Slice of life is a depiction of mundane experiences inart andentertainment.[1] In theater, slice of life refers tonaturalism, while in literary parlance it is anarrative technique in which a seemingly arbitrary sequence of events in a character's life is presented, often lacking plot development,conflict, andexposition, as well as often having an open ending.
In theatrical parlance, the termslice of life refers to anaturalistic representation ofreal life, sometimes used as an adjective, as in "aplay with 'slice of life' dialogues". The term originated between 1890 and 1895 as acalque from theFrench phrasetranche de vie, credited to theFrenchplaywright Jean Jullien (1854–1919).[2]
Jullien introduced the term not long after a staging of his playThe Serenade, as noted by Wayne S. Turney in hisessay "Notes on Naturalism in the Theatre":
The Serenade was introduced by theThéâtre Libre in 1887. It is a prime example ofrosserie, that is, plays dealing with corrupt,morally bankrupt characters who seem to be respectable, "smiling, smiling, damned villains..." Jullien gave us the famous apothegm defining naturalism in hisThe Living Theatre (1892): "A play is a slice of life put onstage with art." He goes on to say that "...our purpose is not to create laughter, but thought." He felt that the story of a play does not end with the curtain, which is "only an arbitrary interruption of the action which leaves the spectator free to speculate about what goes on beyond your expectation..."[3]
During the 1950s, the phrase was commonly used in critical reviews of live television dramas, notablyteleplays byJP Miller,Paddy Chayefsky[4] andReginald Rose.[5] At that time, it was sometimes usedsynonymously with the term "kitchen sink realism", adopted from British films and theatre.
In 2017, screenwriter and scholarEric R. Williams identified slice-of-life films as one of eleven super-genres in hisscreenwriters' taxonomy, claiming that all feature-length narrative films can be classified by these super-genres. The other ten super-genres are:action,crime,fantasy,horror,romance,science fiction,sports,thriller,war andwestern.[6] Williams identifies the following films as some examples of films in the slice-of-life super-genre:The Station Agent,Boyhood,Captain Fantastic,Fences,Moonlight andWaitress.[7] According to his taxonomy, drama and comedy are identified as film "types", not super-genres.[7]
In literary parlance, the term "slice of life" refers to astorytelling technique that presents a seemingly arbitrary sample of acharacter's life, which often lacks a coherentplot, conflict, or ending.[8] The story may have little plot progress and often has no exposition, conflict, ordénouement, but rather has an open ending. A work that focuses on a minute and faithful reproduction of some bit of reality, without selection, organization, or judgment, and where every small detail is presented with scientific fidelity, is an example of the "slice of life" novel.[9] This is demonstrated in the case ofGuy de Maupassant's novelA Woman's Life, which told the story of a woman who transformed an unrequited love for her husband into apathological affection towards her son.[10]
In the United States, slice of life stories were given particular emphasis by theChicago school at the end of the 19th century, a period when the novel and social sciences became different systems of discourse.[11] These produced literary texts by researcher-authors that were written to represent the subject's stories and sentiment-free social realism using the language of ordinary people.[11] It formed part of the late 19th- and early 20th-century naturalism movement in literature, which was inspired by the adaptation of principles and methods of social sciences such as the Darwinian view of nature.[12] The movement was an extension of realism, presenting the faithful representation of reality without moral judgment.[12] Some authors, particularly playwrights, used it by focusing on the "underbelly of life" to exposesocial ills and repressive social codes with the aim of shocking the audience and motivating them towardssocial reform.[13]
Slice of life anime and manga are narratives which take place in a recognizable, everyday setting, such as a suburbanhigh school, and which focus on human relationships that are often romantic in nature."[14] The genre favors "the creation of emotional ties with the characters."[15] The popularity of slice of life anime started to increase in the mid-1980s.[14] Masayuki Nishida writes that slice of life anime and manga can still involve elements of fantasy or a fantastical world: "Fantasy is sometimes used as a means to express the 'reality' of human beings under certain possible conditions."[16] Robin E. Brenner's 2007 bookUnderstanding Manga and Anime holds that inanime andmanga, "slice of life" is a genre that is more akin tomelodrama thandrama, bordering on absurd due to the large numbers of dramatic and comedic events in very short spans. The author compares it to teen dramas such asDawson's Creek orThe O.C. This genre claims a large section of the Japanese manga market and usually focuses on school andinterpersonal relationships.[17]
One subgenre of slice of life in anime and manga iskūki-kei (空気系, "air type"), also callednichijō-kei (日常系, "everyday type"). In this genre, "descriptions of deep personal relationships or fully fledged romantic relationships are deliberately eliminated from the story in order to tell a light, non-serious story that focuses on the everyday lives and conversations of thebishōjo characters."[18] This relies on a "specificity of place," as well as a "peaceful, heartwarming sense of daily life".[19] Thenichijō-kei genre developed fromyonkoma manga, and includes works likeAzumanga Daioh,K-On!,Softenni, andHidamari Sketch.[20] Takayoshi Yamamura argues that the rise in popularity of this subgenre in the mid-2000s enabled the increasing popularity ofmedia tourism to locations featured in anime.[18]
Stevie Suan writes that slice of life anime such asAzumanga Daioh often involve exaggerated versions of the "conventionalized expressions" of the medium, such as "white circles for eyes in times of trouble, shining, vibrant big eyes to depict overflowing emotion, sweat drops, animal teeth, and simplistic human rendering."[21]