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Spin structure

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Concept in differential geometry mathematics

Indifferential geometry, aspin structure on anorientableRiemannian manifold(M,g) allows one to define associatedspinor bundles, giving rise to the notion of aspinor in differential geometry.

Spin structures have wide applications tomathematical physics, in particular toquantum field theory where they are an essential ingredient in the definition of any theory with unchargedfermions. They are also of purely mathematical interest indifferential geometry,algebraic topology, andK theory. They form the foundation forspin geometry.



Ingeometry and infield theory, mathematicians ask whether or not a given oriented Riemannian manifold (M,g) admitsspinors. One method for dealing with this problem is to require thatM have a spin structure.[1][2][3] This is not always possible since there is potentially a topological obstruction to the existence of spin structures. Spin structures will exist if and only if the secondStiefel–Whitney classw2(M) ∈ H2(M,Z2) ofM vanishes. Furthermore, ifw2(M) = 0, then the set of the isomorphism classes of spin structures onM is acted upon freely and transitively by H1(M,Z2) . As the manifoldM is assumed to be oriented, the first Stiefel–Whitney classw1(M) ∈ H1(M,Z2) ofM vanishes too. (The Stiefel–Whitney classeswi(M) ∈ Hi(M,Z2) of a manifoldM are defined to be the Stiefel–Whitney classes of itstangent bundleTM.)

The bundle of spinors πS:SM overM is then thecomplex vector bundle associated with the correspondingprincipal bundle πP:PM ofspin frames overM and the spin representation of its structure group Spin(n) on the space of spinors Δn. The bundleS is called the spinor bundle for a given spin structure onM.

A precise definition of spin structure on manifold was possible only after the notion offiber bundle had been introduced;André Haefliger (1956) found the topological obstruction to the existence of a spin structure on an orientable Riemannian manifold andMax Karoubi (1968) extended this result to the non-orientable pseudo-Riemannian case.[4][5]

Spin structures on Riemannian manifolds




A spin structure on anorientableRiemannian manifold(M,g){\displaystyle (M,g)} with an oriented vector bundleE{\displaystyle E} is anequivariantlift of the orthonormal frame bundlePSO(E)M{\displaystyle P_{\operatorname {SO} }(E)\rightarrow M} with respect to the double coveringρ:Spin(n)SO(n){\displaystyle \rho :\operatorname {Spin} (n)\rightarrow \operatorname {SO} (n)}. In other words, a pair(PSpin,ϕ){\displaystyle (P_{\operatorname {Spin} },\phi )} is a spin structure on the SO(n)-principal bundleπ:PSO(E)M{\displaystyle \pi :P_{\operatorname {SO} }(E)\rightarrow M} when

a)πP:PSpinM{\displaystyle \pi _{P}:P_{\operatorname {Spin} }\rightarrow M} is a principal Spin(n)-bundle overM{\displaystyle M}, and
b)ϕ:PSpinPSO(E){\displaystyle \phi :P_{\operatorname {Spin} }\rightarrow P_{\operatorname {SO} }(E)} is anequivariant 2-foldcovering map such that

πϕ=πP{\displaystyle \pi \circ \phi =\pi _{P}\quad }andϕ(pq)=ϕ(p)ρ(q){\displaystyle \quad \phi (pq)=\phi (p)\rho (q)\quad }for allpPSpin{\displaystyle p\in P_{\operatorname {Spin} }} andqSpin(n){\displaystyle q\in \operatorname {Spin} (n)}.

Two spin structures(P1,ϕ1){\displaystyle (P_{1},\phi _{1})} and(P2,ϕ2){\displaystyle (P_{2},\phi _{2})} on the same orientedRiemannian manifold are called "equivalent" if there exists a Spin(n)-equivariant mapf:P1P2{\displaystyle f:P_{1}\rightarrow P_{2}} such that

ϕ2f=ϕ1{\displaystyle \phi _{2}\circ f=\phi _{1}\quad } andf(pq)=f(p)q{\displaystyle \quad f(pq)=f(p)q\quad } for allpP1{\displaystyle p\in P_{1}} andqSpin(n){\displaystyle q\in \operatorname {Spin} (n)}.

In this caseϕ1{\displaystyle \phi _{1}} andϕ2{\displaystyle \phi _{2}} are two equivalent double coverings.

The definition of spin structure on(M,g){\displaystyle (M,g)} as a spin structure on the principal bundlePSO(E)M{\displaystyle P_{\operatorname {SO} }(E)\rightarrow M} is due toAndré Haefliger (1956).



Haefliger[1] found necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a spin structure on an oriented Riemannian manifold (M,g). The obstruction to having a spin structure is a certain element [k] of H2(M,Z2) . For a spin structure the class [k] is the secondStiefel–Whitney classw2(M) ∈ H2(M,Z2) ofM. Hence, a spin structure exists if and only if the second Stiefel–Whitney classw2(M) ∈ H2(M,Z2) ofM vanishes.

Spin structures on vector bundles


LetM be aparacompacttopological manifold andE anoriented vector bundle onM of dimensionn equipped with afibre metric. This means that at each point ofM, the fibre ofE is aninner product space. A spinor bundle ofE is a prescription for consistently associating aspin representation to every point ofM. There are topological obstructions to being able to do it, and consequently, a given bundleE may not admit any spinor bundle. In case it does, one says that the bundleE isspin.

This may be made rigorous through the language ofprincipal bundles. The collection of orientedorthonormal frames of a vector bundle form aframe bundlePSO(E), which is a principal bundle under the action of thespecial orthogonal group SO(n). A spin structure forPSO(E) is alift ofPSO(E) to a principal bundlePSpin(E) under the action of thespin group Spin(n), by which we mean that there exists a bundle mapϕ{\displaystyle \phi } :PSpin(E) →PSO(E) such that

ϕ(pg)=ϕ(p)ρ(g){\displaystyle \phi (pg)=\phi (p)\rho (g)}, for allpPSpin(E) andg ∈ Spin(n),

whereρ : Spin(n) → SO(n) is the mapping of groups presenting the spin group as a double-cover of SO(n).

In the special case in whichE is thetangent bundleTM over the base manifoldM, if a spin structure exists then one says thatM is aspin manifold. EquivalentlyM isspin if the SO(n) principal bundle oforthonormal bases of the tangent fibers ofM is aZ2 quotient of a principal spin bundle.

If the manifold has acell decomposition or atriangulation, a spin structure can equivalently be thought of as ahomotopy class of a trivialization of thetangent bundle over the 1-skeleton that extends over the 2-skeleton. If the dimension is lower than 3, one first takes a Whitney sum with a trivial line bundle.

Obstruction and classification


For anorientablevector bundleπE:EM{\displaystyle \pi _{E}:E\to M} a spin structure exists onE{\displaystyle E} if and only if the secondStiefel–Whitney classw2(E){\displaystyle w_{2}(E)} vanishes. This is a result ofArmand Borel andFriedrich Hirzebruch.[6] Furthermore, in the caseEM{\displaystyle E\to M} is spin, the number of spin structures are in bijection withH1(M,Z/2){\displaystyle H^{1}(M,\mathbb {Z} /2)}. These results can be easily proven[7]pg 110-111 using a spectral sequence argument for the associated principalSO(n){\displaystyle \operatorname {SO} (n)}-bundlePEM{\displaystyle P_{E}\to M}. Notice this gives afibration

SO(n)PEM{\displaystyle \operatorname {SO} (n)\to P_{E}\to M}

hence theSerre spectral sequence can be applied. From general theory of spectral sequences, there is an exact sequence

0E30,1E20,1d2E22,0E32,00{\displaystyle 0\to E_{3}^{0,1}\to E_{2}^{0,1}\xrightarrow {d_{2}} E_{2}^{2,0}\to E_{3}^{2,0}\to 0}


E20,1=H0(M,H1(SO(n),Z/2))=H1(SO(n),Z/2)E22,0=H2(M,H0(SO(n),Z/2))=H2(M,Z/2){\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}E_{2}^{0,1}&=H^{0}(M,H^{1}(\operatorname {SO} (n),\mathbb {Z} /2))=H^{1}(\operatorname {SO} (n),\mathbb {Z} /2)\\E_{2}^{2,0}&=H^{2}(M,H^{0}(\operatorname {SO} (n),\mathbb {Z} /2))=H^{2}(M,\mathbb {Z} /2)\end{aligned}}}

In addition,E0,1=E30,1{\displaystyle E_{\infty }^{0,1}=E_{3}^{0,1}} andE0,1=H1(PE,Z/2)/F1(H1(PE,Z/2)){\displaystyle E_{\infty }^{0,1}=H^{1}(P_{E},\mathbb {Z} /2)/F^{1}(H^{1}(P_{E},\mathbb {Z} /2))} for some filtration onH1(PE,Z/2){\displaystyle H^{1}(P_{E},\mathbb {Z} /2)}, hence we get a map

H1(PE,Z/2)E30,1{\displaystyle H^{1}(P_{E},\mathbb {Z} /2)\to E_{3}^{0,1}}

giving an exact sequence

H1(PE,Z/2)H1(SO(n),Z/2)H2(M,Z/2){\displaystyle H^{1}(P_{E},\mathbb {Z} /2)\to H^{1}(\operatorname {SO} (n),\mathbb {Z} /2)\to H^{2}(M,\mathbb {Z} /2)}

Now, a spin structure is exactly a double covering ofPE{\displaystyle P_{E}} fitting into a commutative diagram

Spin(n)P~EMSO(n)PEM{\displaystyle {\begin{matrix}\operatorname {Spin} (n)&\to &{\tilde {P}}_{E}&\to &M\\\downarrow &&\downarrow &&\downarrow \\\operatorname {SO} (n)&\to &P_{E}&\to &M\end{matrix}}}

where the two left vertical maps are the double covering maps. Now, double coverings ofPE{\displaystyle P_{E}} are in bijection with index2{\displaystyle 2} subgroups ofπ1(PE){\displaystyle \pi _{1}(P_{E})}, which is in bijection with the set of group morphismsHom(π1(E),Z/2){\displaystyle {\text{Hom}}(\pi _{1}(E),\mathbb {Z} /2)}. But, fromHurewicz theorem and change of coefficients, this is exactly the cohomology groupH1(PE,Z/2){\displaystyle H^{1}(P_{E},\mathbb {Z} /2)}. Applying the same argument toSO(n){\displaystyle \operatorname {SO} (n)}, the non-trivial coveringSpin(n)SO(n){\displaystyle \operatorname {Spin} (n)\to \operatorname {SO} (n)} corresponds to1H1(SO(n),Z/2)=Z/2{\displaystyle 1\in H^{1}(\operatorname {SO} (n),\mathbb {Z} /2)=\mathbb {Z} /2}, and the map toH2(M,Z/2){\displaystyle H^{2}(M,\mathbb {Z} /2)} is precisely thew2{\displaystyle w_{2}} of the second Stiefel–Whitney class, hencew2(1)=w2(E){\displaystyle w_{2}(1)=w_{2}(E)}. If it vanishes, then the inverse image of1{\displaystyle 1} under the map

H1(PE,Z/2)H1(SO(n),Z/2){\displaystyle H^{1}(P_{E},\mathbb {Z} /2)\to H^{1}(\operatorname {SO} (n),\mathbb {Z} /2)}

is the set of double coverings giving spin structures. Now, this subset ofH1(PE,Z/2){\displaystyle H^{1}(P_{E},\mathbb {Z} /2)} can be identified withH1(M,Z/2){\displaystyle H^{1}(M,\mathbb {Z} /2)}, showing this latter cohomology group classifies the various spin structures on the vector bundleEM{\displaystyle E\to M}. This can be done by looking at the long exact sequence of homotopy groups of the fibration

π1(SO(n))π1(PE)π1(M)1{\displaystyle \pi _{1}(\operatorname {SO} (n))\to \pi _{1}(P_{E})\to \pi _{1}(M)\to 1}

and applyingHom(,Z/2){\displaystyle {\text{Hom}}(-,\mathbb {Z} /2)}, giving the sequence of cohomology groups

0H1(M,Z/2)H1(PE,Z/2)H1(SO(n),Z/2){\displaystyle 0\to H^{1}(M,\mathbb {Z} /2)\to H^{1}(P_{E},\mathbb {Z} /2)\to H^{1}(\operatorname {SO} (n),\mathbb {Z} /2)}

BecauseH1(M,Z/2){\displaystyle H^{1}(M,\mathbb {Z} /2)} is the kernel, and the inverse image of1H1(SO(n),Z/2){\displaystyle 1\in H^{1}(\operatorname {SO} (n),\mathbb {Z} /2)} is in bijection with the kernel, we have the desired result.

Remarks on classification


When spin structures exist, the inequivalent spin structures on a manifold have a one-to-one correspondence (not canonical) with the elements of H1(M,Z2), which by theuniversal coefficient theorem is isomorphic to H1(M,Z2). More precisely, the space of the isomorphism classes of spin structures is anaffine space over H1(M,Z2).

Intuitively, for each nontrivial cycle onM a spin structure corresponds to a binary choice of whether a section of the SO(N) bundle switches sheets when one encircles the loop. Ifw2[8] vanishes then these choices may be extended over the two-skeleton, then (byobstruction theory) they may automatically be extended over all ofM. Inparticle physics this corresponds to a choice of periodic or antiperiodicboundary conditions forfermions going around each loop. Note that on a complex manifoldX{\displaystyle X} the second Stiefel-Whitney class can be computed as the firstchern classmod 2{\displaystyle {\text{mod }}2}.


  1. AgenusgRiemann surface admits 22g inequivalent spin structures; seetheta characteristic.
  2. IfH2(M,Z2) vanishes,M isspin. For example,Sn isspin for alln2{\displaystyle n\neq 2}. (Note thatS2 is alsospin, but for different reasons; see below.)
  3. Thecomplex projective planeCP2 is notspin.
  4. More generally, all even-dimensionalcomplex projective spacesCP2n are notspin.
  5. All odd-dimensionalcomplex projective spacesCP2n+1 arespin.
  6. All compact,orientable manifolds ofdimension 3 or less arespin.
  7. AllCalabi–Yau manifolds arespin.


  • The genus of a spin manifold is an integer, and is an even integer if in addition the dimension is 4 mod 8.
    In general the genus is a rational invariant, defined for any manifold, but it is not in general an integer.
    This was originally proven byHirzebruch andBorel, and can be proven by theAtiyah–Singer index theorem, by realizing the genus as the index of aDirac operator – a Dirac operator is a square root of a second order operator, and exists due to the spin structure being a "square root". This was a motivating example for the index theorem.

SpinC structures


A spinC structure is analogous to a spin structure on an orientedRiemannian manifold,[9] but uses the SpinC group, which is defined instead by theexact sequence

1Z2SpinC(n)SO(n)×U(1)1.{\displaystyle 1\to \mathbb {Z} _{2}\to \operatorname {Spin} ^{\mathbf {C} }(n)\to \operatorname {SO} (n)\times \operatorname {U} (1)\to 1.}

To motivate this, suppose thatκ : Spin(n) → U(N) is a complex spinor representation. The center of U(N) consists of the diagonal elements coming from the inclusioni : U(1) → U(N), i.e., the scalar multiples of the identity. Thus there is ahomomorphism

κ×i:Spin(n)×U(1)U(N).{\displaystyle \kappa \times i\colon {\mathrm {Spin} }(n)\times {\mathrm {U} }(1)\to {\mathrm {U} }(N).}

This will always have the element (−1,−1) in the kernel. Taking the quotient modulo this element gives the group SpinC(n). This is the twisted product

SpinC(n)=Spin(n)×Z2U(1),{\displaystyle {\mathrm {Spin} }^{\mathbb {C} }(n)={\mathrm {Spin} }(n)\times _{\mathbb {Z} _{2}}{\mathrm {U} }(1)\,,}

where U(1) = SO(2) =S1. In other words, the group SpinC(n) is acentral extension of SO(n) byS1.

Viewed another way, SpinC(n) is the quotient group obtained fromSpin(n) × Spin(2) with respect to the normalZ2 which is generated by the pair of covering transformations for the bundlesSpin(n) → SO(n) andSpin(2) → SO(2) respectively. This makes the SpinC group both a bundle over the circle with fibre Spin(n), and a bundle over SO(n) with fibre a circle.[10][11]

The fundamental group π1(SpinC(n)) is isomorphic toZ ifn ≠ 2, and toZZ ifn = 2.

If the manifold has acell decomposition or atriangulation, a spinC structure can be equivalently thought of as a homotopy class ofcomplex structure over the 2-skeleton that extends over the 3-skeleton. Similarly to the case of spin structures, one takes a Whitney sum with a trivial line bundle if the manifold is odd-dimensional.

Yet another definition is that a spinC structure on a manifoldN is a complex line bundleL overN together with a spin structure onTNL.



A spinC structure exists when the bundle is orientable and the secondStiefel–Whitney class of the bundleE is in the image of the mapH2(M,Z) →H2(M,Z/2Z) (in other words, the third integral Stiefel–Whitney class vanishes). In this case one says thatE is spinC. Intuitively, the lift gives theChern class of the square of the U(1) part of any obtained spinC bundle.By a theorem of Hopf and Hirzebruch, closed orientable 4-manifolds always admit a spinC structure.



When a manifold carries a spinC structure at all, the set of spinC structures forms an affine space. Moreover, the set of spinC structures has a free transitive action ofH2(M,Z). Thus, spinC-structures correspond to elements ofH2(M,Z) although not in a natural way.

Geometric picture


This has the following geometric interpretation, which is due toEdward Witten. When the spinC structure is nonzero this square root bundle has a non-integral Chern class, which means that it fails thetriple overlap condition. In particular, the product of transition functions on a three-way intersection is not always equal to one, as is required for aprincipal bundle. Instead it is sometimes −1.

This failure occurs at precisely the same intersections as an identical failure in the triple products of transition functions of the obstructedspin bundle. Therefore, the triple products of transition functions of the fullspinc bundle, which are the products of the triple product of thespin and U(1) component bundles, are either12 = 1 or(−1)2 = 1 and so the spinC bundle satisfies the triple overlap condition and is therefore a legitimate bundle.

The details


The above intuitive geometric picture may be made concrete as follows. Consider theshort exact sequence0 →ZZZ2 → 0, where the secondarrow ismultiplication by 2 and the third is reduction modulo 2. This induces along exact sequence on cohomology, which contains

H2(M;Z)2H2(M;Z)H2(M;Z2)βH3(M;Z),{\displaystyle \dots \longrightarrow {\textrm {H}}^{2}(M;\mathbf {Z} ){\stackrel {2}{\longrightarrow }}{\textrm {H}}^{2}(M;\mathbf {Z} )\longrightarrow {\textrm {H}}^{2}(M;\mathbf {Z} _{2}){\stackrel {\beta }{\longrightarrow }}{\textrm {H}}^{3}(M;\mathbf {Z} )\longrightarrow \dots ,}

where the secondarrow is induced by multiplication by 2, the third is induced by restriction modulo 2 and the fourth is the associatedBockstein homomorphismβ.

The obstruction to the existence of aspin bundle is an elementw2 ofH2(M,Z2). It reflects the fact that one may always locally lift an SO(n) bundle to aspin bundle, but one needs to choose aZ2 lift of each transition function, which is a choice of sign. The lift does not exist when the product of these three signs on a triple overlap is −1, which yields theČech cohomology picture ofw2.

To cancel this obstruction, one tensors thisspin bundle with a U(1) bundle with the same obstructionw2. Notice that this is an abuse of the wordbundle, as neither thespin bundle nor the U(1) bundle satisfies the triple overlap condition and so neither is actually a bundle.

A legitimate U(1) bundle is classified by itsChern class, which is an element of H2(M,Z). Identify this class with the first element in the above exact sequence. The next arrow doubles this Chern class, and so legitimate bundles will correspond to even elements in the secondH2(M,Z), while odd elements will correspond to bundles that fail the triple overlap condition. The obstruction then is classified by the failure of an element in the second H2(M,Z) to be in the image of the arrow, which, by exactness, is classified by its image in H2(M,Z2) under the next arrow.

To cancel the corresponding obstruction in thespin bundle, this image needs to bew2. In particular, ifw2 is not in the image of the arrow, then there does not exist any U(1) bundle with obstruction equal tow2 and so the obstruction cannot be cancelled. By exactness,w2 is in the image of the preceding arrow only if it is in the kernel of the next arrow, which we recall is theBockstein homomorphism β. That is, the condition for the cancellation of the obstruction is

W3=βw2=0{\displaystyle W_{3}=\beta w_{2}=0}

where we have used the fact that the thirdintegral Stiefel–Whitney classW3 is the Bockstein of the second Stiefel–Whitney classw2 (this can be taken as a definition ofW3).

Integral lifts of Stiefel–Whitney classes


This argument also demonstrates that second Stiefel–Whitney class defines elements not only ofZ2 cohomology but also of integral cohomology in one higher degree. In fact this is the case for all even Stiefel–Whitney classes. It is traditional to use an uppercaseW for the resulting classes in odd degree, which are called the integral Stiefel–Whitney classes, and are labeled by their degree (which is always odd).


  1. Allorientedsmooth manifolds of dimension 4 or less are spinC.[12]
  2. Allalmost complex manifolds are spinC.
  3. Allspin manifolds are spinC.

Application to particle physics


Inparticle physics thespin–statistics theorem implies that thewavefunction of an unchargedfermion is a section of theassociated vector bundle to thespin lift of an SO(N) bundleE. Therefore, the choice of spin structure is part of the data needed to define the wavefunction, and one often needs to sum over these choices in thepartition function. In many physical theoriesE is thetangent bundle, but for the fermions on the worldvolumes ofD-branes instring theory it is anormal bundle.

Inquantum field theory charged spinors are sections of associatedspinc bundles, and in particular no charged spinors can exist on a space that is notspinc. An exception arises in somesupergravity theories where additional interactions imply that other fields may cancel the third Stiefel–Whitney class. The mathematical description of spinors in supergravity and string theory is a particularly subtle open problem, which was recently addressed in references.[13][14] It turns out that the standard notion of spin structure is too restrictive for applications to supergravity and string theory, and that the correct notion of spinorial structure for the mathematical formulation of these theories is a "Lipschitz structure".[13][15]

See also



  1. ^abHaefliger, A. (1956). "Sur l'extension du groupe structural d'un espace fibré".C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris.243:558–560.
  2. ^J. Milnor (1963). "Spin structures on manifolds".L'Enseignement Mathématique.9:198–203.
  3. ^Lichnerowicz, A. (1964)."Champs spinoriels et propagateurs en rélativité générale".Bull. Soc. Math. Fr.92:11–100.doi:10.24033/bsmf.1604.
  4. ^Karoubi, M. (1968)."Algèbres de Clifford et K-théorie".Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér.1 (2):161–270.doi:10.24033/asens.1163.
  5. ^Alagia, H. R.; Sánchez, C. U. (1985),"Spin structures on pseudo-Riemannian manifolds"(PDF),Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina,32:64–78
  6. ^Borel, A.; Hirzebruch, F. (1958). "Characteristic classes and homogeneous spaces I".American Journal of Mathematics.80 (2):97–136.doi:10.2307/2372795.JSTOR 2372795.
  7. ^Pati, Vishwambhar."Elliptic complexes and index theory"(PDF).Archived(PDF) from the original on 20 Aug 2018.
  8. ^"Spin manifold and the second Stiefel-Whitney class".Math.Stachexchange.
  9. ^Lawson, H. Blaine;Michelsohn, Marie-Louise (1989).Spin Geometry.Princeton University Press. p. 391.ISBN 978-0-691-08542-5.
  10. ^R. Gompf (1997). "Spinc–structures and homotopy equivalences".Geometry & Topology.1:41–50.arXiv:math/9705218.Bibcode:1997math......5218G.doi:10.2140/gt.1997.1.41.S2CID 6906852.
  11. ^Friedrich, Thomas (2000).Dirac Operators in Riemannian Geometry.American Mathematical Society. p. 26.ISBN 978-0-8218-2055-1.
  12. ^Gompf, Robert E.; Stipsicz, Andras I. (1999).4-Manifolds and Kirby Calculus.American Mathematical Society. pp. 55–58,186–187.ISBN 0-8218-0994-6.
  13. ^abLazaroiu, C.; Shahbazi, C.S. (2019). "Real pinor bundles and real Lipschitz structures".Asian Journal of Mathematics.23 (5):749–836.arXiv:1606.07894.doi:10.4310/AJM.2019.v23.n5.a3.S2CID 119598006..
  14. ^Lazaroiu, C.; Shahbazi, C.S. (2019). "On the spin geometry of supergravity and string theory".Geometric Methods in Physics XXXVI. Trends in Mathematics. pp. 229–235.arXiv:1607.02103.doi:10.1007/978-3-030-01156-7_25.ISBN 978-3-030-01155-0.S2CID 104292702.
  15. ^Friedrich, Thomas; Trautman, Andrzej (2000). "Spin spaces, Lipschitz groups, and spinor bundles".Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry.18 (3):221–240.arXiv:math/9901137.doi:10.1023/A:1006713405277.S2CID 118698159.

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