Sligo is a commercial and cultural centre situated on the west coast ofIreland. Its surrounding coast and countryside, as well as its connections to the poetW. B. Yeats, have made it a tourist destination.
Sligo is the anglicisation of the Irish nameSligeach, meaning "abounding in shells" or "shelly place". It refers to the abundance ofshellfish found in the river and its estuary, and from the extensiveshell middens in the vicinity.[4][5] The river now known as theGaravogue (Irish:An Gharbhóg), perhaps meaning "little torrent", was originally called the Sligeach.[6] It is listed as one of the seven "royal rivers" of Ireland in the ninth century AD taleThe Destruction of Da Dergas Hostel. The riverSlicech is also referenced in theAnnals of Ulster in 1188.[6]
TheOrdnance Survey letters of 1836 state that "cart loads of shells were found underground in many places within the town where houses now stand". The whole area, from the river estuary at Sligo, around the coast to the river atBallysadare Bay, is rich in marine resources which were utilised as far back as theMesolithic period.
The importance of Sligo's location inprehistory is demonstrated by the abundance of ancient sites close by and even within the town. For example, Sligo town's first roundabout was constructed around a megalithicpassage tomb at Abbeyquarter North in Garavogue Villas.[7] This is an outlier of the large group of monuments atCarrowmore on theCúil Iorra Peninsula on the western outskirts of the town. The area around Sligo town has one of the highest densities of prehistoricarchaeological sites in Ireland, and is the only place in which all classes of Irish megalithic monuments are to be found together.Knocknarea mountain, capped by the great cairn ofMiosgan Maeve, dominates the skyline to the west of the town. Cairns Hill on the southern edge of the town also has two very large stone cairns.
Excavations for theNational Roads Authority (NRA) for the N4 Sligo Inner Relief Road in 2002 revealed an earlyNeolithiccausewayed enclosure. Built around 4000 B.C., theMagheraboy causewayed enclosure is located on high ground overlooking the town from the south. This is the oldest causewayed enclosure so far discovered in Britain or Ireland.[8] It consists of a large area enclosed by a segmented ditch andpalisade, and was perhaps an area of commerce and ritual. These monuments are associated with the coming of agriculture and hence the first farmers in Ireland. According to archaeologist Edward Danagher, who excavated the site, "Magheraboy indicates a stable and successful population during the final centuries of the fifth millennium and the first centuries of the fourth millennium BC".[9]Danagher's work also documented aBronze AgeHenge at Tonafortes (beside the Carraroe roundabout) on the southern outskirts of Sligo town.
Sligo Bay is an ancient natural harbour, being known toGreek,Phoenician andRoman traders as the area is thought by some to be the location marked as the city ofNagnata onClaudius Ptolemy's second century A.D. co-ordinate map of the world.[10] During the early medieval period, the site of Sligo was eclipsed by the importance of the greatmonastery founded byColumcille 5 miles to the north atDrumcliff. By the 12th century, there was a bridge and a small settlement in existence at the site of the present town.
TheNorman knightMaurice Fitzgerald, theJusticiar of Ireland, is generally credited with the establishment of the medieval European-style town and port of Sligo, buildingSligo Castle in1245. Theannalists refer to the town as asraidbhaile ('street settlement') which seems to have consisted of the castle and an attached defensivebawn in the vicinity of Quay street. ADominican Friary (Blackfriars) was also founded by Maurice Fitzgerald and the King of Connacht,Felim mac Cathal Crobderg Ua Conchobair, in 1253. This was accidentally destroyed by fire in 1414, and was subsequently rebuilt in its present form by Tighernan O’Rourke. Norman hegemony was, however, not destined to last long in Sligo. The Norman advance was halted in Sligo after the battle ofCredran Cille in 1257 at Ros Ceite (Rosses Point) betweenGodfrey O'Donnell, Lord ofTirconnell, and Maurice Fitzgerald. Both commanders were mortally wounded in single combat. The Norman invasion of Tír Chonaill was abandoned after this. In 1289 a survey indicates there were 180burgesses in the town. The Normans had laid a foundation that was to last.
The town is unique in Ireland in that it is the only Norman-founded Irish town to have been under almost continuous native Irish control throughout the Medieval period. Despite Anglo-Norman attempts to retake it, it became the administrative centre of the O'Conor Sligo (O'Conchobar Sligigh) confederation ofIochtar Connacht (Lower Connacht) by 1315 AD. Also called Clan Aindrias, the O 'Conors were a branch of the O'Conchobar dynasty ofKings of Connacht. It continued to develop within thetúath (Irish territory) ofCairbre Drom Cliabh becoming the effective centre of the confederation of túatha. The other Irish túatha subject to here wereTír Fhíacrach Múaidhe,Luighne Connacht,Tir Olliol andCorann. Throughout this time Sligo was under the system ofFénechus (Brehon) law and was ruled by the Gaelic system of an electedRí túath (territory king/lord), and an assembly known as an oireacht.
Through competition between Gaelic dynasties for the lucrative port duties of Sligo, the town was burned, sacked or besieged approximately 49 times during the medieval period, according to the annals of Ireland.[11] These raids seem to have had little effect on the development of the town, as by the mid-15th century the town and port had grown in importance. It traded with Galway,Bristol, France and Spain. Amongst the earliest preserved specimens of written English in Connacht is a receipt for 20 marks, dated August 1430, paid by Saunder Lynche and Davy Botyller, to Henry Blake and Walter Blake, customers of "ye King and John Rede, controller of ye porte of Galvy and of Slego".
Sligo continued under Gaelic control until the late 16th century when, during the Elizabethan conquest, it was selected as the county town for the newly shired County of Sligo. An order was sent by the Elizabethan Government toSir Nicholas Malby, Knight, wanting him to establish "apt and safe" places for the keeping of the Assizes & Sessions, with walls of lime & stone, in each county of Connacht, "judging that the aptest place be in Sligo, for the County of Sligo…"[12] The walls were never built.
Sligo Abbey, actually aDominican Friary, although a ruin, is the only medieval building left standing in the town. Much of the structure, including the choir, carved altar (the only one in situ in Ireland) and cloisters, remains. WhenSir Frederick Hamilton's Parliamentarian soldiers partially sacked Sligo in 1642, the Friary was burned and many friars killed.
In 1798, a mixed force of the Limerick Militia,Essex Fencibles and local yeomanry under a Colonel Vereker[13] were defeated at thebattle of Carricknagat atCollooney by the combined Irish and French forces underGeneral Humbert. A street in the town is named after the hero of this battleBartholomew Teeling. TheLady Erin monument at Market Cross was erected in 1899 to mark the centenary of the1798 Rebellion.[14]
The town suffered badly from acholera outbreak in 1832. Scholars speculate thatBram Stoker, whose motherCharlotte Blake Thornley was probably (there are no records and the family lived in both Sligo andBallyshannon)[15] born in Sligo in 1818[16] and experienced the epidemic first hand, was influenced by her stories when he wrote his famous novel,Dracula. The family lived on Correction Street in the town. After fleeing to Ballyshannon, Charlotte wrote:
At the end of that time, we were able to live in peace till the plague had abated and we could return to Sligo. There, we found the streets grass-grown and five-eighths of the population dead. We had great reason to thank God who had spared us.[15]
— Charlotte Thornley Stoker
Sligo Famine Memorial on the quays
The Great Famine between 1847 and 1851 caused over 30,000 people to emigrate through the port of Sligo.[17] On the Quays, overlooking theGaravogue River, is a cast bronze memorial to the emigrants. This is one of a suite of three sculptures commissioned by the Sligo Famine Commemoration Committee to honour the victims of theGreat Famine.
A plaque in the background tells one family's sad story:
I am now, I may say, alone in the world. All my brothers and sisters are dead and children but yourself... We are all ejected out of Mr. Enright's ground... The times was so bad and all Ireland in such a state of poverty that no person could pay rent. My only hope now rests with you, as I am without one shilling and as I said before I must either beg or go to the poorhouse... I remain your affectionate father, Owen Larkin. Be sure answer this by return of post.
The early years of the century saw much industrial unrest as workers in the Port of Sligo fought for better pay and conditions. This resulted in two major strikes, in 1912 and, in 1913 the prolongedSligo dock strike. Both ended in victory for the workers.
Sligo Town was heavily garrisoned by theBritish Army during theWar of Independence. For this reason IRA activity was limited to actions such as harassment, sabotage and jailbreaks. At various times during the war, prominent Republicans were held at theSligo Gaol. The commander of IRA forces in Sligo wasLiam Pilkington.
Arthur Griffith spoke in April 1922 on the corner of O'Connell Street and Grattan Street. To this day it is known as Griffith's Corner.[citation needed]During the Civil War, Sligo railway station was blown up by Anti-Treaty forces on 10 January 1923.[18]
Situated on a coastal plain facing the Atlantic Ocean, Sligo is located on low gravel hills on the banks of theGaravogue River betweenLough Gill and the estuary of the Garavogue river leading toSligo Bay. The town is surrounded on three sides by an arc of mountains, with the Ox Mountain ridges of Slieve Daeane and Killery Mountain to the southeast bordering Lough Gill. The flat topped limestone plateaux of Cope's, Keelogyboy and Castlegal Mountains to the north and northeast and the singular hill ofKnocknarea with its Neolithic cairn to the west and the distinctive high plateau ofBenbulben to the north.
County Sligo is one of the counties that make up the province ofConnacht. The county is part of theBorder Region due to the fact that part of North Sligo is relatively close to 'the Border'. The Border Region in the Republic of Ireland has a population of over 500,000 people and consists of the counties ofCavan,Donegal,Leitrim,Louth andMonaghan.[19]
The town consists of a medieval core street layout, but with mainly 19th-century buildings, many of which are of architectural merit.[20] The town has a High Street which descends from the south of the town and terminates in a market flare at the Market Cross, a pattern typical of Norman street layouts. Here it meets the east west road leading from the Abbeyquarter on the east side to St. Johns Cathedral to the west. This seems to have been the first street laid out in the town.Burgage plots of Norman origin are also evident in the long narrow property boundaries typical of the centre of the town.[20]
The only surviving medieval building isSligo Holy Cross Dominican Friary built in 1252. An arched tower and three sided cloister of the Abbey Church still survive. The next oldest extant building is the Cathedral of St Mary the Virgin and St. John the Baptist on John Street. The current building dates from 1730 when it was designed by the German architectRichard Cassels who was visiting to designHazelwood House. The cathedral contains four memorials to the Pollexfen family, maternal relatives ofW. B. Yeats.[21]
In the nineteenth century, Sligo experienced rapid economic growth and therefore architectural change was rapid.[20] This was marked by the erection of many public buildings. These includeSligo Town Hall, designed by William Hague in aLombardo-Romanesque style.Sligo Courthouse on Teeling street is an asymmetrical Neo-Gothic building designed byRawson Carroll and built in 1878. The Gilooly Memorial Hall is an austere building on Temple Street built as a memorial to theTemperance campaigner Bishop Gillooly. His statue above the door bears the inscription "Ireland sober, is Ireland free". The Model School, now theModel Arts & Niland Gallery, was built by James Owen of the Board of Works to provide education to all denominations between 1857 and 1863, it was to serve as a model for other schools throughout the country.[22]
The former Batchelors factory on Deep Water Quay is an industrial building which was built in 1905 as a maize mill and grain silo, and used an innovative construction method invented byFrançois Hennebique in 1892. It is one of the earliest examples of its type in Ireland.[23]
Sligo's climate is classified, like all of Ireland, astemperate oceanic. It is characterised by high levels of precipitation and a narrow annual temperature range. The mean yearly temperature is 9.4 degrees Celsius (49 degrees Fahrenheit). The mean January temperature is 5.2 °C (41 °F), while the mean July temperature is 15.3 °C (60 °F). On average, the driest months are April to June while the wettest months are October to January.
Rainfall averages 1131 mm (44.5 in) per year. The high rainfall means Sligo is in thetemperate rainforest biome, examples of which exist aroundLough Gill.[24] The lowest temperature ever recorded in Ireland was −19.1 °C (−2.4 °F) at Markree Castle, County Sligo, on 16 January 1881.
Climate data forMarkree Castle, County Sligo (1981–2010 averages)
Sligo had a population of 19,199 in 2016 and 20,608 in 2022, a growth of 7.3% according to the census.[26]
From the 2022 population, 9,969 were males and 10,639 females. Irish citizens made up 79.6% of the population with Polish (542 persons or 2.6%), British (311, 1.5%) and Indian (255, 1.2%) as the next largest declared citizenships. People from other EU countries (674, 3.3%) and those from elsewhere outside the EU (978, 4.7%) were also noted.[27]
6,522 persons could speak the Irish language. 3,410 persons spoke a language other than Irish or English at home and, of these, Polish was the most common foreign language spoken at home, with 744 speakers.[27][failed verification]
The town is also part of theChurch of Ireland UnitedDiocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh. The primary church in the diocese is theSt John the Baptist Cathedral, Sligo which is located on John Street. Sligo Presbyterian Church is located on Church Street and Sligo Methodist Church is located on Wine Street. There is also a small Baptist church at Cartron Village, Rosses Point Road.
The Sligo-Leitrim Islamic Cultural Centre (SLICC) is located on Mail Coach Road.[30] The IndianMalankara Orthodox Syrian Church meets at the St. Johns Hospital Chapel, Benbullen Rehabilitation Unit, Ballytivan.[31]
Sligo is in theNorthern and Western Region, a NUTS 2 region classified as an underdeveloped "region in transition" by theEU Commission.[32] This is an area where GDP is from 75% to 90% of the EU average. It is entitled to funding fromEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Operational Programmes, which are administered by the Northern and Western Regional Assembly. Sligo Town is part of the NUTS 3Border Region, which recognises that part of north County Sligo is relatively close to theborder with Northern Ireland. A study by the European Committee of the Regions found that the Border Region was the most exposed in Europe to the economic effects ofBrexit.
Sligo is a major services and shopping centre within this region. As of 2016 the service sector is the primary employment sector in the county, employing 18,760 (71.7%) of workforce. Industry and construction makes up 17% (4,427) of employment, and agriculture, forestry and fishing 7.2% (1,868). The total number employed is 26,002. 3,843 people are employed in agency assisted (IDA) companies. Sligo borough labour catchment as of 2016 is 21,824.[33] 92% of enterprises in Sligo are micro-enterprises of 10 or fewer employees.
Sligo has traditionally been a centre for the tool-making industry.[clarification needed]
The pharmaceutical industry is significant with several companies producing goods for this sector,[34] includingAbbott (Ireland) Ltd, which is among the largest employers in Sligo.[35]
Development has occurred along the River Garavogue with the regeneration of J.F.K. Parade (2000), Rockwood Parade (1993–1997), and The Riverside (1997–2006), as well as two new footbridges over the river, one on Rockwood Parade (1996) and one on The Riverside (1999).[citation needed] Sligo has a variety of independent shops and shopping malls. There is a retail park in Carraroe, on the outskirts of Sligo.[36]
The culture of County Sligo, especially of North Sligo, was an inspiration on both poet and Nobel laureateW. B. Yeats and his brother, the artist and illustratorJack Butler Yeats. A collection of Jack B. Yeats's art is housed in The Niland Gallery, part of the Model centre on The Mall in Sligo.[37] The Yeats Summer School takes place every year in the town.[38]
Sligo town has connections withGoon Show star and writerSpike Milligan, whose father was from Sligo, and a plaque was unveiled at the former Milligan family home on Sligo's Holborn Street.[39]
In the early 13th century, the poet and crusaderMuireadhach Albanach Ó Dálaigh kept a school of poetry atLissadell north of Sligo town. He wasOllamh Fileadh (High Poet) to theÓ Domhnaill kings ofTír Chonaill. The school appears to have been dissolved after the Norman invasion. In the 16th century, the poetTadhg Dall Ó hÚigínn wrote many praise poems in strictDán Díreach metre for local chiefs and patrons such as the O'Conor Sligo. He was killed for a satire he wrote on the O'Haras. Theannals record the death in 1561 ofNaisse mac Cithruadh, the "most eminent musician that was in Éireann", by drowning onLough Gill.[citation needed]
In the 17th century, two brothers from County Sligo,Thomas andWilliam Connellan from Cloonamahon, were among the last of the great Irish bards and harpists. Thomas is the author of the tuneMolly MacAlpin, now known asCarolan's Dream, and William may have writtenLove is a Tormenting Pain andKilliecrankie.
Sligo hosts several festivals throughout the year, including Sligo Live, occurring every October; the Sligo Summer Festival, which celebrated the 400th anniversary of Sligo town; and theFleadh Cheoil, which the town hosted in three consecutive years (1989, 1990 and 1991) and again in 2014 and 2015. Approximately 400,000 people attended the 2014 and 2015 festivals. During the festival, much of the music was played by musicians on the streets of Sligo.[citation needed]
TheSligo Jazz Project is held every July.[citation needed] Another annual festival, the Sligo Festival of Baroque Music, was started in 1995 and takes place on the last weekend of September.[41]
Sligo also has a tradition of theatre, both professional and amateur. Sligo has had a theatre at least as far back as 1750, according to Wood-Martins’History of Sligo, and often "her Majesty's servants from the Theatre Royal, Crow Street …. visited Sligo, even during the Dublin season, showing that in those days the townsfolk appreciated the Drama, for in some instances the company remained during several months".[citation needed]
There are now two full-time theatres in the town, including the Blue Raincoat Theatre Company, was founded in 1990 and based in Quay street.[42] Sligo is also home toHawk's Well Theatre, a 340-seat theatre founded in 1982.[42]
Sligo is the setting forJohn Michael McDonagh's 2014 darkly comedic drama filmCalvary,[44] in which a priest continues to serve his parishioners despite their increased hostility towards him and theCatholic Church.
There are also a number of juniorassociation football (soccer) clubs who play in the Sligo/Leitrim & District league from the town. These include Calry Bohemians, Cartron United, City United & St. John's FC who play in the Super League and Glenview Stars, MCR FC, Merville United & Swagman Wanderers who play in the Premier League.
Sligo (in particular Strandhill) is a location for surfing, and there are several surf schools in the area.[citation needed]
There are two nearby golf courses, County Sligo (Rosses Point) Golf Club and Strandhill Golf Club. Also just north of the borough boundary at Lisnalurg, there is Pitch and Putt called Bertie's. Rosses Point hosted the West of Ireland Championship in which future golfing starRory McIlroy won in consecutive years (2005 and 2006).
Two basketball clubs are based in the town. These are Sligo All-Stars (located at the Mercy College Gymnasium) and Sligo Giant Warriors (whose venue is the Sligo Grammar Gymnasium).
Sligo Racecourse at Cleveragh hosts race days at least 8 times per year.
Sligo was administered by its own localoireachtas and the kings ofCáirbre Drom Cliab until the English conquest in the early 17th century. This territory corresponds closely to the newly created Sligo Borough District.
Sligo Borough Corporation became a borough council in 2002.[48] On 1 June 2014, the borough council was dissolved and administration of the town was amalgamated with theSligo County Council.[49][50] It retains the right to be described as a borough.[51] The chair of the borough district uses the title of mayor, rather than Cathaoirleach.[52]
From its foundation in the 13th century, Sligo was administered under localFénechus (Brehon law) until the establishment ofEnglish Common law in the early 17th century after the battle of Kinsale. Courts were held regularly throughout thetuath at various buildings and on hilltops reserved for the purpose. Law enforcement was a function of the nobility and freemen of the area as no police force existed. No records survive from these early courts, but a case is recorded of a Dublin merchant being reimbursed by the local courts after he was fraudulently sold an out of date poem in the 1540s.[54] Sligo then came under English martial law and eventually the common law as administered from Dublin and from which descends the present system.
Sligo provides hospital services to much of the North Western region. The two main hospitals areSligo University Hospital (formerly General and Regional) and St. John's Community Hospital. There is also a private hospital at Garden Hill.
As of 2016, 14.2 per cent of adults were educated to at most primary level only; a further 45.1 per cent attained second level while 40.7 per cent were educated to third level.[33]
St. Angela's College (outside the town proper) is a campus of the Atlantic Technological University, and offers courses in nursing and health studies, home economics and education.
The main roads to Sligo are theN4 toDublin, theN17 toGalway, theN15 toLifford, County Donegal; and theN16 toBlacklion, County Cavan. The section of the N4 road between Sligo and Collooney is a dual carriageway. The first phase of this road was completed in January 1998, bypassing the towns ofCollooney andBallysadare. An extension to this road was completed in September 2005, and is known as the Sligo Inner Relief Road.
O'Connell Street – the main street in the town – was pedestrianised on 15 August 2006. Plans for the proposed redevelopment and paving of this street were publicly unveiled on 23 July 2008 inThe Sligo Champion. The newspaper later revealed that people were not in favour of the pedestrianisation of the street.[citation needed] The street was reopened to traffic in December 2009.
Sligo has a certain amount of cycleways in proximity to the town and various road traffic calming measures have been installed helping to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists. TheUrban Cycle Sligo initiative, for example, created six cycle routes.[57]
Map of the west of Ireland. ProposedWestern Rail Corridor indicated between Collooney and Athenry. Ex-GSWR line south of Limerick in green, other ex-MGWR lines are in red.
Sligo and County Sligo are served bySligo Airport, 8 km (5.0 mi) from Sligo town and nearStrandhill, though no scheduled flights operate out of the airport. The nearest airport with scheduled flights isIreland West Airport near toCharlestown, County Mayo, 55 km (34 mi) away.
TheIrish Coast Guard Helicopter Search & Rescue has been based at Sligo Airport since 2004, callsign Rescue 118.CHC Ireland provide 24 hoursearch and rescue using a Sikorsky S-92 helicopter.
The helicopter is operated by a crew of four, maintained and supported year round. The most northerly base in Ireland, it deals with the stern challenges posed by the Atlantic Ocean and the clifftop environment along the north-west coast.[61]
Picture of Sligo Harbour looking west to Sligo Bay, withKnocknarea mountain visible to the left
Sligo is one of just two operating ports on Ireland's northwest coast betweenGalway andDerry, the other beingKillybegs. The harbour can accommodate ships with a maximum draft of 5.2 metres (17 ft) and a maximum length of 100 metres (330 ft); the Port of Sligo extends from the Timber Jetty for a distance of 1.3 kilometres (0.81 mi).
The Harbour Commissioners of Sligo administered the port from 1877 until Sligo County Council took over responsibility for the Harbour from Sligo Harbour Commissioners in June 2006.
Records show the development of Sligo's port, exporting agricultural goods to Britain and Europe, in the 13th century with the arrival of the Normans. In 1420 port dues were levied for the first time. Later, as a port under Gaelic lords the harbour continued to flourish. Control of the taxes or "cocket" of Sligo port became a sought after prize of local dynasties. Native merchant families, like the O'Creans wine importers being the most well known. Sligo traded with France, Spain and Portugal throughout the Middle Ages.
After incorporation into theBritish Empire from 1607 onward Sligo was an important port.[65][not specific enough to verify] During the 17th and 18th centuries, the port was used for the transit of significant quantities of cattle, hides, butter, barley, oats, and oatmeal being exported and with the city's linen exports well established. Imports included wood, iron, maize and coal. The town prospered due to the trade with wealthy merchants setting up homes along the then fashionable Castle Street and Radcliffe Street (later renamed Grattan Street).
During the time of theGreat Famine 1847–1850, it is estimated that more than 30,000 people emigrated through Sligo Port, mainly to Canada and the United States.
The most notable ship companies to operate out of Sligo includedSligo Steam Navigation Company who introduced the first steamer in 1857, Messrs Middleton & Pollexfen, Harper Cambell Ltd and the former Sligo Harbour Commissioners who owned a number of dredgers used for maintenance of the Channel (McTernan, 1992).[66]
Linen was a major export also through Sligo port, with Pernmill road memorialising the linen textile mills.
When I was a child at Sligo I could see above my grandfather's trees a little column of smoke from "the pern mill," and was told that "pern" was another name for the spool, as I was accustomed to call it, on which thread was wound.
— W B Yeats
The Sligo docks played an important role in the history of the labour movement in Ireland. The1913 Sligo Dock strike lasted for 56 days and was a precursor to theDublin Lockout that occurred 6 months later. Unlike the Dublin Lockout, the Sligo Dock strike resulted in victory to the workers.
The port of Sligo declined during the 20th century with the decline of sail and steamships and the increasing size of cargo vessels.[67][better source needed] In modern times, the port handles cargoes of coal, timber, fish meal and scrap metal and around 25 ships per year dock in the harbour.[citation needed] In 2012 a feasibility study was undertaken into the dredging of the shipping channel.[citation needed]
There are three local newspapers in Sligo: TheSligo Weekender – out every Thursday (formerly Tuesday); the freeNorthwest Express – out the first Thursday of each month; andThe Sligo Champion – out every Tuesday (formerly Wednesday).Sligo Now is a monthly entertainment guide for the town, whileSligo Sport is a monthly sports-specific newspaper.[citation needed]
The town has two local/regional radio stations:Ocean FM, which broadcasts throughout County Sligo and parts of some bordering counties; and West youth radio stationi102-104FM, which merged with its sister stationi105-107FM in 2011 to createiRadio.[citation needed]
^"History of Sligo".Sligo Borough Council – About Us. Archived fromthe original on 10 June 2007. Retrieved13 May 2008.The scallop shells [...] were once abundant in the estuary at the mouth of the Garavogue – a river once known as the 'Sligeach', or 'shelly place', giving Sligo its name
^Bergh, Stefan (1995).Landscape of the monuments. A study of the passage tombs in the Cúil Irra region, Co. Sligo, Ireland. Stockholm: Riksantikvarieämbetet Arkeologiska Undersökningar.ISBN91-7192-945-2.
^"Sligo Town" from the original on 7 August 2020. Retrieved15 March 2020.
^"About the Sligo Festival of Baroque Music" from the original on 16 January 2020. Retrieved15 March 2020.Sligo Festival of Baroque Music began life in 1995 as Sligo Early Music Festival
^ab"Cultural Sligo".sligotourism. Sligo Tourism Ltd.Archived from the original on 15 August 2021. Retrieved15 March 2020.
^County of Sligo Local Electoral Areas and Municipal Districts Order 2018 (S.I. No. 632 of 2018). Signed on 19 December 2018. Statutory Instrument of theGovernment of Ireland. Archived from the original on 2 February 2019. Retrieved fromIrish Statute Book on 31 October 2022.
^"Archived copy"(PDF).Archived(PDF) from the original on 6 October 2014. Retrieved1 October 2014.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)