Steve LeVine (born inNew York) is an American journalist. He writesThe Electric, anew publication on batteries, electric vehicles, and their impact on society, cities and geopolitics. He is a senior fellow on the Foresight, Strategy and Risk Initiative at theAtlantic Council and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service, where he teaches energy security in the graduate-level Security Studies Program. Previously, he was a foreign correspondent for eighteen years in the formerSoviet Union,Pakistan and thePhilippines, forThe Wall Street Journal,The New York Times,The Washington Post, theFinancial Times andNewsweek. He formerly wroteFuture, a newsletter at Axios, and "The Oil and the Glory", a blog on energy and geopolitics atForeign Policy magazine. LeVine is married toNurilda Nurlybayeva and has two daughters. He has published three books:The Oil and the Glory (2007) which tells the story of the struggle for fortune, glory and power on theCaspian Sea;Putin's Labyrinth (2008), a profile of Russia through the life and death of a half-dozen Russians; andThe Powerhouse, on the geopolitics of advanced batteries, which was long-listed for the Financial Times-McKinsey 2015 Business Book of the Year.
LeVine has lived in Washington, D.C. since 2008 with his wife and two daughters. Previously he lived in Central Asia andthe Caucasus for 11 years – starting two weeks after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He led the regional bureau ofThe Wall Street Journal, and before thatThe New York Times.
Prior to that, he lived in Pakistan from 1988–1991, and before that he was based in Manila from 1985–1988. In 1995, he wasexpelled from Russia, the first foreign correspondent to be declared persona non grata by Moscow since the 1980s. Later that year, hewas wounded in Chechnya. As of 2007, LeVine has been a regular guest speaker for entities such asGoogle, theWorld Affairs Council, and various universities. LeVine was a good friend of slainWall Street Journal colleagueDaniel Pearl. After the kidnapping, he flew to Pakistan to investigate. His role in the investigation is depicted in the 2007 filmA Mighty Heart. LeVine would later helpMariane Pearl with theDaniel Pearl Foundation.