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East Slavic naming customs are the traditional way of identifying a person'sfamily name,given name, andpatronymic name inEast Slavic cultures in Russia and some countries formerly part of theRussian Empire and theSoviet Union.
They are used commonly inRussia,Ukraine,Belarus,Kazakhstan,Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan, and to a lesser extent inKyrgyzstan,Tajikistan,Azerbaijan,Armenia, andGeorgia.
Name | Belarusian example | Russian example | Ukrainian example |
First name (given name) | Belarusian:Уладзімір,romanized: Uladzimir | Russian:Владимир,romanized: Vladimir | Ukrainian:Володимир,romanized: Volodymyr |
Patronymic | Belarusian:Антонавіч,romanized: Antonavič | Russian:Антонович,romanized: Antonovich | Ukrainian:Антонович,romanized: Antonovych |
Family name (surname) | Belarusian:Іваноў,romanized: Ivanoŭ | Russian:Иванов,romanized: Ivanov | Ukrainian:Іванів,romanized: Ivaniv |
East Slavic parents select agiven name for a newborn child. Most first names in East Slavic languages originate from two sources:
Almost all first names are single. Doubled first names (as in, for example,French, likeJean-Luc) are very rare and are from foreign influence. Most doubled first names are written with a hyphen:Mariya-Tereza.
Belarusian variant | Russian variant | Ukrainian variant | Latin-alphabet transliteration[note 1] (Belarusian / Russian / Ukrainian) | Origin | Comments |
Іван, Ян | Иван, Ян | Іван, Ян | Ivan, Jan /Ivan / Ivan | Hebrew | equivalent toJohn |
Якуб, Якаў | Иаков, Яков | Яків | Yakub, Yakau / Iakov, Yakov / Yakiv | Hebrew | equivalent toJames or Jacob |
Ілля | Илья | Ілля | Illa /Ilia / Illia | Hebrew | equivalent toElijah |
Мікалай, Мікола | Николай | Микола | Mikałaj, Mikoła / Nikolai / Mykola, Mykolai | Greek | equivalent toNicholas, meaning "Victory (of the) People" |
Мiкiта | Никита | Микита | Mikita / Nikita / Mykyta | Greek | equivalent to "Nicetas", meaning "victorious one" (from Nike "victory") |
Барыс | Борис | Борис | Barys /Boris / Borys | Bulgar | unclear, possibly "wolf", "short" or "snow leopard" |
Уладзімір | Владимир | Володимир | Uładzimir /Vladimir / Volodymyr | Slavonic | meaning "great/famous lord" (-мир comes from мѣръ and is not related to міръ or миръ, see also the name'setymology) Equivalent to NorseValdemar. |
Пётр, Пятро, Пятрусь | Пётр | Петро | Piotr, Piatro, Piatruś / Petr, Pyotr / Petro | Greek | equivalent toPeter |
Андрэй | Андрей | Андрій | Andrej / Andrei / Andrii | Greek | equivalent toAndrew |
Аляксандр | Александр | Олександр, Олекса | Alaksandr / Aleksandr / Oleksandr, Oleksa | Greek | equivalent toAlexander |
Піліп | Филипп | Пилип | Pilip / Filipp / Pylyp | Greek | from GreekΦίλιππος (Phílippos), meaning "fond of horses". Equivalent toPhilip. |
Дзмітры, Зміцер | Дмитрий | Дмитро | Dzmitry, Zmicier /Dmitrii / Dmytro | Greek | from GreekΔημήτριος (Demétrios), meaning "ofDemeter" |
Сяргей | Сергей | Сергій | Siarhiej /Sergei / Serhii | Latin | from theRomannomen (patrician family name)Sergius, itself from a more ancientEtruscan name |
Леанід, Лявон | Леонид | Леонід | Leanid, Lavon /Leonid / Leonid | Greek | from GreekLeonidas, meaning "Son of the Lion" |
Віктар | Виктор | Віктор | Viktar / Viktor / Viktor | Latin | meaning "Conqueror" |
Георгій, Юры | Георгий | Георгiй | Hieorhij, Jury / Georgii / Heorhii | Greek | the analogues are Егор (Yegor), Юрий (Yury), equivalent toGeorge |
Павел, Павал, Паўло | Павел | Павло | Pavał, Paŭło / Pavel / Pavlo | Latin | equivalent toPaul |
Канстанцін, Кастусь | Константин | Костянтин | Kanstancin, Kastuś / Konstantin / Kostiantyn | Latin | equivalent toConstantine |
Кірыл, Кірыла | Кирилл | Кирило | Kirył, Kiryła / Kirill / Kyrylo | Greek | equivalent toCyril |
Васіль, Базыль | Василий | Василь | Vasiĺ, Bazyl / Vasilii / Vasyl | Greek | equivalent toBasil |
Раман | Роман | Роман | Raman / Roman / Roman | Latin | fromRomanus |
Уладзіслаў | Владислав | Владислав | Uladzisłaŭ / Vladislav / Vladyslav | Slavonic | meaning "Lord of Fame" |
Вячаслаў | Вячеслав | В'ячеслав | Viačasłaŭ / Viacheslav / Viacheslav | Slavonic | meaning "Growing Fame" |
Матвей, Мацвей | Матвей | Матвій | Matviej, Macviej / Matvei / Matvii | Hebrew | equivalent toMatthew |
Міхал, Міхась | Михаил | Михайло | Michał, Michaś / Mikhail / Mykhailo | Hebrew | equivalent toMichael |
Алег | Олег | Олег | Aleh / Oleg / Oleh | Old Norse | derivative from Scandinavian "Helgi" |
Ігар | Игорь | Ігор | Ihar /Igor / Ihor | Old Norse | derivative from Scandinavian "Ingvar" |
Максім | Максим | Максим | Maksim /Maksim / Maksym | Latin | meaning "Greatest" |
Фёдар | Фёдор | Федiр | Fiodar /Fyodor /Fedir | Greek | equivalent toTheodore, meaning "God's gift" or "God-given" |
Захар | Захар | Захар | Zachar /Zakhar / Zakhar | Hebrew | equivalent toZachary, meaning "Remembered” |
Аляксей | Алексей | Олексій | Alaksej /Aleksei / Oleksii | Greek | equivalent toAlexis, meaning "Defender” |
Макар | Макар | Макар | Makar / Makar / Makar | Greek | meaning "Blessed” |
Belarusian variant | Russian variant | Ukrainian variant | Latin-alphabet transliteration (Belarusian / Russian / Ukrainian) | Origin | Comments |
Настасся, Наста | Анастасия | Анастасія | Nastassia, Nasta / Anastasiya / Anastasiia | Greek | from Greek Ἀναστασία (Anastasia) meaning "she of the Resurrection" |
Ангеліна | Ангелина | Ангеліна | Anhelina / Angelina / Anhelina | Greek | From Greek Ἀγγελίνα (Angelina) meaning "messenger" |
Ганна | Анна | Ганна | Hanna / Anna / Hanna | Hebrew | equivalent toAnne orHannah |
Алена | Елена, Алёна | Oленa | Alena / Yelena, Alyona / Olena | Greek | equivalent toHelen; in Russian Alyona can be both a pet version of Yelena and a name in its own right |
Марыя | Мария | Марія | Maryja / Mariya / Mariia | Hebrew | equivalent toMary |
Наталля | Наталья, Наталия | Наталя, Наталія | Natallia / Natalya / Nataliia | Latin | equivalent to Natalie |
Вольга | Ольга | Ольга | Volha / Olga / Olha | Old Norse | derivative from Scandinavian Helga |
Аляксандра | Александра | Олександра | Alaksandra / Aleksandra / Oleksandra | Greek | equivalent toAlexandra |
Ксенія, Аксана | Ксения | Оксана | Ksienija, Aksana /Kseniya /Oksana | Greek | in Russian, Oksana is a separate name of the same origin |
Кацярына | Екатерина | Катерина | Kaciaryna / Yekaterina / Kateryna | Greek | equivalent toCatherine |
Лізавета | Елизавета | Єлизавета | Lizaveta / Yelizaveta / Ielyzaveta | Hebrew | equivalent toElizabeth |
Тацяна, Таццяна | Татьяна | Тетяна | Tacciana / Tatyana / Tetiana | Latin | derivative from the Latinized name of the Sabine kingTitus Tatius |
Людміла | Людмила | Людмила | Ludmila / Lyudmila / Liudmyla | Slavonic | meaning "Dear to the People" |
Святлана | Светлана | Світлана | Sviatłana / Svetlana / Svitlana | Slavonic | meaning "The Shining One" |
Юлія | Юлия | Юлія | Julija / Yuliya / Yuliia | Latin | equivalent to Julia or Julie |
Вера | Вера | Віра | Vera / Vera / Vira | Slavonic | meaning "Faith"; acalque of the Greek Πίστη |
Надзея | Надежда | Надія | Nadzeja / Nadezhda / Nadiia | Slavonic | meaning "Hope"; acalque of the Greek Ἐλπίς |
Любоў | Любовь | Любов | Luboŭ / Lyubov / Liubоv | Slavonic | meaning "Love"; acalque of the Greek Ἀγάπη |
Соф'я | София, Софья | Софія | Sofja / Sofiya, Sofya / Sofiia | Greek | equivalent to Sophia, meaning "Wisdom". |
Being highlysynthetic languages, the East Slavic ones treat personal names asgrammatical nouns and apply the same rules ofinflection andderivation to them as for other nouns. So one can create many forms with different degrees of affection and familiarity by adding the corresponding suffixes to the auxiliary stem derived from the original name. The auxiliary stem may be identical to the word stem of the full name (the full name ЖаннаZhanna can have the suffixes added directly to the stem Жанн-Zhann- like ЖанночкаZhannochka), and most names have the auxiliary stem derived unproductively (the Russian name МихаилMikhail has the auxiliary stem Миш-Mish-, which produces such name-forms as МишаMisha, МишенькаMishenka, МишуняMishunya etc., not *МихаилушкаMikhailushka).
Unlike English, in which the use of diminutive forms is optional even between close friends, in East Slavonic languages, such forms are obligatory in certain contexts because of the strongT–V distinction: the T-form of address usually requires the short form of the counterpart's name. Also, unlike other languages with prominent use of name suffixes, such as Japanese, the use of derived name forms is mostly limited to the T-addressing: there is no way to make the name more formal than the plain unsuffixed full form, and usually no suffixes can be added to the family name.
Most commonly, Russian philologists distinguish the following forms of given names:
Name form | Example | Formation | Comments |
Full | Анна (Anna) | full name stem + case ending | - |
Short | Аня (Anya) | short name stem + II declension ending | most common for informal communication, comparable to Western name-only form of address(Ann, John), or Japanese surname-only, orsurname/name -kun |
Diminutive | Анька (Anka) | short name stem + -к--k- + II declension ending | expresses familiarity, may be considered rude when used between people who are not close friends. Comparable to English diminutives(Annie, Willy) or Japanese unsuffixed names |
Affective diminutive | Анечка (Anyechka) | short name stem + -ечк/очк/оньк/усь/юсь/уль/юль--echk/ochk/on'k/us/yus/ul/yul- + II declension ending | most intimate and affectionate form, comparable to German diminutives(Ännchen) or Japanese-chan suffixes |
The "short name" (Russian: краткое имяkratkoye imya), historically also "half-name" (Russian: полуимяpoluimya), is the simplest and most common name derivative. Bearing no suffix, it is producedsuppletively and always has the declension noun ending for both males and females, thus making short forms of certain unisex names indistinguishable: for example, Sasha (Russian: Саша) is the short name for both the masculine name Aleksandr (Alexander) and the feminine form Aleksandra (Alexandra).
Some names, such as Zhanna (Jeana) and Mark, have no short forms; others may have two (or more) different forms. In the latter case, one form is usually more informal than the other.
Full name (Cyrillic script) | Full name (Latin script) | Short forms (Cyrillic) | Short forms (Latin) |
Александр | Aleksandr (m) | Саша, Саня, Шура, ukr. Сашко, Лесь | Sasha, Sanya, Shura, ukr. Sashko, Les |
Александра | Aleksandra (f) | Саша, Шура, ukr. Леся | Sasha, Shura, ukr. Lesia |
Алексей | Aleksey (m) | Алёша, Лёша | Alyosha, Lyosha |
Анастасия | Anastasia (f) | Настя, Стася | Nastya, Stasya (rare) |
Анатолий | Anatoly (m) | Толя | Tolya |
Андрей | Andrey (m) | Андрюша, Дюша, Андря | Andryusha, Dyusha, Andrya (rare) |
Анна | Anna (f) | Аня, Анюта, Нюта, Нюша | Anya, Anyuta, Nyuta, Nyusha |
Борис | Boris (m) | Боря | Borya |
Давид | David (m) | Дава | Dava |
Даниил | Daniil (m) | Данила, Даня | Danila, Danya |
Дарья | Darya (f) | Даша | Dasha |
Дмитрий | Dmitry (m) | Дима, Митя | Dima, Mitya |
Галина | Galina (f) | Галя | Galya |
Геннадий | Gennady (m) | Гена | Gena |
Георгий | Georgy (m) | Гоша, Жора | Gosha, Zhora |
Григорий | Grigory (m) | Гриша | Grisha |
Иван | Ivan (m) | Ваня | Vanya |
Иммануил | Immanuil (m) | Моня | Monya |
Ирина | Irina (f) | Ира | Ira |
Кирилл | Kirill (m) | Кира, Киря | Kira, Kirya |
Константин | Konstantin (m) | Костя | Kostya |
Ксения | Ksenya (f) | Ксюша | Ksyusha |
Лариса | Larisa (f) | Лара, Лёля | Lara, Lyolya (rare) |
Леонид | Leonid (m) | Лёня | Lyonya |
Лев | Lev (m) | Лёва | Lyova |
Лидия | Lidiya (f) | Лида | Lida |
Любовь | Lyubov' (f) | Люба | Lyuba |
Людмила | Lyudmila (f) | Люда, Люся, Мила | Lyuda, Lyusya, Meela (rare) |
Мария | Mariya (f) | Маша, Маня, Маруся, Машуля, Машенька, Марийка, Маняша, Марічка | Masha, Manya, Marusya, Mashulya, Mashеnka, Mariyka, Manyasha (rare), Marichka (ukr.) |
Матвей | Matvey (m) | Мотя | Motya |
Михаил | Mihail (m) | Миша | Misha |
Надежда | Nadezhda (f) | Надя | Nadya |
Наталья | Natalya (f) | Наташа | Natasha |
Николай | Nikolay (m) | Коля | Kolya |
Ольга | Olga (f) | Оля | Olya |
Павел | Pavel (m) | Паша, Павлик | Pasha, Pavlik |
Полина | Polina (f) | Поля, Лина | Polya, Lina (rare) |
Пётр | Pyotr (m) | Петя | Petya |
Роман | Roman (m) | Рома | Roma |
Семён | Semyon (m) | Сёма | Syoma |
Сергей | Sergey (m) | Серёжа | Seryozha |
София | Sofia, Sofya (f) | Соня, Софа | Sonya, Sofa |
Светлана | Svetlana (f) | Света, Лана | Sveta, Lana |
Станислав | Stanislav (m) | Стас | Stas, Stanko |
Тамара | Tamara (f) | Тома | Toma |
Татьяна | Tatyana (f) | Таня | Tanya |
Вадим | Vadim (m) | Вадик, Дима | Vadik, Dima (rare) |
Валентин / Валентина | Valentin (m) / Valentina (f) | Валя | Valya |
Валерий | Valery (m) | Валера | Valera |
Валерия | Valeriya (f) | Лера | Lera |
Василий | Vasily (m) | Вася | Vasya |
Виктор | Viktor (m) | Витя | Vitya |
Виктория | Viktoriya (f) | Вика | Vika |
Владимир | Vladimir (m) | Вова, Володя | Vova, Volodya |
Владислав, Владислава | Vladislav (m), Vladislava (f) | Влад, Влада | Vlad, Vlada |
Вячеслав | Vyacheslav (m) | Слава | Slava |
Ярослав | Yaroslav (m) | Ярик | Yarik |
Елена | Yelena (f) | Лена, Алёна | Lena, Alyona |
Елизавета | Yelizaveta (f) | Лиза | Liza |
Екатерина | Yekaterina (f) | Катя | Katya |
Евгений / Евгения | Yevgeniy (m) / Yevgeniya (f) | Женя | Zhenya |
Юлия | Yuliya (f) | Юля | Yulya |
Юрий | Yury (m) | Юра | Yura |
Яков | Yakov (m) | Яша | Yasha |
Diminutive forms are produced from the "short name" by means of various suffixes; for example, Михаил Mikhail (full) – Миша Misha (short) – Мишенька Mishenka (affectionate) – Мишка Mishka (colloquial). If no "short name" exists, then diminutive forms are produced from the full form of the respective first name; for example, Марина Marina (full) – Мариночка Marinochka (affectionate) – Маринка Marinka (colloquial). Unlike the full name, a diminutive name carries a particular emotional attitude and may be unacceptable in certain contexts. Depending on the nature of the attitude, diminutive name forms can be subdivided into three broad groups: affectionate, familiar, and slang.
Typically formed by suffixes -еньк- (-yenk-), -оньк- (-onk-), -ечк- (-yechk-), -ушк (-ushk), as illustrated by the examples below. It generally emphasises a tender, affectionate attitude and is roughly analogous to German suffixes -chen, -lein, Japanese -chan and -tan and affectionate name-derived nicknames in other languages. It is often used to address children or intimate friends.
Within a more official context, this form may be combined with the honorific plural to address a younger female colleague.[citation needed]
Full form | Short form | Diminutive form |
(Cyrillic/Latin) | ||
Анна/Anna | Аня/Anya | Ан'ечк'а/Any'echk'a |
Виктор/Viktor | Витя/Vitya | Витенька/Vitenʲka |
Дмитрий/Dmitry | Дима/Dima | Димочка/Dimochka |
Ольга/Olga | Оля/Olya | Оленька/Olyenka |
Степан/Stepan | Стёпа/Styopa | Стёпочка/Styopochka |
Colloquial diminutives are derived from short names by the -к- ("-k-") suffix. Expressing a highly familiar attitude, the use may be considered rude or even pejorative outside a friendly context.
Full form | Short form | Colloquial diminutive form | |||
(Cyrillic) | (Latin) | (Cyrillic) | (Latin) | (Cyrillic) | (Latin) |
Анна | Anna | Аня | Anya | Ань'ка' | Anʲ'ka' |
Виктор | Viktor | Витя | Vitya | Витька | Vitʲka |
Дмитрий | Dmitry | Дима | Dima | Димка | Dimka |
Ольга | Olga | Оля | Olya | Олька | Olʲka |
Степан | Stepan | Стёпа | Styopa | Стёпка | Styopka |
Slang forms exist for male names and, since a few decades ago, female names. They are formed with the suffixes -ян (-yan), -он (-on), and -ок/ёк (-ok/yok). The suffixes give the sense of "male brotherhood" that was once expressed by the patronymic-only form of address in the Soviet Union. Originating in criminal communities[citation needed], such forms came into wide usage in Russia in the 1990s.
Full form | Short form | Slang form | |||
(Cyrillic) | (Latin) | (Cyrillic) | (Latin) | (Cyrillic) | (Latin) |
Анатолий | Anatoly | Толя | Tolya | Тол'ян' | Tol'yan' |
Николай | Nikolay | Коля | Kolya | Колян | Kolyan |
Дмитрий | Dmitry | Дима | Dima | Димон | Dimon |
Владимир | Vladimir | Вова | Vova | Вован | Vovan |
Александр | Alexander | Саня | Sanya | Санёк | Sanyok |
Татьяна | Tatiana | Таня | Tanya | Танюха | Tanyukha |
Андрей | Andrey | Андрюша | Andryusha | Андрюха | Andryukha |
During the days of theOctober Revolution, as part of the campaign to rid Russia ofbourgeois culture, there was a drive to invent new, revolutionary names. As a result, many Soviet children were given atypical names, often beingacronyms/initialisms.
Name (Cyrillic) | Name (Latin) | Origin | Comments |
Вил, Вилен, Владлен, Владлена | Vil,Vilen,VladilenVladlen (m) /Vladlena (f) | ВладимирИльичЛенин(VladimirIlyichLenin) | |
Мэл(c) | Mel/Mels | Маркс,Энгельс,Ленин(иСталин)(Marx,Engels,Lenin (andStalin)) | |
Баррикада | Barrikada | - | "Barricade" - refers to therevolutionary activity |
Ревмир, Ревмира | Revmir (m) / Revmira (f) | Революциямира(Revolyutsiyamira) | Means "TheWorld Revolution" |
Гертруда | Gertruda | Gertrude reinterpreted asГеройтруда(Geroytruda) | Means "TheHero of Labour" |
Марлен | Marlen | Marlene reinterpreted asМаркс иЛенин (Marx andLenin) | |
Стэн | Sten | Stan reinterpreted asСталин иЭнгельс (Stalin andEngels) | |
Ким | Kim | Kim reinterpreted asКоммунистическийинтернационалмолодёжи(KommunisticheskyInternatsionalMolodyozhi) | Means "Young Communist International" |
The patronymic name is based on the given name of the father and is written in all legal and identity documents. If used with the given name, the patronymic always follows it; but it is not analogous to an Englishmiddle name.
The patronymic name is obligatory when addressing a person of higher social stance and/or on special occasions such as business meetings; for example, when a pupil addresses a teacher, they are obliged to use both first and patronymic names –Russian:Марья Ивановна, могу я спросить...,lit. 'Marya Ivanovna, may I ask...'. Not using patronymic names in such situations is considered offensive.[2]
Addressing a person by patronymic name only is widespread among older generations and serves as a display of close relationship based on not only sympathy but also mutual responsibility.[3]
In speech patronymics are commonly truncated and it is not considered to be a colloquialism, e.g., written "Ivan Ivanovich" may be pronounced "as is", as well as "Ivan Ivanych".[4][5]
In the past ofEast Slavs, before the introduction of surnames, noble, wealthy, or otherwise respected people were addressed by name plus patronymic, see, e.g., "Yaroslavich"/"Yaroslavna". From this custom a number of surnames ofWest Ruthenian origin was produced, such asAntonovich orProkopovich, which in their turn derivedPolish surnames, such asAntonowicz orProkopowicz (the Ruthenian origin is recognized by the suffix-wicz: the corresponding native (now archaic) Polish suffix was '-wic':Szymonowic,Klonowic).[6]
For commoners, when the distinction among people with the same given name was required, a qualifier "son of..." was usually added: "Ивашка, Антонов сын" ("Ivashka, Antonov syn", i.e., 'Ivashka, son of Anton'). From the latter tradition Russianpatronymic surnames ending in "-ov/-ev/yov" originated, in this case,Antonov".
Name | Masculine patronym | Feminine patronym |
Anatoly | Anatolyevich | Anatolyevna |
Constantin | Constantinovich | Constantinovna |
Dmitry | Dmitriyevich | Dmitriyevna |
Ilya | Ilyich | Ilyinichna |
Ivan | Ivanovich | Ivanovna |
Nikolay | Nikolayevich | Nikolayevna |
Vladimir | Vladimirovich | Vladimirovna |
Yakov | Yakovlevich | Yakovlevna |
The patronymic is formed by a combination of the father's name and suffixes. The suffix is -ович(-ovich) for a son, -овна(-ovna) – for a daughter. For example, if the father's name wasИван (Ivan), the patronymic will beИванович (Ivanovich) for a son andИвановна (Ivanovna) for a daughter.
If the suffix is being appended to a name ending in aй ("y") or a softconsonant, the initialo in the suffixes -ович(-ovich) and -овна(-ovna) becomes aе ("ye") and the suffixes change to -евич(-yevich) and -евна(-yevna). For example, if the father isДмитрий (Dmitry), the patronymic isДмитриевич (Dmitrievich) for a son andДмитриевна (Dmitrievna) for a daughter. It is notДмитрович (Dmitrovich) orДмитровна (Dmitrovna) because the nameДмитрий (Dmitry) ends on "й" ("y");
For some names ending in avowel, the suffix is -ич(-ich) for a son and -ична(-ichna) or -инична(-inichna) for a daughter; for example, Фока Foka (father's first name) – Фокич Fokich (male patronymic) – Фокична Fokichna (female patronymic); Кузьма Kuzma (father's first name) – Кузьмич Kuzmich (male patronymic) – Кузьминична Kuzminichna (female patronymic).
Historical Russian naming conventions did not include surnames. A person's name included that of their father: e.g.Иван Петров сын (Ivan Petrov syn) which means "Ivan, son of Peter". That is the origin of most Russian -ov surnames.
Modern -ovich- patronyms were originally a feature of the royal dynasty (Рюриковичи,Ruerikovichi, Rurikids, which makes the East Slavic patronym in its original meaning being similar to Germanvon. From the 17th century, the second name with suffix -ович (-ovich) was the privilege given by thetsar to commoners. For example, in 1610, TsarVasili IV gave to theStroganovs, who were merchants, the privilege to use patronyms. As a tribute for developing the salt industry in Siberia, Pyotr Stroganov and all his issues were allowed to have a name with -ovich. The tsar wrote in the chart dated on 29 May, "...to write him withovich, to try [him]in Moscow only, not to fee [him]by other fees, not to kiss a cross by himself [which means not to swear during any processions]"[7] In the 18th century, it was the family of merchants to have patronyms. By the 19th century, the -ovich form eventually became the default form of a patronymic.
Everyone in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus is supposed to have a tripartite name. Single mothers may give their children any patronym, and this does not have any legal consequences. Foreigners who adopt Russian citizenship are exempted from having a patronym. Now, an adult person is entitled to change patronyms if necessary,[8] such as to alienate themselves from the biological father (or to show respect for the adopted one) as well as to decide the same for an underage child.
In modern Russia, there are cases when women raising a child without a father give the child their own name instead of a patronymic. This practice is not recognized by law, but the civil registry offices may meet such wishes. A common loophole is when mother's name is a feminine form of a masculine given name, even an obscure one.[9][10]
Family names are generally used like in English.
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In Russian, some common suffixes are -ов (-ov), -ев (-yev), meaning "belonging to" or "of the clan of/descendant of", e.g. Petrov = of the clan of/descendant of Petr (Peter), usually used forpatronymic surnames—or -ский (-sky), an adjectival form, meaning "associated with" and usually used fortoponymic surnames. Historically, toponymic surnames may have been granted as a token of nobility; for example, the princely surnameShuysky is indicative of the princedom based on the ownership ofShuya. PrinceGrigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin-Tavricheski had thevictory title 'Tavricheski', as part of his surname, granted to him for theannexation of Crimea by the Russian Empire.
In the 19th and early 20th centuries,-off was a common transliteration of-ov for Russian family names in foreign languages such as French and German (like for theSmirnoff and theDavidoff brands).
Surnames of Ukrainian and Belarusian origin use the suffixes -ко (-ko), -ук (-uk), and -ич (-ych). For example, the family nameПисаренко (Pisarenko) is derived from the word for a scribe, andКовальчук (Kovalchuk) refers to a smith.
Less often, some versions of family names will have no suffix, e.g. Lebed, meaning swan, and Zhuk, meaning beetle (but see also Lebedev and Zhukov).
Hyphenated surnames likePetrov-Vodkin are possible.
East Slavic languages aresynthetic languages and havegrammatical cases andgrammatical gender. Unlikeanalytic languages like English, which use prepositions ("to", "at", "on" etc.) to show the links and relations between words in a sentence, East Slavic suffixes are used much more broadly than prepositions. Words need the help of some suffix to integrate them into the sentence and to build a grammatically correct sentence. That includes names, unlike in German. Family names are declined based on the Slavic case system.
The surnames that originally are short (-ov,-ev,-in) or full (-iy/-oy/-yy) Slavic adjectives, have different forms depending on gender: male forms-ov,-ev,-in and-iy/-oy/-yy correspond to female forms-ova,-eva,-ina and-aya, respectively. For example, the wife ofБорис Ельцин (Boris Yel'tsin) wasНаина Ельцина (Naina Yel'tsina); the wife ofLeo Tolstoy wasSophia Tolstaya, etc. All other, i.e. non-adjectival, surnames stay the same for both genders (including surnames ending with -енко (-yenko), -ич (-ich) etc.), unlike in manyWest Slavic languages, where the non-adjectival surname of men corresponds to derivative feminine adjectival surname (Novák → Nováková). Note the difference between patronymics and surnames ending with-ich: surnames are the same for males and females, but patronymics are gender-dependent (for example, Ivan Petrovich Mirovich and Anna Petrovna Mirovich)
This dependence ofgrammatical gender of adjectival surname on the gender of its owner is not considered to be changing the surname (compare the equivalent rule inPolish, for example). The correct transliteration of such feminine surnames in English is debated: the names technically should be in their original form, but they sometimes appear in the masculine form.
The example ofИванов (Ivanov), a family name, will be used:
Grammatical case | Example of question | Masculine form | Feminine form | ||
Cyrillic | Latin | Cyrillic | Latin | ||
Nominative | Who? | Иванов | Ivanov | Иванова | Ivanova |
Genitive | Whose? | Иванова | Ivanova | Ивановой | Ivanovoy |
Dative | To whom? | Иванову | Ivanovu | Ивановой | Ivanovoy |
Accusative | Whom? | Иванова | Ivanova | Иванову | Ivanovu |
Instrumental | By whom? | Ивановым | Ivanovym | Ивановой | Ivanovoy |
Locative (Prepositional) | About whom? | Иванове | Ivanove | Ивановой | Ivanovoy |
The surnames which are not grammatically adjectives (Zhuk,Gogol,Barchuk,Kupala etc.) declines in cases and numbers as the corresponding common noun. The exclusion is when a woman has a surname which is grammatically a noun of masculine gender; in such case, the surname is not declined. For example, Ivan and Anna Zhuk in dative case ("to whom?") would be: Ивану Жуку (IvanuZhuku), but Анне Жук (Anne Zhuk).
Family names are generally inherited from one's parents. As in English, on marriage, women usually adopt the surname of the husband; the opposite, when the husband adopt the maiden surname of his wife, very rarely occurs. Rarely, both spouses keep their pre-marriage family names. The fourth, very rare but still legal way is the taking a double surname; for example, in marriage of Ivanov (he) and Petrovskaya (she), the spouses may adopt the family name Ivanov-Petrovsky and Ivanova-Petrovskaya, correspondingly.
Some surnames in those languages have beenrussified since the 19th century: the surname of Kazakh formerpresidentNursultan Nazarbayev has a Russian "-yev"suffix, which literally means "of Nazar-bay" (in which "bay" is a Turkic nativenoblerank: compareTurkish "bey",Uzbek "boy" "bek", andKyrghyz "bek"). The frequency of such russification varies greatly by country.
After incorporation ofAzerbaijan into theSoviet Union, it became obligatory to register their surnames and to add a Russian suffix such as-yev or-ov for men and-yeva or-ova for women.[11] Since the majority did not have official surnames, the problem was resolved by adopting the name of the father and adding the mentioned suffixes. Examples areAliyev,Huseynov, andMammadov.
Since 1930s and 1940s, surnames and patronymics were obligatory inUzbekistan.[12] The surname could be derived from the name of the father by adding the suffixes -ev after vowels or soft consonants and -ov in all other cases. Examples areRashidov,Beknazarov andAbdullaev. Most of the people born in this time had the same surname as their patronymic.
By law, foreign persons who adoptRussian citizenship are allowed to have no patronymic.[13] Some adopt non-Slavonic patronymics as well. For example, the Russian politicianIrina Hakamada's patronym isМуцуовна (Mutsuovna) because herJapanese father's given name was Mutsuo. The ethnicity of origin generally remains recognizable in Russified names. Other examples areKazakhұлы (uly; transcribed into Latin script as-uly, as inNursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev), orAzeriоглы/оғлу (oglu) (as inHeydar Alirzaoglu Aliyev); Kazakhқызы (transcribed into Latin script as -qyzy, as inDariga Nursultanqyzy Nazarbayeva).[citation needed] Such Turkic patronymics were officially allowed in the Soviet Union.[citation needed]
Bruno Pontecorvo, after he emigrated to the Soviet Union, was known asБруно Максимович Понтекорво (Bruno Maximovich Pontekorvo) in the Russian scientific community, as his father's given name wasMassimo (corresponding to Russian Максим (Maksim)). His sons have been known by namesДжиль Брунович Понтекорво (Gigl Brunovich Pontecorvo),Антонио Брунович Понтекорво (Antonio Brunovich Pontecorvo) andТито Брунович Понтекорво (Tito Brunovich Pontekorvo).
Historically,diminutives of the given names were used in reference to commoners, to indicate an their low status:Stenka Razin,Grishka Rasputin, etc. A diminutive could be used by persons of a higher class when referring to themselves to indicate humility, e.g., when addressing to thetsar.
The choice of addressing format is closely linked to thechoice of second-person pronoun. Russian language distinguishes:
Вы ("Vy") is the plural of both forms to address a pair or group. Historically, it comes from German, underPeter the Great, which usesdu andSie similarly.[citation needed]
Other than the use of patronymics, Russian forms of address in Russian are very similar to English ones.
Also, the meaning of the form of address strongly depends on the choice of a V-T form:
Vy or ty | Form | Male example | Female example | Use |
Using "Vy" | Full three-name form | Anatoliy Pavlovich Ivanov | Varvara Mikhailovna Kuznetsova | Official documents, very formal occasions (when necessary) |
First name + patronymic | Anatoliy Pavlovich | Varvara Mikhailovna | General formal or respectful form | |
Surname | Ivanov | Kuznetsova | Formal. Often used by a person of a higher social position (like a teacher talking to a student) | |
Informal first name + informal patronymic | Tol' Palych | Varvara Mikhalna | Respectful but less formal | |
Full first name | Anatoliy | Varvara | ||
Diminutive first name | Tolya | Varya | Friendly but still somewhat formal | |
Affectionate first name | Varechka | Used almost exclusively towards women, showing fondness but still keeping some formality (like to a younger colleague) | ||
Using "Ty" | First name + patronymic | Anatoliy Pavlovich | Varvara Mikhailovna | Can be used between friends on semi-formal occasions or ironically |
Informal patronymic | Palych | Mikhalna | Combining familiarity and respect | |
Surname | Ivanov | Kuznetsova | Similar in use to a "vy" form but less formal | |
Full first name | Anatoliy | Varvara | Friendly but with a tone of formality. If the name has no diminutive form (Yegor), also used informally | |
Diminutive first name | Tolia | Varya | General informal form | |
Colloquial first name | Tolik | Var'ka | Very familiar form | |
Slang first name | Tolyan | Varyukha | ||
Affectionate first name | Tolen'ka | Varechka | Tender, affectionate form |
Using a "ty" form with a person who dislikes it or on inappropriate occasions can be an insult, especially the surname alone.
Other East Slavic languages use the same adjectives of their literal translation if they differ from Russian analogue. All East Slavic languages are synthetic languages, and grammatical genders are used. Thus, the suffix of an adjective changes with the sex of the recipient.
In Russian, adjectives before names are generally restricted to written forms of communication. Adjectives likeЛюбимый / Любимая (lyubimiy / lyubimaya, "beloved") andМилый / Милая (miliy / milaya, "sweetheart") are informal, andУважаемый / Уважаемая (uvazhayemiy / uvazhayemaya, literally "respected") is highly formal. Some adjectives, likeДорогой / Дорогая (dorogoy / dorogaya, "dear"), can be used in both formal and informal letters.