Morgan authored numerous books, catalogs and monographs on contemporary artists in various countries. His book on the American conceptualistRobert Barry was published by Karl Kerber Press in Bielefeld, Germany (1986).Haim Steinbach was published by the Musee d’Art Contemporain,Bordeaux (1988).Duchamp, Androgyny, Etc., (onMarcel Duchamp) was published by Editions Antoine Candau inParis (1990). AHans BellmerMiscellany was published by Baum/Malmburg inMalmö, Sweden in 1993. HisTurkish Bath installation atArtists Space in 1976 has been recognized an early example ofpost-conceptual art.
Morgan frequently wroteart criticism for theBrooklyn Rail. His books and collected critical essays published include commentaries onconceptual art,post-conceptual art, and thenew media arts (Umbrella Associates, 1992). He published the following books in the United States:After the Deluge: Essays on the Art of the Nineties, (Red Bass Publications, 1993),Conceptual Art: An American Perspective (McFarland, 1994);Art into Ideas: Essays on Conceptual Art (Cambridge University Press, 1996),Between Modernism and Conceptual Art (McFarland, 1997): andThe End of the Art World (Allworth Press, 1998).
The End of the Art World New York: Allworth Press (in collaboration with theSchool of Visual Arts), 1998. Introduction by Bill Beckley
The enigmatic world of Dmitri Strizhov. Author. Global Curiosity, 1st edition. 1998
Gary Hill, editor. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000
Bruce Nauman, editor. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002
Clement Greenberg: Late Writings, editor. University of Minnesota Press. 2003
Vasarely. New York: George Braziller, 2004
Wild Dogs in Bali: The Art of Made Wianta. Singapore: SNP Editions, 2005
Anthologies and monographs
"Asparagus and Chrysanthemums = Sentimentality and Power," in Muntadas and D'Agostino, eds., The Un/Necessary Image, New York: Tanam Press and Cambridge, Committee on the Visual Arts, MIT, 1983
"The Delta of Modernism" Re-Dact, Edited by Peter Frank. New York: Willis, Locker, and Owens, 1984. Revised and reprinted in Kostelanetz, ed., Esthetics Contemporary, 2nd Edition, (Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1989 ( Spanish Translation appeared in Revista Esthetica (CAYC, Buenos Aires), Fall 1991. Revised in The End of the Art World, New York: Allworth Press, 1998.
"Systemic Books by Artists" inJoan Lyons, ed., Artists' Books: A Critical Anthology and Sourcebook, Peregrine Smith Books andVisual Studies Workshop Press, Rochester, N.Y., 1985.
"La Situacion del Arte Conceptual Desde "January Show" Hasta Nuestros Dias" inJuan Vicente Aliaga and José Miguel G. Cortés, editors, Arte Conceptual Revisado, Universidad Poletechnica de Valencia, 1990 (Spanish and English)
"Entretien avec Robert C. Morgan" enRichard Serra: Ecrits et Entretiens, 1970-89 (Daniel Lelong Editeur, 1990). English Edition, Chicago University Press, 1993
Colin Naylor, ed .Contemporary Masterworks (London: St. James Press, 1992) Entries include critical discussions of works byIsamu Noguchi, Gordon Bunschaft, and Josep Renau.
Oscar de Mejo:The Naive Surrealist, Essay by Robert C. Morgan. New York: Abrams, 1992
Marcel Delmotte. Essay by Robert C. Morgan. Nahan Galleries (in collaboration with Galerie Isy Brachot, Brussels), 1991
"The Miralda Honeymoon Celebration in Las Vegas", Nevada State Council on the Arts, 1992
"Hans Bellmer:The Infestation of Eros" in A Hans Bellmer Miscellany, Anders Malmburg, Malmö and Timothy Baum, New York, 1993
"Dorothea Tanning's Sculptural Interlude" in Dorothea Tanning (New York: George Braziller, 1995)
"Philip Glass: The Photographer" (1984, revised 1996), Writings on Glass: Essays, Interviews, Criticism. Edited byRichard Kostelanetz and Robert Flemming. (New York: Schirmer Books, 1997)
"The Language of Eros" in Noritoshi Hirakawa, Matters, 1988–1997. New York: Deitch Projects and Antwerp: Zeno X Gallery, 1998
"A Sign of Beauty" in Bill Beckley andDavid Shapiro, Uncontrollable Beauty. New York: Allworth Press, 1998.
"Touch Sanitation: Mierle Laderman Ukeles" in Linda Frye Burnham and Steven Durland, editors. The Citizen Artist: 20 Years of Art in the Public Arena. Critical Press. The Gunk Foundation, 1998
"The End of the Art World" (excerpt) in Patricia Hills, Modern Art in the USA: Issues and Controversies of the 20th Centuries" Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2000