyena,Plastique, andTyphoon.
A mysterious collective of shadowy entities, theNameless count Synnar and Deacon Dark among their followers as theEternal Light Corporation is a front for their organization.
A biker gang assembled by Nasthalthia Luthor,Nasty's Nasties were meant to help draw outSupergirl.
As the leader of the Legion of Doom inHarley Quinn, Poison Ivy mentors Volcana, Terra, and Tefé as theNatural Disasters.
In theArrowverse, the avatars of the Forces in Deon Owens, Psych, and Fuerza are infected and possessed by theNegative Forces of their powers and align to resurrect the Reverse-Flash.
NauticalEnforcement ofMacrocosmicOrder, or N.E.M.O for short, is a hundred year old secret society introduced inDC Rebirth. Founded by "Fisher King", it is intent on controlling the world, bringing them in conflict withAquaman. Its members included the deceased King,Professor Ivo,King Shark andBlack Manta.[53]
There are three different versions ofNetwork:
The originalNetwork members were a band of small-time villains whosemetagenes were triggered by theMonitor shortly before theCrisis on Infinite Earths. The six criminals drew onbroadcast power beamed down from a special satellite owned by the rock video channel RTV. The Network members wereBlue Matt (invisibility),Cathode (electrokinetic),Erase (acid touch),Fast Forward (enhances kinetic potential),UHF (manipulates audible and inaudible soundwaves), andVolume (can increase mass and density). The first Network was defeated by Superman and Batman. The Network I first appeared inWorld's Finest Comics #311 (January 1985).[54]
The secondNetwork is a black market for supervillains based inKeystone City. This Network has been run by a villainess namedBlacksmith. Its services are frequently used byKobra. The Network's base is protected by theRogues, and theColonel Computron units.[55]
The thirdNetwork is a widespread organization of criminals who recently appeared inGotham City. Businesswoman Celia Kazantkakis (Athena), used the Network to get her revenge against the Gotham Rossetti mob. After a clash withBatman and his allies the Network was crippled, but Kazantkakis escaped. Known Network operatives are: theTracker, theTechnician,Doctor Excess,Bugg, theSuicide King,Mister Fun, andFreeway.[56]
Founded byMaxie Zeus, theNew Olympians were his underlings when he sought to abduct athlete Lacinia Nitocris. Its members included Antaeus, Argus, Diana, Nox, Proteus, and Vulcanus.
TheNew Order was a group of metahumans named Cain, Ammo, Corona, and Scud who commandeered a nuclear facility and demanded "one billion dollars and all mutant wild life freed". TheFlash andGreen Lantern took them down inJustice Society of America (vol. 2) #1.[4][57]
The organization ofN.O.W.H.E.R.E., founded by the futuristic man calledHarvest, with their main goal to extort and control teen heroes (both powered and non-powered) like theTeen Titans and theLegion Lost.[58] The members are Batus, Centerhall, Crush, Fuji, Hammerfist, Leash, Misbelief, Psykill, Doctor Umber, Templar, and Windstrom. Former Members are a clone ofCaitlin Fairchild, Grunge,Omen,Ravager, Ridge, Shadow Walker,Superboy, and Warblade.[59]
Introduced in theNew 52, N.O.W.H.E.R.E. are the main villains in the crossoverThe Culling as they lead their own army ofRavagers against the teens in their own arena called The Colony.
TheNinth Circle is an international group of corrupt business executives, originally founded byRobert Queen and Dante.[60] The group's leaders have their meetings wearing masks to prevent any of them from betraying the others should they get caught. The Ninth Circle has a private army called the Burned, who are created through a baptism in lava and turned into mindless servants.[61] The Ninth Circle serve as prominent villains throughoutGreen Arrow: Rebirth.[60]
The Ninth Circle appeared inseason 7 ofArrow. Its notable members includeEmiko Queen, the group's leader in the present timeline until the season finale,Beatrice who became the new leader,Dante, andVirgil.
A team of nuclear-themed supervillains introduced inBattle for Bludhaven whose membership included Professor Radium, Nuclear, Mister Nitro, Geiger,Reactron, andNeutron.[62]
In an Elseworlds, Starro the Conqueror organized a team of Justice League foes whose name ended in the letter "O" as theO Squad. Its membership included Amazo, Bizarro, Chemo, Despero, Kanjar Ro, Metallo, Sinestro, Starro, Titano, and T.O. Morrow (Lobo emerged as a latecomer). The team behindJustice League briefly considered an All-O Squad featuring the likes of Amazo, Despero, Starro, Chemo and Bizarro before deciding it was too hokey.[63] This was also a deciding factor in why the name of Eclipso was changed.[64]
O.G.R.E. is an acronym used by two different groups in theDC Universe.
Created byBob Haney andNick Cardy, this group first appeared inAquaman #26 (July 1976).
Within the context of the DC Universe, the first incarnation ofO.G.R.E. (short forOrganization forGeneralRevenge andEnslavement) is a small mercenary terrorist group, led by the black-hooded Supreme One. Operating for an unnamed foreign government, they have confrontedAquaman in a number of occasions and worked through either hired agents, such asBlack Manta, or coerced ones, such asTyphoon and the Huntress.
First appearing inAquaman (vol. 4) #9 (August 1992) and within the context of the DC Universe, the second incarnation ofO.G.R.E. (short for theOceanGoingResourceExchange and also referred to as the "Exchange") is a corporate extension of Merrevale Oil created by Jordan Wylie. Publicly presenting itself as an environmental firm, its actual activities bring it into conflict withAquaman and theSea Devils. This results in Wylie being removed from public positions at Merrevale and the Exchange.
TheOblivion Front, whose forces were clad in blue, red, and gold armor, was "a terrorist splinter group" led by Dominion (Dominique Duchamp). Dominion herself wore a similar, less-armored costume and had a scar down the right side of her face. Dominion later led the Oblivion Front in an assault during which they intended to raid a weapons vault. Instead, the entire group was taken down byGunfire. They first appeared inShowcase '94 #1.[4]
When Atlanna was driven mad and sought the death of her son Aquaman, she aligned with Ocean Master who had robot duplicates of his brother's most dangerous foes produced. Such included Black Manta, Scavenger, Fisherman, Shark, Starro, Marine Marauder, Captain Demo, and Seaquake.
Founded by Lokee, the Old Gods of Evil was a faction in the Urgrund civil war. At the climax of the war when the planet was split in two, Yuga Khan lead and founded Apokolips.
The murders of several foreign intelligence agents ledBatman on an international search for answers. In the course of the case, Batman learned of the abduction ofHungarian physicist Lucas Nagy and eventually pieced together clues that indicated that a terrorist organization known asOmega had forced him to build a 20-megaton nuclear bomb. When the terrorists threatened Gotham City with a nuclear holocaust, Batman's own experiences seemed to back up their claims. Eventually, Batman discovered that Omega's leader had manipulated everyone. Unable to force Nagy to create such a bomb, the leader realized that no one would know whether Omega truly had a bomb and set out to convince everyone that it did exist, with Batman as "Omega's prime witness". Their only appearance is inBatman #281-283.[4]
Based in theInjustice universe, the One Earth Regime was founded bySuperman to rule the Earth. Its membership included Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Cyborg, Green Lantern, Flash, Shazam, John Stewart, Spectre/Mister Mxyzptlk, Swamp Thing, King Shark, Bane, Catwoman, Supergirl, Ares, Aquaman, Metamorpho, Black Lightning, Sinestro, Killer Croc, Clayface, Penguin, Raven, Nightwing, Killer Frost, Girder, Black Adam, Solomon Grundy, and Doomsday while Lex Luthor acted as a mole for Batman's Insurgency.
Onslaught is a team of superpowered international terrorists-for-hire operating out of the outlaw nation of Qurac. The team was created and guided by Qurac's President Marlo and had accepted, as its first commission, the assignment of killing thePresident of the United States. FormerSuicide Squad member Jess Bright, now a Soviet operative named Koshchei, helpedbioengineer candidates for the team.
Founded by Roderick Burgess, theOrder of Ancient Mysteries sought to gain power through occult means.
TheOrder of St. Dumas, originally part of theKnights Templar and also called theSacred Order of Saint Dumas, were a group of soldier-monks that were formed during theCrusades.[65] The Order enriched itself, though, during the Crusades, then went into hiding. The Order's first champion was an Asian man named Stephen Forrest Lee, the assassin known toMark Shaw asDumas. The failure of this champion splintered the order. The main branch retreated and the violent splinter elements created a new champion called Azrael, a hereditary title given to the splinter Order's near-superhuman enforcer and assassin. Members of the splinter Order enlarged the organization's power by killing their enemies, hoarding knowledge, and kidnapping some of the greatest thinkers in the world. The Order also invented "disinformation", to ensure that the theories of the kidnapped geniuses would look so silly that nobody would miss them or examine their research. With a large amount of help from the most recentAzrael, Jean-Paul Valley, the splinter group was apparently scattered.[66]
The Order of St. Dumas appears in the second season ofGotham. In this show, the Dumas family were one of the founders of Gotham City until Caleb Dumas had an affair with Celestine Wayne. After cutting off Caleb's hand with a knife, the Wayne family forced the Dumases into exile, where some of them took refuge with a religious extension of the family, while others remained behind and their last names were changed to Galavan. Years later, Theo Galavan and his sister Tabitha began their family's plans for revenge on the Wayne family by targeting Bruce Wayne. When The Order is near to killing Bruce Wayne as a part of their ritual, Gordon and his allies prevent it and many members are shot or arrested, Theo Galavan is killed by Gordon, while his sister Tabitha escapes with Silver St. Cloud.
Also known as theReapers, theOrder of the Scythe was a mercenary band including Nick Gage, Figment, Harmony, Jabberwock, Miranda, and Slipstream.
The shadow forms of the Orisha, its members include dark versions of Shango, Jakuta, Erinle, Ogun, Adiremi, and Ochun. A dark version of Firestorm also emerged in Shadowstorm.
A group of thieves and robbers dressed in panther-inspired costumes, thePanther Gang crossed paths with the Atom. A member of the gang later joined a team of Atom villains to battle the hero's inheritor.
Representing the Black and in opposition of the other elemental Parliaments,Parliament of Decay is death withAnton Arcane its avatar.Abby Holland later supplanted her father's role and has counted Detritus and Sethe among its ranks.
ThePeople's Heroes are a group of Russian agents that consists of Bolshoi, Molotov, Pravda, and Hammer & Sickle.[67]
ThePeople's Liberation Army (commonly known as the "Death's Head") first made its impact onGotham City with a ten-week assault that included bombing banks, federal office buildings, and courthouses. Their terror campaign paralyzed the city. They were led byThanatos, clad in a skull mask, a green costume and red cape, gloves and boots, and secretly an Italian terrorist named Sophia Santos.
The PLA later resurfaced inWashington, D.C., agreeing to "accidentally" kill an anti-crime senator during one of their attacks in exchange for a delivery of weapons and explosives from syndicate queen Irene Scarfield. The leader of this PLA operation wasBloodclaw, a bald, bearded man with crimson steel fingernails. He disappeared into thePotomac River following a fight with Batman and was presumed dead.[4][68]
ThePoint Men are foes ofYoung Justice.
The evil equivalent of the Super Buddies in a parallel universe.
Foes of Superman, Prankster and Toyman collaborated to battle their mutual enemy.
A team of Japanese agents, Prince Daka lead Sumo the Samurai, Kung, and Tsunami.
A trio of people whose lives were ruined by technological progress, Printer's Devil, Pinball Wizard, and Bad Penny attacked the World's Fair.
The higher-ups of Tao's criminal organization are theProdigals which include Peter Grimm, Miss Misery, and Holden Carver.
An alien duo that fought Superman.
TheQuorum is a rogue American agency. Its agents included Martika the Enchantress, Militia,Major Force, Dementor, Black Serpent, Enforcer, Sledge, and Devlin.
Since Rainbow Raider's death, a team of color-themed supervillains have dubbed themselves theRainbow Raiders in his honor.
Each member of the Rainbow Raiders has powers based on their color:
After the death of the firstCaptain Boomerang, a funeral was held that every villain ever to face Flash attended. Among the large crowd was an eclectic group of metahumans calling themselves the "Rainbow Raiders", in honor of the late Flash villain. Their sentiments, expressed during the service, seemed to denote that the group was relatively new to the scene, and had little exposure, standing, or experience working together.
The Raiders were active during theCrime Syndicate of America's second invasion of Earth, encounteringJohnny Quick andPower Ring (who were disguised as theFlash andGreen Lantern) while attacking theMissoula County, MontanaS.T.A.R. Labs facility. The battle goes badly for the two, but thanks to the help of nearby civilians, believing that their beloved heroes are in trouble, attack the Raiders and allow Power Ring and Johnny Quick to rally and subdue the group.[69]
The fate of the Rainbow Raiders was intended for the pages ofBlackest Night, and was soon after released as a "deleted page" segment inUntold Tales of the Blackest Night. Believing that, with the dead attacking, it was best to be on the 'winning side', the Raiders committed mass suicide to join theBlack Lantern Corps. However they remained dead because they lacked any emotional ties sufficient to draw the attention of the black power rings, which focused on resurrecting people who would inspire certain emotions in Earth's heroes and villains, such asLex Luthor's various murder victims, or fallen villains and heroes likeMaxwell Lord andElongated Man.
A band of female mercenaries led byCheshire, theRavens included Pistolera, Vicious, and Termina and became a thorn in the side ofGotham City's heroes.
A faction of Green Martians from Mars II led by the Marshal, theRed Brotherhood overthrew their planet and tried to conquer Earth. Among their ranks wasMartian Manhunter's lover J'en.
A terrorist organization led by a woman of the same name,Red Claw battled Batman in the DC Animated Universe.
An enemy of the Ravers,Red Shift included Drrt, Klo, Red Death, and Whoon.
A cult formed around the Crime Bible tied to Darkseid andCain. It included Stanton and Giselle Carlyle, Mother Superior, Sinclair,Mistress Alice, Sister Wrack, Sister Shard, and Brother Flay.
The Religion of Crime served as loose inspiration for the Wonderland Gang inBatwoman.
The equivalent of a Parliament for the Metal, theRithm was led by Machine Queen and included Omega Calculus, A Calculus, B Calculus, and C Calculus.
A group of feral, Jokerized children under the control ofThe Batman Who Laughs.
Created by Doc Robot, theRobots of Terror included Aluminum, Barium, Calcium, Plutonium, Sodium, and Zirconium.
TheRobot Renegades are a robotic team appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.
Seeking the supremacy of machines over humans, they first appeared as a team inMetal Men (vol. 3) #2 (2007). The group consists of U.N.I.O.N., Warbox, Body X,L-Ron, and Manhunter Lud of theManhunters. InMetal Men (vol. 3) #3, they would assistWill Magnus in defeating theDeath Metal Men, although purely for their own reasons.
WhenCaptain Marvel fought to save the soul of his uncle Ebenezer Batson, he had to face Satan's champions: Abaddon, Medea, Antaeus, Old Age, Legion, and Truth.
Founded by Tarik the Mute, theSchool for Super-Villains helped form the basis of theLegion of Super-Villains.
Scorpio is a mercenary group of terrorists-for-hire. Scorpio is a well-equipped organization always on the look out for advanced technology that can easily be weaponized. They were first seen in public fighting off both theSea Devils and theChallengers of the Unknown.
S.C.Y.T.H.E. was an anti-government terrorist organization from a European country called Lugwainia. They abducted brilliant aeronautics engineer Robert Selkirk, who had spent years as a political prisoner in a pseudo-Soviet nation before gaining asylum in the United States, and they demanded an exchange with their imprisoned leader, Alexander Sorkhan. AUnited Nations team consisting ofDiana Prince andSteve Trevor were assigned to go with Selkirk to the exchange, but they were waylaid by the terrorists and betrayed by Selkirk himself, who helped Sorkhan escape. Their first and only appearance was inWonder Woman #244.[4]
TheSecret Society of Super Villains is a criminal organization that is the evil counterpart of the Justice League of America.
Clones made of Superman, Orion, Kalibak, Lydea Mallor, and an unknown Guardian of the Universe by Darkseid to service his resurrection in the 30th century.
Deities once worshipped on Thanagar that were led by Onimar Synn the Sin-Eater and includedLuciphage the Starbreaker. A death cult continues in the present that worship the Devils which included Sh'ri Valkyr.
A faction within the League of Assassins made up of Detonator, Hook, Maduvu, Merlyn, Razorburn, Shellcase, and Whip.
A group of child molesters who masqueraded as super heroes. TheSeven Sentinels include Atoman, Hound, Sun Woman, Davy Jones, Sizzler, Scarlet Scepter, M'rrgla Qualtz, Black Boomerang, and Kingfisher.
Led by Darkstorm,Shadow-Force is a team of mercenaries hired by theDubelz Crime Family to eliminate Hitman. It includes Cockatoo, Ironbolt, Mink, Panzer, and Twilight.
Shadowspire supplied South American drug cartels with the necessary tools of their trade: weapons, transportation, high technology, and reliable intelligence. Shadowspire's tentacles penetrate every corrupt government and drug cartel on two continents. They even had the resources and know how to create their own weaponized viruses. Shadowspire's first appearance was inDeathstroke #53. The group was created by Tom Joyner and Mike Collins.[4]
TheSilicon Syndicate operates in the fictional city of Platinum Flats, which is most likely based onSilicon Valley. The Syndicate's principals were allmetahumans who felt they had a free run of the city since no major superhero teams operate on the West Coast of the DC Comics universe. Known principals were Visionary,Gizmo,Kilg%re, the Matchmaker, theCalculator, the Collector, and theJoker. The group came into conflict with theBirds of Prey, who clashed with street level operatives, such as Carface, Diamond, the Gangly Man, the Mind Bullet, Topaz, and the Tuatara, before working their way up to the principals.
Twins who worked for Two-Face and the Secret Society of Super-Villains.
TheSKULL organization actively recruited discredited geniuses and outcast scientists at the behest of Albert Michaels, the firstAtomic Skull. Their criminal agenda often brought them into conflict with the terrorist organization known asKobra. They later expanded their criminal empire to the West Coast. Albert Michaels was one of the sleeper agents of rogue SKULL scientist Alysia Damalis. SKULL was introduced in 1976'sSuperman #301.
Skull was seemingly inactive until Simon Pons revitalized the group; Pons first appears inOutsiders #6, but does not take an active role untilOutsiders Annual #1 in a story entitled "The Skull..., The Serpent... and the Outsiders". In this story, Simon Pons rebuilds SKULL and renews their long-standing feud with Kobra.[4]
S.P.I.D.E.R. (short for Society for Political Instability and Diverted Economic Resources) was an international crime organization based in a hidden grotto near the Riviera. The eight "legs" of the organization were devoted toArson,Drugs,Extortion,Fraud,Gambling,Theft,Assassination, andTerrorism.
The organization was led by a green costumed albino woman namedMorella. S.P.I.D.E.R.'s stated intention was to ultimately destabilize all world governments and then use the chaos to make themselves rich. Most of Morella's operatives wore standard green, yellow, and red uniforms but her division chiefs, including the Spider and the Widow, had distinctive costumes. S.P.I.D.E.R.'s first and only appearance was inCatwoman (vol. 2) #48-49.[4]
Sonar and his henchmen Throttle and Blindside.
Spyral is a UN covert operations agency founded during the Cold War. Its original head, Agent Zero, decided to avoid getting involved in politics, and rather than recruiting from among the espionage services of NATO or the Warsaw Pact countries, instead recruited rebels: iconoclastic daredevils and rogue geniuses, and got them to use their mental and physical gifts to serve the agency.
At some point, it was revealed that Agent Zero was really a Nazi master spy codenamed Doctor Dedalus, and had been betraying the agency for his own ends. Soon after, the agency collapsed...or so it seemed.
In response to the escalating war between Batman Incorporated and the Leviathan terrorist organization, the UN decided to reform Spyral and recruited Doctor Dedalus' long-thought-dead daughter, Kathy Webb-Kane, as its leader. Using her personal resources, she recruited enough of a force to convince Batman, Inc. to disband as soon as the conflict was done.
In 2011, "The New 52" rebooted the DC universe. In Prime-Earth's history, Doctor Dedalus was revealed to have created both Spyral and Leviathan as part of a deranged attempt at immortality, setting up the two organizations to oppose each other in a never-ending cycle of vendetta, and grooming his children to manage the two agencies.
Spyral received more funding and new members in the wake of the "Forever Evil" incident. With the organization firmly re-established, the subsequent Directors of Spyral followed varying goals, unknowingly influenced by the agency's real leader, an entity called Spyder, who was eventually revealed to be a computerized copy of the mind of the late Doctor Dedalus.
Agent Obscura is tasked with convincing Plastic Man to infiltrate a multi-dimensional conspiracy.
Formed in opposition of theShadow Cabinet by Headmaster from within,Star Chamber sought to enslave humanity rather than protect it. Its founders included Ash, Rainsaw, Slag, Wytch, Funyl, and Transit and over time addedHolocaust and Harm to its ranks. Even heroes likeRocket andXombi were tricked into joining for a time.
Formed by Henry Bendix,Stormwatch Zero was the precursor toStormwatch where all but two of its members (Apollo and Midnighter) died on their inaugural mission. However, Bendix had the entire team cloned and left to guard his secret bunker. Appearing as zombified versions of the group, in addition to Apollo and Midnighter is Amaze, Impetus, Lamplight, Stalker, and Crow Jane. Amaze, Impetus, and Lamplight were resurrected as zombies prior to this by Ghoulgotha to kill Apollo and Midnighter.
Kobra researched every villain that ever foughtBatman and how they each acquired their respective powers. After obtaining some test subjects, Kobra had his researchers use this information to transform them intoStrike Force Kobra. The members consist ofClayface IV, Elemental Woman,Planet Master II, Spectrumonster, andZebra-Man II. Kobra sent them to fight theOutsiders and infiltrate Stagg Enterprises. During the resulting fight, Spectrumonster was destroyed and the rest of Strike Force Kobra was defeated by the Outsiders and arrested by the police.[70] During theInfinite Crisis storyline, Strike Force Kobra members Planet Master II, a somehow-revived Spectrumonster, and Zebra-Man II appear as members ofAlexander Luthor Jr.'sSecret Society of Super Villains where they are seen during the Battle of Metropolis.[71]
Kobra would later form a second incarnation of Strike Force Kobra led by his cult member Lady Eve and consisting of Dervish, Fauna Faust,Syonide IV, and Windfall. When this version of Strike Force Kobra was defeated byEradicator's incarnation of the Outsiders even after the death of the fourth Syonide, Lady Eve called Kobra for help only for him to tell them to surrender. This action caused a strain between Kobra and Lady Eve.[72]
Founded by General Avery Sunderland, theSunderland Corporation was a ruthless conglomerate connected to the Defense Department Intelligence (DDI). Sunderland's daughter Constance as well as Alan Windsor were among upper management.
An evil equivalent of the Super Friends from a parallel Earth.
The evil equivalent of the Marvel Family inJustice League: Crisis on Two Earths which included Superwoman, Captain Super, Uncle Super, and Captain Super Jr.
The originalSuper Foes formed in opposition of theSuper Friends and consisted ofToyman,Penguin,Poison Ivy,Cheetah, and the Human Flying Fish and junior members Toyboy, Chick, Honeysuckle, Kitten, and Sardine.
A later version was a Bizarro version of the Super Friends with Bizarro versions of Aquaman (Aquazarro), Wonder Woman (Bizarra), Batman (Batzarro), Apache Chief, Flash, Hawkman (Hawkzarro), Gleek, Winder Twins (Wunder Twinz), Green Lantern (Yellow Lanturn), and Black Vulcan.
WhenSportsmaster wanted to prove toHuntress that evil could triumph over good, he assembled theSuper-Villains to face Earth's heroes in a game of baseball. His team consisted ofLex Luthor,Joker,Weather Wizard,Doctor Polaris,Tattooed Man,Chronos,Matter Master, andFelix Faust withAmazo as the umpire.
The concept of a heroes vs. villains game of baseball was adapted forBatman: The Brave and the Bold in "Triumvirate of Terror!" where theLegion of Doom faced theJustice League International. Therein, Lex Luthor, Joker,Cheetah, Weather Wizard,Clock King, Chronos, and Felix Faust made up the team with Amazo as the umpire.
A homage to the Inferior Five, theSuperior Five are Jongleur, Splitshot, Lagomorph, Hindenberg, and Tremor.
The extraterrestrial crime cartel known as theSyndicate was a loose alliance of alien interests operating on Earth. Known members included drug dealerByth Rok and smugglerKanjar Ro. The Syndicate's operations were highlighted during theCrime lord/Syndicate War a storyline which ran through the titlesDarkstars #32 (March 1995),Deathstroke #48-50 (June–August 1995), andThe New Titans #122 (June 1995). The Crime lord was eventually revealed to beSteve Dayton and the Syndicate was crushed by a collection of Earth's heroes includingExtreme Justice, theOutsiders, and theBlood Pack.[73][74]
An international organization dedicated to world control,S.Y.S.T.E.M. is made up of independent interconnected cells with soldiers known as SYSTEMatics. Known members include Grandmother, Amber Leader Mom, Onslaught, Agent Scar, Smart, Indigo Leader Edwin Alva, Chewie, Rose, Milton St. Cloud, Sloan, and Thomas Walsh.
The Phantom Stranger's greatest foes,Tala and Tannarak fought their enemy multiple times separately and, on one occasion, each other before inevitably aligning only to suffer defeat again.
The criminal organization of Tao includes the Prodigals, Torpedoes, Blackguards, and Quislings. One of the top units is the Hounds.
Tartarus is a villain organization that was established byVandal Savage in his plot to destroy the Teen Titans. Its known members includeCheshire,Gorilla Grodd,Lady Vic, Red Panzer, andSiren.
Existing inThe Batman universe,Team Penguin was assembled by the Penguin and included Killer Croc, Rag Doll, Firefly, and Killer Moth.
The team of Captain Cold and Heat Wave, theTemperature Twins aligned to battle the Flash.
The Temperature Twins appear inThe Flash andLegends of Tomorrow.
A cult worshipping Eclipso, theTemple of the Divine Light was led by Lycaon.
An evil homage to theFantastic Four, theTerrific Trio are 2-D Man, Freon, and Magma. They originate fromBatman Beyond.
TheTerror Titans is a mirror group of the Teen Titans. It is led byClock King II and consists of Dreadbolt,Copperhead II, Disruptor, andPersuader.
In the wake of perceived failures of the Manhunters and Green Lantern Corps (as the Halla's are seemingly retconned), the Guardians of the Universe develop theThird Army: a virus that infects organic lifeforms and turns them into emotionless cybernetic peacekeepers.
Pre-Crisis, Evil was an entity that fought theMarvel Family that could split into three beings called theThree Faces of Evil: Terror, Sin, and Wickedness. Post-Crisis, however, they were three separate beings by the same name.
A team of time-themed super-villains consisting ofChronos,Time Commander,Clock King, andCalendar Man.
An organization formed byMister Mind in opposition of the Time MasterRip Hunter, theTime Stealers consisted ofDespero,Per Degaton,Supernova,Ultra-Humanite,Black Beetle, and Rex Hunter.
Also known as the Troika, theTri-Ad worked for the Cabal and counted Attica, H.A.R.M., and Slag as members.
The Tri-Ad appear inWild C.A.T.s.
Deities once worshipped on Maltus, theTriarch of Maltus were Lord Daalon, Quarra, Archor, and Tzodar.
When going up against theTeen Titans,Two-Face assembled a trio of twins with incredible abilities or equipment. These three sets of twins were Flamesplasher, Darklight, and Sizematic. The Sizematic twins later joined theSecret Society of Super Villains.
A group of female aliens who tried to rape Mr. Majestic. Its members include Pure Candi, Starina Wave, Ravin, Redd, Acidia, and Sprite.
Only appearing inBatman (1966),United Underworld was an alliance between theJoker,Penguin,Catwoman, and theRiddler to take over the world by kidnapping theUnited World Organization's Security Council.
A trio of bank robbers who adopted costumes of the 1920s, theUntouchables used technology to become immaterial and battled the likes of Superman, Robin, Elongated Man, Looker, and Hawk and Dove. Originally, they called themselves the Intangibles.
One of the first Metal Men constructed by Doc Magnus, Uranium was shut down only to later revive. Seeking vengeance, he built a partner in Agantha and the pair destroyed the Metal Men and made Magnus their slave. The intervention of the Atom prevented the duo from inflicting a death ray onto the world.
After gaining the power of the Green Lantern power ring, Magaan Van'n Intraktus reclaimed his world under a tyrannical regime called theVan'n Imperium. When Kyle Rayner's New Green Lantern Corps battled the corrupt Lantern, Intraktus orchestrated the destruction of his planet.
When the Justice League emerged, Vandal Savage assembled Clayface, Solomon Grundy, Eclipso, and the Thorn to destroy them.
An American-based xenophobic anti-alien organization, theVeil is led by several influential industrialists and politicians, but was secretly founded by Pylon an agent of the alien H'San Natall. The Veil used mercenaries such asDark Nemesis andDeathstroke to attack theTeen Titans. The organization was later disbanded due to the efforts of the Teen Titans. First appears inTeen Titans (vol. 2) #3 (December 1996).[75]
An assemblage of the Freedom Brigade's greatest foes,Vendetta was founded by Masked Swastika with Man-Mountain, Silver Sorceress, Sparrow, and Speed Demon.
Servants of Lord Vimana, theVimanian Bestiary included Kohli, Gargol, Tauran, and Mahduse.
The organization known asVulture was a vast international crime cartel that was infiltrated, thwarted, and eventually completely destroyed by J'onn J'onzz, theMartian Manhunter. Their secretive leader had a number of aliases:Mister Vulture,Mister V, andFaceless (a.k.a. Marco Xavier). Vulture first appeared inThe House of Mystery #160 (July 1966) and was created by Jack Miller and Joe Certa.[4]
A quartet of brothers able to manipulate the neurochemistry of their victims, theWalker Brothers are Alan, Buzz, Deke, and Neil.
When a comet passed over the Monitor One satellite, its radiation killed most of those aboard. However, those that survived were empowered but driven completely insane. Isaiah King ofTeam One was stationed there and become transformed into Despot who lead his other survivors into becoming theWarguard. Its ranks included Hexon, Judgment, Nychus, Doreen Robinson, Stricture, and Talos.
Weaver transformed three people into his elementals Hydra, Pyro, and Hurricane.
ADaxamite-supremacist organization, theWhite Triangle believed other races to be inferior and interaction with them to be unclean.
TheWildebeest Society was an international organization led by a mysterious figure. The society repeatedly came into conflict with the Teen Titans. As a result of certain genetics programs within the Society, X-24 (Pantha) was created. A later program created the creature known asBaby Wildebeest. The Titans were later shocked to discover that the Wildebeest leader was former TitanJericho. Jericho had created the Society in order to grow bodies for the tainted souls ofNew Azarath which were currently in possession of his body. Jericho had used the Society as a front to kidnap the Titans and use their bodies for this end. Jericho's body was destroyed by his father, Deathstroke but his consciousness survived, hidden in his father's mind.
Recently, a new Wildebeest Society has appeared, consisting of new 'beests grown by Goth and the Contessa, using schematics and technology created by the original Society. First appears inThe New Teen Titans (vol. 2) #36 (October 1987).[76]
TheWonderland Gang is a group of criminals that are themed after characters fromAlice's Adventures in Wonderland andThrough the Looking-Glass. The group was organized byTweedledum and Tweedledee and consisted of March Harriet, the Walrus, the Carpenter, the Lion, and the Unicorn. Tweedledum and Tweedledee useMad Hatter's mind-control technology on him so that he would be their puppet leader of the Wonderland Gang. The Wonderland Gang commit various gimmicky heists before Batman deduces the Tweeds to be the true masterminds. Once the three are returned to Arkham Asylum, the Mad Hatter quickly exacts revenge on the two, manipulating them into a bloody brawl with his mind control chips.[77]
In "DC Rebirth", another incarnation of the Wonderland Gang appears where its members consist of Mad Hatter, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, White Rabbit, March Harriet, the Walrus, and the Carpenter.[78]
A variation of the Wonderland Gang appears inBatwoman. This version is led byAlice, ex-Crows member Chuck Dodgson, and Jonathan "Mouse" Cartwright while its minions wear masks that resemble the March Hare and the Cheshire Cat. In the episode "Through the Looking Glass", Alice returns to her hideout to look for Mouse following the death of Augustus Cartwright and finds that her minions have been slaughtered with a threatening note to Alice from Safiyah Sohail. In season 3 episode "Mad as a Hatter", a mentally-ill teenager named Liam Crandle takes control of a few security guards at Mary Hamilton's graduation ceremony using Jervis Tetch's hat and makes them wear the same masks worn by Alice's men, forming his own incarnation of the Wonderland Gang. They are eventually dispatched by Batwoman and freed from Liam's mind-control.
A trio of female musicians turned criminals,World Public Enemy featured Dragon Fly, Silken Spider, and Tiger Moth.
Biological weapons developed on Krypton, theWorldkillers included Reign, Deimax, Flower of Heaven, and Perrilus.
The Worldkillers appear in the third season ofSupergirl. The group consists of Reign, Pestilence and Purity, a biological weapons created by the group of Kryptonians called the Worldkiller Coven.
A sausage-based gang, theWurstwaffe were Knockwurst, Bratwurst, Blutwurst, Leberwurst, and Weisswurst.
The evil Teen Titans equivalent in the Antimatter Universe.
Responsible in part for the outbreak of the Nuclear Men around the world from the creation of the Firestorm Matrix,Zithertech-Tech saw its founder Roger Zither turned into the monstrous Helix while his wife Candace tried to cover-up their company's involvement using the hit squad Hyena Team.
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