Selevenj heath orSelevenjske pustare is aPannonian heath type reserve in theKanjiža andSubotica municipalities in theAutonomous Province of Vojvodina inSerbia. The reserve with an area of 6.77 km2 has never been urbanised and is protected as aspecial nature reserve. It consists of areas criss-crossed withorchards, fields andvineyards and is primarily used for botanical conservation.[1]
The Selevenj heath special nature reserve is the only location in Serbia where the desertsoapwort grows. Protected species of orchid and iris can be found in the reserve.
Internationally protected species likesand lizards,bats and rare birds live in the Selevenj heath special nature reserve. The reserve is one of few places in Serbia where thescarce large blue can be found.[2]
A couple of marked trails lead through the special nature reserve. Guided rangers tours are available to discover the area.