Introduced in the 1970s, SQL offered two main advantages over older read–writeAPIs such asISAM orVSAM. Firstly, it introduced the concept of accessing manyrecords with one singlecommand. Secondly, it eliminates the need to specifyhow to reach a record, i.e., with or without anindex.
The scope of SQL includes data query, data manipulation (insert, update, and delete), data definition (schema creation and modification), and data access control. Although SQL is essentially adeclarative language (4GL), it also includesprocedural elements.
SQL was one of the first commercial languages to useEdgar F. Codd'srelational model. The model was described in his influential 1970 paper, "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks".[8] Despite not entirely adhering tothe relational model as described by Codd, SQL became the most widely used database language.[9][10]
SQL became astandard of theAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986 and of theInternational Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1987.[11] Since then, the standard has been revised multiple times to include a larger set of features and incorporate common extensions. Despite the existence of standards, virtually no implementations in existence adhere to it fully, and most SQL code requires at least some changes before being ported to differentdatabase systems.
SQL was initially developed atIBM byDonald D. Chamberlin andRaymond F. Boyce after learning about the relational model fromEdgar F. Codd[12] in the early 1970s.[13] This version, initially called SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language), was designed to manipulate and retrieve data stored in IBM's original quasirelational database management system,System R, which a group atIBM San Jose Research Laboratory had developed during the 1970s.[13]
Chamberlin and Boyce's first attempt at a relational database language was SQUARE (Specifying Queries in A Relational Environment), but it was difficult to use due to subscript/superscript notation. After moving to the San Jose Research Laboratory in 1973, they began work on a sequel to SQUARE.[12] The original name SEQUEL, which is widely regarded as a pun onQUEL, the query language ofIngres,[14] was later changed to SQL (dropping the vowels) because "SEQUEL" was atrademark of the UK-basedHawker Siddeley Dynamics Engineering Limited company.[15] The label SQL later became the acronym for Structured Query Language.
After testing SQL at customer test sites to determine the usefulness and practicality of the system, IBM began developing commercial products based on their System R prototype, includingSystem/38,SQL/DS, andIBM Db2, which were commercially available in 1979, 1981, and 1983, respectively.[16]
In the late 1970s, Relational Software, Inc. (nowOracle Corporation) saw the potential of the concepts described by Codd, Chamberlin, and Boyce, and developed their own SQL-basedRDBMS with aspirations of selling it to theU.S. Navy,Central Intelligence Agency, and otherU.S. government agencies. In June 1979, Relational Software introduced one of the first commercially available implementations of SQL,Oracle V2 (Version2) forVAX computers.
By 1986,ANSI andISO standard groups officially adopted the standard "Database Language SQL" language definition. New versions of the standard were published in 1989, 1992, 1996, 1999, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2011,[12] 2016 and most recently, 2023.[17]
SQL implementations are incompatible between vendors and do not necessarily completely follow standards. In particular, date and time syntax, string concatenation,NULLs, and comparisoncase sensitivity vary from vendor to vendor.PostgreSQL[18] andMimer SQL[19] strive for standards compliance, though PostgreSQL does not adhere to the standard in all cases. For example, the folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL is incompatible with the SQL standard,[20] which says that unquoted names should be folded to upper case.[21] Thus, according to the standard,Foo should be equivalent toFOO, notfoo.
Popular implementations of SQL commonly omit support for basic features of Standard SQL, such as theDATE orTIME data types. The most obvious such examples, and incidentally the most popular commercial and proprietary SQL DBMSs, are Oracle (whoseDATE behaves asDATETIME,[22][23] and lacks aTIME type)[24] and MS SQL Server (before the 2008 version). As a result, SQL code can rarely be ported between database systems without modifications.
Several reasons for the lack of portability between database systems include:
The complexity and size of the SQL standard means that most implementers do not support the entire standard.
The SQL standard does not specify the database behavior in some important areas (e.g.,indices, file storage), leaving implementations to decide how to behave.
The SQL standard defers some decisions to individual implementations, such as how to name a results column that was not named explicitly.[25]: 207
The SQL standard precisely specifies the syntax that a conforming database system must implement. However, the standard's specification of the semantics of language constructs is less well-defined, leading to ambiguity.
Many database vendors have large existing customer bases; where the newer version of the SQL standard conflicts with the prior behavior of the vendor's database, the vendor may be unwilling to breakbackward compatibility.
Little commercial incentive exists for vendors to make changing database suppliers easier (seevendor lock-in).
Users evaluating database software tend to place other factors such as performance higher in their priorities than standards conformance.
Until 1996, theNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) data-management standards program certified SQL DBMS compliance with the SQL standard. Vendors now self-certify the compliance of their products.[27]
The original standard declared that the official pronunciation for "SQL" was aninitialism:/ˌɛsˌkjuːˈɛl/ ("ess cue el").[9] Regardless, many English-speaking database professionals (including Donald Chamberlin himself[28]) use theacronym-like pronunciation of/ˈsiːkwəl/ ("sequel"),[29] mirroring the language's prerelease development name, "SEQUEL".[13][15][28] The SQL standard has gone through a number of revisions:
Added regular expression matching,recursive queries (e.g.,transitive closure),triggers, support for procedural and control-of-flow statements, nonscalar types (arrays), and some object-oriented features (e.g.,structured types), support for embedding SQL in Java (SQL/OLB) and vice versa (SQL/JRT)
Adds Part 14, defines ways that SQL can be used with XML. It defines ways of importing and storing XML data in an SQL database, manipulating it within the database, and publishing both XML and conventional SQL data in XML form. In addition, it lets applications integrate queries into their SQL code withXQuery, the XML Query Language published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), to concurrently access ordinary SQL-data and XML documents.[30]
The standard is commonly denoted by the pattern:ISO/IEC 9075-n:yyyy Part n: title, or, as a shortcut,ISO/IEC 9075. Interested parties may purchase the standards documents from ISO,[34] IEC, or ANSI. Some old drafts are freely available.[35][36]
ISO/IEC 9075 is complemented byISO/IEC 13249: SQL Multimedia and Application Packages and someTechnical reports.
A chart showing several of the SQL language elements comprising a single statement
The SQL language is subdivided into several language elements, including:
Clauses, which are constituent components of statements and queries. (In some cases, these are optional.)[37]
Expressions, which can produce eitherscalar values, ortables consisting ofcolumns androws of data
Predicates, which specify conditions that can be evaluated to SQLthree-valued logic (3VL) (true/false/unknown) orBooleantruth values and are used to limit the effects of statements and queries, or to change program flow.
Queries, which retrieve the data based on specific criteria. This is an important element ofSQL.
Statements, which may have a persistent effect on schemata and data, or may controltransactions, program flow, connections, sessions, or diagnostics.
SQL statements also include thesemicolon (";") statement terminator. Though not required on every platform, it is defined as a standard part of the SQL grammar.
Insignificant whitespace is generally ignored in SQL statements and queries, making it easier to format SQL code for readability.
In addition to the standardSQL/PSM extensions and proprietary SQL extensions, procedural andobject-oriented programmability is available on many SQL platforms via DBMS integration with other languages. The SQL standard definesSQL/JRT extensions (SQL Routines and Types for the Java Programming Language) to supportJava code in SQL databases.Microsoft SQL Server 2005 uses theSQLCLR (SQL Server Common Language Runtime) to host managed.NET assemblies in thedatabase, while prior versions of SQL Server were restricted to unmanaged extended stored procedures primarily written in C.PostgreSQL lets users write functions in a wide variety of languages—includingPerl,Python,Tcl,JavaScript (PL/V8) and C.[38]
A distinction should be made between alternatives to SQL as a language, and alternatives to the relational model itself. Below are proposed relational alternatives to the SQL language. Seenavigational database andNoSQL for alternatives to the relational model.
Datalog: critics suggest thatDatalog has two advantages over SQL: it has cleaner semantics, which facilitates program understanding and maintenance, and it is more expressive, in particular for recursive queries.[39]
An interactive user or program can issue SQL statements to a local RDB and receive tables of data and status indicators in reply from remote RDBs. SQL statements can also be compiled and stored in remote RDBs as packages and then invoked by package name. This is important for the efficient operation of application programs that issue complex, high-frequency queries. It is especially important when the tables to be accessed are located in remote systems.
SQL deviates in several ways from its theoretical foundation, the relational model and its tuple calculus. In that model, a table is aset of tuples, while in SQL, tables and query results arelists of rows; the same row may occur multiple times, and the order of rows can be employed in queries (e.g., in the LIMIT clause).Critics argue that SQL should be replaced with a language that returns strictly to the original foundation: for example, seeThe Third Manifesto by Hugh Darwen and C.J. Date (2006,ISBN0-321-39942-0).
Early specifications did not support major features, such as primary keys. Result sets could not be named, and subqueries had not been defined. These were added in 1992.[12]
The lack ofsum types has been described as a roadblock to full use of SQL's user-defined types. JSON support, for example, needed to be added by a new standard in 2016.[42]
The concept ofNull is the subject of somedebate. The Null marker indicates the absence of a value, and is distinct from a value of 0 for an integer column or an empty string for a text column. The concept of Nulls enforces the3-valued-logic in SQL, which is a concrete implementation of the general3-valued logic.[12]
Another popular criticism is that it allows duplicate rows, making integration with languages such asPython, whose data types might make accurately representing the data difficult,[12] in terms of parsing and by the absence of modularity. This is usually avoided by declaring a primary key, or a unique constraint, with one or more columns that uniquely identify a row in the table.
The SQL standard defines three kinds ofdata types (chapter 4.1.1 of SQL/Foundation):
predefined data types
constructed types
user-defined types.
Constructed types are one of ARRAY, MULTISET, REF(erence), or ROW.User-defined types are comparable to classes in object-oriented language with their own constructors, observers, mutators, methods, inheritance, overloading, overwriting, interfaces, and so on.Predefined data types are intrinsically supported by the implementation.
^Beaulieu, Alan (April 2009). Mary E Treseler (ed.).Learning SQL (2nd ed.). Sebastopol, CA, USA: O'Reilly.ISBN978-0-596-52083-0.
^Chamberlin, Donald D.; Frana, Philip L. (3 October 2001)."Oral history interview with Donald D. Chamberlin".University Digital Conservancy.hdl:11299/107215. Retrieved14 January 2020.We changed the original name "SEQUEL" to SQL because we got a letter from somebody's lawyer that said the name "SEQUEL" belonged to them. We shortened it to SQL, for Structured Query Language, and the product was known as SQL/DS.
^SQL-92, 4.22 SQL-statements, 4.22.1 Classes of SQL-statements "There are at least five ways of classifying SQL-statements:", 4.22.2, SQL statements classified by function "The following are the main classes of SQL-statements:";SQL:2003 4.11 SQL-statements, and later revisions.
^abcChamberlin, Donald D; Boyce, Raymond F (1974)."SEQUEL: A Structured English Query Language"(PDF).Proceedings of the 1974 ACM SIGFIDET Workshop on Data Description, Access and Control. Association for Computing Machinery:249–64. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 26 September 2007. Retrieved9 June 2007.
^"About PostgreSQL".PostgreSQL 9.1 official website. PostgreSQL Global Development Group. 2012. Retrieved9 March 2012.PostgreSQL prides itself in standards compliance. Its SQL implementation strongly conforms to the ANSI-SQL:2008 standard
^Lorentz, Diana; Roeser, Mary Beth; Abraham, Sundeep; Amor, Angela; Arora, Geeta; Arora, Vikas; Ashdown, Lance; Baer, Hermann; Bellamkonda, Shrikanth (October 2010) [1996]."Basic Elements of Oracle SQL: Data Types".Oracle Database SQL Language Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2). Oracle Database Documentation Library. Redwood City, CA: Oracle USA, Inc. Retrieved29 December 2010.For eachDATE value, Oracle stores the following information: century, year, month, date, hour, minute, and second
^Lorentz, Diana; Roeser, Mary Beth; Abraham, Sundeep; Amor, Angela; Arora, Geeta; Arora, Vikas; Ashdown, Lance; Baer, Hermann; Bellamkonda, Shrikanth (October 2010) [1996]."Basic Elements of Oracle SQL: Data Types".Oracle Database SQL Language Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2). Oracle Database Documentation Library. Redwood City, CA: Oracle USA, Inc. Retrieved29 December 2010.The datetime data types areDATE...
^Lorentz, Diana; Roeser, Mary Beth; Abraham, Sundeep; Amor, Angela; Arora, Geeta; Arora, Vikas; Ashdown, Lance; Baer, Hermann; Bellamkonda, Shrikanth (October 2010) [1996]."Basic Elements of Oracle SQL: Data Types".Oracle Database SQL Language Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2). Oracle Database Documentation Library. Redwood City, CA: Oracle USA, Inc. Retrieved29 December 2010.Do not define columns with the following SQL/DS and DB2 data types, because they have no corresponding Oracle data type:...TIME
^Date, Chris J. (2013).Relational Theory for Computer Professionals: What Relational Databases are Really All About (1. ed.). Sebastopol, Calif: O'Reilly Media.ISBN978-1-449-36943-9.
^"Finding Aid".X3H2 Records, 1978–95. American National Standards Institute.
^Doll, Shelley (19 June 2002)."Is SQL a Standard Anymore?".TechRepublic's TechRepublic. Archived fromthe original on 5 July 2012. Retrieved12 April 2016.
^Wagner, Michael (2010).SQL/XML:2006 - Evaluierung der Standardkonformität ausgewählter Datenbanksysteme. Diplomica Verlag. p. 100.ISBN978-3-8366-9609-8.