Stefan Savvich Krivtsov (Russian:Степан Саввич Кривцов; 1885–1943) was a RussianSoviet professor of history andcultural activist who played a major part in the ideological development of theProletkult.
He graduated from the Faculty of History, Physics and Mathematics,Moscow State University.[1]
He saw the role of Proletkult as being involved in life-building: "The Proletkult is striving to create a new proletarian culture, not just new songs, new music, new theatre, but rather a whole new mode of life. we must create an entirely new world from top to bottom".[2] He wrote forProletarskaya Kul'tura, often critically when the reality of the movement did not live up to his vision.
In 1928, following the death ofAlexander Bogdanov, Krivtsov wrote an account of his memories of one of the founding figures of Proletkult for theUnder the Banner of Marxism.[4]
He died in 1943 and is buried in theDonskoy Cemetery,Moscow.