The main escarpment forms the boundary between the sea-levellittoral and the inlandplateau (planalto), which has a mean altitude of 500 to 1,300 metres (1,600 to 4,300 ft). This escarpment is part of theGreat Escarpment that runs along much of the eastern coast of Brazil south from the city ofSalvador, Bahia.
View of the Serra do Mar mountain range fromCuritiba, southern Brazil.
The mountain ranges are discontinuous in several places and are given individual names such asSerra de Bocaina, Serra de Paranapiacaba,Serra Negra,Serra dos Órgãos, Serra do Indaiá, etc. The range also extends to some large islands near the coastline, such asIlhabela and Ilha Anchieta. With an altitude of 2,255 metres (7,398 ft), Pico da Caledônia inNova Friburgo is among the highest points in Serra do Mar.
Geologically, the range belongs to the massivecrystalline rock platform that forms EasternSouth America, andtectonically it is very stable. Most of the elevations of Serra do Mar were formed about 60 million years ago.
At the time of the European discovery of Brazil (1500), the Serra do Mar supported a rich and highly diversified ecosystem, composed mainly of lush tropicalrain forest, calledAtlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica). Due tourbanization anddeforestation, however, most of the forest cover has been destroyed and what little cover remains is almost exclusively on the steep escarpments facing the sea.
^Angulo, R. J., G. C. Lessa, M. C. de Souza (2009).The Holocene Barrier Systems of Paranaguá and Northern Santa Catarina Coasts, Southern Brazil. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 107: 135-176.