Flavius Valerius Severus (died September 307), also calledSeverus II,[1] was aRoman emperor from 306 to 307, and a member of theTetrarchy. He shared control of the western half of the empire withConstantine I, but spent most of his short reign in a civil war against the usurperMaxentius, who later killed him and took over Italy.
Severus was of humble birth, born in NorthernIllyria around the middle of the third century.[2][3] A friend of emperorGalerius, he rose to become a senior officer in the Roman army,[2] being nominated ascaesar of theWestern Roman Empire. According toLactantius, Diocletian objected to Galerius's suggestion, saying in response, "What! That dancer, that habitual drunkard who turns night into day and day into night?" Galerius persisted, saying that Severus had served faithfully as paymaster and purveyor of the army.[4] Diocletian acquiesced and Severus succeeded to the post ofcaesar on 1 May 305, thus becoming the junior colleague ofConstantius I,augustus of the western half of empire.[2]
Aureus from 306 or 307 depicting Severus, Nicomedia mint
When Constantius died in Britain in July 306, his sonConstantine I was immediately acclaimed emperor by his soldiers. At the same time, Severus was promoted toaugustus byGalerius. Lactantius reports that Galerius had done this to promote the older man to the higher office, while accepting the imperial symbols of Constantine and accepting him as a member of theTetrarchy, albeit with the rank ofcaesar.[4] Despite his lower title, Constantine controlled most of the Western empire (Britain,Gaul, andHispania), leaving Severus with the control ofItaly andWestern Africa.[5]
WhenMaxentius, the son of the retired emperorMaximian, revolted atRome in October, Galerius sent Severus to suppress the rebellion. Severus moved towards Rome from his capital,Mediolanum, at the head of an army previously commanded by Maximian.[2] Fearing the arrival of Severus, Maxentius offered Maximian the co-rule of the empire. Maximian accepted, and when Severus arrived under the walls of Rome and besieged it, his men deserted to Maxentius. Severus fled toRavenna, an impregnable position.[2] Maximian offered to spare his life and treat him humanely if he surrendered peaceably, which he did around April 307.[6] Despite Maximian's assurance, Severus was nonetheless displayed as a captive and later imprisoned atTres Tabernae, near the currentCisterna di Latina.[7] One belief is that when Galerius himself invaded Italy to suppress Maxentius and Maximian, the former ordered Severus's death.[3] His death probably took place in September or October, as documents with his name were still issued in September, while news of his death already arrived in Egypt by December.[6] Lactantius reports that he was permitted to kill himself by opening his veins.[4] Another belief is that Severus was killed in Ravenna.[8][9]
The position of Westernaugustus remained officially vacant until theConference of Carnuntum of November 308, in whichLicinius was appointed as new emperor (although his western domains only consisted of theBalkan Peninsula).[10] Severus was survived by his sonFlavius Severianus, but he was later executed by Licinius for treason.[11]