the wargod of the tribes in the Lake Taupō region.
a celebrated demi-godancestor of someiwi. He went with Ihinga and others of his friends to visit the dreadMiru in her abode in the underworld. There they were taught incantations, witchcraft, religious songs, dances, and certain games. One of Rongomai's men was caught, and was claimed by Miru in sacrifice, as payment for having imparted the sacred knowledge, but Rongomai and the others got safely back to the world again.
the chief of theMahuhu canoe in its voyage from Hawaiki to New Zealand. He was drowned when the canoe overturned, and his body was eaten by thearaara fish, since held sacred by theNgā Puhi andRarawa iwi, who claim descent from Rongomai. Until they embraced Christianity, those iwi would not eat the araara (or trevally,Caranx georianus) .
ameteor orcomet, seen in the full light of day when in comparatively recent times, theNgāti Hau tribe were besieging the fortress named Rangiuru at Ōtaki, occupied by theNgāti Awa.Ronngomai can mean princess or sunshine said in many Māori dictionaries and the big book of names.