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Runic magic

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Ancient or modern magic performed with runes or runestones
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There is some evidence[citation needed] that, in addition to being awriting system,runes historically served purposes ofmagic. This is the case from the earliest epigraphic evidence of theRoman to theGermanic Iron Age, with non-linguistic inscriptions and thealu word. Anerilaz appears to have been a person versed in runes, including their magic applications.

In medieval sources, notably thePoetic Edda, theSigrdrífumál mentions "victory runes" to be carved on asword, "some on the grasp and some on the inlay, and nameTyr twice."

In theearly modern period andmodern history, relatedfolklore andsuperstition is recorded in the form of theIcelandic magical staves. In the early 20th century,Germanic mysticism coined new forms of "runic magic", some of which were continued or developed further by contemporary adherents ofGermanic Neopaganism. Modern systems ofrunic divination are based onHermeticism, classicaloccultism, and theI Ching.

Historical evidence

Bracteate G 205 (c. 5th to 7th century), bearing the inscriptionalu



Historically it is known that theGermanic peoples used various forms of divination and means of reading omens.Tacitus (Germania 10) gives a detailed account (98AD):

They attach the highest importance to the taking of auspices and casting lots. Their usual procedure with the lot is simple. They cut off a branch from a nut-bearing tree and slice it into strips these they mark with different signs and throw them at random onto a white cloth. Then the state's priest, if it is an official consultation, or the father of the family, in a private one, offers prayer to the gods and looking up towards heaven picks up three strips, one at a time, and, according to which sign they have previously been marked with, makes his interpretation. If the lots forbid an undertaking, there is no deliberation that day about the matter in question. If they allow it, further confirmation is required by takingauspices.[1]

It is often debated whether "signs" refers specifically to runes or to other marks; both interpretations are plausible and Tacitus does not give enough detail for a definite decision to be made.[2]


See also:Category:Historical runic magic
The inscription on theKylver stone ends with a stackedbind rune combining sixTiwaz runes used to invoke the godTyr and fourAnsuz runes to invoke theÆsir.[3]

TheAnsuz andTiwaz runes in particular seem to have had magical significance in the early (Elder Futhark) period.[citation needed] TheSigrdrífumál instruction of "name Tyr twice" is reminiscent of the double or triple "stacked Tyr"bindrunes found e.g. onSeeland-II-C or theLindholm amulet in theaaaaaaaazzznnn-b- muttt, sequence, which besides stacked Tyr involves multiple repetition of Ansuz, but also triple occurrence ofAlgiz andNaudiz.

Many inscriptions also have apparently meaningless utterances interpreted as magical chants, such astuwatuwa (Vadstena bracteate),aaduaaaliia (DR BR42) org͡æg͡og͡æ (Undley bracteate),g͡ag͡ag͡a (Kragehul I).

Alu is a charm word appearing on numerous artifacts found in Central and Northern Europe dating from theGermanic Iron Age. The word is the most common of the early runic charm words and can appear either alone or as part of an apparent formula. The origin and meaning of the word are matters of dispute, though a general agreement exists among scholars that the word either represents amulet magic or is a metaphor (ormetonym) for it.[4]

A fewViking Agerings with runic inscriptions of apparently magical nature were found, among them theKingmoor Ring. The phrase "runes of power" is found on tworunestones in Sweden,DR 357 from Stentoften andDR 360 from Björketorp. Runestones with curses includeDR 81 in Skjern,DR 83 in Sønder Vinge,DR 209 in Glavendrup,DR 230 from Tryggevælde,DR 338 in Glemminge, andVg 67 in Saleby.[5]

Medieval sources


The most prolific source for runic magic in thePoetic Edda is theSigrdrífumál, where the valkyrie Sigrdrífa (Brynhild) presentsSigurd with amemory-draught of ale that had been charmed with "gladness runes" (stanza 5),

Biór fori ec þer / brynþings apaldr!
magni blandinn / oc megintíri;
fullr er hann lioþa / oc licnstafa,
godra galdra / oc gamanruna.
"Beer I bring thee, tree of battle,
Mingled of strength and mighty fame;
Charms it holds and healing signs,
Spells full good, and gladness-runes."[6]

She goes on to give advice on the magical runes in seven further stanzas. In all instances, the runes are used for actualmagic (apotropaic or ability-enhancing spells) rather than for divination:

  • "victory runes" to be carved on the sword hilt (stanza 6, presumably referring to thet rune named forTyr[7]),
  • ølrunar "Ale-runes" (stanza 7, a protective spell against being bewitched by means of ale served by the host's wife;naudiz is to be marked on one's fingernails, andlaukaz on the cup),
  • biargrunar "birth-runes" (stanza 8, a spell to facilitatechildbirth),
  • brimrunar "wave-runes" (stanza 9, a spell for the protection of ships, with runes to be carved on the stem and on the rudder),
  • limrunar "branch-runes" (stanza 10, a healing spell, the runes to be carved on trees "with boughs to the eastward bent"),[8]
  • malrunar "speech-runes" (stanza 11, the stanza is corrupt, but apparently referred to a spell to improve one's rhetorical ability at thething),
  • hugrunar "thought-runes" (stanza 12, the stanza is incomplete, but clearly discussed a spell to improve one's wit).[9]

The Poetic Edda also seems to corroborate the magical significance of the runes theHávamál whereOdin mentions runes in contexts of divination,[dubiousdiscuss] of healing and of necromancy (trans. Bellows):

"Certain is that which is sought from runes / That the gods so great have made / And the Master-Poet painted" (79)
"Of runes heard I words, nor were counsels wanting / At the hall of Hor" (111)
"Grass cures the scab / and runes the sword-cut" (137)
"Runes shalt thou find / and fateful signs" (143)
" if high on a tree / I see a hanged man swing / So do I write and color the runes / That forth he fares / And to me talks." (158)

Other oft cited sources for the practice of runic[dubiousdiscuss] divination are chapter 38 ofSnorri Sturluson'sYnglinga Saga, whereGranmar, the king ofSödermanland, travels to theTemple at Uppsala for the seasonalblót. "There, the chips fell in a way that said that he would not live long" (Féll honum þá svo spánn sem hann mundi eigi lengi lifa).[10]

Another source is in theVita Ansgari, the biography ofAnsgar theArchbishop of Hamburg-Bremen, which was written by a monk namedRimbert. Rimbert details the custom ofcasting lots by the pagan Norse (chapters 26–30).[11] The chips and the lots, however, can be explained respectively as ablótspánn (sacrificial chip) and ahlauttein (lot-twig), which according to Foote and Wilson[12] would be "marked, possibly with sacrificial blood, shaken and thrown down like dice, and their positive or negative significance then decided."

Egils Saga features several incidents of runic magic. The most celebrated is the scene where Egil discovers (and destroys) a poisoned drink prepared for him, by cutting his hand and cutting runes on the drinking horn, and painting the runes with blood. While the motif of blood painted runes also appears in other examples of early Norse literature it is uncertain whether the practice of painting runes with blood is merely a literary invention or whether it had precedence in magical practice.[13]

Modern systems

Runic divination using ceramic tiles

In the 17th century,Hermeticist andRosicrucianJohannes Bureus, having been inspired by visions, developed a Runic system based on theKaballah and the Futhark which he called theAdulruna.[14]

TheArmanen runes "revealed" toGuido von List in 1902 were employed for magical purposes inGermanic mysticism by authors such asFriedrich Bernhard Marby andSiegfried Adolf Kummer, and afterWorld War II in a reformed "pansophical" system byKarl Spiesberger. More recently,Stephen Flowers,Adolf Schleipfer,Larry E. Camp and others also build on List's system.[citation needed]

Several modern systems of runic magic and runic divination were published from the 1980s onward. The first book on runic divination, written by Ralph Blum in 1982, led to the development of sets of runes designed for use in several such systems offortune telling, in which the runes are typically incised in clay, stone tiles, crystals, resin, glass, or polished stones, then either selected one-by-one from a closed bag or thrown down at random for reading.

Later authors such asDiana L. Paxson andFreya Aswynn follow Blum (1989) in drawing a direct correlation between runic divination andtarot divination. They may discuss runes in the context of "spreads" and advocate the usage of "rune cards".

Modern authors like Ralph Blum sometimes include a "blank rune" in their sets. Some were to replace a lost rune, but according to Ralph Blum this was the godOdin's rune, the rune of the beginning and the end, representing "the divine in all human transactions".[15]

Ralph Blum


In 1982, a modern usage of the runes for answering life's questions was apparently originated byRalph Blum in hisdivination bookThe Book of Runes: A Handbook for the Use of an Ancient Oracle, which was marketed with a small bag of round tiles with runes stamped on them. This book has remained in print since its first publication. The sources for Blum's divinatory interpretations, as he explained inThe Book of Runes itself, drew heavily on then-current books describing the ancientI Ching divination system of China.

Each of Blum's seven books on runic divination deals with a specialized area of life or a varied technique for reading runes:

  • The Book of Runes: A Handbook for the Use of an Ancient Oracle: The Viking Runes (1982); revised 10th Anniversary Edition (1992); revised 25th Anniversary Edition (2007).
  • The Rune Cards: Sacred Play for Self Discovery (1989); reissued asThe Rune Cards: Ancient Wisdom For the New Millennium (1997). Rather than rune stones, this book uses images of the runes printed on card stock, much like a set oftrading cards ortarot cards.
  • The Healing Runes with co-author Susan Loughan (1995) teaches methods for using runic divination in the context of health and personal integration.
  • Rune Play: A Method of Self Counseling and a Year-Round Rune Casting Record Book (1996)
  • The Serenity Runes: Five Keys to the Serenity Prayer with co-author Susan Loughan (1998); reissued asThe Serenity Runes: Five Keys to Spiritual Recovery (2005) utilizes runic divination as a method for assistingself-help and recovery from addictions; the title is a reference to the well-knownSerenity prayer widely used in the12-step program ofAlcoholics Anonymous.
  • Ralph H. Blum's Little Book of Runic Wisdom (2002).
  • The Relationship Runes: A Compass for the Heart with co-author Bronwyn Jones (2003) shows how to use runic divination in matters of love and friendship.

Blum has also written books on theTao Te Ching,ZenBuddhism, andUFOs.

Stephen Flowers


In the wake of a 1984 dissertation on "Runes and Magic",Stephen Flowers published a series of books under the pen-name "Edred Thorsson" which detailed his own original method of runic divination and magic, "odianism",[16] which he said was loosely based on historical sources and modern Europeanhermeticism. These books were:

  • Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic[17] (1984)
  • Runelore: A Handbook of Esoteric Runology (1987)
  • At The Well of Wyrd (1988) which was later reprinted under the titleRunecaster’s Handbook: The Well of Wyrd.
  • Northern Magic: Rune Mysteries and Shamanism (2002).

Runic divination is a component of Flowers' "esoteric runology" course offered to members of his Rune-Gild, as detailed inThe Nine Doors of Midgard: A Curriculum of Rune-Work.Besides runic divination, Flowers also advocated the "runic gymnastics" (Runengymnastik) developed in the 1920s byFriedrich Marby, under the name of "Rune-Yoga" (also "Runic Yoga", "Stadhagaldr").[18]

Stephan Grundy


In 1990,Stephan Grundy, a.k.a. Kveldulf Gundarsson, described runic magic as the active principle as opposed to passive interpretations based on runic divination. He held that runic magic is more active than the allegedlyshamanic practice ofseid practiced by theSeiðkona. Runic magic, he states, uses the runes to affect the world outside based on thearchetypes they represent.[19]

Most of Gundarsson's runic magic entails being in possession of a physical entity that is engraved with any or all of the individual runes or "staves", so as to practically work with their energies. The individual runes are reddened with either blood, dyes, or paints. The act of possessing the stave in its final form serves the purpose of affecting the world of form with "the rune might" of that particular stave. After use, the staves are discarded or destroyed.[20]

Gundarsson holds that each rune has a certain sound to it, to be chanted or sung; the sound has in common the phonetic value by which it is represented.[21] This act of singing or chanting is supposed to have more or less the same effect of using the staves in their physical form.[22]


  • Nigel Pennick proposes "Germanic Runic Astrology" in publications such asRunic Astrology: Starcraft and Timekeeping in the Northern Tradition (1995),ISBN 1-898307-45-8.
  • Freya Aswynn has published interpretations of the runes based on her own meditations inLeaves ofYggdrasil: Runes, Gods, Magic, Feminine Mysteries, and Folklore Llewellyn Worldwide (1990),ISBN 0-87542-024-9 andNorthern Mysteries and Magick: Runes, Gods & Feminine Powers (1998),Llewellyn WorldwideISBN 1-56718-047-7.
  • Adam Byrn Tritt, inRunic Divination in the Welsh Tradition (2011)[23] presents a system based on a 10-stone set, including nine symbols which are unrelated to the historical runes, plus a blank stone, which represents the querent (inquirer).
  • Diana L. Paxson deals with the subject of runic divination and the use of the runes in magical spell-casting in her bookTaking Up The Runes: A Complete Guide To Using Runes In Spells, Rituals, Divination, And Magic (2005).[24]
  • Wendy Christine Duke inSpiral of Life (2008)[25] presents a divination system based on organizing a set of 41 "revealed images" based on the runic letters.
  • A. D. Mercer,Runen - The Wisdom of the Runes (2016) reintroduces theArmanen Runes.
  • Saemarr þorsgoði (Peter Seymour), Produced during the 1980s, a tape recording "Runes" giving advice on the use and divination practice of runes, including theoretical Galdrar (chanting) of the rune names of the Elder Futhark for ritual use.

See also



  1. ^Birley (1999:42).
  2. ^J. B. Rives,Germania By Cornelius Tacitus, Oxford University Press p. 166
  3. ^Spurkland, Terje (2005).Norwegian Runes and Runic Inscriptions. Boydell Press. p. 16.ISBN 1-84383-186-4.
  4. ^Macleod and Mees (2006), 91-101.
  5. ^Nielsen, M. L. (1998). "Glavendrup". In Hoops, Johannes; Beck, Heinrich (eds.).Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Vol. 12. Walter de Gruyter. p. 198.ISBN 3-11-016227-X.
  6. ^translation and numbering of stanzas after the edition byHenry Adams Bellows (1936).
  7. ^Enoksen, Lars Magnar.Runor: Historia, tydning, tolkning (1998)ISBN 91-88930-32-7
  8. ^"Such runes were believed to transfer sickness from the invalid to the tree. Some editors, however, have changedlimrunar ("branch runes") tolifrunar ("life-runes")" Bellows (1936), p. 392.
  9. ^"Here the list of runes breaks off, though the manuscript indicates no gap, and three short passages of a different type, though all dealing with runes, follow." Bellows (1936) p. 393.
  10. ^[1]Archived 2007-07-29 at theWayback Machine
  11. ^"Internet History Sourcebooks".
  12. ^Foote and Wilson (1970), 401.
  13. ^MacLeod and Mees (2006), 235.
  14. ^Susanna, Åkerman (1998),Rose Cross over the Baltic: the Spread of Rosicrucianism in Northern Europe, Brill, pp. 34-35, 61-62ISBN 90-04-11030-5
  15. ^Blum, Ralph (2000).The Book of Runes: 20th Anniversary Edition. Eddison Sadd. pp. 133–134.ISBN 1-85906-042-0.
  16. ^Thorsson, Edred (1987),Runelore; A Handbook of Esoteric Runology.
  17. ^Thorsson, Edred (1984),Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic. Weiser Books.ISBN 0-87728-548-9
  18. ^Edred Thorsson,Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic, Weiser Books, 1984, p. 15.
    Edred Thorsson,Rune Might: Secret Practices of the German Rune Magicians, Llewellyn's Teutonic Magick series, 1989.
    Edred Thorsson,The Truth About Teutonic Magick, Llewellyn's vanguard series, 1994.
    Later also: L. E. Camp,A Handbook of Armanen Runic-Wisdom: History, World-View, Rune-Yoga, Divination, the Sidereal Pendulum and the Runic-Zodiac, 2005.
    Criticized by Sweyn Plowright,The Rune Primer, 2006 (esp. pp. 137-139).
  19. ^Gundarsson (1990), 27; 211; 211-212.
  20. ^Gundarsson (1990), 33; 34; 27.
  21. ^Gundarsson (1990), 37-156.
  22. ^Gundarsson (1990), 31-32.
  23. ^ISBN 978-0-9793935-1-8.
  24. ^Paxson, Diana L. (20 April 2005).Taking up the Runes: A Complete Guide to Using Runes in Spells, Rituals, Divination, and Magic. Weiser Books.ISBN 978-1-57863-325-8.
  25. ^Spiral of Life - A Guidebook For Your Journey (2008) Cloud Haven Studio Incorporated,ISBN 978-0-9818693-0-8.



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Wikimedia Commons has media related toMagic runes.
Germanic Elder Futhark
24-type Fuþark
(ca.AD to9th c.)
Anglo-Frisian Futhorc
28-type Fuþorc
(ca.5th c. to9th c.)
Later Anglo-Saxon Futhorc
33-type Fuþorc
(ca.8th c. to12th c.)
Norse Younger Futhark
16-type Fuþark
(ca.8th c. to11th c.)
Later Younger Futhark
Stung Fuþark
(ca.11th c. to13th c.)
Medieval runes
Medieval Fuþark
(ca.13th c. to18th c.)
Dalecarlian runes
Dalecarlian alphabet
(ca.16th c. to19th c.)
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Magic system
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