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Road movie

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Film genre in which the main characters embark on a road trip
For other uses, seeRoad movie (disambiguation).
Edgar G. Ulmer’sDetour (1945), a film noir about a musician travelling from New York City to Hollywood who sees a nation absorbed by greed.[1]

Aroad movie is afilm genre in which the main characters leave home on aroad trip, typically altering the perspective from their everyday lives.[2] Road movies often depict travel in thehinterlands, with the films exploring the theme of alienation and examining the tensions and issues of the cultural identity of a nation or historical period; this is all often enmeshed in a mood of actual or potential menace, lawlessness, and violence,[3] a "distinctlyexistential air"[4] and is populated by restless, "frustrated, often desperate characters".[5] The setting includes not just the close confines of the car as it moves on highways and roads, but also booths in diners and rooms in roadside motels, all of which helps to create intimacy and tension between the characters.[6] Road movies tend to focus on the theme of masculinity (with the man often going through some type of crisis), some type of rebellion,car culture, and self-discovery.[7] The core theme of road movies is "rebellion against conservative social norms".[5]

There are two main narratives: the quest and the outlaw chase.[8] In the quest-style film, the story meanders as the characters make discoveries (e.g.,Two-Lane Blacktop from 1971).[8] In outlaw road movies, in which the characters are fleeing from law enforcement, there is usually more sex and violence (e.g.,Natural Born Killers from 1994).[8] Road films tend to focus more on characters' internal conflicts and transformations, based on their feelings as they experience new realities on their trip, rather than on the dramatic movement-based sequences that predominate inaction films.[1] Road movies do not typically use the standard three-act structure used in mainstream films; instead, an "open-ended, rambling plot structure" is used.[5]

The road movie keeps its characters "on the move", and as such the "car, thetracking shot, [and] wide and wild open space" are important iconography elements, similar to aWestern movie.[9] As well, the road movie is similar to a Western in that road films are also about a "frontiersmanship" and about the codes of discovery (often self-discovery).[9] Road movies often use themusic from the car stereo, which the characters are listening to, as the soundtrack[10] and in 1960s and 1970s road movies, rock music is often used (e.g.,Easy Rider from 1969 used a rock soundtrack[11] of songs fromJimi Hendrix,The Byrds andSteppenwolf).

While early road movies from the 1930s focused on couples,[6] in post-World War II films, usually the travellers are male buddies,[4] although in some cases, women are depicted on the road, either as temporary companions, or more rarely, as the protagonist couple (e.g.,Thelma & Louise from 1991).[9] The genre can also be parodied, or have protagonists that depart from the typical heterosexual couple or buddy paradigm, as withThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994), which depicts a group ofdrag queens who tour the Australian desert.[9] Other examples of the increasing diversity of the drivers shown in 1990s and subsequent decades' road films areThe Living End (1992), about two gay, HIV-positive men on a road trip;To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar (1995), which is about drag queens, andSmoke Signals (1998), which is about two Indigenous men.[8] While rare, there are some road movies about large groups on the road (Get on the Bus from 1996) and lone drivers (Vanishing Point from 1971).

Genre and production elements


The road movie has been called an elusive and ambiguous film genre.[7] Timothy Corrigan states that road movies are a "knowingly impure" genre as they have "overdetermined and built-in genre-blending tendencies".[12] Devin Orgeron states that road movies, despite their literal focus on car trips, are "about the [history of] the cinema, about the culture of the image", with road movies created with a mixture of Classical Hollywood film genres.[12] The road movie genre developed from a "constellation of “solid” modernity, combining locomotion and media-motion" to get "away from the sedentarising forces of modernity and produc[e] contingency".[13]

Road movies are blended with other genres to create a number of subgenres, including: road horror (e.g.,Near Dark from 1987); road comedies (e.g.,Flirting with Disaster from 1996); road racing films (e.g.,Death Race 2000 from 1975) and rock concert tour films (e.g.,Almost Famous from 2000).[8]Film noir road movies includeDetour (1945),Desperate,The Devil Thumbs a Ride (1947) andThe Hitch-Hiker (1953), all of which "establish fear and suspense around hitchhiking", and the outlaw-themed film noirsThey Live by Night (1948) andGun Crazy.[8] Film noir-influenced road films continued in theneo noir era, withThe Hitcher (1986),Delusion (1991),Red Rock West (1992), andJoy Ride (2001).[8]

Even though road movies are a significant and popular genre, it is an "overlooked strain of film history".[5] Major genre studies often do not examine road movies, and there has been little analysis of what qualifies as a road movie.[14]

Country or region of production


United States


The road movie is mostly associated with the United States, as it focuses on "peculiarly American dreams, tensions and anxieties".[14] US road movies examine the tension between the two foundational myths of American culture, which are individualism and populism, which leads to some road films depicting the open road as a "utopian fantasy" with a homogenous culture while others show it as a "dystopian nightmare" of extreme cultural differences.[15] US road movies depict the wide open, vast spaces of the highways as symbolizing the "scale and notionally utopian" opportunities to move up upwards and outwards in life.[16]

It Happened One Night (1934) is about a rich woman who learns about regular Americans when she travels the highway system by car.

In US road movies, the road is an "alternative space" where the characters, now set apart from conventional society, can experience transformation.[17] For example, inIt Happened One Night (1934), a wealthy woman who goes on the road is liberated from her elite background and marriage to an immoral husband when she meets and experiences hospitality from regular, good-hearted Americans who she never would have met in her previous life, with middle America depicted as a utopia of "real community".[18] The scenes in road movies tend to elicit longing for a mythic past.[19]

American road movies have tended to be a white genre, withSpike Lee'sGet on the Bus (1996) being a notable exception, as its main characters are African-American men on a bus travelling to theMillion Man March (the film depicts the historic role of buses in the US civil rights movement).[20] Asian-American filmmakers have used the road movie to examine the role and treatment of Asian-Americans in the United States; examples includeWayne Wang'sChan Is Missing (1982), about a taxi driver trying to find about the Hollywood detective characterCharlie Chan, andAbraham Lim'sRoads and Bridges (2001), about an Asian-American prisoner who is sentenced to clean up garbage along a Midwestern highway.[21]



Australia's vast open spaces and concentrated population have made the road movie a key genre in that country, with films such asGeorge Miller's influentialMad Max film series, which were rooted in an Australian tradition for films with "dystopian andnoir themes with the destructive power of cars and the country’sharsh, sparsely populated land mass".[22] Australian road movies have been described as having a dystopian or gothic tone, as the road the characters travel on is often a "dead end", with the journey being more about "inward-looking" exploration than reaching the intended location.[23] In Australia, road movies have been called a "complex metaphor" which refers to the country's history, current situation, and to anxieties about the future.[23] TheMad Max series, including thefirst film and its sequelsMad Max 2,Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome,Mad Max: Fury Road andFuriosa: A Mad Max Saga "have become canonical for their dystopic reinvention of the outback as a post-human wasteland where survival depends upon manic driving skills".[8]

The 2010 filmMother Fish, which depicts travel over water, has been called a "No Road"-style road film, as it uses the road movie journey narrative without using roads as a setting.[23]

Other Australian road movies includePeter Weir'sThe Cars That Ate Paris (1974), about a small town where the inhabitants cause road accidents to salvage the vehicles; the biker filmStone (1974) bySandy Harbutt, about a biker gang who witness a political cover-up murder; The (1981) thrillerRoadgames byRichard Franklin, about a truck driver who tracks down a serial killer in the Australian outback;Dead-end Drive-in (1986) byBrian Trenchard-Smith, about a dystopian future where drive-in theatres are turned into detention centres;Metal Skin (1994) by Geoffrey Wright about a street racer; andKiss or Kill (1997) byBill Bennett, a film noir-style road movie.[24]

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) has been called a "watershed gay road movie that addresses diversity in Australia".[8]Walkabout (1971),Backroads (1977), andRabbit-Proof Fence (2002) use a depiction of travelling through the Australian outback to address the issue of relations between white and Indigenous people.[8]

In 2005, Fiona Probyn described a subgenre of road movies about Indigenous Australians that she called "No Road" movies, in that they typically do not show a vehicle travelling on an asphalt road; instead, these films depict travel on a trail, often with Indigenous trackers being shown using their tracking abilities to discern hard-to-detect clues on the trail.[23] With the increasing depiction of racial minorities in Australian road movies, the "No Road" subgenre has also been associated with Asian-Australian films that depict travel using routes other than roads (e.g., the 2010 filmMother Fish, which depicts travel over water as it tells the story of theboat people refugees).[23] The iconography of car crashes in many Australian road movies (particularly the Mad Max series) has been called a symbol of white-Indigenous violence, a rupture point in the narrative which erases and forgets the history of this violence.[23]



Canada also has huge expanses of territory, which make the road movie also common in that country, where the genre is used to examine "themes of alienation and isolation in relation to an expansive, almost foreboding landscape of seemingly endless space", and explore how Canadian identity differs from the "less humble and self-conscious neighbours to the south", in United States.[25] Canadian road films includeDonald Shebib'sGoin' Down the Road (1970), threeBruce McDonald films (Roadkill (1989),Highway 61 (1991), andHard Core Logo (1996), a mockumentary about a punk rock band's road tour),Malcolm Ingram'sTail Lights Fade (1999) andGary Burns'The Suburbanators (1995).David Cronenberg'sCrash (1996) depicted drivers who get "perverse sexual arousal through the car crash experience", a subject matter which led toTed Turner lobbying against the film being shown in US theatres.[8]

Asian-Canadian filmmakers have made road films about the experience of Canadians of Asian origin, such asAnn Marie Fleming'sThe Magical Life of Long Tak Sam, which is about her search for her "Chinese grandfather, an itinerant magician and acrobat".[21] Other Asian-Canadian road movies look at their relatives experiences during the 1940s internment of Japanese Canadians by the Canadian government (e.g.,Lise Yasui'sFamily Gathering (1988),Rea Tajiri'sHistory and Memory (1991) andJanet Tanaka'sMemories from the Department of Amnesia (1991).[21]



European filmmakers of road movies appropriate the conventions established by American directors, while at the same time reformulating these approaches, by de-emphasizing the speed of the driver on the road, increasing the amount of introspection (often on themes such as national identity), and depicting the road trip as a search on the part of the characters.[26]

The German filmmakerWim Wenders explored the American themes of road movies through his European reference point in hisRoad Movie trilogy in the mid-1970s. They includeAlice in the Cities (1974),The Wrong Move (1975), andKings of the Road (1976).[27][28] All three films were shot by cinematographerRobby Müller and mostly take place inWest Germany.Kings of the Road includes stillness, which is unusual for road movies, and quietness (except for the rock soundtrack).[29] Other road movies by Wenders includeParis, Texas andUntil the End of the World.[30] Wender's road movies "filter nomadic excursions through a pensive Germanic lens" and depict "somber drifters coming to terms with their internal scars".[8]

France has a road movie tradition than stretches fromBertrand Blier'sLes Valseuses (1973) andAgnès Varda'sSans toit ni loi (about a homeless woman) to 1990s films such asMerci la vie (1991) andVirginie Despentes andCoralie Trinh Thi'sBaise-moi (a controversial film about two women revenging a rape), to 2000s films such asLaurent Cantet'sL'emploi du temps (2001) andCédric Kahn'sFeux rouges (2004).[31] While French road movies share the US road movie's focus on the theme of individual freedom, French movies also balance this value with equality and fraternity, according to the French Republican model of liberty-equality-fraternity.[32]

Neil Archer states that French and other Francophone (e.g., Belgium, Switzerland) road films focus on "displacement and identity", notably in regards to maghrebin immigrants and young people (e.g.,Yamina Benguigui'sInch'Allah Dimanche (2001),Ismaël Ferroukhi'sLa Fille de Keltoum (2001) andTony Gatlif'sExils (2004).[33] More broadly, European films are tending to use imagery of border-crossing and focusing on "marginal identities and economic migration", which can be seen inLukas Moodysson'sLilja 4-ever (2002), Michael Winterbottom'sIn This World (2002) andUlrich Seidl'sImport/Export (2007).[33] European road movies also examinepost-colonialism, "disclocation, memory and identity".[33]

Road movies from Spain have a strong American influence, with the films incorporating the road movie-comedy genre hybrid made popular in US films such asPeter Farrelly'sDumb and Dumber (1994). Spanish films includingLos años bárbaros,Carretera y manta,Trileros,Al final del Camino, andAirbag, which has been called the "most successful Spanish road movie of all time".[34]Airbag, along withSlam (2003),El mundo alrededor (2006) andLos managers, are examples of Spanish road films that, like US movies such asRoad Trip, uses the "road movie genre as a narrative framework for...gross-out sex comedy".[35] The director ofAirbag,Juanma Bajo Ulloa, states that he aimed to make fun of the road movie genre as established in North America, while still using the metamorphosis through road trip narrative that is popular in the genre (in this case, the main male character rejects his upper class girlfriend in favour of a prostitute he meets on the road).[36]Airbag also uses Spanish equivalents to the stock road movie setting and iconography, depicting "deserts, casinos and road clubs" and use the road movie action sequences (chases, car explosions, and crashes) that remind the viewer of similar work byTony Scott andOliver Stone.[36]

A second subtype of Spanish road movies is more influenced by the female road movies from the US, such asMartin Scorsese'sAlice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974),Jonathan Demme'sCrazy Mama (1975),Ridley Scott'sThelma & Louise (1991), andHerbert Ross'Boys on the Side (1995), in that they show a "less traditional" and more "visible, innovative, introspective, and realistic" type of woman onscreen.[37] Spanish road movies about women includeHola, ¿estás sola?,Lisboa,Fugitivas,Retorno a Hansala, andSin Dejar Huella address social issues about women, such as the "injustice and mistreatment" that women experience under "authoritarian patriarchal order."[38]Fugitivas depicts an American road movie genre convention: the "disintegration of the family and the community" and the "journey of transformation", as it depicts two fugitives on the run, whose distrust fades as the two women learn to trust each other from their adventures on the road.[39] The images in the film are blend of homage to US road movie conventions (gas stations, billboards) and "recognizable Spanish types", such as the "embittered drunkard".[40]

Other European road films includeIngmar Bergman'sWild Strawberries (1957), about an old professor travelling the roads of Sweden and picking up hitchhikers andJean-Luc Godard'sPierrot le fou (1965) about law-breaking lovers escaping on the road. Both of these films, as well asRoberto Rossellini'sVoyage in Italy (1953) and Godard'sWeekend (1967) have more "existential sensibility" or pauses for "philosophical digressions of a European bent", as compared with American road films.[8]Three Men and a Leg (1997) features several sketches from filmmakers and producers'Aldo, Giovanni & Giacomo's previous comedy productions overlaid with the rest of the movie's road-trip andromantic comedy atmosphere.[41] Other European road films includeChris Petit'sRadio On (1979), a Wim Wenders-influenced film set on the M4 motorway;Aki Kaurismäki'sLeningrad Cowboys Go America ( 1989), about a fictional Russian rock band which travels to the US; andTheo Angelopoulos'Landscape in the Mist, about a road trip from Greece to Germany.

Latin America


Road movies made in Latin America are similar in feel to European road films.[8] Latin American road movies are usually about a cast of characters, rather than a couple or single person, and the films explore the differences between urban and rural regions and between north and south.[8]Luis Buñuel'sSubida al Cielo (Mexican Bus Ride, 1951), is about a poor rural person's trip into a big city to help his mother, who is dying. The road trip on this film is shown as a "carnivalesque pilgrimage" or "travelling circus", an approach also used inBye Bye Brazil (1979, Brazil),Guantanamera (1995, Cuba), andCentral do Brasil (Central Station, 1998, Brazil).[8] Some Latin American road movies are also set in the era of conquest, such asCabeza de Vaca (1991, Mexico). Movies about outlaws escaping from justice includeProfundo Carmesí (Deep Crimson, 1996, Mexico) andEl Camino (The Road, 2000, Argentina).[8]Y tu mamá también (And Your Mother Too, 2001, Mexico) is about two young male buddies who have sexual adventures on the road.[8]

Russia and countries of the former USSR


Movies involving road movie genre while being rejected by mainstream media, gained huge popularity in Russianart cinema and surrounding post-Soviet cultures, slowly building their way into international film festivals. Well-known examples areMy Joy (2010),Bimmer (2003),Major (2013), andHow Vitka Chesnok Took Lyokha Shtyr to the Home for Invalids (2017). Some other movies incorporate a large portion of road movie style, for exampleMorphine (2008),Leviathan (2014),Cargo 200 (2007),Donbass (2018).

With themes ranging from crime, corruption and power to history, addiction and existence, road movies became an independent part of cinematic landscape. From the strong flow of existentialism, to theblack comedy style, the road movie experienced a new revival. Most precious are pieces fromSergei Loznitsa, in his early workMy Joy (2010) he used black noir style to tell the story of people falling together with destruction of governments after the fall of the Soviet Union. In his later workDonbass (2018), he takes an opposing style, turning to black comedy and satire to underline actual war tragedies in theRusso-Ukrainian War.



Indian screens saw a series of road movies with experimental filmmakerRam Gopal Varma's works such asKshana Kshanam.Rachel Dwyer, a reader inworld cinema at theUniversity of London-Department of South Asia, marked Varma's contribution into the new-agefilm noir.[42][43] The film received critical reception at theAnn Arbor Film Festival, which led to a series of genre-benders likeMani Ratnam'sThiruda Thiruda, and Varma'sDaud,Anaganaga Oka Roju andRoad.[44] Subsequently 21st centurybollywood movies witnessed a surge of motion-pictures such asRoad, Movie, nominated for theTokyo Sakura Grand Prix Award, theTribeca Film Festival,[45][46] and the Generation 14plus at the60th Berlin International Film Festival in 2010.[47][48]Liars Dice explores the story of a young mother from a remote village who, going in search of her missing husband, goes missing, the film examines the human cost of migration to cities and the exploitation of migrant workers. It wasIndia's Official Entry for theBest Foreign Language Film for the87th Academy Awards.[49][50] It won special prize atSofia International Film Festival.[51][52] InKarwaan, the protagonist is forced to set out on a road trip fromBengaluru toKochi after he loses his father in an accident, but the body delivered to him is of the mother of a woman in another state.[53]

Ryan Gilbey ofThe Guardian was broadly positive aboutZoya Akhtar'sZindagi Na Milegi Dobara; he wrote, "It's still playing to full houses, and you can see why. Slick it may be. But tourist board employees representing the variousSpanish cities flattered in the movie are not the only ones who will come out grinning", and that he found the movie "stubbornly un-macho" for a buddy film.[54]Piku tells the story of the short-tempered Piku Banerjee (Deepika Padukone), her grumpy, aging father Bhashkor (Amitabh Bachchan) and Rana Chaudhary (Irrfan Khan), who is stuck between the father-daughter duo, as they embark on a journey fromDelhi toKolkata.[55] InNagesh Kukunoor's children's filmDhanak a blind kid and his sister set off alone on a 300 km journey traversing testing Indian terrain fromJaislamer toJodhpur, the film won theCrystal Bear Grand Prix for Best Children's Film, and Special Mention for the Best Feature Film by The Children's Jury for Generation Kplus at the65th Berlin International Film Festival[56]Finding Fanny is based on a road trip set inGoa and follows the journey of five dysfunctional friends who set out on a road trip in search of Fanny.[57]The Good Road is told in ahyperlink format, where several stories are intertwined, with the center of the action being a highway in the rural lands ofGujarat near a town inKutch.[58]



Several road movies have been produced inAfrica, includingCocorico! Monsieur Poulet (1977,Niger);The Train of Salt and Sugar (2016,Mozambique);Hayat (2016,Morocco); Touki Bouki (1973, Senegal) andBorders (2017,Burkina Faso).[59][60]


John Ford's 1939 WesternStagecoach has been called a proto-road movie.

The genre has its roots in spoken and written tales of epic journeys, such as theOdyssey[5] and theAeneid. The road film is a standard plot employed byscreenwriters. It is a type ofbildungsroman, a story in which the hero changes, grows or improves over the course of the story. It focuses more on the journey rather than the goal. David Laderman lists other literary influences on the road movie, such asDon Quixote (1615), which uses a description of a journey to create social satire;The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), a story about a journey down the Mississippi River that is full of social commentary;Heart of Darkness (1902), about a journey down a river in the Belgian Congo to search for a rogue colonial trader; andWomen in Love (1920), which describes "travel and mobility" while also providing social commentary about the woes of industrialization.[5] Laderman states thatWomen in Love particularly lays the groundwork for the future road films, as it showed a couple who rebelled against social norms by leaving their familiar location and going on an aimless, meandering journey.[5]

Steinbeck's novelThe Grapes of Wrath (1939) depicts a family that struggles to survive on the road during the Great Depression, a book that has been called "America's best-known proletarian road saga".[5] The movie version of the novel, made a year later, depicts the hungry, weary family's travel onRoute 66 using "montage sequences, reflected images of the road on windshields and mirrors", and shots taken from the driver's point of view to create a sense of movement and place.[61] Even though Henry Miller'sThe Air-Conditioned Nightmare (1947) is not a fictional work, it captures the mood of frustration, restlessness and aimlessness that became prevalent in the road movie.[5] In the book, which describe's Miller's cross-country journey across the United States, he criticizes the nation's descent into materialism.[5]

Western films such asJohn Ford'sStagecoach (1939) have been called "proto-road movies."[62] In the film, an unusual group of travellers, including a banker, prostitute, escaped prisoner and a military officer's wife, move through the dangerous desert trails.[63] Even though the travellers are so unlike each other, the mutual danger they must face in travelling throughGeronimo's Apache territory requires them to work together to create a "utopia".[61] The difference between older stories about wandering characters and the road movie is technological: with road movies, the hero travels by car, motorcycle, bus or train, making road movies a representation of modernity's advantages and social ills.[15] The on-the-road plot was used at the birth of American cinema but blossomed in the years afterWorld War II, reflecting a boom in automobile production and the growth of youth culture. Early road movies have been criticized by someprogressives for their "casual misogyny", "fear of otherness", and for not examining issues such as power, privilege, and gender[62] and for mostly showing white people.[64]

The Grapes of Wrath (1940) is about an entire family on the road.

The road movie of the pre-WW II era was changed by the publication ofJack Kerouac'sOn the Road in 1957, as it sketched out the future for the road movie and provided its "master narrative" of exploration, questing, and journeying. The book includes many descriptions of driving in cars. It also depicted the character Sal Paradise, a middle class college student who goes on the road to seek material for his writing career, a bounded journey with a clear start and finish which differs from the open ended wandering of previous films, with characters making chance encounters with other drivers who influence where one travels or ends up.[65] To contrast the intellectual Sal character, Kerouac has the juvenile delinquent Dean, a wild, fast-driving character who represents the idea that the road provides liberation.[66]

By depicting a movie character who was marginalized and who could not be incorporated into mainstream American culture, Kerouac opened the way for road movies to depict a more diverse range of characters, rather than just heterosexual couples (e.g.,It Happened One Night), groups on the move (e.g.,The Grapes of Wrath), notably the pair of male buddies.[67]On the Road and another novel published in the same era,Vladimir Nabokov's novelLolita (1955), have been called "two monumental road novels that rip back and forth across American with a subversive erotic charge."[8]

In the 1950s, there were "wholesome" road comedies such asBob Hope andBing Crosby'sRoad to Bali (1952),Vincente Minnelli'sThe Long, Long Trailer (1954) and theDean Martin andJerry Lewis filmHollywood or Bust (1956).[8] There were not many 1950s road films, but "postwar youth culture" was depicted inThe Wild One (1953) andRebel Without a Cause (1955).[8]

Timothy Corrigan states that post-WW II, the genre of road films became more codified, with features solidifying such as the use of characters experiencing "amnesia, hallucinations and theatrical crisis".[5] David Laderman states that road movies have a modernist aesthetic approach, as they focus on "rebellion, social criticism, and liberating thrills", which shows "disillusionment" with mainstream political and aesthetic norms.[5] Awareness of the "road picture" as a separate genre came only in the 1960s withBonnie and Clyde[citation needed] andEasy Rider.[68] Road movies were an important genre in the late 1960s and 1970s era of theNew Hollywood, with films such asTerrence Malick'sBadlands andRichard Sarafian'sVanishing Point (1971) showing an influence fromBonnie and Clyde.[69]

There may have been influences from French cinema in the creation ofBonnie and Clyde;David Newman andRobert Benton have stated that they were influenced byJean-Luc Godard'sA bout de souffle (1960) andFrançois Truffaut'sTirez sur la pianiste (1960).[70] More generally, Devin Orgeron states that American road movies were based on post-WW II European cinema's own take on the American road film approach, showing a mutual influence between US and European filmmakers in this genre.[70]

The addition of violence to the sexual tension of road movies in the late 1960s and in subsequent decades can be seen as a way to create more excitement and "frisson".[6] From the 1930s to 1960s, merely showing a man and woman on a road trip was exciting for audience, as all the motel stays and closeness had implied, yet deferred, consummation of the sexual attraction between the characters (sex could not be depicted due to theMotion Picture Production Code).[6] WithBonnie and Clyde (1967) andNatural Born Killers (1994), the heterosexual couple are united by their involvement in murder; as well, with jail hanging over their heads, there can be no return to domestic life at the end of the film.[71]

There have been three historical eras of the "outlaw-rebel" road movie: the post-WW IIfilm noir era (e.g.,Detour), the late 1960s era which was rocked by the Vietnam War (Easy Rider andBonnie and Clyde), and the post-Reagan era of the 1990s, when the "masculinist heroics of the Gulf War gave way to closer scrutiny" (My Own Private Idaho,Thelma & Louise andNatural Born Killers).[72] In the 1970s, there were low-budget outlaw films depicting chases, such asEddie Macon's Run.[30] In the 1980s, there were rural Southern road movies such asSmokey and the Bandit and theCannonball Run chase films of 1981 and 1984.[30] The outlaw couple movie was reinvented in the 1990s with a postmodernist take in films such asWild at Heart,Kalifornia andTrue Romance.[73]

While the first road movies described the discovery of new territories or pushing the boundaries of a nation, which was a core message of early Western films in the United States, road movies were later used to show how national identities were changing, such as whichEdgar G. Ulmer’sDetour (1945), a film noir about a musician travelling from New York City to Hollywood who sees a nation absorbed by greed, orDennis Hopper’sEasy Rider, which showed how American society was transformed by the social and cultural trends of the late 1960s.[1] The New Hollywood era films made use of the new film technologies in the road movie genre, such as "fast film stock" and lightweight cameras, as well as incorporating filmmaking approaches from European cinema, such as "elliptical narrative structure and self-reflexive devices, elusive development of alienated characters; bold traveling shots and montage sequences.[5]

Road movies have been called a post-WW II genre, as they track key post-war cultural trends, such as the breakup of the traditional family structure, in which male roles were destabilized; there is focus on menacing events which impact the characters who are on the move; there is an association between the character and the mode of transportation being used (e.g., a car or motorcycle), with the car symbolizing the self in the modern culture; and there is usually a focus on men, with women typically being excluded, creating a "male escapist fantasy linking masculinity to technology".[14] Despite these examples of the post-WW II aspects of road movies, Cohan and Hark argue that road movies go back to the 1930s.[74]

In the 2000s, a new crop of road movies was produced, includingVincent Gallo'sBrown Bunny (2003),Alexander Payne'sSideways (2004),Jim Jarmusch'sBroken Flowers (2005) andKelly Reichardt'sOld Joy (2006) and scholars are taking more interest in examining the genre.[75] The British Film Institute highlights ten post-2000 road films that show that "[t]here’s still plenty of gas left in the road movie genre".[76] The BFI's top 10 includeAndrea Arnold’sAmerican Honey (2016), which used "mostly non-professional actors";Alfonso Cuarón'sY tu mamá también (2001), about Mexican teens on the road; The Brown Bunny (2003), which garnered publicity for its "infamous fellatio scene";Walter Salles'The Motorcycle Diaries (2004), about Che Guevera's epic motorcycle trip;Mark Duplass andJay Duplass'The Puffy Chair (2005), the "firstmumblecore road movie";Broken Flowers (2005);Jonathan Dayton andValerie Faris'Little Miss Sunshine (2006), about a family's trip in a VW camper van;Old Joy (2006);Alexander Payne'sNebraska (2013), which depicts a father and son on a road trip;Steven Knight'sLocke (2013), about a construction executive taking stressful calls on a road trip; andJafar Panahi'sTaxi Tehran (2015), about a cab driver ferrying strange passengers around the city.[76]Timothy Corrigan has called the postmodern road movie a "borderless refuse bin" of "mise en abyme" reflection, reflecting a modern audience that is not able to think of a "naturalized history".[5] Atkinson calls contemporary road movies an "ideogram of human desire and a last-ditch search for self" designed for an audience that was raised watching TV, particularly open-ended serial programs.[5]

Movies of this genre

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Note, that the Country column is the country of origin and/or financing, and does not necessarily represent the country or countries depicted in each film.

A French Holiday2018United Kingdom,United States,FranceSony Pictures Releasing
A Perfect World1993United StatesWarner Bros.
Adventures in Babysitting1987Buena Vista Pictures
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn1939Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Adventures of Priscilla,
Queen of the Desert
1994AustraliaGramercy Pictures
Alice in the Cities1974West GermanyBauer International
Aloha, Bobby and Rose1975United StatesColumbia Pictures
Alvin and the Chipmunks:
The Road Chip
2015United States20th Century Fox
Ameerika Suvi (American Summer)2016Estonia
American Honey2016United StatesA24
Are We There Yet?2005United States,CanadaColumbia Pictures
As Crazy as It Gets2015Nigeria
As Good as it Gets1997United StatesColumbia Pictures
Badlands1973United StatesWarner Bros.
Basilicata Coast to Coast2010Italy
Beavis and Butt-Head Do America1996United StatesParamount Pictures
Black Sheep1996United StatesParamount Pictures
The Blue Bird194020th Century Fox
The Blues Brothers1980Universal Pictures
Bonnie and Clyde1967Warner Bros.
Boys on the Side1995
Breakdown1997Paramount Pictures
The Bride Came C.O.D.1941Warner Bros.
The Bucket List2007
Burn Burn Burn2015United KingdomVerve Pictures
Cactus2008AustraliaHoyts Distribution
The Cannonball Run1981United States,Hong Kong20th Century Fox
Charlie2015IndiaRFT Films
Children Who Chase Lost Voices2011JapanMedia Factory
College Road Trip2008United StatesWalt Disney Pictures
Come as You Are (akaHasta la Vista)2011BelgiumEureka Entertainment
Cop Car2015United StatesUniversal Home Entertainment
Coupe de Ville1990Warner Bros.
The Croods201320th Century Fox
(viaDreamWorks Animation)
Crossroads2002Paramount Pictures
Death Proof2007Dimension Films
Detroit Rock City[77]1999Base-12 Productions
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul2017United States20th Century Fox
Dirty Girl2010The Weinstein Company
Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry197420th Century Fox
Don’t Make Me Go2022Amazon Studios
The Doom Generation1995Trimark Pictures
Drive-Away Dolls2024Focus Features
Drive My Car2021JapanBitters End (Japan)
Due Date2010United StatesWarner Bros.
Duel1971Universal Pictures
Dumb and Dumber1994New Line Cinema
Dumb and Dumber To2014Universal Pictures
Easy Rider1969Sony Pictures Releasing
Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show2009United States, CanadaWarner Bros. Television
Egghead & Twinkie2023United StatesCanBeDone Films
EuroTrip2004United States,Czech RepublicUniversal Pictures
Fanboys2009United StatesAnchor Bay Entertainment
Fandango1985Warner Bros.
The Fundamentals of Caring2016Netflix
Gabby's Dollhouse: The Movie2025United StatesUniversal Pictures
(viaDreamWorks Animation)
Get on the Bus1996United StatesSony Pictures Releasing
God Bless America2011Magnolia Pictures
Goin' Down the Road1970CanadaChevron Pictures
Goodbye Berlin2016GermanyStudioCanal
Goodbye Pork Pie1981New Zealand
A Goofy Movie1995United StatesBuena Vista Pictures
The Grapes of Wrath194020th Century Fox
Grave of the Fireflies1988JapanToho
Green Book2018United StatesParticipant Media
The Guilt Trip2012United StatesParamount Pictures
Gypsy2019IndiaOlympia Pictures
Hacksaw2020United StatesMidnight Releasing
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle2004New Line Cinema
Have Dreams, Will Travel2007United States
Heavy Trip[78]2018FinlandMaking Movies
Heavier Trip[79]2024Heimathafen Film
The Hills Have Eyes1977United StatesVanguard
The Hitcher1986United StatesTriStar Pictures
Huckleberry Finn1931United StatesParamount Pictures
Il Sorpasso1962Italy
In America2002Ireland, United Kingdom, United StatesFox Searchlight Pictures
Interstate 602002United States, CanadaSamuel Goldwyn Films
Into the Night1985United StatesUniversal Pictures
It Happened One Night1934Columbia Pictures
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World1963United Artists
Kanni Thaai1965India
Karachi se Lahore2015PakistanIMGC Global Entertainment
Kingpin1996United StatesMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Kings of the Road1976West GermanyAxiom Films
Knockin' on Heaven's Door1997GermanyBuena Vista International
Kodachrome2017United StatesNetflix
Kshana Kshanam1991IndiaDurga Arts
Lahore Se Aagey2016PakistanARY Films
The Last Detail1973United StatesColumbia Pictures
Leningrad Cowboys Go America1989Finland,SwedenFinnkino
The Little Bear Movie2001Canada, United StatesParamount Home Video
Little Miss Sunshine2006United StatesFox Searchlight Pictures
The Living End[80]1992Cineplex Odeon Films
Logan2017United States20th Century Fox
Looney Tunes: Rabbits RunUnited StatesWarner Home Video
Lost in America1985Warner Bros.
M Cream2014IndiaAll Rights Entertainment
Mad Max1979AustraliaWarner Bros.
Mad Max 21981
Mad Max: Fury Road2015Australia, United States
Made In U.S.A.1985United StatesTri-Star Pictures
Madeline: Lost in Paris1999United StatesWalt Disney Home Video
Magic Trip2011Magnolia Pictures
Midnight Run1988Universal Pictures
Midnight Special2016Warner Bros. Pictures
The Mitchells vs. the Machines2021Netflix
Moana2016Walt Disney Animation Studios
Motorama1991Two Moon Releasing
The Motorcycle Diaries2004Argentina, United States,Chile,Peru,
Brazil, United Kingdom, Germany, France
Buena Vista International (ARG)
Pathé (UK)
Focus Features (USA)
Mourning (akaSoog orSoug,سوگ)2011Iran
The Muppet Movie1979United States, United KingdomAssociated Film Distribution
My Own Private Idaho1991United StatesFine Line Features
National Lampoon's European Vacation1985Warner Bros.
National Lampoon's Vacation1983
Natural Born Killers1994
Nebraska2013Paramount Vantage
Neelakasham Pachakadal Chuvanna Bhoomi2013IndiaE4 Entertainment & PJ Entertainments Europe
O Brother, Where Art Thou?2000United States, United Kingdom, FranceBuena Vista Pictures Distribution (North America)

Universal Pictures (International)

Old Joy2006United StatesFilm Science
Olave Mandara2011IndiaAlliance Picturesv.
On the Road2012United States, United Kingdom,
France, Brazil, Canada
IFC Films
Onward2020United StatesPixar Animation Studios
Paper Moon1973Paramount Pictures
Paper Towns201520th Century Fox
The Parade2011SerbiaFilmstar
Paris, Texas1984West Germany, France20th Century Fox
Paul2011United StatesUniversal Pictures
Pee-wee's Big Adventure1985Warner Bros.
Pee-wee's Big Holiday2016Netflix
Pierrot le Fou1965FranceSociété Nouvelle de Cinématographie
Piku2015IndiaYash Raj Films
Plan B2021United StatesHulu
Planes, Trains and Automobiles1987United StatesParamount Pictures
Professor Beware1938
Quiz Lady2023Hulu
Rain Man1988MGM/UA Communications Company
Road, Movie (Hindi:रोड, मूवी)2009IndiaMadman Entertainment
Tribeca Film
Road to Morocco1942United StatesParamount Pictures
Road to Yesterday2015NigeriaFilmOne Distribution
Road Trip2000United StatesDreamWorks Pictures
The Montecito Picture Company
The Road Within2014Well Go USA Entertainment
Rock-A-Doodle1992United States, United Kingdom, IrelandThe Samuel Goldwyn Company (USA)
The Rank Organisation (UK)
The Rover2014AustraliaVillage Roadshow
The Rugrats Movie1998United StatesParamount Pictures
Nickelodeon Movies
Rugrats in Paris: The Movie2000United States, Germany
RV2006United StatesUniversal Pictures
Scarecrow1973Warner Bros.
Sideways2004Fox Searchlight Pictures
Smoke Signals1998United States, CanadaMiramax
Smokey and the Bandit1977United StatesUniversal Pictures
The Spongebob SquarePants Movie2004Paramount Pictures
The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run2020
Spike Island[81]2012United KingdomRevolver Entertainment
Stagecoach1939United StatesUnited Artists
Stagecoach196620th Century Fox
The Straight Story1999United States, United Kingdom, FranceBuena Vista Pictures
The Sugarland Express1974United StatesUniversal Pictures
The Sunchaser1996Warner Bros.
The Sure Thing1985Embassy Pictures
Taxi Driver: Oko Ashewo2015NigeriaFilmOne Distributions
Thelma & Louise1991United StatesMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer
These Final Hours2013AustraliaRoadshow Films
Things Are Tough All Over1982United StatesColumbia Pictures
Three for the Road1987New Century-Vista
To Grandmother's House We Go1992Warner Bros. Television
Tommy Boy1995Paramount Pictures
Transamerica2005The Weinstein Company
IFC Films
Two-Lane Blacktop1971Universal Pictures
Uncle Frank2020Amazon Studios
Uncle Peckerhead2020Epic Pictures Group
The Unknown Country2022Music Box Films
Unpregnant2020HBO Max
Until the End of the World1991Germany, France, Australia, United StatesWarner Bros.
Vacation2015United StatesUniversal Studios
Vanishing Point197120th Century Fox
We're the Millers2013Warner Bros. Pictures
Wild at Heart1990The Samuel Goldwyn Company
Wild Hogs2007Touchstone Pictures
Wild Strawberries1957SwedenAB Svensk Filmindustri
The Wizard of Oz1939United StatesMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Wolf Creek2005AustraliaRoadshow Entertainment
Wristcutters: A Love Story2006United StatesAutonomous Films
Y Tu Mamá También2001Mexico20th Century Fox (Mexico)
IFC Films (North America)
Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara2011IndiaEros International

See also



  1. ^abcSalles, Walter (11 November 2007)."Notes for a Theory of the Road Movie".The New York Times. Retrieved25 August 2018.
  2. ^Danesi, Marcel (2008).Dictionary of Media and Communications. M.E. Sharpe. p. 256.ISBN 978-0-7656-8098-3.
  3. ^Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 1
  4. ^abCohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 1 and 6
  5. ^abcdefghijklmnoLaderman, David.Driving Visions: Exploring the Road Movie. University of Texas Press, 2010. Ch. 1
  6. ^abcdCohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 8
  7. ^abArcher, Neil.THE FRENCH ROAD MOVIE: Space, Mobility, Identity. Berghahn Books. p. 2
  8. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrstu"Road Movies" Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film. Retrieved13 September 2018.
  9. ^abcdHayward, Susan. "Road movie" inCinema Studies: The Key Concepts (Third Edition). Routledge, 2006. p. 335-336
  10. ^Archer, Neil.THE FRENCH ROAD MOVIE: Space, Mobility, Identity. Berghahn Books. p. 20
  11. ^Archer, Neil.The Road Movie: In Search of Meaning. Columbia University Press, 2016. p. 25
  12. ^abOrgeron, Devin.Road Movies: From Muybridge and Méliès to Lynch and Kiarostami. Springer, 2007. p. 3
  13. ^Moser, Walter. "Présentation. Le road movie : un genre issu d’une constellation moderne de locomotion et de médiamotion." Cinémas, volume 18, number 2-3, printemps 2008, p. 7–30. doi:10.7202/018415ar
  14. ^abcCohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 2
  15. ^abCohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 3
  16. ^Archer, Neil.THE FRENCH ROAD MOVIE: Space, Mobility, Identity. Berghahn Books. p. 6
  17. ^Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 5
  18. ^Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 5-6
  19. ^Orgeron, Devin.Road Movies: From Muybridge and Méliès to Lynch and Kiarostami. Springer, 2007. p. 5
  20. ^Archer, Neil.The Road Movie: In Search of Meaning. Columbia University Press, 2016. p. 18
  21. ^abcSwirski, Peter.All Roads Lead to the American City. Hong Kong University Press, 2007, p. 28
  22. ^Nette, Andrew (7 April 2017)."10 great dystopian Australian road movies" British Film Institute. Retrieved21 August 2018.Australia's sheer size and relatively concentrated population means much of its cinema has either taken the form of road movies or contains aspects of the road film genre.
  23. ^abcdefKhoo, Olivia; Smaill, Belinda; Yue, Audrey. "The Global Back of Beyond: Ethics and the Australian Road Movie". InTransnational Australian Cinema: Ethics in the Asian Diasporas, p. 93-106. Lexington Books, 2013
  24. ^Nette, Andrew (7 April 2017)."10 great dystopian Australian road movies" British Film Institute. Retrieved21 August 2018.
  25. ^Bell, Robert (6 September 2011)."I'm Yours: Leonard Farlinger" Exclaim. Retrieved21 August 2018.
  26. ^Oliete-Aldea, Elena; Oria, Beatriz; and Tarancón Juan A.Global Genres, Local Films: The Transnational Dimension of Spanish Cinema. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2015. p. 147-8
  27. ^Brody, Richard (3 September 2015)."Where Wim Wenders Went Wrong".The New Yorker. Retrieved7 June 2016.
  28. ^Pulver, Andrew (4 March 2015)."Wim Wenders retrospective: five to watch, and one to miss".The Guardian. Retrieved7 June 2016.
  29. ^Orgeron, Devin.Road Movies: From Muybridge and Méliès to Lynch and Kiarostami. Springer, 2007. p. 140-147
  30. ^abcCohen, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 10
  31. ^Archer, Neil.THE FRENCH ROAD MOVIE: Space, Mobility, Identity. Berghahn Books. p. 1
  32. ^Archer, Neil.THE FRENCH ROAD MOVIE: Space, Mobility, Identity. Berghahn Books. p. 18-19
  33. ^abcArcher, Neil.THE FRENCH ROAD MOVIE: Space, Mobility, Identity. Berghahn Books. p. 3
  34. ^Eraso, Carmen Indurain. "The Transnational Dimension of Contemporary Spanish Road Movies" inGlobal Genres, Local Films: The Transnational Dimension of Spanish Cinema. Oliete-Aldea, Elena; Oria, Beatriz; and Tarancón Juan A, eds. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2015. p. 144
  35. ^Eraso, Carmen Indurain. "The Transnational Dimension of Contemporary Spanish Road Movies" inGlobal Genres, Local Films: The Transnational Dimension of Spanish Cinema. Oliete-Aldea, Elena; Oria, Beatriz; and Tarancón Juan A, eds. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2015. p. 145
  36. ^abEraso, Carmen Indurain. "The Transnational Dimension of Contemporary Spanish Road Movies" inGlobal Genres, Local Films: The Transnational Dimension of Spanish Cinema. Oliete-Aldea, Elena; Oria, Beatriz; and Tarancón Juan A, eds. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2015. p. 145-6
  37. ^Eraso, Carmen Indurain. "The Transnational Dimension of Contemporary Spanish Road Movies" inGlobal Genres, Local Films: The Transnational Dimension of Spanish Cinema. Oliete-Aldea, Elena; Oria, Beatriz; and Tarancón Juan A, eds. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2015. p. 148
  38. ^Eraso, Carmen Indurain. "The Transnational Dimension of Contemporary Spanish Road Movies" inGlobal Genres, Local Films: The Transnational Dimension of Spanish Cinema. Oliete-Aldea, Elena; Oria, Beatriz; and Tarancón Juan A, eds.Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2015. p. 148
  39. ^Eraso, Carmen Indurain. "The Transnational Dimension of Contemporary Spanish Road Movies" inGlobal Genres, Local Films: The Transnational Dimension of Spanish Cinema. Oliete-Aldea, Elena; Oria, Beatriz; and Tarancón Juan A, eds.Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2015. p. 149 and 153
  40. ^Eraso, Carmen Indurain. "The Transnational Dimension of Contemporary Spanish Road Movies" inGlobal Genres, Local Films: The Transnational Dimension of Spanish Cinema. Oliete-Aldea, Elena; Oria, Beatriz; and Tarancón Juan A, eds. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2015. p. 152
  41. ^Rooney, David (1998-01-12)."Three Men and a Leg".Variety. Retrieved2022-05-22.
  42. ^"The Sunday Tribune - Spectrum"
  43. ^Rachel Dwyer (30 May 2005)."Behind The Scenes".Outlook Magazine. Retrieved18 August 2010.
  44. ^"Edouard Waintrop on the New Indian Cinema : UP Front – India Today".India Today. 18 May 2012. Retrieved27 September 2012.
  45. ^"Road, Movie". Toronto International Film Festival. Archived fromthe original on 25 December 2009. Retrieved21 January 2010.
  46. ^"Road Movie set to premier in Toronto on Friday".CNN-IBN. 18 September 2009. Archived fromthe original on 23 September 2009. Retrieved21 January 2010.
  47. ^Bollywood Trade News Network (14 January 2010)."ROAD, MOVIE selected as Berlin Festival opener". AOL Bollywood. Retrieved21 January 2010.
  48. ^"11 Bollywood Road Trip Movies to Inspire you to Hit the Road!"
  49. ^"Geethu Mohandas' 'Liar's Dice' is India's official entry to the Oscars".CNN-IBN. 23 September 2014. Archived fromthe original on 24 September 2014. Retrieved2014-10-19.
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  58. ^" CNN News18 Latest News, Breaking News India, Current News Headlines".News18. Archived fromthe original on 23 September 2013. Retrieved27 October 2017.
  59. ^"20 best African films – ranked!".the Guardian. October 1, 2020.
  60. ^Peer, Stefanie Elvire Van De (29 September 2017)."The African road movies of Khouribga | Transnational Moroccan Cinema".
  61. ^abArcher, Neil.The Road Movie: In Search of Meaning. Columbia University Press, 2016. p. 15
  62. ^abArcher, Neil.THE FRENCH ROAD MOVIE: Space, Mobility, Identity. Berghahn Books. p. 5
  63. ^Archer, Neil.The Road Movie: In Search of Meaning. Columbia University Press, 2016. p. 16
  64. ^Archer, Neil.The Road Movie: In Search of Meaning. Columbia University Press, 2016. p. 18-19
  65. ^Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 6-7
  66. ^Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 7
  67. ^Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 7-8
  68. ^Cowen, Nick; Hari Patience (26 Feb 2009)."Wheels On Film: Easy Rider".The Daily Telegraph.Archived from the original on 2022-01-12. Retrieved22 July 2013.
  69. ^Archer, Neil.THE FRENCH ROAD MOVIE: Space, Mobility, Identity. Berghahn Books. p. 8
  70. ^abArcher, Neil.THE FRENCH ROAD MOVIE: Space, Mobility, Identity. Berghahn Books. p. 13
  71. ^Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 9
  72. ^Cohen, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 2
  73. ^Cohen, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 14
  74. ^Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. "Introduction".The Road Movie Book. Eds. Cohen, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae. Routledge, 2002. p. 1
  75. ^Orgeron, Devin.Road Movies: From Muybridge and Méliès to Lynch and Kiarostami. Springer, 2007. p. 8
  76. ^abLunn, Oliver (23 January 2018)."10 great road movies of the 21st century" BFI. Retrieved13 October 2018.
  77. ^"The Delightful Deviance of Detroit Rock City". Retrieved17 March 2025.
  78. ^Young, Deborah."'Heavy Trip' ('Hevi Reissu'): Film Review".Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved17 March 2025.
  79. ^Orozco, Matthew.""HEAVIER TRIP" (2024) Is A Raucous Sequel That Will Have You Headbanging For More! (REVIEW)". Retrieved17 March 2025.
  80. ^Maslin, Janet (April 3, 1992)."Review/Film Festival: The Living End; Footloose, Frenzied and H.I.V.-Positive".The New York Times.
  81. ^Taylor, Trey."Spike Island style".Dazed. Retrieved17 March 2025.

Further reading

  • Atkinson, Michael. "Crossing the frontiers."Sight & Sound vol IV number 1 (Jan 1994); p 14-17
  • Dargis, Manohla. "Roads to freedom." (history and analysis of road movies )Sight and Sound July 1991 vol 1 number 3 p. 14
  • Dyer, Geoff (10 July 2022)."Full speed ahead: the enduring appeal of the road movie".The Guardian. Retrieved12 July 2022.
  • Ireland, Brian. "American Highways: Recurring Images and Themes of the Road Genre."The Journal of American Culture 26:4 (December 2003) p. 474-484
  • Laderman, David.Driving visions : exploring the road movie. Austin : University of Texas Press, 2002.
  • Lang, Robert. "My own private Idaho and the new new queer road movies." New York : Columbia University Press, c2002.
  • Mazierska, Ewa and Rascaroli, Laura.Crossing New Europe. Postmodern Travel and the European Road Movie. London, Wallflower, 2006.
  • Morris, Christopher. "The Reflexivity of the Road Film."Film Criticism vol. 28 no. 1 (Fall 2003) p. 24-52
  • Orgeron, Devin.Road movies : from Muybridge and Méliès to Lynch and Kiarostami. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
  • Lie, Nadia. (2017).The Latin American (Counter-) Road Movie and Ambivalent Modernity. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.ISBN 978-3-319-43553-4 This book offers a critical survey of the Latin American road film genre through an analysis covering over 160 films.
  • Luckman, Susan. "Road Movies, National Myths and the Threat of the Road: The Shifting Transformative Space of the Road in Australian Film."International Journal of the Humanities; 2010, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p. 113–125.
  • Mills, Katie. "Road Film Rising: Hells Angels, Merry Pranksters, and Easy Rider."The road story and the rebel : moving through film, fiction, and television. Carbondale : Southern Illinois University Press, 2006.
  • Cohan, Steven; Hark, Ina Rae, eds. (1997).The Road Movie Book. Routledge.ISBN 978-0-415-14937-2.OCLC 36458232. This book collects 16 essays on road movies.

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