Salvation (fromLatin:salvatio, fromsalva, 'safe, saved') is the state of being saved or protected from harm or a dire situation.[1] Inreligion andtheology,salvation generally refers to the deliverance of thesoul fromsin and its consequences.[2][3] The academic study of salvation is calledsoteriology.
InAbrahamic religions and theology,salvation is the saving of thesoul fromsin and its consequences.[2] It may also be calleddeliverance orredemption from sin and its effects.[4] Depending on the religion or even denomination, salvation is considered to be caused either only by thegrace of God (i.e. unmerited and unearned), or by faith, good deeds (works), or a combination thereof. Religions often emphasize that man is a sinner by nature and that the penalty of sin is death (physical death, spiritual death: spiritual separation from God and eternal punishment in hell).
Judaism holds that adherents do not need personal salvation as Christians believe. Jews do not subscribe to the doctrine oforiginal sin.[7] Instead, they place a high value on individual morality as defined in the law of God—embodied in what Jews know as theTorah or The Law, given toMoses by God onbiblical Mount Sinai.
In Judaism, salvation is closely related to the idea ofredemption, a saving from the states or circumstances that destroy the value of human existence. God, as the universal spirit and Creator of the World, is the source of all salvation for humanity, provided that an individual honours God by observing His precepts. So redemption or salvation depends on the individual. Judaism stresses that salvation cannot be obtained through anyone else or by just invoking a deity or believing in any outside power or influence.[8]
The Jewish concept of Messiah visualises the return of the prophet Elijah as the harbinger of one who will redeem the world from war and suffering, leading mankind to universal brotherhood under the fatherhood of one God. The Messiah is not considered as a future divine or supernatural being but as a dominating human influence in an age of universal peace, characterised by the spiritual regeneration of humanity.In Judaism, salvation is open to all people and not limited to those of the Jewish faith; the only important consideration being that the people must observe and practise the ethical pattern of behaviour as summarised in the Ten Commandments. When Jews refer to themselves as the chosen people of God, they do not imply they have been chosen for special favours and privileges but rather they have taken it upon themselves to show to all peoples by precept and example the ethical way of life.[8]
When examining Jewish intellectual sources throughout history, there is clearly a spectrum of opinions regarding death versus theafterlife. Possibly an over-simplification, one source says salvation can be achieved in the following manner: Live a holy and righteous life dedicated toYahweh, the God of Creation. Fast, worship, and celebrate during the appropriate holidays.[9]
By origin and nature, Judaism is an ethnic religion. Therefore, salvation has been primarily conceived in terms of the destiny of Israel as the elect people of Yahweh (often referred to as "the Lord"), theGod of Israel.[6]
In the biblical text ofPsalms, there is a description of death, when people go into the earth or the "realm of the dead" and cannot praise God. The first reference to resurrection is collective inEzekiel's vision of the dry bones, when all the Israelites in exile will be resurrected. There is a reference to individual resurrection in theBook of Daniel.[10] It was not until the 2nd century BCE that there arose a belief in anafterlife, in which the dead would be resurrected and undergo divine judgment. Before that time, the individual had to be content that his posterity continued within the holy nation.[6]
The salvation of the individual Jew was connected to the salvation of the entire people. This belief stemmed directly from the teachings of theTorah. In the Torah, God taught his peoplesanctification of the individual. However, he also expected them to function together (spiritually) and be accountable to one another. The concept of salvation was tied to that of restoration for Israel.[11]
During the Second Temple Period, the Sadducees, High Priests, denied any particular existence of individuals after death because it wasn't written in the Torah, while the Pharisees, ancestors of the rabbis, affirmed both bodily resurrection and immortality of the soul, most likely based on the influence of Hellenistic ideas about body and soul and the Pharisaic belief in the Oral Torah. The Pharisees maintained that after death, the soul is connected to God until the messianic era when it is rejoined with the body in the land of Israel at the time of resurrection.[10]
Christianity's primary premise is that theincarnation and death ofJesus Christ formed the climax of a divine plan for humanity's salvation. This plan was conceived byGod before the creation of the world, achieved at the cross, and it would be completed at theLast Judgment, when theSecond Coming of Christ would mark the catastrophic end of the world and the creation of a new world.[12]
For Christianity, salvation is only possible through Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus' death on the cross was the once-for-all sacrifice that atoned for the sin of humanity.[12]
The Christian religion, though not the exclusive possessor of the idea of redemption, has given to it a special definiteness and a dominant position. Taken in its widest sense, as deliverance from dangers and ills in general, most religions teach some form of it. It assumes an important position, however, only when the ills in question form part of a great system against which human power is helpless.[13]
According to Christian belief,sin as the human predicament is considered to be universal.[14] For example, inRomans 1:18–3:20 theApostle Paul declared everyone to be under sin—Jew and Gentile alike. Salvation is made possible by the life, death, andresurrection of Jesus, which in the context of salvation is referred to as the "atonement".[15] Christiansoteriology ranges from exclusive salvation[16]: p.123 touniversal reconciliation[17] concepts. While some of the differences are as widespread as Christianity itself, the overwhelming majority agree that salvation is made possible by the work of Jesus Christ, theSon of God, dying on the cross.
At the heart of Christian faith is the reality and hope of salvation inJesus Christ. Christian faith is faith in the God of salvation revealed in Jesus ofNazareth. The Christian tradition has always equated this salvation with the transcendent,eschatological fulfillment of human existence in a life freed from sin, finitude, and mortality and united with the triune God. This is perhapsthe non-negotiable item of Christian faith. What has been a matter of debate is the relation between salvation and our activities in the world.
— Anselm Kyongsuk Min,Dialectic of Salvation: Issues in Theology of Liberation (2009)[18]: p.79
The Bible presents salvation in the form of a story that describes the outworking of God's eternal plan to deal with the problem of human sin. The story is set against the background of the history of God's people and reaches its climax in the person and work of Christ. The Old Testament part of the story shows that people are sinners by nature, and describes a series of covenants by which God sets people free and makes promises to them. His plan includes the promise of blessing for all nations through Abraham and the redemption of Israel from every form of bondage. God showed his saving power throughout Israel's history, but he also spoke about a Messianic figure who would save all people from the power, guilt, and penalty of sin. This role was fulfilled by Jesus, who will ultimately destroy all the devil's work, including suffering, pain, and death.
A bumper sticker asking if one has found salvation
Salvation, according to most denominations, is believed to be a process that begins when a person first becomes a Christian, continues through that person's life, and is completed when they standbefore Christ in judgment. Therefore, according to Catholic apologist James Akin, the faithful Christian can say in faith and hope, "Ihave been saved; Iam being saved; and Iwill be saved."[19]
Christian salvation concepts are varied and complicated by certain theological concepts, traditional beliefs, anddogmas. Scripture is subject to individual and ecclesiastical interpretations. While some of the differences are as widespread as Christianity itself, the overwhelming majority agrees that salvation is made possible by the work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, dying on the cross.
The purpose of salvation is debated, but in general mostChristian theologians agree that God devised and implemented his plan of salvation becausehe loves them and regards human beings as his children. Since human existence on Earth is said to be "given to sin,"[20] salvation also has connotations that deal with theliberation[21] of human beings from sin, and thesufferings associated with thepunishment of sin—i.e., "thewages of sin aredeath."[22]
Christians believe that salvation depends on thegrace of God. Stagg writes that a fact assumed throughout the Bible is that humanity is in, "serious trouble from which we need deliverance…. The fact of sin as the human predicament is implied in the mission of Jesus, and it is explicitly affirmed in that connection." By its nature, salvation must answer to the plight of humankind as it actually is. Each individual's plight as a sinner is the result of a fatal choice involving the whole person in bondage, guilt, estrangement, and death. Therefore, salvation must be concerned with the total person. "It must offerredemption from bondage, forgiveness for guilt, reconciliation for estrangement, renewal for the marred image of God."[23]
According to doctrine ofthe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the plan of salvation is God's plan to save, redeem, and exalt all humankind who chose, either in this life, or in the world of spirits of the dead, to accept the grace of Jesus Christ by exercising faith in Him, repenting of their sins, and by making and keeping sacred covenants (includingbaptism). Since the vast majority of God's children depart this life without that opportunity, Christ's gospel is preached to the unbelieving spirits in spirit prison (1 Peter 3: 19) so that they might be judged by the same standards as the living and live by following God in their spirit form (1 Peter 4: 6). If they accept Christ, sincerely repent of their sins, and accept ordinances done on their behalf, they can, by the grace of Christ, receive salvation on the same terms as the living. For this reason, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do vicarious work for the dead in sacred temples. The elements of this plan are drawn from various sources, including theBible,[24]Book of Mormon,Doctrine & Covenants,Pearl of Great Price, and numerous statements made by the leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).
In Islam, salvation refers to the eventual entrance toParadise. Islam teaches that people who die disbelieving in Islam do not receive salvation. Those who die believing in the one God and His message (Islam) receive salvation.[25]
Narrated Anas, that The Prophet said:
Whoever said "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and has in his heart good (faith) equal to the weight of a barley grain will be taken out of Hell. And whoever said: "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and has in his heart good (faith) equal to the weight of a wheat grain will be taken out of Hell. And whoever said, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and has in his heart good (faith) equal to the weight of an atom will be taken out ofHell.
For those who have not been granted Islam or to whom the message has not been brought:[26]
Indeed, the believers, Jews, Christians, and Sabians—whoever ˹truly˺ believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.
Belief in the "One God", also known as theTawhid (التَوْحيدْ) in Arabic, consists of two parts (or principles):
Tawḥīdu r-Rubūbiyya (Arabic:تَوْحيدُ الرُبوبِيَّة): Believing in the attributes of God and attributing them to no other but God. Such attributes include Creation, having no beginning, and having no end. These attributes are what make a God. Islam also teaches no less than 99 names for God, and each of these names defines one attribute. One breaks this principle, for example, by believing in an Idol as an intercessor to God. The idol, in this case, is thought of having powers that only God should have, thereby breaking this part of Tawheed. No intercession is required to communicate with, or worship, God.[27]
Tawḥīdu l-'ulūhiyya (Arabic:تَوْحيدُ الأُلوهيَّة) : Directing worship, prayer, or deed to God, and God only. For example, worshiping an idol or any saint or prophet is also considered Shirk.
Islam also stresses that in order to gain salvation, one must also avoid sinning along with performing good deeds. Islam acknowledges the inclination of humanity towards sin.[28][29] Therefore, Muslims are constantly commanded to seek God's forgiveness and repent. Islam teaches that no one can gain salvation simply by virtue of their belief or deeds, instead it is the Mercy of God, which merits them salvation, as we have to know that by the mercy of god we are doing the good deeds and we are believing in God. However, repentance must not be used to sin any further. Islam teaches that God is Merciful.
Allah only accepts the repentance of those who commit evil ignorantly ˹or recklessly˺ then repent soon after—Allah will pardon them. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
Indeed, Allah does not forgive associating others with Him ˹in worship˺, but forgives anything else of whoever He wills. And whoever associates others with Allah has indeed committed a grave sin.
Islam describes a true believer to haveLove of God andFear of God. Islam also teaches that every person is responsible for their own sins. The Quran states;
If you disbelieve, then ˹know that˺ Allah is truly not in need of you, nor does He approve of disbelief from His servants. But if you become grateful ˹through faith˺, He will appreciate that from you. No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return, and He will inform you of what you used to do. He certainly knows best what is ˹hidden˺ in the heart.
Sin in Islam is not a state, but an action (a bad deed); Islam teaches that a child is born sinless, regardless of the belief of his parents, dies a Muslim; he entersheaven, and does not enter hell.[30]
Narrated `Aisha: The Prophet said, "Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately, and receive good news because one's good deeds will not make him enter Paradise." They asked, "Even you, O Allah's Messenger?" He said, "Even I, unless and until Allah bestows His pardon and Mercy on me."
Islam is built on five principles, acts of worship that Islam teaches to be mandatory. Not performing the mandatory acts of worship may deprive Muslims of the chance of salvation.[31] According toIbn 'Umar, Muhammad said that Islam is based on the following five principles:[32]
Totestify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Messenger.
Hinduism,Buddhism,Jainism andSikhism share certain key concepts, which are interpreted differently by different groups and individuals.[33] In these religions one is not liberated from sin and its consequences, but from thesaṃsāra (cycle of rebirth) perpetuated by passions and delusions and its resultingkarma.[34] They differ however on the exact nature of this liberation.[34]
Salvation is always self-attained inIndian religions, and a more appropriate term would bemoksha ('liberation')[34] ormukti ('release'). This state and the conditions considered necessary for its realization is described in early texts of Indian religion such as theUpanishads and thePāli Canon, and later texts such theYoga Sutras of Patanjali and theVedanta tradition.[35]Moksha can be attained bysādhanā, literally 'means of accomplishing something'.[36] It includes a variety of disciplines, such asyoga anddhyana (meditation).
Nirvana is the profound peace of mind that is acquired withmoksha. InBuddhism andJainism, it is the state of being free fromsuffering. InHindu philosophy, it is union with theBrahman (Supreme Being). The word literally means 'blown out' (as in a candle) and refers, in the Buddhist context, to the blowing out of the fires of desire, aversion, and delusion,[37][38] and the imperturbable stillness of mind acquired thereafter.[37]
InTheravada Buddhism the emphasis is on one's own liberation from samsara.[38] TheMahayana traditions emphasize thebodhisattva path,[38] in which "each Buddha and Bodhisattva is a redeemer," assisting the Buddhist in seeking to achieve the redemptive state.[39] The assistance rendered is a form of self-sacrifice on the part of the teachers, who would presumably be able to achieve total detachment from worldly concerns, but have instead chosen to remain engaged in the material world to the degree that this is necessary to assist others in achieving such detachment.[39]
InJainism,salvation,moksha, andnirvana are one and the same.[40][41] When a soul (atman) achievesmoksha, it is released from the cycle of births and deaths, and achieves its pure self. It then becomes asiddha ('one who has accomplished his ultimate objective'). Attaining Moksha requires annihilation of allkarmas, good and bad, because if karma is left, it must bear fruit.
While earlyTaoism had no understanding of the concept of salvation, later inTaoist history, salvation became a major part of beliefs about it.[42] Things one could do to be saved was topray, offersacrifices, and/or become axian (Chinese:仙;pinyin:Xiān) immortal.[42]
^ab"Salvation."Oxford English Dictionary (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. 1989. "The saving of the soul; the deliverance from sin and its consequences."
^Graves Jr., Wilfred. 2011.In Pursuit of Wholeness: Experiencing God's Salvation for the Total Person. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image. pp. 9, 22, 74–75.
^"Reb on the Web". Kolel: The Adult Centre for Liberal Jewish Learning. Archived fromthe original on July 21, 2015. RetrievedNovember 1, 2010.
^Min, Anselm Kyongsuk.Dialectic of Salvation: Issues in Theology of Liberation. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1989.ISBN978-0-88706-908-6
^Akin, James. October 2001. "The Salvation Controversy."Catholic Answers.
^Jaini, Padmanabh (2000).Collected Papers on Jaina Studies. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publ.ISBN81-208-1691-9."Moksa and Nirvana are synonymous in Jainism". p. 168
^Michael Carrithers, Caroline Humphrey (1991)The Assembly of listeners: Jains in society Cambridge University Press.ISBN0521365058:"Nirvana: A synonym for liberation, release, moksa." p. 297
Braden, Charles Samuel (1941).Man's Quest for Salvation: An Historical and Comparative Study of the Idea of Salvation in the World's Great Living Religions. Chicago & New York: Willett, Clark & Company.
Brandon, S. G. F., ed. (1963).The Saviour God: Comparative studies in the concept of salvation presented to Edwin Oliver James by colleagues and friends. New York:Barnes & Noble.