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Genus of fishes

Temporal range:33.9–0 Ma EarlyOligocene to present[1]
Sebastes ruberrimus (yelloweye rockfish)
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
G. Cuvier, 1829
Type species
Sebastes norvegicus[2]
(Ascanius, 1772)
  • AcutomentumEigenmann &Beeson, 1893
  • AllosebastesHubbs, 1951
  • AuctospinaEigenmann & Beeson, 1893
  • EmmelasJordan &Evermann, 1898
  • EosebastesJordan & Evermann, 1896
  • EusebastesSauvage, 1878
  • HatumeusMatsubara, 1943
  • HispaniscusJordan & Evermann, 1896
  • MebarusMatsubara, 1943
  • MurasoiusMatsubara, 1943
  • NeohispaniscusMatsubara, 1943
  • PercaAscanius, 1772
  • PteropodusEigenmann & Beeson, 1893
  • PrimospinaEigenmann & Beeson, 1893
  • RosicolaJordan & Evermann, 1896
  • SebastichthysGill, 1862
  • SebastocarusJordan & Evermann, 1927
  • SebastoclesJordan & Hubbs, 1925
  • SebastodesGill, 1861
  • SebastomusGill, 1864
  • SebastopyrJordan & Evermann, 1927
  • SebastomusGill, 1864
  • TakenokiusMatsubara, 1943
  • ZalopyrJordan & Evermann, 1898

Sebastes is agenus of marineray-finned fish belonging to thesubfamilySebastinae part of thefamilyScorpaenidae, most of which have the common name ofrockfish. A few are calledocean perch,sea perch orredfish instead. They are found in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.



Sebastes was first described as a genus in 1829 by the FrenchzoologistGeorges Cuvier, the DutchichthyologistPieter Bleeker designatedPerca norvegica, which may have been originallydescribed by the Norwegian zoologistPeter Ascanius in 1772, as thetype species in 1876.[3] The genus is thetype genus of both thetribeSebastini and the subfamily Sebastinae, although some authorities treat these as the subfamily Sebastinae and the family Sebastidae, separating the Sebastidae as a distinct family from the Scorpaenidae.[4][5] but other authorities place it in the Perciformes in the suborder Scorpaenoidei.[6]

Some authorities subdivide this large genus into subgenera as follows:[7]

  • SebastesCuvier, 1829
    • S. fasciatus
    • S. mentella
    • S. norvegicus
    • S. viviparus
  • AcutomentumEigenmann & Beeson, 1893
    • S. alutus
    • S. baramenuke
    • S. brevispinis
    • S. entomelas
    • S. flammeus
    • S. hopkinsi
    • S. iracundus
    • S. kiyomatsui
    • S. macdonaldi
    • S. minor
    • S. ovalis
    • S. rufus
    • S. scythropus
    • S. wakiyai
  • AllosebastesHubbs, 1951
    • S. cortezi
    • S. diploproa
    • S. emphaeus
    • S. peduncularis
    • S. proriger
    • S. rufinanus
    • S. saxicola
    • S. semicinctus
    • S. sinensis
    • S. variegatus
    • S. varispinis
    • S. wilsoni
    • S. zacentrus
  • AuctospinaEigenmann & Beeson 1893
    • S. auriculatus
    • S. dallii
  • EmmelasJordan & Evermann 1898
    • S. glaucus
  • EosebastesJordan & Evermann, 1896
    • S. aurora
    • S. crameri
    • S. melanosema
    • S. melanostomus
  • HatumeusMatsubara, 1943
    • S. owstoni
  • HispaniscusJordan & Evermann, 1896
    • S. elongatus
    • S. levis
    • S. rubrivinctus
  • MebarusMatsubara 1943
    • S. atrovirens
    • S. cheni
    • S. inermis
    • S. joyneri
    • S. taczanowskii
    • S. thompsoni
    • S. ventricosus
  • MurasoiusMatsubara 1943
    • S. nudus
    • S. pachycephalus
  • NeohispaniscusMatsubara 1943
    • S. schlegelii
    • S. vulpes
    • S. zonatus
  • PteropodusEigenmann & Beeson, 1893
    • S. carnatus
    • S. caurinus
    • S. chrysomelas
    • S. hubbsi
    • S. longispinis
    • S. maliger
    • S. nebulosus
    • S. nivosus
    • S. rastrelliger
    • S. trivittatus
  • RosicolaJordan & Evermann, 1896
    • S. babcocki
    • S. miniatus
    • S. pinniger
  • SebastichthysGill, 1862
    • S. nigrocinctus
  • SebastocarusJordan & Evermann, 1927
    • S. serriceps
  • SebastodesGill, 1861
    • S. goodei
    • S. itinus
    • S. jordani
    • S. paucispinis
    • S. steindachneri
  • SebastomusGill, 1864
    • S. capensis
    • S. chlorostictus
    • S. constellatus
    • S. ensifer
    • S. eos
    • S. exsul
    • S. helvomaculatus
    • S. lentiginosus
    • S. notius
    • S. oculatus
    • S. rosaceus
    • S. rosenblatti
    • S. serranoides
    • S. simulator
    • S. spinorbis
    • S. umbrosus
  • SebastopyrJordan & Evermann, 1927
    • S. ruberrimus
  • SebastosomusGill, 1864
    • S. ciliatus
    • S. diaconus
    • S. flavidus
    • S. melanops
    • S. mystinus
    • S. variabilis
  • TakenokiusMatsubara, 1943
    • S. oblongus
  • ZalopyrJordan & Evermann, 1898
    • S. aleutianus
    • S. borealis
    • S. matsubarae
    • S. melanostictus
  • Incertae sedis
    • S. gilli
    • S. koreanus
    • S. moseri
    • S. phillipsi
    • S. polyspinis
    • S. reedi

The genus name is derived from theGreekSebastos, an honorific used in ancient Greek for the Roman imperial title ofAugustus, an allusion to the old name forS. norvegicus onIbiza, itstype locality, which Cuvier translated as "august" or "venerable".[7]

Thefossil record of rockfish goes back to theMiocene, with unequivocal whole body fossils and otoliths from California and Japan (although fossilotoliths fromBelgium, "Sebastes"weileri, may push the record back as far as the earlyOligocene).[8]



Sebastes contains 109 recognized extant species in this genus are:[9][10]

ImageScientific nameCommon nameDistribution
Sebastes aleutianus(D. S. Jordan &Evermann, 1898)rougheye rockfishNorth Pacific (coast of Japan to the Navarin Canyon in the Bering Sea, to the Aleutian Islands, all the way south to San Diego, California)
Sebastes alutus(C. H. Gilbert, 1890)Pacific Ocean perchNorth Pacific ( southern California around the Pacific rim to northern Honshū, Japan, including the Bering Sea.)
Sebastes atrovirens(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1880)kelp rockfishPacific Ocean(coast of California in the United States and Baja California in Mexico)
Sebastes auriculatusGirard, 1854brown rockfishPacific Ocean (Bahia San Hipolito in southern Baja California to Prince William Sound in the northern Gulf of Alaska.)
Sebastes aurora(C. H. Gilbert, 1890)aurora rockfishNorth Pacific
Sebastes babcocki(W. F. Thompson, 1915)redbanded rockfishPacific Ocean ( Zhemchug Canyon in the Bering Sea and the Aleutians south to San Diego, California)
Sebastes baramenuke(Wakiya, 1917)Pacific Ocean ( northern Japan to South Korea)
Sebastes borealisBarsukov, 1970shortraker rockfishPacific Ocean (southeastern Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, to Fort Bragg, California.)
Sebastes brevispinis(T. H. Bean, 1884)silvergray rockfishPacific Ocean (Bering Sea coast of Alaska to Baja California)
Sebastes capensis(J. F. Gmelin, 1789)Cape redfishwestern coast of South Africa, Tristan da Cunha and southern South America,
Sebastes carnatus(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1880)gopher rockfishPacific Ocean ( Cape Blanco in Oregon, down to Punta San Roque in southern Baja California)
Sebastes caurinusJ. Richardson, 1844copper rockfishPacific Ocean (Gulf of Alaska, to the Pacific side of the Baja California peninsula, north of Guerrero Negro.)
Sebastes cheni (Barsukov, 1988)Japanese white seaperch or Japanese blue seaperchNorthwest Pacific
Sebastes chlorostictus(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1880)greenspotted rockfisheastern Pacific.
Sebastes chrysomelas(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1881)black-and-yellow rockfishPacific Ocean (off California and Baja California.)
Sebastes ciliatus(Tilesius, 1813)dusky rockfishPacific Ocean ( Bering Sea near British Columbia, in the Gulf of Alaska, and in the depths of the Aleutian Islands.)
Sebastes constellatus(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1880)starry rockfishPacific Ocean(California and Baja California. )
Sebastes cortezi(Beebe &Tee-Van, 1938)Cortez rockfishPacific Ocean ( Gulf of California along the coast of Baja California, Mexico.)
Sebastes crameri(D. S. Jordan, 1897)darkblotched rockfishPacific Ocean (southeast of Zhemchug Canyon in the Bering Sea to Santa Catalina Island, California)
Sebastes dallii(C. H. Eigenmann &Beeson, 1894)calico rockfishEastern central Pacific.
Sebastes diaconusFrable,D. W. Wagman,Frierson,A. Aguilar &Sidlauskas, 2015deacon rockfish[11]northern California to southern British Columbia.
Sebastes diploproa(C. H. Gilbert, 1890)splitnose rockfishNortheast Pacific
Sebastes elongatusAyres, 1859greenstriped rockfishnortheast Pacific
Sebastes emphaeus(Starks, 1911)Puget Sound rockfishPacific Ocean (Kenai Peninsula, Alaska to northern California)
Sebastes ensiferL. C. Chen, 1971swordspine rockfishcentral Pacific
Sebastes entomelas(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1880)widow rockfishwestern North America from Alaska to Baja California.
Sebastes eos(C. H. Eigenmann &R. S. Eigenmann, 1890)pink rockfishMonterey Bay in California, USA to central Baja California, Mexico
Sebastes exsulL. C. Chen, 1971buccaneer rockfishCentral Pacific: western Gulf of California.
Sebastes fasciatusD. H. Storer (fr), 1854Acadian redfishnorthwestern Atlantic Ocean and its range extends from Virginia, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Nova Scotia, western Greenland and Iceland
Sebastes flammeus(D. S. Jordan &Starks, 1904)northwest Pacific.
Sebastes flavidus(Ayres, 1862)Yellowtail rockfishSan Diego, California, to Kodiak Island, Alaska
Sebastes gilli(R. S. Eigenmann, 1891)Bronzespotted rockfishMonterey Bay in California, USA to northern Baja California, Mexico.
Sebastes glaucusHilgendorf, 1880Gray rockfishNorthwest Pacific
Sebastes goodei(C. H. Eigenmann & R. S. Eigenmann, 1890)chilipepper rockfishwestern North America from Baja California to Vancouver.
Sebastes helvomaculatusAyres, 1859rosethorn rockfishEastern Pacific.
Sebastes hopkinsi(Cramer, 1895)squarespot rockfishEastern Pacific.
Sebastes hubbsi(Matsubara, 1937)Northwest Pacific
Sebastes ijimae(D. S. Jordan &Metz, 1913)Japan and South Korea.
Sebastes inermisG. Cuvier, 1829Japanese red seaperchcoasts of Japan and the Korean Peninsula.
Sebastes iracundus(D. S. Jordan &Starks, 1904)Northwest Pacific.
Sebastes itinus(D. S. Jordan & Starks, 1904)Japan.
Sebastes jordani(C. H. Gilbert, 1896)shortbelly rockfishVancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada to northern Baja California, Mexico
Sebastes joyneriGünther, 1878Togot seaperch, or offshore seaperchJapan and Korea
Sebastes kiyomatsuiY. Kai &Nakabo, 2004Japan.
Sebastes koreanusI. S. Kim &W. O. Lee, 1994Korea.
Sebastes lentiginosusL. C. Chen, 1971freckled rockfishSanta Catalina Island in southern California, USA to northern Baja California
Sebastes levis(C. H. Eigenmann & R. S. Eigenmann, 1889)cowcodsouthern California
Sebastes longispinis(Matsubara, 1934)Japan and South Korea.
Sebastes macdonaldi(C. H. Eigenmann & Beeson, 1893)Mexican rockfishCalifornia, USA to southern Baja California, Mexico and the Gulf of California
Sebastes maliger(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1880)quillback rockfishPacific coast from the Gulf of Alaska to the northern Channel Islands of Southern California.
Sebastes matsubaraiHilgendorf, 1880northern Japan.
Sebastes melanopsGirard, 1856black rockfishOregon, California, Washington, British Columbia, Alaska
Sebastes melanosemaR. N. Lea &Fitch, 1979semaphore rockfishsouthern California, USA to central Baja California, Mexico.
Sebastes melanostictus(Matsubara, 1934)blackspotted rockfishNorth Pacific.
Sebastes melanostomus(C. H. Eigenmann & R. S. Eigenmann, 1890)blackgill rockfishWashington, USA to central Baja California, Mexico.
Sebastes mentellaTravin, 1951deepwater redfishNorth Atlantic
Sebastes miniatus(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1880)vermilion rockfishNorth America from Baja California to Alaska.
Sebastes minorBarsukov, 1972Hokkaido, Japan to Sakhalin, Primorskii Krai, and the southern Kuril Islands.
Sebastes moseriEitner, 1999whitespeckled rockfishNortheast Pacific.
Sebastes mystinus(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1881)blue rockfish[11]northeastern Pacific Ocean, ranging from northern Baja California to central Oregon.
Sebastes nebulosusAyres, 1854China rockfishKachemak Bay in the northern Gulf of Alaska to Redondo Beach and San Nicolas Island in southern California.
Sebastes nigrocinctusAyres, 1859tiger rockfishPacific Ocean off Kodiak Island, and from Prince William Sound, Alaska, south to Point Buchon, central California.
Sebastes nivosusHilgendorf, 1880
Sebastes norvegicus(Ascanius, 1772)golden redfishNorth Atlantic.
Sebastes notiusL. C. Che], 1971Guadalupe Island, Mexico.
Sebastes nudusMatsubara, 1943Japan and South Korea.
Sebastes oblongusGünther, 1877Japan and South Korea.
Sebastes oculatusValenciennes, 1833Patagonian redfishSoutheast Pacific and Southwest Atlantic: Chile, Argentina, and the Falkland Islands.
Sebastes ovalis(Ayres, 1862)speckled rockfishEastern Pacific
Sebastes owstoni(D. S. Jordan & W. F. Thompson, 1914)Japanese yellow seaperchJapan to Primorskii Krai, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the North Korea
Sebastes pachycephalusTemminck &Schlegel, 1843Northwest Pacific
Sebastes paucispinisAyres, 1854Bocaccio rockfishStepovak Bay, Alaska to central Baja California
Sebastes peduncularisL. C. Chen, 1975Eastern Central Pacific.
Sebastes phillipsi(Fitch, 1964)chameleon rockfishMonterey Bay to Newport Beach in southern California, USA.
Sebastes pinniger(T. N. Gill, 1864)canary rockfishsouth of Shelikof Strait in the eastern Gulf of Alaska to Punta Colonet in northern Baja California.
Sebastes polyspinis(Taranetz &Moiseev, 1933)northern rockfishNorth Pacific.
Sebastes proriger(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1880)redstripe rockfishBering Sea and Amchitka Island in the Aleutian chain to San Diego, California
Sebastes rastrelliger(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1880)grass rockfishEastern Pacific
Sebastes reedi(Westrheim &Tsuyuki, 1967)yellowmouth rockfishEastern Pacific.
Sebastes rosaceusAyres, 1854rosy rockfishEastern Pacific
Sebastes rosenblattiL. C. Chen, 1971greenblotched rockfishSan Francisco in California, USA to central Baja California, Mexico.
Sebastes ruberrimus(Cramer, 1895)yelloweye rockfishEast Pacific and range from Baja California to Dutch harbor in Alaska
Sebastes rubrivinctus(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1880)flag rockfishCalifornia and Baja California
Sebastes rufinanusR. N. Lea & Fitch, 1972dwarf red rockfisheastern central Pacific, especially around San Clemente Island off the coast of southern California
Sebastes rufus(C. H. Eigenmann & R. S. Eigenmann, 1890)bank rockfishFort Bragg in northern California, USA to central Baja California and Guadalupe Island (off northern central Baja California) in Mexico.
Sebastes saxicola(C. H. Gilbert, 1890)stripetail rockfishYakutat Bay, Alaska to Rompiente Point, Baja California, Mexico.
Sebastes schlegeliiHilgendorf, 1880Korean rockfishnorthern Asia.
Sebastes scythropus(D. S. Jordan &Snyder, 1900)Japan.
Sebastes semicinctus(C. H. Gilbert, 1897)halfbanded rockfishEastern Central Pacific
Sebastes serranoides(C. H. Eigenmann & R. S. Eigenmann, 1890)olive rockfishEastern Pacific.
Sebastes serriceps(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1880)treefisheastern Pacific Ocean with a range from San Francisco, California to central Baja California, Mexico.
Sebastes simulatorL. C. Chen, 1971pinkrose rockfishSan Pedro in southern California, USA to Guadalupe Island (off northern central Baja California) in Mexico.
Sebastes sinensis(C. H. Gilbert, 1890)blackmouth rockfishGulf of California.
Sebastes spinorbisL. C. Chen, 1975Eastern Central Pacific.
Sebastes steindachneriHilgendorf, 1880northern Japan to the southern Kuril Islands, the northern Sea of Japan, and the Sea of Okhotsk. Reported from South Korea
Sebastes taczanowskiiSteindachner, 1880white-edged rockfishNorthwest Pacific coast
Sebastes thompsoni(D. S. Jordan &C. L. Hubbs, 1925)northern Japan
Sebastes trivittatusHilgendorf, 1880threestripe rockfish
Sebastes umbrosus(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1882)honeycomb rockfishPoint Pinos, Monterey County in central California, USA to southern central Baja California, Mexico.
Sebastes variabilis(Pallas, 1814)light dusky rockfishJapan, east coast of Kamchatka to Cape Ol'utorskii in western Bering Sea, along the Aleutian Islands in the eastern Bering Sea, through the Gulf of Alaska south to Johnstone Strait, British Columbia and to central Oregon.
Sebastes variegatusQuast, 1971harlequin rockfishBowers Bank and Petrel Bank in the Aleutian chain to Newport, Oregon, USA.
Sebastes varispinisL. C. Chen, 1975Eastern Central Pacific.
Sebastes ventricosusTemminck & Schlegel, 1843Japanese black seaperchNorthwest Pacific
Sebastes viviparusKrøyer, 1845Norway redfishNorwegian coast from Kattegat to Tanafjord in Finnmark, rare off Bear Island, northern part of North Sea, around Shetland Islands, Scotland, northern England, Wales and Ireland, rare in the English Channel; Rockall Bank, common around Faroes and Iceland; sporadic off East Greenland.
Sebastes vulpesDöderlein (de), 1884fox jacopeverJapan and Korea.
Sebastes wakiyai(Matsubara, 1934)Japan and South Korea
Sebastes wilsoni(C. H. Gilbert, 1915)pygmy rockfishEast Pacific, for the Gulf of Alaska to Baja California, Mexico.
Sebastes zacentrus(C. H. Gilbert, 1890)sharpchin rockfishSemisopochnoi Island in the Aleutian chain to San Diego, California, USA.
Sebastes zonatusL. C. Chen &Barsukov, 1976Japan and South Korea



Sebastes species have bodies which vary from elongate to deep, and which may be moderately to highly compressed with a comparatively large head. Their eyes vary from large to small. They may have spines on the head or these may be absent, if spines are present, these can be small and weak or robust and there can be up to 8 of them. They lack a spiny horizontal ridge below the eye. The jaws have many small conical teeth and there are teeth on the roof of the mouth. The singledorsal fin is typically strongly incised at the posterior of the spiny portion which contains 12–15 robust, venom-bearing spines and to the rear of these are 9–16 soft rays, Theanal fin has 2–4 spines and 6 to 11 soft rays. There is a spine in each of thepelvic fins as well as 5 soft rays and these are placed under thepectoral fins. The pectoral fins are large and may be rounded or pointed in shape with 14–22 soft rays, the longest being the central rays. Thecaudal fin is straight to slightly concave. Thelateral line may have pored or tubed scales.[12] They vary in size from a maximum total length of 13.7 cm (5.4 in) inS. koreanus to 108 cm (43 in) inS. borealis.[9]



Sebastes rockfish are found in the temperate North and South Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.[12] Rockfish range from theintertidal zone to almost 3,000 m (9,800 ft) deep, usually livingbenthically on various substrates, often, as the name suggests, around rock outcrops.[13]



Sebastes rockfish may be long-lived, amongst thelongest-living fish on earth, with several species known to surpass 100 years of age, and a maximum reported age of 205 years forS. aleutianus.[13]

Ecotoxicology, radioecology


Like all carnivores, these fish can bioaccumulate some pollutants orradionuclides such ascesium. Highly radioactive rockfish have been caught in a port nearFukushima city, Japan, not far from theFukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, nearly 2 years after thenuclear disaster (ex: 107000Bq/kg[14] (2013-02-12); 116000 Bq/kg[14] (2013-02-13) and 132000Bq/kg[14] (2013-02-13), respectively 1070, 1160, and 1320 times more than the maximum allowed by Japanese authorities (as updated on April 1, 2012)[14]



Sebastes rockfish are important sport and commercial fish, and many species have beenoverfished. As a result, seasons are tightly controlled in many areas.Sebastes species are sometimes fraudulently substituted for the more expensivenorthern red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus).[15]


  1. ^Sepkoski, J. (2002)."A compendium of fossil marine animal genera".Bulletins of American Paleontology.364: 560. Archived fromthe original on 2009-02-20.
  2. ^Kendall, A.W.Jr."An Historical Review ofSebastes Taxonomy and Systematics"(PDF).NOAA.
  3. ^abEschmeyer, William N.; Fricke, Ron & van der Laan, Richard (eds.)."Genera in the family Sebastidae".Catalog of Fishes.California Academy of Sciences. Retrieved1 November 2021.
  4. ^Froese, Rainer;Pauly, Daniel (eds.)."Family Sebastidae".FishBase. June 2021 version.
  5. ^J. S. Nelson; T. C. Grande; M. V. H. Wilson (2016).Fishes of the World (5th ed.). Wiley. pp. 468–475.ISBN 978-1-118-34233-6.
  6. ^Ricardo Betancur-R; Edward O. Wiley; Gloria Arratia; et al. (2017)."Phylogenetic classification of bony fishes".BMC Evolutionary Biology.17 (162).Bibcode:2017BMCEE..17..162B.doi:10.1186/s12862-017-0958-3.PMC 5501477.
  7. ^abChristopher Scharpf & Kenneth J. Lazara, eds. (22 May 2021)."Order Perciformes (Part 8): Suborder Scorpaenoidei: Families Sebastidae, Setarchidae and Neosebastidae".The ETYFish Project Fish Name Etymology Database. Christopher Scharpf and Kenneth J. Lazara. Retrieved1 November 2021.
  8. ^"Sebastes Cuvier 1829 (ray-finned fish)". fossilworks. Retrieved17 December 2021.
  9. ^abFroese, Rainer;Pauly, Daniel (eds.)."Species in genusSebastes".FishBase. June 2021 version.
  10. ^Eschmeyer, William N.; Fricke, Ron & van der Laan, Richard (eds.)."Species in the genusSebastes".Catalog of Fishes.California Academy of Sciences. Retrieved2 November 2021.
  11. ^abFrable, B.W.; Wagman, D.W.; Frierson, T.N.; Aguilar, A.; Sidlauskas, B.L. (2015)."A new species ofSebastes (Scorpaeniformes: Sebastidae) from the northeastern Pacific, with a redescription of the blue rockfish,S. mystinus (Jordan and Gilbert, 1881)"(PDF).Fishery Bulletin.113 (4):355–377.doi:10.7755/fb.113.4.1.
  12. ^ab"Sebastes".Shorefishes of the Eastern Pacific online information system. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Retrieved1 November 2021.
  13. ^abCailliet, G.M.; Andrews, A.H.; Burton, E.J.; Watters, D.L.; Kline, D.E.; Ferry-Graham, L.A. (2001). "Age determination and validation studies of marine fishes: do deep-dwellers live longer?".Experimental Gerontology.36 (4–6):739–764.doi:10.1016/s0531-5565(00)00239-4.PMID 11295512.S2CID 42894988.
  14. ^abcdTEPCO (2013): Nuclide Analysis Results of Fish and Shellfish (The Ocean Area Within 20km Radius of Fukushima Daiichi NPS <1/13>.
  15. ^"Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia". U.S.Food and Drug Administration.

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