Romanistan,Romastan orRomanestan is the name of a proposed country for theRomani people.[1]
Several times during the 1920s and 1930s, ideas of an autonomous Romani state within the USSR were raised. Such efforts were dropped by 1936-7.[2] In the early 1950s, Roma leaders petitioned theUnited Nations for the creation of their own state, but their petition was rejected.[1] There was a proposal briefly considered byJosep Tito, leader ofSocialist Yugoslavia to create an autonomous region for the Romani based in North Macedonia but the idea never materialized.[3] Creation of such a state was also reportedly suggested by the leaders of Romani party inHungary and party inNorth Macedonia known as theParty for the Complete Emancipation of Roma in the early 1990s atŠuto Orizari.[4]
Given the origin of the Romani people inmedieval India, Romanistan has been envisaged as being within the borders of India.[5]