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Genus of plants (cacti)
This article is about the genusSchlumbergera, including the house plants commonly called Christmas cactus or Thanksgiving cactus. For the Easter cactus or Whitsun cactus, seeRhipsalidopsis gaertneri. For the desert Christmas cactus, seeCylindropuntia leptocaulis.

Cultivar belonging to theSchlumbergera Truncata Group
Scientific classificationEdit this classification

See text.

Schlumbergera is a smallgenus ofcacti with six to nine species found in the coastal mountains of south-easternBrazil. These plants grow on trees or rocks in habitats that are generally shady with high humidity, and can be quite different in appearance from theirdesert-dwelling cousins. Most species ofSchlumbergera have stems which resemble leaf-like pads joined one to the other and flowers which appear fromareoles at the joints and tips of the stems. Two species have cylindrical stems more similar to other cacti.

Common names for these cacti generally refer to their flowering season. In the Northern Hemisphere, they are calledChristmas cactus,Thanksgiving cactus,crab cactus andholiday cactus. In Brazil, the genus is referred to asFlor de Maio (May flower), reflecting the period in which they flower in the Southern Hemisphere. Most of the popular houseplants arecultivars ofSchlumbergera, rather than species, with flowers in white, pink, yellow, orange, red or purple. The Easter cactus or Whitsun cactus, placed in the genusRhipsalidopsis, is also called a holiday cactus and has flowers in red, orange, pink and white.

The cultivars of the Christmas cactus fall into two main groups:

  • TheTruncata Group contains all cultivars with features derived mainly from the speciesS. truncata: stem segments with pointed teeth; flowers held more or less horizontally, usually above the horizontal, whose upper side is differently shaped from the lower side (zygomorphic); and pollen which is yellow. They generally flower earlier than members of the Buckleyi Group and, although common names are not applied consistently, may be distinguished as Thanksgiving cactus, crab cactus or claw cactus.
  • TheBuckleyi Group contains all cultivars with at least some features clearly showing inheritance fromS. russelliana: stem segments with rounded, more symmetrical teeth; more or less symmetrical (regular) flowers which hang down, below the horizontal; and pollen which is pink. They generally flower later than members of the Truncata Group and are more likely to be called Christmas cactus.


Flower cut in half vertically with the base to the left; the bases of the tepals form a kind of tube, the upper parts bending away from the tube; the stamens run the full length of the flower from left to right and emerge from the end; some start at the very base of the flower, others start from further along to the right, being joined to a tepal.
Zygomorphic flower, probably of a cultivar in theS. Truncata Group, cut in half to show its internal structure

In the wild, the species ofSchlumbergera grow either on trees (epiphytic) or on rocks (epilithic) and can form sizeable shrubs with woody bases; a height of up to 1.2 m (4 ft) has been reported for one species (S. opuntioides).[1] They are leafless, the green stems acting asphotosynthetic organs. The stems are composed of segments, which take one of two forms. In most species the segments are strongly flattened (cladodes), being made up of a central core with two (or more rarely three) "wings". Special structures characteristic of cacti, called "areoles", then occur at the ends of the segments of the stem. In two species the stems are less flattened, more cylinder-shaped, and the areoles are arranged in a more or less spiral pattern all over the segments. In both cases, the areoles, which may have wool and bristles, are where the flower buds appear.[2]

The flowers either hang downwards and are almost regular (radially symmetrical oractinomorphic) or, as in most species, are held more or less horizontally with the higher side of the flower different from the lower side (radially asymmetrical orzygomorphic). In those species whose flowers are held up, their angle with the horizontal is relatively constant and is characteristic of the species. Each flower has 20–30tepals. The outer tepals – those closer to the base of the flower – are short and unconnected, and spread out or curve backwards. The inner tepals – those towards the tip of the flower – are longer and in most species become progressively more fused together at the base to form a floral tube. In some species the difference between the outer and inner tepals creates the appearance of a "flower within a flower". The flowers producenectar in a chamber at the base of the floral tube.[2]

In most species, the manystamens are arranged in two series, with the inner stamens being fused at the base to form a short tubular structure and the outer stamens arising from along the floral tube. Thestyle is usually dark red and has astigma with 6–8 lobes; the style plus stigma is roughly the same length as the stamens. If the flower isfertilized, a fleshyfruit forms, either smooth or with ribs. The brown or blackseeds are about 1 mm in diameter.[2]


See also:Rhipsalideae § Taxonomy
Drawing is probably of a pressed specimen as it appears flat; the base is at the bottom and the plant then branches repeatedly – about six times in the longest branch. Most branches end in either buds or regular flowers which are pinkish.
Drawing ofS. russelliana, thetype species, from the Botanical Magazine, 1839

Thegenus is one of a small number belonging to a group of cacti classified as the tribeRhipsalideae. Species of cacti belonging to this group are quite distinct in appearance and habit from most other cacti since they grow on trees or rocks asepiphytes orlithophytes. Although the species are easy to identify as members of the Rhipsalideae, for many years there was confusion as to how they should be divided into genera.[3] This confusion extended toSchlumbergera, whose complicated taxonomic history has been detailed by McMillan and Horobin.[4] The modern genusSchlumbergera was created byCharles Lemaire in 1858. The name commemorates Frédéric Schlumberger, who had a collection of cacti at his chateau nearRouen. Lemaire placed only one species in his new genus – a plant discovered in Brazil in 1837 which had been namedEpiphyllum russellianum byWilliam J. Hooker. Lemaire renamed itSchlumbergera epiphylloides (under thecurrent rules of botanical nomenclature it should have been calledSchlumbergera russelliana, which is its current name).[4]

Lemaire noted the similarity of hisSchlumbergera epiphylloides to a species first described asEpiphyllum truncatum byAdrian Hardy Haworth in 1819, but did not accept that the two species should be included in the same genus. In 1890,Karl Moritz Schumann created the new genusZygocactus,[5] transferringEpiphyllum truncatum toZygocactus truncatus. Although he later placed it back inEpiphyllum, abandoningZygocactus, the generic nameZygocactus continued to be widely used.[4]

In 1913,Nathaniel Britton andJoseph Rose followed Lemaire in keepingSchlumbergera russelliana andZygocactus truncatus in separate genera. They also transferred the Easter cactus toSchlumbergera asS. gaertneri, initiating a lasting confusion between these two genera.[4]

In 1953,Reid Venable Moran placed bothSchlumbergera russelliana andZygocactus truncatus in the genusSchlumbergera. Other species were added later byDavid Hunt, including those formerly placed inEpiphyllanthus.[4]

Schlumbergera andHatiora have long been confused. Species in the former genus generally have flowers that are zygomorphic with a distinct floral tube, while those in the latter have actinomorphic flowers with inconspicuous tubes. DNA data showed that as previouslycircumscribed the two genera are notmonophyletic and the three species inHatiora subgenusRhipsalidopsis were transferred intoSchlumbergera,[6] although this change has not been universally adopted, with other sources placing two in the genusRhipsalidopsis.[7][8]



The following genera are now synonyms ofSchlumbergera (i.e. they have no species not moved intoSchlumbergera):[9]

The case ofEpiphyllum is complex. In 1753,Carl Linnaeus created the genusCactus. As more species were discovered this proved too broad, and new genera were set up to subdivide the cacti. The genusEpiphyllum was created in 1812 by Haworth, based on Linnaeus'sCactus phyllanthus. In 1831,Johann Link created the genusPhyllocactus based on the same species. FollowingLudwig Pfeiffer in 1837, the European tradition was to usePhyllocactus for epiphytic cacti with large regular flowers andEpiphyllum for the irregular-flowered species now calledSchlumbergera truncata. Under modern rules,Phyllocactus is an illegitimate name, as isEpiphyllum in the sense of Pfeiffer; thusEpiphyllumPfeiff. is a synonym ofSchlumbergera.[10] The true genusEpiphyllumHaw. now has around 19 species.[11]



Between six and nine species are currently recognized.[8][12] In the narrowestcircumscription,Schlumbergerasensu stricto, six species are accepted. Only synonyms which have been widely used (and theirbasionyms) are given in the list below.

  • Schlumbergera kautskyi(Horobin & McMillan) N.P.Taylor
    • syn.S. truncata subsp.kautskyiHorobin & McMillan
  • Schlumbergera microsphaerica(K.Schum.) Hoevel
    • syn.Cereus microsphaericaK.Schum.,Epiphyllanthus microsphaericus(K.Schum.) Britton & Rose,Cereus obtusangulusK.Schum.,Epiphyllanthus obtusangulus(K.Schum.) A.Berger,Zygocactus obtusangulus(K.Schum.) Loefgr.,S. obtusangula(K.Schum.) D.R.Hunt
  • Schlumbergera opuntioides(Loefgr. & Dusén) D.R.Hunt
    • syn.Epiphyllum opuntioidesLoefgr. & Dusén,Zygocactus opuntioides(Loefgr. & Dusén) Loefgr.,Epiphyllanthus opuntioides(Loefgr. & Dusén) Moran
  • Schlumbergera orssichianaBarthlott & McMillan
  • Schlumbergera russelliana(Hook.) Britton & Rose
    • syn.Epiphyllum russellianumHook.,S. epiphylloidesLemaire, nom. illeg.
  • Schlumbergera truncata(Haw.) Moran
    • syn.Epiphyllum truncatumHaw.,Zygocactus truncatus(Haw.) K.Schum., nom. illeg.

In a wider circumscription, one species formerly placed inHatiora is transferred intoSchlumbergera.[6][8]

Two species that have been placed inHatiora orSchlumbergera are placed inRhipsalidopsis byPlants of the World Online as of January 2023[update]:[13]

  • Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri(Regel) Linding. (Easter cactus, Whitsun cactus)
    • syns.Hatiora gaertneri(Regel) Barthlott,Schlumbergera gaertneri(Regel) Britton & Rose
  • Rhipsalidopsis rosea(Lagerh.) Britton & Rose
    • syns.Hatiora rosea(Lagerh.) Barthlott,Schlumbergera rosea(Lagerh.) Calvente & Zappi

Four hybrids ofSchlumbergera s.s. have been named, all made in cultivation (although the first may possibly occur in the wild).[14][15] TheInternational Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants recommends that cultivated plants should be named under its rules, not those appropriate for natural species and hybrids.[16] The Group names given below were provided by McMillan and Horobin.[17]

  • Schlumbergera ×buckleyi(T.Moore) Tjaden =S. russelliana ×S. truncata;S. Buckleyi Group
    • syn.Epiphyllum buckleyiT.Moore,E. rollissoniiT.Moore,S. bridgesii(Lemaire) Loefgr.
  • Schlumbergera ×epricaSüpplie =S. orssichiana ×S. russelliana[15]
  • Schlumbergera ×exoticaBarthlott & Rauh =S. truncata ×S. opuntioides;S. Exotica Group
  • Schlumbergera ×reginaeMcMillan =S. truncata ×S. orssichiana;S. Reginae Group

Distribution, habitat and ecology

Map shows the coastline of south-east Brazil. A strip running roughly south-west to north-east along part of this coastline is coloured red. The red strip is about five times as long as wide and extends either side of Rio de Janeiro.
The distribution of mostSchlumbergera species is discontinuous within the red area.[18]

Schlumbergera occurs only in the coastal mountains of south-eastBrazil, in the states ofSão Paulo,Rio de Janeiro,Minas Gerais andEspírito Santo. Sites where it has been found range from close to theTropic of Capricorn northwards to20°S, i.e. in the southernmost part of the tropics.[2] Plants grow at altitudes from 700 metres (2,300 ft) in the case ofS. truncata to 2,780 metres (9,120 ft) in the case ofS. microsphaerica,[19] either in thecoastal moist forests or in rocky areas. The natural distribution ofSchlumbergera species has become confused because European cultivars were deliberately introduced into some areas, including theSerra dos Órgãos National Park, by the Brazilian Agricultural Department, to compensate for over-collecting of wild plants.[20]

Because of their height and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, the coastal mountains producehigh altitude moist forests – warm moist air is forced upwards into higher, colder locations where it condenses.Schlumbergera species grow in habitats which are generally relatively cool, shaded and of high humidity. David Hunt describes collecting specimens in conditions of cloud, drizzle and overnight temperatures down to −4 °C (25 °F).[21] Plants are epiphytic or lithophytic, growing on moss-covered tree branches or in rock crevices, often in small pockets of substrate formed from decayed leaves and other vegetation.[22]S. microsphaerica is found at higher altitudes, above 2,200 metres (7,200 ft),[19] in barren rocky habitats,[21] and tolerates higher light levels.[23]

The flowers ofSchlumbergera have adaptations for pollination byhummingbirds: tubular flowers with abundant nectar, and colours towards the red end of the spectrum. Most species requirecross-pollination to set seed. The exceptions areS. kautskyi andS. microsphaerica; as noted above, the latter is found at higher altitudes where hummingbirds may be absent or less common.[24]

The fruits ofSchlumbergera do not open spontaneously when ripe, and appear to be adapted for distribution by birds, which eat the seeds and pulp contained in the fruit. Birds have been observed removing seeds which had stuck to their beaks by rubbing them on tree branches, where the seeds might be able to germinate. Segments may also break off from the stems and take root, thus enabling plants topropagate vegetatively.[24]

Cultivation of Christmas cacti



A small portion of green stem is to the left. A yellow flower seen from the side extends to the right. Stamens and a style extend out of the flower. Running from left to right the flower tilts upwards. At the end of the flower the upper petals are only bent back a short way, whereas the lower petals are bent almost back on themselves.
S. Truncata Group 'Gold Charm'; note the very pointed teeth at the end of the segments, zygomorphic flowers held above the horizontal, and yellow pollen.

Schlumbergera truncata was in cultivation in Europe by 1818, andS. russelliana was introduced in 1839. The two species were deliberately crossed in England by W. Buckley resulting in thehybrid now calledS. ×buckleyi, first recorded in 1852. By the 1860s, a substantial number ofcultivars (cultivated varieties) were available in a range of colours and habits, and were used as ornamental plants in "stoves" (heatedgreenhouses) and in houses, where they were popular for their autumn and winter flowering. Many cultivars were selected seedlings ofS. truncata, but at least threeS. ×buckleyi hybrids were available, of which one, now calledS. 'Buckleyi', is thought to be the original Christmas cactus. By the early part of the 20th century, the genus had become less popular, and many of the early cultivars were lost.[25]

From around the 1950s onwards, breeding resumed in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. New plants were produced by crossing among the species and existing cultivars ofS. truncata,S. russelliana and the hybridS. ×buckleyi. Treatments which inducedmutations were also used. The result was a wide range of flower colours which had not been available before, including the first true yellow to be sold commercially,S. 'Gold Charm' (which was a steriletriploid). Breeders aimed for plants which grew strongly, were upright at the point of sale rather than pendulous, had many flowers or buds, and were adapted to living as house plants.[25]

In the 1980s the speciesS. orssichiana was also used in crosses. The hybrid ofS. truncata andS. orssichiana has been namedS. ×reginae orS. Reginae Group; one of the first cultivars wasS. 'Bristol Queen'.S. opuntioides crosses have also been made, but have not resulted in commercially available cultivars.[25]

Modern cultivars

The picture shows a flower from more or less below. The tepals radiate outwards from the centre, more or less symmetrically. The petals nearest the viewer bend outwards less than those further away.
Member of theS. Buckleyi Group, viewed from below; rounded rather than pointed edges of the segments, pendant more or less regular flowers and pink pollen.

McMillan and Horobin have listed hundreds of modern European, North American and Australian cultivars of the Christmas cactus, which they put into a number of cultivar groups:[26]

  • TheTruncata Group contains all cultivars with mainlyS. truncata characteristics: stem segments with pointed teeth (dentate); zygomorphic flowers held more or less horizontally, usually above the horizontal; and pollen which is yellow.
  • TheBuckleyi Group contains all cultivars with at least some features clearly showing inheritance fromS. russelliana: stem segments with rounded, more symmetrical teeth (crenate); more regular flowers which hang down, below the horizontal; and pollen which is pink. There is considerable variation within this Group; McMillan and Horobin introduced subcategories: "TB" for those more likeS. truncata and "BT" for those more like the classicS. ×buckleyi, with "B" reserved for the first generation (F1)S. ×buckleyi hybrids.
  • TheReginae Group contains cultivars known to be derived from hybrids withS. orssichiana.
  • TheExotica Group is used for the small number of hybrids involvingS. opuntioides.

Attempts have also been made to classify cultivars by colour. A difficulty is that the flowers of many cultivars exhibit different colours depending on the temperature during bud formation and growth. In particular, temperatures below 14 °C (57 °F) produce pink tones in otherwise white and yellow cultivars, and deepen the colour in pink and red cultivars. The availability of iron to the plant has also been suggested to affect flower colour.[26]

In the United States, cultivars are propagated in large numbers for sale beforeThanksgiving Day (the fourth Thursday in November). In Europe, plants are mainly sold later in the year, in the period beforeChristmas. A single Dutch grower (de Vries ofAalsmeer, the Netherlands) was reported in 1989 as producing 2,000,000 plants per year.[26]

The image illustrates the points made in the article. The top image shows four segments with the stem running horizontally from right to left. Their edges have either no teeth or small, rounded projections. The bottom image also shows four segments with the stem running horizontally from right to left. The segments have pointed teeth on a least one edge. Both stems have a prominent mid-rib to all the segments.
Variation in stem shapes inSchlumbergera cultivars: top – typical of the Buckleyi Group; bottom – typical of the Truncata Group
The image shows six flowers in yellow, orange, red, white, pink and purple.
Variation in flower colour in modern Truncata Group cultivars; there are also bi-coloured flowers
There is a short piece of stem visible to the right. A flower then points to the left. The flower appears to consist of one flower emerging from another; a white tube connects the lower part of the flower to the upper part. The tepals are white with pink-purple edges.
S. Reginae Group 'Bristol Queen'

Common names


Plants are offered for sale under a variety of common names. The earliest English common name was "Christmas cactus". In Europe, where plants are largely produced for sale in the period before Christmas, this remains the most widely used common name in many languages for cultivars of all groups (e.g.Weihnachtskaktus in German,[27]cactus de Noël in French,[28] andcacto de Navidad in Spanish[29]). This is also the name used in Canada.[30] In the United States, where plants are produced for the Thanksgiving holiday in November, the name "Thanksgiving cactus" is used; "Christmas cactus" may then be restricted to cultivars of the Buckleyi Group,[31] particularly the very old cultivars such as 'Buckleyi'.[30] In Russia they are known asdekabrist ("decembrist") androzhdestvennika ("nativity"). The name "crab cactus" (referring to the clawed ends of the stems) is also used for the Truncata Group.[32] "Link cactus" is another common name, describing the way that the stems of the genus as a whole are made up of linked segments.[30] The name "chain cactus" is common in New Zealand, and may also refer toHatiora orRhipsalidopsis species.[33]

The Easter cactus or Whitsun cactus was placed in the genusRhipsalidopsis as of January 2023[update], but was at one time included inSchlumbergera (or one of its synonyms). The name "holiday cactus" has been used to include bothSchlumbergera andRhipsalidopsis cultivars.[30]

Care of cultivars


When grown as house plants,Schlumbergera cultivars are said to be relatively easy to care for. McMillan and Horobin describe in detail their cultivation in both commercial and domestic conditions. Their specific recommendations include:[34]

  • Growing medium: Free-draining,humus-rich, somewhat acid growing media are used for commercial production, such as a mixture ofpeat orleafmould and an inert material such as grit, sharp sand or polystyrene beads. It is recommended that plants should be grown in relatively small pots; half-height pots are suitable.
  • Watering: They are more tolerant of drought than many house plants, though not as drought tolerant as the desert cactus.[35] They can be damaged by both under- and over-watering. Keeping the growing medium just moist throughout the year avoids either extreme.
  • Light: They can be damaged by exposure to more than small amounts of sunlight. Members of the Buckleyi Group, such as the old-fashioned Christmas cactus with pendant flowers, are more tolerant of high light levels than members of the Truncata Group, such as most of the modern cultivars. Too much light causes stems to take on a reddish colouration; however, very low light levels will prevent flowering. Day length is important in controlling flowering; continuous darkness for at least 12 hours is necessary to induce bud formation. A period of about 8 days with 16 hours of darkness at 16 °C (61 °F) has been shown to cause flower buds to form. Lower temperatures slow this process. The advice sometimes given to withhold water to produce flower buds has been shown to be incorrect.
  • Temperature: Holiday cacti grow best when they are placed in a location with partial shade, with a temperature between 70 and 80 °F (21 and 27 °C).[36] They can not tolerate temperature less than 10 °C (50 °F).[37]
  • Propagation: Both commercially and in the home, propagation can be achieved by using short pieces of stem, one to three segments long, twisted off rather than cut. Cuttings are allowed to dry for 1–7 days, forming acallus at the broken end, and then rooted in an open growing medium. Temperatures above 21 °C (70 °F) and up to 27 °C (81 °F) in long day/short night conditions speed rooting.
  • A plant with green upright stems is growing in a blue pot. There are a few flowers and buds at the end of the stems, all more or less upright.
    Young plant of a member of theS. Truncata Group; still upright and therefore more convenient for selling
  • Schlumbergera new growth. The upper view shows bright red new cladodes forming, the centre shows maturing growth, the lower view shows two aerial roots extending down
    Schlumbergera new growth. The upper view shows bright red new cladodes forming, the centre shows maturing growth, the lower view shows twoaerial roots extending down

Pests and diseases


In cultivation, these plants have been described as "remarkably free from pests and diseases". Two significant insect pests areaphids on young shoots, buds and flowers, and rootmealybugs which attack below soil level. Stems and roots can be rotted by diseases caused by fungi and similar organisms; these include infections by species ofFusarium (afungus), andPhytophthora andPythium (bothwater moulds). Approved chemical treatments can be used in the case of insect attack or these diseases.[38]

Aphids, mealybugs and other invertebrate pests can spreadviruses. Symptoms vary with the species, but a loss of vigour is usual.Cactus virus X has been isolated fromS. truncata. There is no treatment for virus diseases; it is recommended that infected plants be destroyed.[38]


  1. ^McMillan & Horobin 1995, p. 26
  2. ^abcdMcMillan & Horobin 1995, particularly pp. 18–19
  3. ^Anderson 2001, pp. 102, 375
  4. ^abcdeMcMillan & Horobin 1995, pp. 12–17
  5. ^IPNI Plant Name Query Results forZygocactus, The International Plant Names Index, retrieved2011-11-12
  6. ^abCalvente, Alice; Zappi, Daniela C.; Forest, Félix & Lohmann, Lúcia G. (2011-03-01), "Molecular phylogeny of tribe Rhipsalideae (Cactaceae) and taxonomic implications forSchlumbergera andHatiora",Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,58 (3):456–468,Bibcode:2011MolPE..58..456C,doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2011.01.001,PMID 21236350
  7. ^CactusClassification (May 24, 2016)."Rhipsalidopsis".The Last Cactus Classification. Retrieved2018-03-08.
  8. ^abc"Schlumbergera Lem.",Plants of the World Online, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, retrieved2019-06-14
  9. ^USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program,Germplasm Resources Information Network - Query GRIN Taxonomy for Families and Genera, National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland, archived fromthe original on 2009-05-05, retrieved2011-10-29
  10. ^Hunt, D.R. (1969), "Contributions to the Flora of Tropical America: LXXVII: A Synopsis ofSchlumbergera Lem. (Cactaceae)",Kew Bulletin,23 (2):255–263,Bibcode:1969KewBu..23..255H,doi:10.2307/4108963,JSTOR 4108963
  11. ^Anderson 2001, p. 286
  12. ^Hunt, David R.; Taylor, Nigel; Charles, Graham (2006).The New Cactus Lexicon. International Cactaceae Systematics Group.ISBN 0953813444.
  13. ^"Rhipsalidopsis Britton & Rose",Plants of the World Online,Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, retrieved2023-01-24
  14. ^Hunt, David, "Appendix I Names and synonyms of the species, subspecies and interspecific hybrids", inMcMillan & Horobin 1995, pp. 78–80
  15. ^abIPNI Plant Name Query Results forSchlumbergera eprica, The International Plant Names Index, retrieved2011-11-08
  16. ^Brickell, Chris D.; et al., eds. (June 2016), "International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants",Scripta Horticulturae,10 (9th ed.), International Society of Horticultural Science:1–184,ISBN 978-94-6261-116-0,ISSN 1813-9205, Recommendation 1A, p. 5
  17. ^McMillan & Horobin 1995, p. 90
  18. ^McMillan & Horobin 1995, p. 11
  19. ^abAnderson 2001, pp. 622–625
  20. ^McMillan & Horobin 1995, p. 55
  21. ^abHunt, David, "Appendix III Excerpts from a Brazilian diary", inMcMillan & Horobin 1995, pp. 82–88
  22. ^McMillan & Horobin 1995, p. 64
  23. ^McMillan & Horobin 1995, pp. 67
  24. ^abMcMillan & Horobin 1995, p. 49ff
  25. ^abcMcMillan & Horobin 1995, particularly pp. 56–63
  26. ^abcMcMillan, A.J.S.; Horobin, J.F.; Hunt, David, "Appendix IV Checklists of historic varieties and modern cultivars", inMcMillan & Horobin 1995, pp. 89–145
  27. ^Maja Dumat,"Weihnachtskaktus (Schlumbergera): Pflege & Vermehrung" [Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera): Care & Propagation],Die Welt der Zimmer- und Gartenpflanzen (in German),archived from the original on 2011-07-22, retrieved2011-11-04
  28. ^"Cactus de Noël" [Christmas cactus],Au Jardin (in French),archived from the original on 2002-03-26, retrieved2011-11-04
  29. ^"Cactus de acción de gracias, Cactus de Navidad, Cactus de pascua, Cacto de Navidad, Santa Teresita" [Thanksgiving cactus, Christmas cactus, Easter cactus, Christmas cactus, Santa Teresita],Infojardin (in Spanish),archived from the original on 2007-03-28, retrieved2011-11-04
  30. ^abcdBrunelle, Paul J. (2001),Recognition and Culture of the Holiday Cacti, Dalhousie University, archived fromthe original on 2007-02-16, retrieved2011-11-04
  31. ^Perry, Leonard,"The Thanksgiving Cactus",, archived fromthe original on 2004-10-14, retrieved2011-11-04
  32. ^"Christmas cactus",Encyclopædia Britannica Online, Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2011, retrieved2011-11-04
  33. ^Jury, Abbie (2013-06-20)."Plant Collector: zygocactus or Schlumbergera (probably truncata hybrid)".Tikorangi The Jury Garden.
  34. ^McMillan & Horobin 1995, pp. 63–70
  35. ^"African Violet" Retrieved2023-10-09.
  36. ^"How often should I water a Christmas cactus?".Extension. 2020-02-24. Retrieved2023-10-09.
  37. ^Smriti, Saifun Nahar (2023-02-04)."What temperature is too cold or hot for Christmas cactus?".GreenLeen.Com. Retrieved2023-10-09.
  38. ^abMcMillan & Horobin 1995, pp. 74–77


  • Anderson, Edward F. (2001),The Cactus Family, Portland, Oregon: Timber Press,ISBN 978-0-88192-498-5
  • McMillan, A. J. S.; Horobin, J. F. (1995),Christmas Cacti: The GenusSchlumbergera and Its Hybrids (p/b ed.), Sherbourne, Dorset, UK: David Hunt,ISBN 978-0-9517234-6-3

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