Soy paint ispaint made primarily fromsoy, it combines the advantage of being arenewable resource with the potential ofnon-toxic product.
Soy oils have been used in paint since at least the early 1900s, with paint being the second largest market for the oil in theUnited States between 1914 and 1918.[1] Soy oil was an early runner to replacelinseed oil in paint products but did not transition fully, in part as it was attractive as a food product.[2] In 1933Robert Boyer developed anenamel soy paint which was used onFord automobiles.[1][3] Soy oil was attractive to manufacturers because of its very good drying quantities.[4]
Soy flour orprotein is used inlatex type (water based) paints as a replacement forcasein.[5] Some manufacturers have shown a renewed interest in Soy paints for its lowVOC and generalGreen building attributes.[6] At least one manufacture in 2009 was selling a non-toxic 0 VOC soy paint product.[7]