Askunked term is a word or phrase that becomes difficult to use because it isevolving from one meaning to another, perhaps inconsistent or evenopposite, usage,[1] or that becomes difficult to use due to other controversy surrounding the term.[2]Purists may insist on the old usage, whiledescriptivists may be more open to newer usages. Readers may not know which sense is meant especially whenprescriptivists insist on a meaning that accords with interests that often conflict.[citation needed]
Humbled originally meant "brought low" but is often used to mean "honored".[5]
"It's all downhill from here" originally meant to become easier but is widely used to mean becoming worse or more difficult.[6]
Amoot point inBritish English has historically meant a point that is worth debating, but the meaning is shifting towards that inUS English of a point that is irrelevant or academic.[7]
A "steep learning curve" was used in psychology from the 1920s to describe the quick and easy acquisition of skill; it was adopted more widely in the 1970s with the opposite meaning, describing a difficult and arduous process.[8]
Niggardly means "miserly" or "parsimonious", but is rarely used in modern English because it is easily confused with the slurnigger, despite their separate etymologies.[9]
Oriental originally referred to anything associated with the east or orient, including the Middle East, and including people. More recently, the term has come to refer to East Asia exclusively, and use of the word to describe people has become offensive.[10]
The wordsfaggot andfag have various meanings in British English (such as afaggot being a meat dish or a bundle of sticks, and afag being a cigarette)[11] but in the United States they arehomophobic slurs.[12]
"Begging the question" originally refers to theinformal fallacy of assuming the conclusion, but is used to mean "evading the question" or "raising the question".[16]
Biweekly has come to mean either "occurring every two weeks" or "occurring twice a week". The same ambiguity exists for the wordbimonthly.[17][18]
Data, andmedia have come to ambiguously describe both singular and plural entities, with the singular formsdatum andmedium declining in use.[10]
Disinterested is widely used to mean "uninterested" whereas the primary meaning is "unbiased".[19]
Drug can mean both pharmaceutical medicines and illegal recreational psychoactive substances like cocaine or heroin.[20]
Enormity used to mean "horror" but has come to mean "great size", likely due to confusion with the word "enormous".
"Theexception that proves the rule" originally meant that an exception stipulated in a rule establishes the existence of the rule outside the exception, but is generally used to mean an anomaly to a trend, while some argue that it should mean a case that tests the validity of a rule.[21]
Gay's former meaning of "cheerful and carefree" has largely been lost due to its more recent meaning of "homosexual".
Hopefully used to mean "in a hopeful manner" but has come to mean "it is hoped" since the early 1960s.[3][22][23]
Inflammable means "prone to catching fire", but is sometimes interpreted to mean "not flammable" due to the fact that theEnglish prefixin- usually suggests "not". Due to potential dangers of the word confusion,inflammable has seen a decrease in usage in the last decades, while the wordnonflammable is used instead to mean "not flammable".[24]
"The turn of the n-th century" is ambiguous as to which century is ending and which is beginning. For example, "the turn of the 17th century" may refer to the period around the year 1601 (the beginning of the 17th century) or around the year 1700 (the end).[25][26]
Literally is widely used with metaphorical language for emphasis.[27]