Indigital audio editing,scrubbing is an interaction in which a user drags acursor orplay head across a segment of awaveform to hear it.[1] Scrubbing is a convenient way to quickly navigate anaudio file, and is a common feature of moderndigital audio workstations and otheraudio editing software. The term comes from the early days of the recording industry and refers to the process of physically moving tape reels to locate a specific point in the audio track; this gave theengineer the impression that the tape was being scrubbed, or cleaned.[citation needed]
allows playback at arbitrary rates, which also pitch-shifts the audio, approximating the effect of playing audio from ananalog source liketape orvinyl with a similarly varying motion
the original signal is segmented into frames of constant width and playback is obtained by either discarding (time compression) or repeating (time expansion) some frames.[3]