Using this system, any Alpinemountain can be given a code which shows which region, sector, section, subsection, supergroup, group and subgroup it belongs to.
132 subsections: identified in their own section by theroman numerals needed to count every subsection;
333 supergroups: identified in their own subsection by all the upper-case letters needed to count every supergroup;
870 groups: identified in their own supergroup by all thenumbers needed to count every group;
1625 subgroups: identified in their own group by all the lower-case letters needed to count every subgroup.
Following these rules and using the punctuation marks (/;-;.;-;. and.) a summit will be encoded in the following way:
roman numeral (I or II)/upper-case letter (A, B or C)-number from 1 to 36.roman numeral-upper-case letter.number.lower-case letter
In some case the final lower-case letter can be missing because some group is not divided into subgroups. It can seldom happen (i.e.:Monte Tagliaferro) that a subgroup too is further divided in sectors; in that case the last lower-case letter is followed by a slash (/) and a second lower-case letter.
III: the mountain belongs toNorthern Cottian Alps (which are the third out of three subsections belonging to Cottian Alps),
B: the mountain belongs tochaîne Bernaude-Pierre Menue-Ambin (Fr) /catena Bernauda-Pierre Menue-Ambin (It) (which is the second out of two supergroups belonging to Northern Cottian Alps),
6: the mountain belongs togroupe d'Ambin (Fr) /gruppo d'Ambin (It) (which is the sixth out of six groups belonging to Bernaude-Pierre Menue-Ambin supergroup),
b: the mountain belongs to a subgroup calledcrête Sommeiller-Vallonetto (Fr) /sottogruppo Sommeiller-Vallonetto (It) (which is the second out of three subgroups belonging to Ambin group).