Lamb is one of the authors of the APA's report into thesexualization of girls,[5] which according to an article onWomen and Hollywood is "the most downloaded document in the history of the APA’s website".[6] She is also a co-author for the APA's Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Girls and Women.
Sharon Lamb also practices psychology in Shelburne Vermont where she performs evaluations for the courts, attachment evaluations and custody evaluations, and sees private therapy clients.
She is married to the pianist Paul Orgel and has/had two sons.[7] Her younger son died on July 6, 2018, at the age of 26. Her older son lives with his family in Austin, Texas.
Lamb, Sharon; Murphy, Jeffrie G. (2002).Before forgiving: cautionary views of forgiveness in psychotherapy. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press.ISBN9780195145205.
Lamb, Sharon (2006).Sex, therapy, and kids: addressing their concerns through talk and play. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.ISBN9780393704792.
Lamb, Sharon (2013).Sex ed for caring schools: creating an ethics-based curriculum. New York: Teachers College Press.ISBN9780807753989.
Lamb, Sharon (2016).Girls of color, sexuality, and sex education, Palgrave/Macmillan.
Lamb, S. & Gilbert, J. Editors. (in press). Cambridge handbook of sexual development: Children and adolescents. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Lamb, S. (June 5, 2019).The not good enough mother, Boston: Beacon Press.
Lamb, Sharon (2006), "Forgiveness therapy in gendered contexts: What happens to the truth?", in Potter, Nancy N. (ed.),Trauma, truth and reconciliation: healing damaged relationships, Oxford New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 229–256,ISBN9780198569435
Lamb, Sharon; Plocha, Aleksandra (2011), "The underlying ethics in sex education: What are the needs of vulnerable groups?", in de Ruyter, Doret J.; Miedema, Siebren (eds.),Moral education and development: a lifetime commitment, Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers, pp. 163–177,ISBN9789460917141
Lamb, Sharon (2011), "The place of mutuality and care in democratic sexuality education: incorporating the other person", in Carlson, Dennis; Roseboro, Donyell L. (eds.),The sexuality curriculum and youth culture, New York: Peter Lang, pp. 29–43,ISBN9781433110009
Lamb, Sharon (2011), "Sexual tensions in girls' friendships", inKimmel, Michael;Aronson, Amy (eds.),The gendered society reader (4th ed.), New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 554–558,ISBN9780199733712
Lamb, Sharon; Vozzola, Elizabeth C. (2012), "Moral development", inMeyer, Luanna H. (ed.),Oxford bibliographies, New York: Oxford University Press,ISBN9780199756810 Available online as:Lamb, Sharon; Vozzola, Elizabeth C. (December 2011). "Moral development".Oxford Bibliographies Online.doi:10.1093/OBO/9780199756810-0056.
Lamb, Sharon (2013), "Healthy sexuality in adolescent girls", in Zurbriggen, Eileen L.; Roberts, Tomi-Ann (eds.),The sexualization of girls and girlhood: causes, consequences, and resistance, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 278–301,ISBN9780199731657
Lamb, Sharon (2014), "The hard work of pleasure", in Allen, Louisa; Rasmussen, Mary Lou; Quinlivan, Kathleen (eds.),The politics of pleasure in sexuality education: pleasure bound, New York: Routledge, pp. 136–152,ISBN9780415812269
Lamb, Sharon; Plocha, Aleksandra (2014), "Sexuality in childhood", in Tolman, Deborah L.; Diamond, Lisa M. (eds.),APA handbook of sexuality and psychology (person-based approaches), vol. 1, Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, pp. 415–432,ISBN9781433813696 Also available asLamb, Sharon; Plocha, Aleksandra (2014). "Sexuality in childhood".APA handbook of sexuality and psychology, Vol. 1: Person-based approaches. American Psychological Association. pp. 415–432.doi:10.1037/14193-014.ISBN978-1-4338-1371-9.
Lamb, S. & Randazzo, R. (2016) Obstacles to teaching ethics in sexuality education. In J. Ponzetti (Ed.) Evidence-based approaches to sex education: A global perspective 113–129). NY: Routledge.
Lamb, S. & Brodt (2017). Psychotherapy with girls: The problems of real girls and the distractions of diagnosis. InAPA Handbook of the Psychology of Women.
Lamb, S., White, L., & Plocha, A. (in press). Childhood sexuality. In S. Lamb & J. Gilbert (in press).Cambridge handbook of sexual development: Children and adolescents.
Jarkovska, L., & Lamb, S. (in press). Not innocent but vulnerable: An approach to childhood sexuality. In S. Lamb & J. Gilbert (in press).Cambridge handbook of sexual development: Children and adolescents.
Lamb, Sharon; Graling, Kelly; Lustig, Kara (October 2011). "Stereotypes in four current AOUM sexuality education curricula: good girls, good boys, and the new gender equality".American Journal of Sexuality Education.6 (4):360–380.doi:10.1080/15546128.2011.624477.S2CID142895120.
Lamb, Sharon; Lustig, Kara; Graling, Kelly (May 2013). "The use and misuse of pleasure in sex education curricula".Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning.13 (3):305–318.doi:10.1080/14681811.2012.738604.S2CID145512187.
Lamb, Sharon (October 2013). "Just the facts? The separation of sex education from moral education".Educational Theory.63 (5):443–460.doi:10.1111/edth.12034.
Lamb, S. & Plocha, A. (2015) Pride, shame, and sexiness: Girls of color discuss race, body image, and sexualization.Girlhood Studies, 8(2), 86–102. DOI: 10.3167/ghs.2015.080207
Randazzo, R., Farmer, K., & Lamb, S. (2015). Queer women's perspectives on sexualization in media.Journal of Bisexuality, 15(1), 1-31. DOI: 10.1080/15299716.2014.986315
Lamb, S., Farmer, K., Kosterina, E., Lambe Sarinana, S., Plocha, A., & Randazzo, R. (2015). What's sexy? Adolescent girls discuss confidence, danger, and media influence.Gender & Education, 28(4), 527-545. DOI:10.1080/09540253.2015.1107528
Lamb, S., & Randazzo, R. (2016). An examination of the effectiveness of a sexual ethics curriculum.Journal of Moral Education. DOI: 10.1080/03057240.2016.1156520
Lamb, S., & Randazzo, R. (2016.) Sex education as a form of civics education in a neoliberal context.Curriculum Inquiry, 46(2), 148–167. DOI:10.1080/03626784.2016.1144465
Lamb, S., & Brodt, M. (2017). Sexual ethics curriculum evaluation: A buzzing, blooming, confusion in the classroom.Sage Research Methods Cases Part 2. Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage Press. DOI: 10.4135/9781473970670
Lamb, S., Kosterina, E., Roberts, T., Brodt, M., Maroney, M. & Dangler, L. (2017). Voices of the mind: Hegemonic masculinity and others in mind during young men's sexual encounters.Men & Masculinities. DOI:10.1177/1097184X17695038
Gable, S., Lamb, S., Brodt, M., & Attwell, L. (2017). Intervening in a ‘sketchy situation’: Exploring the moral motivations of college bystanders of sexual assault.Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI: 10.1177/0886260517730027