Aroyal chapel is achapel associated with amonarch, aroyal court, or in aroyal palace.
A royal chapel may also be abody of clergy or musicians serving at a royal court or employed by a monarch.
Both theUnited Kingdom andCanada have a tradition ofChapels Royal.
The first noble or royal court orchestras in German language regions, most of which were founded in the sixteenth century, were calledHofkapelle. When the noble and royal courts dissipated the name was often replaced byStaatskapelle ("State Chapel"), usually indicating an orchestra with a prior tradition as Hofkapelle.
TheVienna Boys Choir replaced the former Hofkapelle at theAustrianHofburg four years after the original musical ensemble was disbanded in 1920, following the collapse of the monarchy.
Choir of the Chapel Royal, Copenhagen.[1]
Det Kongelige Kapel / Royal Danish Orchestra
The musical establishment attached to the royal chapel of the French kings, the Chapel Royal was founded in the time of the Merovingian kings and reached its zenith under the Old Regime. Under the direction of a clergyman, the Master of the Chapel, the staff included undermasters in charge of rehearsals and the composition of royal masses, an organist, cornetists and around thirty singers and choristers, as well as masters who taught music to the children.
The establishment grew during the reign of Louis XIV to include castrati and women, and the many instruments needed to perform motets. By the death of King Louis XIV, in 1715, the Chapel Royal had a total of 110 singers (sopranos, castrati, haute-contres, tenors, baritones and bass) and 20 instrumentalists (violin and viola, bass violin, theorbo, flute, oboe, bass cromorne, serpent and bassoon)
Chapelle du château de Versailles
TheChapel Royal of Naples, under the rule ofAragon, then ofHabsburg Spain, theBourbons and finallyJoseph Napoleon, was the centre of sacred music in southern Italy.
There are several chapels in Spain designated by thesovereign as chapels royal (Spanish:Capilla Real), including the Royal Chapel at theRoyal Palace of Madrid and theRoyal Chapel of Granada.
Formerly, theFlemish chapel was used separately by the Spanish kings and queens (who also ruled parts of theLow Countries in the 16th century) through the reigns ofCharles V,Philip II,Philip III, andPhilip IV, until 1637,[2] when it was merged into thecapilla real española.
TheRoyal Chapel, Stockholm.[3]
Other courts, like the Imperial ones, could havecourt chapels similar to the Royal ones.