Inmathematics, thedifferential geometry of surfaces deals with thedifferential geometry ofsmoothsurfaces[a] with various additional structures, most often, aRiemannian metric.[b]
Surfaces have been extensively studied from various perspectives:extrinsically, relating to theirembedding inEuclidean space andintrinsically, reflecting their properties determined solely by the distance within the surface as measured along curves on the surface. One of the fundamental concepts investigated is theGaussian curvature, first studied in depth byCarl Friedrich Gauss,[1] who showed that curvature was an intrinsic property of a surface, independent of itsisometric embedding in Euclidean space.
Surfaces naturally arise asgraphs offunctions of a pair ofvariables, and sometimes appear in parametric form or asloci associated tospace curves. An important role in their study has been played byLie groups (in the spirit of theErlangen program), namely thesymmetry groups of theEuclidean plane, thesphere and thehyperbolic plane. These Lie groups can be used to describe surfaces of constant Gaussian curvature; they also provide an essential ingredient in the modern approach to intrinsic differential geometry throughconnections. On the other hand, extrinsic properties relying on an embedding of a surface in Euclidean space have also been extensively studied. This is well illustrated by the non-linearEuler–Lagrange equations in thecalculus of variations: although Euler developed the one variable equations to understandgeodesics, defined independently of an embedding, one of Lagrange's main applications of the two variable equations was tominimal surfaces, a concept that can only be defined in terms of an embedding.
The volumes of certainquadric surfaces ofrevolution were calculated byArchimedes.[2] The development ofcalculus in the seventeenth century provided a more systematic way of computing them.[3] Curvature of general surfaces was first studied byEuler. In 1760[4] he proved a formula for the curvature of a plane section of a surface and in 1771[5] he considered surfaces represented in a parametric form.Monge laid down the foundations of their theory in his classical memoirL'application de l'analyse à la géometrie which appeared in 1795. The defining contribution to the theory of surfaces was made byGauss in two remarkable papers written in 1825 and 1827.[1] This marked a new departure from tradition because for the first time Gauss considered theintrinsic geometry of a surface, the properties which are determined only by the geodesic distances between points on the surface independently of the particular way in which the surface is located in the ambient Euclidean space. The crowning result, theTheorema Egregium of Gauss, established that theGaussian curvature is an intrinsic invariant, i.e. invariant under localisometries. This point of view was extended to higher-dimensional spaces byRiemann and led to what is known today asRiemannian geometry. The nineteenth century was the golden age for the theory of surfaces, from both the topological and the differential-geometric point of view, with most leading geometers devoting themselves to their study.[citation needed]Darboux collected many results in his four-volume treatiseThéorie des surfaces (1887–1896).
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It is intuitively quite familiar to say that the leaf of a plant, the surface of a glass, or the shape of a face, are curved in certain ways, and that all of these shapes, even after ignoring any distinguishing markings, have certain geometric features which distinguish one from another. The differential geometry of surfaces is concerned with a mathematical understanding of such phenomena. The study of this field, which was initiated in its modern form in the 1700s, has led to the development of higher-dimensional and abstract geometry, such asRiemannian geometry andgeneral relativity.[original research?]
The essential mathematical object is that of aregular surface. Although conventions vary in their precise definition, these form a general class of subsets of three-dimensionalEuclidean space (ℝ3) which capture part of the familiar notion of "surface." By analyzing the class of curves which lie on such a surface, and the degree to which the surfaces force them to curve inℝ3, one can associate to each point of the surface two numbers, called theprincipal curvatures. Their average is called themean curvature of the surface, and their product is called theGaussian curvature.
There are many classic examples of regular surfaces, including:
A surprising result ofCarl Friedrich Gauss, known as theTheorema Egregium, showed that the Gaussian curvature of a surface, which by its definition has to do with how curves on the surface change directions in three dimensional space, can actually be measured by the lengths of curves lying on the surfaces together with the angles made when two curves on the surface intersect. Terminologically, this says that the Gaussian curvature can be calculated from thefirst fundamental form (also calledmetric tensor) of the surface. Thesecond fundamental form, by contrast, is an object which encodes how lengths and angles of curves on the surface are distorted when the curves are pushed off of the surface.
Despite measuring different aspects of length and angle, the first and second fundamental forms are not independent from one another, and they satisfy certain constraints called theGauss–Codazzi equations. A major theorem, often called the fundamental theorem of the differential geometry of surfaces, asserts that whenever two objects satisfy the Gauss-Codazzi constraints, they will arise as the first and second fundamental forms of a regular surface.
Using the first fundamental form, it is possible to define new objects on a regular surface.Geodesics are curves on the surface which satisfy a certain second-orderordinary differential equation which is specified by the first fundamental form. They are very directly connected to the study of lengths of curves; a geodesic of sufficiently short length will always be the curve of shortest length on the surface which connects its two endpoints. Thus, geodesics are fundamental to the optimization problem of determining the shortest path between two given points on a regular surface.
One can also defineparallel transport along any given curve, which gives a prescription for how to deform a tangent vector to the surface at one point of the curve to tangent vectors at all other points of the curve. The prescription is determined by a first-orderordinary differential equation which is specified by the first fundamental form.
The above concepts are essentially all to do with multivariable calculus. TheGauss–Bonnet theorem is a more global result, which relates the Gaussian curvature of a surface together with its topological type. It asserts that the average value of the Gaussian curvature is completely determined by theEuler characteristic of the surface together with its surface area.
Any regular surface is an example both of aRiemannian manifold andRiemann surface. Essentially all of the theory of regular surfaces as discussed here has a generalization in the theory of Riemannian manifolds and their submanifolds.
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It is intuitively clear that a sphere is smooth, while a cone or a pyramid, due to their vertex or edges, are not. The notion of a "regular surface" is a formalization of the notion of a smooth surface. The definition utilizes the local representation of a surface via maps betweenEuclidean spaces. There is a standard notion of smoothness for such maps; a map between two open subsets of Euclidean space is smooth if its partial derivatives of every order exist at every point of the domain.[6][7][8]
A regular surface in Euclidean spaceℝ3 is a subsetS ofℝ3 such that every point ofS admits any of the following three concepts:local parametrizations,Monge patches, orimplicit functions.The following table gives definitions of such objects; Monge patches is perhaps the most visually intuitive, as it essentially says that a regular surface is a subset ofℝ3 which is locally the graph of a smooth function (whether over a region in theyz plane, thexz plane, or thexy plane).
Objects | Definition |
Local parametrizations | An open neighborhoodU ⊂S for which there is an open subsetV ofℝ2 and ahomeomorphismf :V →U such that
Monge patches | An open neighborhoodU ⊂ ℝ3 for which there is an open subsetV ofℝ2 and a smooth functionh :V → ℝ such that one of the following holds:
Implicit functions | An open neighborhoodU ⊂ ℝ3 for which there is a smooth functionF :U → ℝ with:
The homeomorphisms appearing in the first definition are known aslocal parametrizations orlocal coordinate systems orlocal charts onS.[13] The equivalence of the first two definitions asserts that, around any point on a regular surface, there always exist local parametrizations of the form(u,v) ↦ (h(u,v),u,v),(u,v) ↦ (u,h(u,v),v), or(u,v) ↦ (u,v,h(u,v)), known asMonge patches. FunctionsF as in the third definition are calledlocal defining functions. The equivalence of all three definitions follows from theimplicit function theorem.[14][15][16]
Given any two local parametrizationsf :V →U andf ′ :V ′→U ′ of a regular surface, the compositionf −1 ∘f ′ is necessarily smooth as a map between open subsets ofℝ2.[17] This shows that any regular surface naturally has the structure of asmooth manifold, with a smooth atlas being given by the inverses of local parametrizations.
In the classical theory of differential geometry, surfaces are usually studied only in the regular case.[7][18] It is, however, also common to study non-regular surfaces, in which the two partial derivatives∂uf and∂vf of a local parametrization may fail to belinearly independent. In this case,S may have singularities such ascuspidal edges. Such surfaces are typically studied insingularity theory. Other weakened forms of regular surfaces occur incomputer-aided design, where a surface is broken apart into disjoint pieces, with the derivatives of local parametrizations failing to even be continuous along the boundaries.[citation needed]
Simple examples. A simple example of a regular surface is given by the 2-sphere{(x,y,z) |x2 +y2 +z2 = 1}; this surface can be covered by six Monge patches (two of each of the three types given above), takingh(u,v) = ± (1 −u2 −v2)1/2. It can also be covered by two local parametrizations, usingstereographic projection. The set{(x,y,z) : ((x2 +y2)1/2 −r)2 +z2 =R2} is atorus of revolution with radiir andR. It is a regular surface; local parametrizations can be given of the form
Thehyperboloid on two sheets{(x,y,z) :z2 = 1 +x2 +y2} is a regular surface; it can be covered by two Monge patches, withh(u,v) = ±(1 +u2 +v2)1/2. Thehelicoid appears in the theory ofminimal surfaces. It is covered by a single local parametrization,f(u,v) = (u sinv,u cosv,v).
LetS be a regular surface inℝ3, and letp be an element ofS. Using any of the above definitions, one can single out certain vectors inℝ3 as being tangent toS atp, and certain vectors inℝ3 as being orthogonal toS atp.
Objects used in definition | A vectorX inℝ3 is tangent toS atp if... | A vectorn inℝ3 is normal toS atp if... |
Local parametrizations | ... given any local parametrizationf :V →S withp ∈f(V),X is a linear combination of and | ... it is orthogonal to every tangent vector toS atp |
Monge patches | ... for any Monge patch(u,v) ↦ (u,v,h(u,v)) whose range includesp, one has with the partial derivatives evaluated at the point(p1,p2). The analogous definition applies in the case of the Monge patches of the other two forms. | ... for any Monge patch(u,v) ↦ (u,v,h(u,v)) whose range includesp,n is a multiple of(∂h/∂u,∂h/∂v, −1) as evaluated at the point(p1,p2). The analogous definition applies in the case of the Monge patches of the other two forms. |
Implicit functions | ... for any local defining functionF whose domain containsp,X is orthogonal to∇F(p) | ... for any local defining functionF whose domain containsp,n is a multiple of∇F(p) |
One sees that thetangent space ortangent plane toS atp, which is defined to consist of all tangent vectors toS atp, is a two-dimensional linear subspace ofℝ3; it is often denoted byTpS. Thenormal space toS atp, which is defined to consist of all normal vectors toS atp, is a one-dimensional linear subspace ofℝ3 which is orthogonal to the tangent spaceTpS. As such, at each pointp ofS, there are two normal vectors of unit length (unit normal vectors). The unit normal vectors atp can be given in terms of local parametrizations, Monge patches, or local defining functions, via the formulas
following the same notations as in the previous definitions.
It is also useful to note an "intrinsic" definition of tangent vectors, which is typical of the generalization of regular surface theory to the setting ofsmooth manifolds. It defines the tangent space as an abstract two-dimensional real vector space, rather than as a linear subspace ofℝ3. In this definition, one says that a tangent vector toS atp is an assignment, to each local parametrizationf :V →S withp ∈f(V), of two numbersX1 andX2, such that for any other local parametrizationf ′ :V →S withp ∈f(V) (and with corresponding numbers(X ′)1 and(X ′)2), one has
whereAf ′(p) is theJacobian matrix of the mappingf −1 ∘f ′, evaluated at the pointf ′(p). The collection of tangent vectors toS atp naturally has the structure of a two-dimensional vector space. A tangent vector in this sense corresponds to a tangent vector in the previous sense by considering the vector
inℝ3. The Jacobian condition onX1 andX2 ensures, by thechain rule, that this vector does not depend onf.
For smooth functions on a surface, vector fields (i.e. tangent vector fields) have an important interpretation as first order operators or derivations. Let be a regular surface, an open subset of the plane and a coordinate chart. If, the space can be identified with. Similarly identifies vector fields on with vector fields on. Taking standard variablesu andv, a vector field has the form, witha andb smooth functions. If is a vector field and is a smooth function, then is also a smooth function. The first order differential operator is aderivation, i.e. it satisfies the Leibniz rule[19]
For vector fieldsX andY it is simple to check that the operator is a derivation corresponding to a vector field. It is called theLie bracket. It is skew-symmetric and satisfies the Jacobi identity:
In summary, vector fields on or form aLie algebra under the Lie bracket.[20]
LetS be a regular surface inℝ3. Given a local parametrizationf :V →S and a unit normal vector fieldn tof(V), one defines the following objects as real-valued or matrix-valued functions onV. The first fundamental form depends only onf, and not onn. The fourth column records the way in which these functions depend onf, by relating the functionsE ′,F ′,G ′,L ′, etc., arising for a different choice of local parametrization,f ′ :V ′ →S, to those arising forf. HereA denotes theJacobian matrix off –1 ∘f ′. The key relation in establishing the formulas of the fourth column is then
as follows by thechain rule.
Terminology | Notation | Definition | Dependence on local parametrization |
First fundamental form | E | ||
F | |||
G | |||
Second fundamental form | L | ||
M | |||
N | |||
Shape operator[21] | P | ||
Gaussian curvature | K | ||
Mean curvature | H | ||
Principal curvatures |
By a direct calculation with the matrix defining the shape operator, it can be checked that the Gaussian curvature is thedeterminant of the shape operator, the mean curvature is half of thetrace of the shape operator, and the principal curvatures are theeigenvalues of the shape operator; moreover the Gaussian curvature is the product of the principal curvatures and the mean curvature is their sum. These observations can also be formulated as definitions of these objects. These observations also make clear that the last three rows of the fourth column follow immediately from the previous row, assimilar matrices have identical determinant, trace, and eigenvalues. It is fundamental to noteE,G, andEG −F2 are all necessarily positive. This ensures that the matrix inverse in the definition of the shape operator is well-defined, and that the principal curvatures are real numbers.
Note also that a negation of the choice of unit normal vector field will negate the second fundamental form, the shape operator, the mean curvature, and the principal curvatures, but will leave the Gaussian curvature unchanged. In summary, this has shown that, given a regular surfaceS, the Gaussian curvature ofS can be regarded as a real-valued function onS; relative to a choice of unit normal vector field on all ofS, the two principal curvatures and the mean curvature are also real-valued functions onS.
Geometrically, the first and second fundamental forms can be viewed as giving information on howf(u,v) moves around inℝ3 as(u,v) moves around inV. In particular, the first fundamental form encodes how quicklyf moves, while the second fundamental form encodes the extent to which its motion is in the direction of the normal vectorn. In other words, the second fundamental form at a pointp encodes the length of the orthogonal projection fromS to the tangent plane toS atp; in particular it gives the quadratic function which best approximates this length. This thinking can be made precise by the formulas
as follows directly from the definitions of the fundamental forms andTaylor's theorem in two dimensions. The principal curvatures can be viewed in the following way. At a given pointp ofS, consider the collection of all planes which contain the orthogonal line toS. Each such plane has a curve of intersection withS, which can be regarded as aplane curve inside of the plane itself. The two principal curvatures atp are the maximum and minimum possible values of the curvature of this plane curve atp, as the plane under consideration rotates around the normal line.
The following summarizes the calculation of the above quantities relative to a Monge patchf(u,v) = (u,v,h(u,v)). Herehu andhv denote the two partial derivatives ofh, with analogous notation for the second partial derivatives. The second fundamental form and all subsequent quantities are calculated relative to the given choice of unit normal vector field.
Quantity | Formula |
A unit normal vector field | |
First fundamental form | |
Second fundamental form | |
Shape operator | |
Gaussian curvature | |
Mean curvature |
LetS be a regular surface inℝ3. TheChristoffel symbols assign, to each local parametrizationf :V →S, eight functions onV, defined by[22]
They can also be defined by the following formulas, in whichn is a unit normal vector field alongf(V) andL,M,N are the corresponding components of the second fundamental form:
The key to this definition is that∂f/∂u,∂f/∂v, andn form a basis ofℝ3 at each point, relative to which each of the three equations uniquely specifies the Christoffel symbols as coordinates of the second partial derivatives off. The choice of unit normal has no effect on the Christoffel symbols, since ifn is exchanged for its negation, then the components of the second fundamental form are also negated, and so the signs ofLn,Mn,Nn are left unchanged.
The second definition shows, in the context of local parametrizations, that the Christoffel symbols are geometrically natural. Although the formulas in the first definition appear less natural, they have the importance of showing that the Christoffel symbols can be calculated from the first fundamental form, which is not immediately apparent from the second definition. The equivalence of the definitions can be checked by directly substituting the first definition into the second, and using the definitions ofE,F,G.
TheCodazzi equations assert that[23]
These equations can be directly derived from the second definition of Christoffel symbols given above; for instance, the first Codazzi equation is obtained by differentiating the first equation with respect tov, the second equation with respect tou, subtracting the two, and taking thedot product withn. TheGauss equation asserts that[24]
These can be similarly derived as the Codazzi equations, with one using theWeingarten equations instead of taking thedot product withn. Although these are written as three separate equations, they are identical when the definitions of the Christoffel symbols, in terms of the first fundamental form, are substituted in. There are many ways to write the resulting expression, one of them derived in 1852 byBrioschi using a skillful use of determinants:[25][26]
When the Christoffel symbols are considered as being defined by the first fundamental form, the Gauss and Codazzi equations represent certain constraints between the first and second fundamental forms. The Gauss equation is particularly noteworthy, as it shows that the Gaussian curvature can be computed directly from the first fundamental form, without the need for any other information; equivalently, this says thatLN −M2 can actually be written as a function ofE,F,G, even though the individual componentsL,M,N cannot. This is known as thetheorema egregium, and was a major discovery ofCarl Friedrich Gauss. It is particularly striking when one recalls the geometric definition of the Gaussian curvature ofS as being defined by the maximum and minimum radii of osculating circles; they seem to be fundamentally defined by the geometry of howS bends withinℝ3. Nevertheless, the theorem shows that their product can be determined from the "intrinsic" geometry ofS, having only to do with the lengths of curves alongS and the angles formed at their intersections. As said byMarcel Berger:[27]
This theorem is baffling. [...] It is the kind of theorem which could have waited dozens of years more before being discovered by another mathematician since, unlike so much of intellectual history, it was absolutely not in the air. [...] To our knowledge there is no simple geometric proof of the theorema egregium today.
The Gauss-Codazzi equations can also besuccinctly expressed and derived in the language ofconnection forms due toÉlie Cartan.[28] In the language oftensor calculus, making use of natural metrics and connections ontensor bundles, the Gauss equation can be written asH2 − |h|2 =R and the two Codazzi equations can be written as∇1h12 = ∇2h11 and∇1h22 = ∇2h12; the complicated expressions to do with Christoffel symbols and the first fundamental form are completely absorbed into the definitions of the covariant tensor derivative∇h and thescalar curvatureR.Pierre Bonnet proved that two quadratic forms satisfying the Gauss-Codazzi equations always uniquely determine an embedded surface locally.[29] For this reason the Gauss-Codazzi equations are often called the fundamental equations for embedded surfaces, precisely identifying where the intrinsic and extrinsic curvatures come from. They admit generalizations to surfaces embedded in more generalRiemannian manifolds.
A diffeomorphism between open sets and in a regular surface is said to be anisometry if it preserves the metric, i.e. the first fundamental form.[30][31][32] Thus for every point in and tangent vectors at, there are equalities
In terms of the inner product coming from the first fundamental form, this can be rewritten as
On the other hand, the length of a parametrized curve can be calculated as
and, if the curve lies in, the rules for change of variables show that
Conversely if preserves the lengths of all parametrized in curves then is an isometry. Indeed, for suitable choices of, the tangent vectors and give arbitrary tangent vectors and. The equalities must hold for all choice of tangent vectors and as well as and, so that.[33]
A simple example of an isometry is provided by two parametrizations and of an open set into regular surfaces and. If, and, then is an isometry of onto.[34]
The cylinder and the plane give examples of surfaces that are locally isometric but which cannot be extended to an isometry for topological reasons.[35] As another example, thecatenoid andhelicoid are locally isometric.[36]
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Atangential vector fieldX onS assigns, to eachp inS, a tangent vectorXp toS atp. According to the "intrinsic" definition of tangent vectors given above, a tangential vector fieldX then assigns, to each local parametrizationf :V →S, two real-valued functionsX1 andX2 onV, so that
for eachp inS. One says thatX is smooth if the functionsX1 andX2 are smooth, for any choice off.[37] According to the other definitions of tangent vectors given above, one may also regard a tangential vector fieldX onS as a mapX :S → ℝ3 such thatX(p) is contained in the tangent spaceTpS ⊂ ℝ3 for eachp inS. As is common in the more general situation ofsmooth manifolds, tangential vector fieldscan also be defined as certain differential operators on the space of smooth functions onS.
Thecovariant derivatives (also called "tangential derivatives") ofTullio Levi-Civita andGregorio Ricci-Curbastro provide a means of differentiating smooth tangential vector fields. Given a tangential vector fieldX and a tangent vectorY toS atp, the covariant derivative∇YX is a certain tangent vector toS atp. Consequently, ifX andY are both tangential vector fields, then∇YX can also be regarded as a tangential vector field; iteratively, ifX,Y, andZ are tangential vector fields, the one may compute∇Z∇YX, which will be another tangential vector field. There are a few ways to define the covariant derivative; the first below uses theChristoffel symbols and the "intrinsic" definition of tangent vectors, and the second is more manifestly geometric.
Given a tangential vector fieldX and a tangent vectorY toS atp, one defines∇YX to be the tangent vector top which assigns to a local parametrizationf :V →S the two numbers
whereD(Y1,Y2) is thedirectional derivative.[38] This is often abbreviated in the less cumbersome form(∇YX)k = ∂Y(Xk) +YiΓk
ijX j, making use ofEinstein notation and with the locations of function evaluation being implicitly understood. This follows astandard prescription inRiemannian geometry for obtaining aconnection from aRiemannian metric. It is a fundamental fact that the vector
inℝ3 is independent of the choice of local parametizationf, although this is rather tedious to check.
One can also define the covariant derivative by the following geometric approach, which does not make use ofChristoffel symbols or local parametrizations.[39][40][41] LetX be a vector field onS, viewed as a functionS → ℝ3. Given any curvec : (a,b) →S, one may consider the compositionX ∘c : (a,b) → ℝ3. As a map between Euclidean spaces, it can be differentiated at any input value to get an element(X ∘c)′(t) ofℝ3. Theorthogonal projection of this vector ontoTc(t)S defines the covariant derivative∇c ′(t)X. Although this is a very geometrically clean definition, it is necessary to show that the result only depends onc′(t) andX, and not onc andX; local parametrizations can be used for this small technical argument.
It is not immediately apparent from the second definition that covariant differentiation depends only on the first fundamental form ofS; however, this is immediate from the first definition, since the Christoffel symbols can be defined directly from the first fundamental form. It is straightforward to check that the two definitions are equivalent. The key is that when one regardsX1∂f/∂u +X2∂f/∂v as aℝ3-valued function, its differentiation along a curve results in second partial derivatives∂2f; the Christoffel symbols enter with orthogonal projection to the tangent space, due to the formulation of the Christoffel symbols as the tangential components of the second derivatives off relative to the basis∂f/∂u,∂f/∂v,n.[38] This is discussed in the above section.
The right-hand side of the three Gauss equations can be expressed using covariant differentiation. For instance, the right-hand side
can be recognized as the second coordinate of
relative to the basis∂f/∂u,∂f/∂v, as can be directly verified using the definition of covariant differentiation by Christoffel symbols. In the language ofRiemannian geometry, this observation can also be phrased as saying that the right-hand sides of the Gauss equations are various components of theRicci curvature of theLevi-Civita connection of the first fundamental form, when interpreted as aRiemannian metric.
A surface of revolution is obtained by rotating a curve in thexz-plane about thez-axis. Such surfaces include spheres, cylinders, cones, tori, and thecatenoid. The generalellipsoids,hyperboloids, andparaboloids are not. Suppose that the curve is parametrized by
withs drawn from an interval(a,b). Ifc1 is never zero, ifc1′ andc2′ are never both equal to zero, and ifc1 andc2 are both smooth, then the corresponding surface of revolution
will be a regular surface inℝ3. A local parametrizationf : (a,b) × (0, 2π) →S is given by
Relative to this parametrization, the geometric data is:[42]
Quantity | Formula |
A unit normal vector field | |
First fundamental form | |
Second fundamental form | |
Principal curvatures | |
Gaussian curvature | |
Mean curvature |
In the special case that the original curve is parametrized by arclength, i.e.(c1′(s))2 + (c2′(s))2 = 1, one can differentiate to findc1′(s)c1′′(s) +c2′(s)c2′′(s) = 0. On substitution into the Gaussian curvature, one has the simplified
The simplicity of this formula makes it particularly easy to study the class of rotationally symmetric surfaces with constant Gaussian curvature.[43] By reduction to the alternative case thatc2(s) = s, one can study the rotationally symmetric minimal surfaces, with the result that any such surface is part of a plane or a scaled catenoid.[44]
Each constant-t curve onS can be parametrized as a geodesic; a constant-s curve onS can be parametrized as a geodesic if and only ifc1′(s) is equal to zero. Generally, geodesics onS are governed byClairaut's relation.
Consider the quadric surface defined by[45]
This surface admits a parametrization
The Gaussian curvature and mean curvature are given by
A ruled surface is one which can be generated by the motion of a straight line inE3.[46] Choosing adirectrix on the surface, i.e. a smooth unit speed curvec(t) orthogonal to the straight lines, and then choosingu(t) to be unit vectors along the curve in the direction of the lines, the velocity vectorv =ct andu satisfy
The surface consists of points
ass andt vary.
Then, if
the Gaussian and mean curvature are given by
The Gaussian curvature of the ruled surface vanishes if and only ifut andv are proportional,[47] This condition is equivalent to the surface being theenvelope of the planes along the curve containing the tangent vectorv and the orthogonal vectoru, i.e. to the surface beingdevelopable along the curve.[48] More generally a surface inE3 has vanishing Gaussian curvature near a point if and only if it is developable near that point.[49] (An equivalent condition is given below in terms of the metric.)
In 1760Lagrange extended Euler's results on thecalculus of variations involving integrals in one variable to two variables.[50] He had in mind the following problem:
Given a closed curve inE3, find a surface having the curve as boundary with minimal area.
Such a surface is called aminimal surface.
In 1776Jean Baptiste Meusnier showed that the differential equation derived by Lagrange was equivalent to the vanishing of the mean curvature of the surface:
A surface is minimal if and only if its mean curvature vanishes.
Minimal surfaces have a simple interpretation in real life: they are the shape a soap film will assume if a wire frame shaped like the curve is dipped into a soap solution and then carefully lifted out. The question as to whether a minimal surface with given boundary exists is calledPlateau's problem after the Belgian physicistJoseph Plateau who carried out experiments on soap films in the mid-nineteenth century. In 1930Jesse Douglas andTibor Radó gave an affirmative answer to Plateau's problem (Douglas was awarded one of the firstFields medals for this work in 1936).[51]
Many explicit examples of minimal surface are known explicitly, such as thecatenoid, thehelicoid, theScherk surface and theEnneper surface. There has been extensive research in this area, summarised inOsserman (2002). In particular a result of Osserman shows that if a minimal surface is non-planar, then its image under the Gauss map is dense inS2.
If a surface has constant Gaussian curvature, it is called asurface of constant curvature.[52]
The sphere, the plane and the hyperbolic plane havetransitiveLie group of symmetries. This group theoretic fact has far-reaching consequences, all the more remarkable because of the central role these special surfaces play in the geometry of surfaces, due toPoincaré'suniformization theorem (see below).
Other examples of surfaces with Gaussian curvature 0 includecones,tangent developables, and more generally any developable surface.
For any surface embedded in Euclidean space of dimension 3 or higher, it is possible to measure the length of a curve on the surface, the angle between two curves and the area of a region on the surface. This structure is encoded infinitesimally in aRiemannian metric on the surface throughline elements andarea elements. Classically in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries only surfaces embedded inR3 were considered and the metric was given as a 2×2positive definite matrix varying smoothly from point to point in a local parametrization of the surface. The idea of local parametrization and change of coordinate was later formalized through the current abstract notion of amanifold, a topological space where thesmooth structure is given by local charts on the manifold, exactly as the planet Earth is mapped byatlases today. Changes of coordinates between different charts of the same region are required to be smooth. Just as contour lines on real-life maps encode changes in elevation, taking into account local distortions of the Earth's surface to calculate true distances, so the Riemannian metric describes distances and areas "in the small" in each local chart. In each local chart a Riemannian metric is given by smoothly assigning a 2×2 positive definite matrix to each point; when a different chart is taken, the matrix is transformed according to theJacobian matrix of the coordinate change. The manifold then has the structure of a 2-dimensionalRiemannian manifold.
Thedifferentialdn of theGauss mapn can be used to define a type of extrinsic curvature, known as theshape operator[55] orWeingarten map. This operator first appeared implicitly in the work ofWilhelm Blaschke and later explicitly in a treatise by Burali-Forti and Burgati.[56] Since at each pointx of the surface, the tangent space is aninner product space, the shape operatorSx can be defined as a linear operator on this space by the formula
for tangent vectorsv,w (the inner product makes sense becausedn(v) andw both lie inE3).[c] The right hand side is symmetric inv andw, so the shape operator isself-adjoint on the tangent space. The eigenvalues ofSx are just the principal curvaturesk1 andk2 atx. In particular thedeterminant of the shape operator at a point is the Gaussian curvature, but it also contains other information, since themean curvature is half thetrace of the shape operator. The mean curvature is an extrinsic invariant. In intrinsic geometry, a cylinder is developable, meaning that every piece of it is intrinsically indistinguishable from a piece of a plane since its Gauss curvature vanishes identically. Its mean curvature is not zero, though; hence extrinsically it is different from a plane.
Equivalently, the shape operator can be defined as a linear operator on tangent spaces,Sp: TpM→TpM. Ifn is a unit normal field toM andv is a tangent vector then
(there is no standard agreement whether to use + or − in the definition).
In general, theeigenvectors and eigenvalues of the shape operator at each point determine the directions in which the surface bends at each point. The eigenvalues correspond to theprincipal curvatures of the surface and the eigenvectors are the corresponding principal directions. The principal directions specify the directions that a curve embedded in the surface must travel to have maximum and minimum curvature, these being given by the principal curvatures.
Curves on a surface which minimize length between the endpoints are calledgeodesics; they are the shape that anelastic band stretched between the two points would take. Mathematically they are described usingordinary differential equations and thecalculus of variations. The differential geometry of surfaces revolves around the study of geodesics. It is still an open question whether every Riemannian metric on a 2-dimensional local chart arises from an embedding in 3-dimensional Euclidean space: the theory of geodesics has been used to show this is true in the important case when the components of the metric areanalytic.
Given a piecewise smooth pathc(t) = (x(t),y(t)) in the chart fort in[a,b], itslength is defined by
andenergy by
The length is independent of the parametrization of a path. By theEuler–Lagrange equations, ifc(t) is a path minimising length,parametrized by arclength, it must satisfy theEuler equations
where theChristoffel symbolsΓk
ij are given by
whereg11 =E,g12 =F,g22 =G andgij is the inverse matrix togij. A path satisfying the Euler equations is called ageodesic. By theCauchy–Schwarz inequality a path minimising energy is just a geodesic parametrised by arc length; and, for any geodesic, the parametert is proportional to arclength.[57]
Thegeodesic curvaturekg at a point of a curvec(t), parametrised by arc length, on an oriented surface is defined to be[58]
wheren(t) is the "principal" unit normal to the curve in the surface, constructed by rotating the unit tangent vectorċ(t) through an angle of +90°.
The geodesic curvature measures in a precise way how far a curve on the surface is from being a geodesic.
WhenF = 0 throughout a coordinate chart, such as with the geodesic polar coordinates discussed below, the images of lines parallel to thex- andy-axes areorthogonal and provideorthogonal coordinates. IfH = (EG)1⁄2, then the Gaussian curvature is given by[59]
If in additionE = 1, so thatH =G1⁄2, then the angleφ at the intersection between geodesic(x(t),y(t)) and the liney = constant is given by the equation
The derivative ofφ is given by a classical derivative formula of Gauss:[60]
Once a metric is given on a surface and a base point is fixed, there is a unique geodesic connecting the base point to each sufficiently nearby point. The direction of the geodesic at the base point and the distance uniquely determine the other endpoint. These two bits of data, a direction and a magnitude, thus determine a tangent vector at the base point. The map from tangent vectors to endpoints smoothly sweeps out a neighbourhood of the base point and defines what is called theexponential map, defining a local coordinate chart at that base point. The neighbourhood swept out has similar properties to balls in Euclidean space, namely any two points in it are joined by a unique geodesic. This property is called "geodesic convexity" and the coordinates are callednormal coordinates. The explicit calculation of normal coordinates can be accomplished by considering the differential equation satisfied by geodesics. The convexity properties are consequences ofGauss's lemma and its generalisations. Roughly speaking this lemma states that geodesics starting at the base point must cut the spheres of fixed radius centred on the base point at right angles.Geodesic polar coordinates are obtained by combining the exponential map withpolar coordinates on tangent vectors at the base point. The Gaussian curvature of the surface is then given by the second order deviation of the metric at the point from the Euclidean metric. In particular the Gaussian curvature is an invariant of the metric, Gauss's celebratedTheorema Egregium. A convenient way to understand the curvature comes from an ordinary differential equation, first considered by Gauss and later generalized by Jacobi, arising from the change of normal coordinates about two different points. The Gauss–Jacobi equation provides another way of computing the Gaussian curvature. Geometrically it explains what happens to geodesics from a fixed base point as the endpoint varies along a small curve segment through data recorded in theJacobi field, avector field along the geodesic.[61] One and a quarter centuries after Gauss and Jacobi,Marston Morse gave a more conceptual interpretation of the Jacobi field in terms of second derivatives of the energy function on the infinite-dimensionalHilbert manifold of paths.[62]
The theory ofordinary differential equations shows that iff(t,v) is smooth then the differential equationdv/dt =f(t,v) with initial conditionv(0) =v0 has a unique solution for|t| sufficiently small and the solution depends smoothly ont andv0. This implies that for sufficiently smalltangent vectorsv at a given pointp = (x0,y0), there is a geodesiccv(t) defined on(−2, 2) withcv(0) = (x0,y0) andċv(0) =v. Moreover, if|s| ≤ 1, thencsv =cv(st). Theexponential map is defined by
and gives a diffeomorphism between a disc‖v‖ <δ and a neighbourhood ofp; more generally the map sending(p,v) toexpp(v) gives a local diffeomorphism onto a neighbourhood of(p,p). The exponential map givesgeodesic normal coordinates nearp.[63]
There is a standard technique (see for exampleBerger (2004)) for computing the change of variables to normal coordinatesu,v at a point as a formalTaylor series expansion. If the coordinatesx,y at (0,0) are locally orthogonal, write
whereL,M are quadratic andλ,μ cubichomogeneous polynomials inu andv. Ifu andv are fixed,x(t) =x(tu,tv) andy(t) =y(tu,tv) can be considered as formalpower series solutions of the Euler equations: this uniquely determinesα,β,L,M,λ andμ.
In these coordinates the matrixg(x) satisfiesg(0) =I and the linest ↦tv are geodesics through 0. Euler's equations imply the matrix equation
a key result, usually called theGauss lemma. Geometrically it states that
the geodesics through 0 cut the circles centred at 0orthogonally. |
Takingpolar coordinates(r,θ), it follows that the metric has the form
In geodesic coordinates, it is easy to check that the geodesics through zero minimize length. The topology on the Riemannian manifold is then given by adistance functiond(p,q), namely theinfimum of the lengths of piecewise smooth paths betweenp andq. This distance is realised locally by geodesics, so that in normal coordinatesd(0,v) = ‖v‖. If the radiusδ is taken small enough, a slight sharpening of the Gauss lemma shows that the imageU of the disc‖v‖ <δ under the exponential map isgeodesically convex, i.e. any two points inU are joined by a unique geodesic lying entirely insideU.[64][65]
Gauss'sTheorema Egregium, the "Remarkable Theorem", shows that the Gaussian curvature of a surface can be computed solely in terms of the metric and is thus an intrinsic invariant of the surface, independent of anyisometric embedding inE3 and unchanged under coordinate transformations. In particular, isometries and local isometries of surfaces preserve Gaussian curvature.[66]
This theorem can expressed in terms of the power series expansion of the metric,ds, is given in normal coordinates(u,v) as
Taking a coordinate change from normal coordinates atp to normal coordinates at a nearby pointq, yields theSturm–Liouville equation satisfied byH(r,θ) =G(r,θ)1⁄2, discovered by Gauss andlater generalised byJacobi,
TheJacobian of this coordinate change atq is equal toHr. This gives another way of establishing the intrinsic nature of Gaussian curvature. BecauseH(r,θ) can be interpreted as the length of the line element in theθ direction, the Gauss–Jacobi equation shows that the Gaussian curvature measures the spreading of geodesics on a geometric surface as they move away from a point.[67]
On a surface with local metric
whereH2 =EG −F2, the Gaussian curvature at a point is given by the formula[68]
wherer denotes the geodesic distance from the point.
Inisothermal coordinates, first considered by Gauss, the metric is required to be of the special form
In this case the Laplace–Beltrami operator is given by
andφ satisfiesLiouville's equation[69]
Isothermal coordinates are known to exist in a neighbourhood of any point on the surface, although all proofs to date rely on non-trivial results onpartial differential equations.[70] There is an elementary proof for minimal surfaces.[71]
On asphere or ahyperboloid, the area of ageodesic triangle, i.e. a triangle all the sides of which are geodesics, is proportional to the difference of the sum of the interior angles andπ. The constant of proportionality is just the Gaussian curvature, a constant for these surfaces. For the torus, the difference is zero, reflecting the fact that its Gaussian curvature is zero. These are standard results in spherical, hyperbolic and high school trigonometry (see below). Gauss generalised these results to an arbitrary surface by showing that the integral of the Gaussian curvature over the interior of a geodesic triangle is also equal to this angle difference or excess. His formula showed that the Gaussian curvature could be calculated near a point as the limit of area over angle excess for geodesic triangles shrinking to the point. Since any closed surface can be decomposed up into geodesic triangles, the formula could also be used to compute the integral of the curvature over the whole surface. As a special case of what is now called theGauss–Bonnet theorem, Gauss proved that this integral was remarkably always 2π times an integer, a topological invariant of the surface called theEuler characteristic. This invariant is easy to compute combinatorially in terms of the number of vertices, edges, and faces of the triangles in the decomposition, also called atriangulation. This interaction between analysis and topology was the forerunner of many later results in geometry, culminating in theAtiyah-Singer index theorem. In particular properties of the curvature impose restrictions on the topology of the surface.
Gauss proved that, ifΔ is a geodesic triangle on a surface with anglesα,β andγ at verticesA,B andC, then
In fact taking geodesic polar coordinates with originA andAB,AC the radii at polar angles 0 andα:
where the second equality follows from the Gauss–Jacobi equation and the fourth from Gauss's derivative formula in the orthogonal coordinates(r,θ).
Gauss's formula shows that the curvature at a point can be calculated as the limit ofangle excessα +β +γ − π overarea for successively smaller geodesic triangles near the point. Qualitatively a surface is positively or negatively curved according to the sign of the angle excess for arbitrarily small geodesic triangles.[49]
Since every compact oriented 2-manifoldM can betriangulated by small geodesic triangles, it follows that
whereχ(M) denotes theEuler characteristic of the surface.
In fact if there areF faces,E edges andV vertices, then3F = 2E and the left hand side equals2πV – πF = 2π(V –E +F) = 2πχ(M).
This is the celebratedGauss–Bonnet theorem: it shows that the integral of the Gaussian curvature is a topological invariant of the manifold, namely the Euler characteristic. This theorem can be interpreted in many ways; perhaps one of the most far-reaching has been as the index theorem for anelliptic differential operator onM, one of the simplest cases of theAtiyah-Singer index theorem. Another related result, which can be proved using the Gauss–Bonnet theorem, is thePoincaré-Hopf index theorem for vector fields onM which vanish at only a finite number of points: the sum of the indices at these points equals the Euler characteristic, where theindex of a point is defined as follows: on a small circle round each isolated zero, the vector field defines a map into the unit circle; the index is just thewinding number of this map.)[49][72][73]
If the Gaussian curvature of a surfaceM is everywhere positive, then the Euler characteristic is positive soM is homeomorphic (and therefore diffeomorphic) toS2. If in addition the surface is isometrically embedded inE3, the Gauss map provides an explicit diffeomorphism. AsHadamard observed, in this case the surface isconvex; this criterion for convexity can be viewed as a 2-dimensional generalisation of the well-known second derivative criterion for convexity of plane curves.Hilbert proved that every isometrically embedded closed surface must have a point of positive curvature. Thus a closed Riemannian 2-manifold of non-positive curvature can never be embedded isometrically inE3; however, asAdriano Garsia showed using theBeltrami equation forquasiconformal mappings, this is always possible for someconformally equivalent metric.[74]
Thesimply connected surfaces of constant curvature 0, +1 and –1 are the Euclidean plane, the unit sphere inE3, and thehyperbolic plane. Each of these has a transitive three-dimensionalLie group of orientation preservingisometriesG, which can be used to study their geometry. Each of the two non-compact surfaces can be identified with the quotientG /K whereK is amaximal compact subgroup ofG. HereK is isomorphic toSO(2). Any other closed Riemannian 2-manifoldM of constant Gaussian curvature, after scaling the metric by a constant factor if necessary, will have one of these three surfaces as itsuniversal covering space. In the orientable case, thefundamental groupΓ ofM can be identified with atorsion-freeuniform subgroup ofG andM can then be identified with thedouble coset spaceΓ \G /K. In the case of the sphere and the Euclidean plane, the only possible examples are the sphere itself and tori obtained as quotients ofR2 by discrete rank 2 subgroups. For closed surfaces ofgenusg ≥ 2, themoduli space of Riemann surfaces obtained asΓ varies over all such subgroups, has real dimension6g − 6.[75] By Poincaré'suniformization theorem, any orientable closed 2-manifold isconformally equivalent to a surface of constant curvature 0, +1 or –1. In other words, by multiplying the metric by a positive scaling factor, the Gaussian curvature can be made to take exactly one of these values (the sign of theEuler characteristic ofM).[76]
In the case of the Euclidean plane, the symmetry group is theEuclidean motion group, thesemidirect product ofthe two dimensional group of translations by the group of rotations.[77] Geodesics are straight lines and the geometry is encoded in the elementary formulas oftrigonometry, such as thecosine rule for a triangle with sidesa,b,c and anglesα,β,γ:
Flat tori can be obtained by taking the quotient ofR2 by alattice, i.e. a free Abelian subgroup of rank 2. These closed surfaces have no isometric embeddings inE3. They do nevertheless admit isometric embeddings inE4; in the easiest case this follows from the fact that the torus is a product of two circles and each circle can be isometrically embedded inE2.[78]
The isometry group of the unit sphereS2 inE3 is the orthogonal groupO(3), with therotation groupSO(3) as the subgroup of isometries preserving orientation. It is the direct product ofSO(3) with theantipodal map, sendingx to–x.[79] The groupSO(3) acts transitively onS2. Thestabilizer subgroup of the unit vector (0,0,1) can be identified withSO(2), so thatS2 = SO(3)/SO(2).
The geodesics between two points on the sphere are thegreat circle arcs with these given endpoints. If the points are not antipodal, there is a unique shortest geodesic between the points. The geodesics can also be described group theoretically: each geodesic through the North pole (0,0,1) is the orbit of the subgroup of rotations about an axis through antipodal points on the equator.
Aspherical triangle is a geodesic triangle on the sphere. It is defined by pointsA,B,C on the sphere with sidesBC,CA,AB formed from great circle arcs of length less thanπ. If the lengths of the sides area,b,c and the angles between the sidesα,β,γ, then thespherical cosine law states that
The area of the triangle is given by
Usingstereographic projection from the North pole, the sphere can be identified with theextended complex planeC ∪ {∞}. The explicit map is given by
Under this correspondence every rotation ofS2 corresponds to aMöbius transformation inSU(2), unique up to sign.[80] With respect to the coordinates(u,v) in the complex plane, the spherical metric becomes[81]
The unit sphere is the unique closed orientable surface with constant curvature +1. The quotientSO(3)/O(2) can be identified with thereal projective plane. It is non-orientable and can be described as the quotient ofS2 by the antipodal map (multiplication by −1). The sphere is simply connected, while the real projective plane has fundamental groupZ2. Thefinite subgroups ofSO(3), corresponding to the finite subgroups ofO(2) and the symmetry groups of theplatonic solids, do not act freely onS2, so the corresponding quotients are not 2-manifolds, justorbifolds.
Non-Euclidean geometry[82] was first discussed in letters of Gauss, who made extensive computations at the turn of the nineteenth century which, although privately circulated, he decided not to put into print. In 1830Lobachevsky and independently in 1832Bolyai, the son of one Gauss's correspondents, published synthetic versions of this new geometry, for which they were severely criticized. However it was not until 1868 that Beltrami, followed byKlein in 1871 and Poincaré in 1882, gave concrete analytic models for what Klein dubbedhyperbolic geometry. The four models of 2-dimensional hyperbolic geometry that emerged were:
The first model, based on a disk, has the advantage that geodesics are actually line segments (that is, intersections of Euclidean lines with the open unit disk). The last model has the advantage that it gives a construction which is completely parallel to that of the unit sphere in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. Because of their application in complex analysis and geometry, however, the models of Poincaré are the most widely used: they are interchangeable thanks to the Möbius transformations between the disk and the upper half-plane.
be thePoincaré disk in the complex plane withPoincaré metric
In polar coordinates(r,θ) the metric is given by
The length of a curveγ:[a,b] →D is given by the formula
The groupG =SU(1,1) given by
acts transitively byMöbius transformations onD and thestabilizer subgroup of 0 is the rotation group
The quotient groupSU(1,1)/±I is the group of orientation-preserving isometries ofD. Any two pointsz,w inD are joined by a unique geodesic, given by the portion of the circle or straight line passing throughz andw and orthogonal to the boundary circle. The distance betweenz andw is given by
In particulard(0,r) = 2 tanh−1r andc(t) =1/2tanht is the geodesic through 0 along the real axis, parametrized by arclength.
The topology defined by this metric is equivalent to the usual Euclidean topology, although as a metric space(D,d) is complete.
Ahyperbolic triangle is a geodesic triangle for this metric: any three points inD are vertices of a hyperbolic triangle. If the sides have lengtha,b,c with corresponding anglesα,β,γ, then the hyperbolic cosine rule states that
The area of the hyperbolic triangle is given by[83]
The unit disk and the upper half-plane
are conformally equivalent by the Möbius transformations
Under this correspondence the action ofSL(2,R) by Möbius transformations onH corresponds to that ofSU(1,1) onD. The metric onH becomes
Since lines or circles are preserved under Möbius transformations, geodesics are again described by lines or circles orthogonal to the real axis.
The unit disk with the Poincaré metric is the unique simply connected oriented 2-dimensional Riemannian manifold with constant curvature −1. Any oriented closed surfaceM with this property hasD as its universal covering space. Itsfundamental group can be identified with a torsion-free concompact subgroupΓ ofSU(1,1), in such a way that
In this caseΓ is afinitely presented group. The generators and relations are encoded in a geodesically convexfundamental geodesic polygon inD (orH) corresponding geometrically to closed geodesics onM.
Given an oriented closed surfaceM with Gaussian curvatureK, the metric onM can be changed conformally by scaling it by a factore2u. The new Gaussian curvatureK′ is then given by
whereΔ is the Laplacian for the original metric. Thus to show that a given surface is conformally equivalent to a metric with constant curvatureK′ it suffices to solve the following variant ofLiouville's equation:
WhenM has Euler characteristic 0, so is diffeomorphic to atorus,K′ = 0, so this amounts to solving
By standard elliptic theory, this is possible because the integral ofK overM is zero, by the Gauss–Bonnet theorem.[84]
WhenM has negative Euler characteristic,K′ = −1, so the equation to be solved is:
Using the continuity of the exponential map onSobolev space due toNeil Trudinger, this non-linear equation can always be solved.[85]
Finally in the case of the 2-sphere,K′ = 1 and the equation becomes:
So far this non-linear equation has not been analysed directly, although classical results such as theRiemann–Roch theorem imply that it always has a solution.[86] The method ofRicci flow, developed byRichard S. Hamilton, gives another proof of existence based on non-linearpartial differential equations to prove existence.[87] In fact the Ricci flow on conformal metrics onS2 is defined on functionsu(x,t) by
After finite time, Chow showed thatK′ becomes positive; previous results of Hamilton could then be used to show thatK′ converges to +1.[88] Prior to these results on Ricci flow,Osgood, Phillips & Sarnak (1988) had given an alternative and technically simpler approach to uniformization based on the flow on Riemannian metricsg defined bylog det Δg.
A proof using elliptic operators, discovered in 1988, can be found inDing (2001). LetG be theGreen's function onS2 satisfyingΔG = 1 + 4πδP, whereδP is the point measure at a fixed pointP ofS2. The equationΔv = 2K – 2, has a smooth solutionv, because the right hand side has integral 0 by the Gauss–Bonnet theorem. Thusφ = 2G +v satisfiesΔφ = 2K away fromP. It follows thatg1 =eφg is a complete metric of constant curvature 0 on the complement ofP, which is therefore isometric to the plane. Composing withstereographic projection, it follows that there is a smooth functionu such thate2ug has Gaussian curvature +1 on the complement ofP. The functionu automatically extends to a smooth function on the whole ofS2.[d]
The classical approach of Gauss to the differential geometry of surfaces was the standard elementary approach[89] which predated the emergence of the concepts ofRiemannian manifold initiated byBernhard Riemann in the mid-nineteenth century and ofconnection developed byTullio Levi-Civita,Élie Cartan andHermann Weyl in the early twentieth century. The notion of connection,covariant derivative andparallel transport gave a more conceptual and uniform way of understanding curvature, which not only allowed generalisations to higher dimensional manifolds but also provided an important tool for defining new geometric invariants, calledcharacteristic classes.[90] The approach using covariant derivatives and connections is nowadays the one adopted in more advanced textbooks.[91]
Connections on a surface can be defined from various equivalent but equally important points of view. TheRiemannian connection orLevi-Civita connection.[92] is perhaps most easily understood in terms of liftingvector fields, considered as first orderdifferential operators acting on functions on the manifold, to differential operators on thetangent bundle orframe bundle. In the case of an embedded surface, the lift to an operator on vector fields, called thecovariant derivative, is very simply described in terms of orthogonal projection. Indeed, a vector field on a surface embedded inR3 can be regarded as a function from the surface intoR3. Another vector field acts as a differential operator component-wise. The resulting vector field will not be tangent to the surface, but this can be corrected taking its orthogonal projection onto the tangent space at each point of the surface. AsRicci andLevi-Civita realised at the turn of the twentieth century, this process depends only on the metric and can be locally expressed in terms of the Christoffel symbols.
Parallel transport of tangent vectors along a curve in the surface was the next major advance in the subject, due toLevi-Civita.[49] It is related to the earlier notion of covariant derivative, because it is themonodromy of theordinary differential equation on the curve defined by the covariant derivative with respect to the velocity vector of the curve. Parallel transport along geodesics, the "straight lines" of the surface, can also easily be described directly. A vector in the tangent plane is transported along a geodesic as the unique vector field with constant length and making a constant angle with the velocity vector of the geodesic. For a general curve, this process has to be modified using the geodesic curvature, which measures how far the curve departs from being a geodesic.[64]
A vector fieldv(t) along a unit speed curvec(t), with geodesic curvaturekg(t), is said to be parallel along the curve if
This recaptures the rule for parallel transport along a geodesic or piecewise geodesic curve, because in that casekg = 0, so that the angleθ(t) should remain constant on any geodesic segment. The existence of parallel transport follows becauseθ(t) can be computed as theintegral of the geodesic curvature. Since it therefore depends continuously on theL2 norm ofkg, it follows that parallel transport for an arbitrary curve can be obtained as the limit of the parallel transport on approximating piecewise geodesic curves.[93]
The connection can thus be described in terms of lifting paths in the manifold to paths in the tangent or orthonormal frame bundle, thus formalising the classical theory of the "moving frame", favoured by French authors.[94] Lifts of loops about a point give rise to theholonomy group at that point. The Gaussian curvature at a point can be recovered from parallel transport around increasingly small loops at the point. Equivalently curvature can be calculated directly at an infinitesimal level in terms ofLie brackets of lifted vector fields.
The approach of Cartan and Weyl, using connection 1-forms on theframe bundle ofM, gives a third way to understand the Riemannian connection. They noticed that parallel transport dictates that a path in the surface be lifted to a path in the frame bundle so that its tangent vectors lie in a special subspace of codimension one in the three-dimensional tangent space of the frame bundle. The projection onto this subspace is defined by a differential 1-form on the orthonormal frame bundle, theconnection form. This enabled the curvature properties of the surface to be encoded indifferential forms on the frame bundle and formulas involving theirexterior derivatives.
This approach is particularly simple for an embedded surface. Thanks to a result ofKobayashi (1956), the connection 1-form on a surface embedded in Euclidean spaceE3 is just the pullback under the Gauss map of the connection 1-form onS2.[95] Using the identification ofS2 with thehomogeneous spaceSO(3)/SO(2), the connection 1-form is just a component of theMaurer–Cartan 1-form onSO(3).[96]
Although the characterisation of curvature involves only the local geometry of a surface, there are important global aspects such as theGauss–Bonnet theorem, theuniformization theorem, the von Mangoldt-Hadamard theorem, and the embeddability theorem. There are other important aspects of the global geometry of surfaces.[97] These include:
One of the most comprehensive introductory surveys of the subject, charting the historical development from before Gauss to modern times, is byBerger (2004). Accounts of the classical theory are given inEisenhart (2004),Kreyszig (1991) andStruik (1988); the more modern copiously illustrated undergraduate textbooks byGray, Abbena & Salamon (2006),Pressley (2001) andWilson (2008) might be found more accessible. An accessible account of the classical theory can be found inHilbert & Cohn-Vossen (1952). More sophisticated graduate-level treatments using theRiemannian connection on a surface can be found inSinger & Thorpe (1967),do Carmo (2016) andO'Neill (2006).